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Fandom "Tears" (a multi-fandom RP)

(Well. I'd better sign out for tonight. Got stuff to do tomorrow. I figure Snake and Co. will just derp around the base until Sunday when Snake fights Brock Lesnar. Maybe I'll make a new character to keep me busy till then.)
TommyGun15 said:
(Well. I'd better sign out for tonight. Got stuff to do tomorrow. I figure Snake and Co. will just derp around the base until Sunday when Snake fights Brock Lesnar. Maybe I'll make a new character to keep me busy till then.)
((Is it okay I just make a mega post for Wrestlemania? would make things easier on all of us))
theManCalledSting said:
((We can discuss winners in a convo once... Constantine challenges 'Taker and Punk gets to Monaca))
(I assume that after some insanely complex and drawn out battle, Snake is going to beat Brock Lesnar.)
(There will likely be no less than 5 unskippable cutscenes during the fight, and each of them will be no less than 20 minutes long.)
TommyGun15 said:
(There will likely be no less than 5 unskippable cutscenes during the fight, and each of them will be no less than 20 minutes long.)
((And according to Dolphins, Snake wins thanks to a run-in by Roman "THE BIG DOG" Reigns))
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theManCalledSting said:
((And according to Dolphins, Snake wins thanks to a run-in by Roman Reigns))
(Pardon me for asking what is undoubtedly an idiot question, but who is, or are, Dolphins?)


"Huh, well that was very unexpected... CM PunkRox ((CM Punk's Demon Name)) and Some new Demon are here..." she said in a very monotone voice... she then used her electric wheelchair to push herself to Elizabeth @ryanpk200


"The Vile Boss took... The... Sage guy and.... The Fighter... Girl..." she said still in a very monotone voice...


"It's just such a shame they won't be here... for this..." she said as she wheeled her self to a summoning circle...



"The Girl in blue..." she said as she wheeled up to Elizabeth... She placed her hands on Elizabeth's cheek... "What is a wonderful feeling... isn't it? Despair... And once you open that tear..." She points what appears to be a dead body in the middle of the circle... "We can finally have a perfect paradise free of those nasty demons... My Comrades Deaths will not be in vain!!"


"Don't mind him, Booker... He's just a Druggie..." said Punk. @ryanpk200
Unknown Universe
"I'm not taking away all of your power." The Woman reassured Morbus "Just some of it so that you aren't much of a problem to us."

"Father of Purgatory..." The Librarian snickered, mocking Morbus "You've never even had kids."



MCU Universe

Elliot nodded,"Lets go!"

(Sorry for the short post,GTG somewhere)
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WWE City

"Wrestlemania..." Constantine muttered "Can I fight the bugger with magic? Will that work on him?" He asked "Contact him and tell him that I accept his challenge."

"Are you insane!?" Shouted JOHN CENA "After smoking all those cigarettes you don't stand a chance!"

"Oh, bugger off."




"Connor, whatever he's offering you don't do it!" Gregory shouted "I have a better idea." He walked towards the spear and took hold of it "My soul may being to a seductress, but his soul belongs to no one." Gregory snapped "Do I make myself clear?!" He paused for several moments, glaring at Yami before turning around and facing Drake.

"What kind of energy do those gauntlets give off? He asked "Can we use them against Ultron's Sentinels?" He then turned his attention to Illuminator "Do you have anything we can use to turn the tide?" He asked "You've survived this long in a world full run by Ultron, so you have to have something!"



WWE City
"Wrestlemania..." Constantine muttered "Can I fight the bugger with magic? Will that work on him?" He asked "Contact him and tell him that I accept his challenge."

"Are you insane!?" Shouted JOHN CENA "After smoking all those cigarettes you don't stand a chance!"

"Oh, bugger off."


"No Magic on this earth can stop the Undertaker at WestleMania... Just Shawn Michaels... also are you wish to challenge..." said Papa Shango.
WWE City

"Your Earth." Constantine muttered, wearing a cocky half-smile "On your Earth."



