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Fandom "Tears" (a multi-fandom RP)

TommyGun15 said:
Snake leapt out of the ring, racing after the druids.
Once again a wall of flames prevents Snake from reaching them and the druids made off with Jataro...

"The winner of this contest by forfeit. BIG BOSS!" said the Ring Announcer Lilian Garcia

((@TommyGun15 ))
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Armando looked at the inscriptions on the house. "What kind of madman would write in such a manner to disgrace property?", he said remarking the words painted on the building in a sloppy manner.



Morbus attempted to grab the Woman's arm but it held in place, unmoved by his force "If i have no strength to fight Ultron, then how do you expect me to subdue him?", he asked with his eyes still dark and his voice still deep.

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theManCalledSting said:
Titan Towers
Punk and Booker made it to the top of Titan Towers, they split up to find Elizabeth
Booker decided to drop his shotgun. It was useless and he had almost run out of ammo. "It would have been nice to know about how weapons worked here." He thought. Booker heard Elizabeth yell from down the hall and he ran towards the room where she was being kept. "Elizabeth! I'm coming!" He yelled. Booker reached the door to the room. Booker forced the door open and switched to the Murder of Crows Vigors.
ryanpk200 said:
Booker decided to drop his shotgun. It was useless and he had almost run out of ammo. "It would have been nice to know about how weapons worked here." He thought. Booker heard Elizabeth yell from down the hall and he ran towards the room where she was being kept. "Elizabeth! I'm coming!" He yelled. Booker reached the door to the room. Booker forced the door open and switched to the Murder of Crows Vigors.

"Booker... I know you're looking for Ms. Elizabeth but... WHAT ABOUT ME?! WHAT ABOUT RAVEN!" said man in Jean Shorts who identified himself as "Raven" ((Just a Cameo, Booker @ryanpk200 Raven's just a Meth Head))
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Jervis looked around, a tad disturbed by Papa Shango. "Well, it his his culture! I wouldn't want to offend anyone...especially a man with access to the dark arts!"
theManCalledSting said:
Once again a wall of flames prevents Snake from reaching them and the druids made off with Jataro...
"The winner of this contest by forfeit. BIG BOSS!" said the Ring Announcer Lilian Garcia

((@TommyGun15 ))
A dozen thoughts on how to get to the Undertaker ran through Snake's mind. Then a thought occurred to him. These men were wrestlers, and one thing almost all wrestlers had, was pride. He turned and glared right into the nearest camera.

"UNDERTAKER! I'm calling you out!"

MCU Universe

Elliot looked at the warships that were coming towards New York
"Those warships can be easily hacked if every move I make is correct,Maybe I can blow it up" Elliot suddenly wanted to help them but couldn't tell them,He didn't know what was going on and he was going to help this "Universe"?What's the point anyway,But look at The Doctor and Nikola Tesla they're helping them fix this place,So shouldn't he be doing that as well? Elliot looked at Stevenson and said "I want to help,I can hack into there mothership and blow it up"

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TommyGun15 said:
A dozen thoughts on how to get to the Undertaker ran through Snake's mind. Then a thought occurred to him. These men were wrestlers, and one thing almost all wrestlers had, was pride. He turned and glared right into the nearest camera.
"UNDERTAKER! I'm calling you out!"
the lights go dark... Snake expecting the Undertaker prepared himself

"Snake, you better know what you're getting yourself into!" said JR

"Snake's an idiot he may have been lucky in the battlefield before but that's nothing like being in the WWE," said JBL


"Well that ain't the Undertaker..." said JR

"IT'S BO TIME, JR!" said JBL with glee

Bo Dallas was the one to answer

"Snake, I know you're pretty upset that you couldn't save those kids! but you have just one more opponent to go! and maybe just maybe if you bolieve in yourself enough you could at least save her!" said Bo Dallas as he gave Snake a thumbs up.
theManCalledSting said:
the lights go dark... Snake expecting the Undertaker prepared himself
"Snake, you better know what you're getting yourself into!" said JR

"Snake's an idiot he may have been lucky in the battlefield before but that's nothing like being in the WWE," said JBL


"Well that ain't the Undertaker..." said JR

"IT'S BO TIME, JR!" said JBL with glee

Bo Dallas was the