The Doctor led Elliot to the TARDIS and opened the doors with the snap of his fingers, stepping inside. He peaked his head out of the TARDIS.

"Come on then." He spoke "It's bigger on the inside."

As the Doctor and Elliot prepared to leave, a Quinjet carrying Tesla, Agent Stevenson and a platoon of SHIELD agents wearing heavy armour landed and everyone stepped out onto the field of battle while the Quinjet took off, taking the fight to the air. Stevenson approached an army barricade that had taken up in Central Park.

"I need to talk to your Commander." He spoke, prompting a tall, clean shaven man to approach the SHIELD ground team.

"SHIELD?" The Commander asked "Praise Allah." He sighed "We're pinned down and trying to get to civilians on the other side of this barricade. Just one click away. The unit there's been completely overrun!"

"So the civilians are sitting ducks." Stevenson replied in a grim tone "How many?"

"A dozen."

"What do you need us to do?" Tesla asked

"Help us clear the way!"

"I have a better idea." Tesla suggested "If we use the Quinjet to provide covering fire, I can lift them out one at a time. It'll take a bit longer, but..."

"It's less of a risk." The Army commander muttered "Are you sure you can pull it off?"

"Of course." Tesla smiled

The Quinjet followed Tesla as he activated his jetpack and flew into enemy territory.


WWE City
"Your Earth." Constantine muttered, wearing a cocky half-smile "On your Earth."

"What are you thinking, Constantine?" said Papa Shango... "Bring other worldly powers to fight the Undertaker at WrestleMania... Only man was able to even defeat him..."
The Master huffed slightly as the drums beat away in his head. He still had no idea what he was doing here, yet he was doing his best to catch on.

(Sorry for the short reply, I'm busy)
Elias said:
The Master huffed slightly as the drums beat away in his head. He still had no idea what he was doing here, yet he was doing his best to catch on.
(Sorry for the short reply, I'm busy)
"You there... you hear drumming don't you?" said Papa Shango once he noticed the Master...
WWE City
"Your Earth." Constantine muttered, wearing a cocky half-smile "On your Earth."

"Who do you think killed the Undertaker in the first place... The Girl is the Devil..." said Papa Shango referencing Monaca

AOU Universe

Drake: Looking back down at his charged gauntlets, Drake looked back up at Gregory.

"Ultron universe, huh? Good thing I read the entirety of that comic back home. Yeah, I have a small social life. As for these gauntlets, I know they aren't some sort of technology or electricity, so Ultron can't hack or use them, but I honestly don't know what gives them their power. As for what they do, they allow me to obtain any weapon or become any species from across the Multiverse. So, I suppose I have the tools necessary to face Ultron, but I don't know if I can beat him unless you know any place we can get a time machine," Drake replied, putting his right hand on his chin.


Once they were teleported inside of the enemy ships, Angron and his warriors begin to slaughter anything in their as they make their way to ship's control room.

The Emperor

Pleased that they were preparing a location for his gene lab, the Emperor replies to Arthur before planning his lab's development.

" That sounds satisfactory. I will begin to plan out the gene lab's construction while you prepare the location. "

I can see things invisible to others, Lady. Replied Seth to the Woman before she dissappeared. He looked at the demon. Yami, do you come from Hell or is demon in your world beings not from a hell. Asked the boy, intrigued.


Ridley flew to Avengers Tower to see what his goons were doing. He saw a Quinjet that was at about his altitude. It looked military or something. He flew up to one of the wings and just sat on it, waiting for someone to notice. They looked like they were attempting to hover over some civilians. He let out a roar, spreading his wings as he perched on the aircraft. Meanwhile, many guards were pattroling the main control room on the vessel in New York, especially the computer room. Mother Brain's programming was also maintaining check of the computers and data networks of the ships.




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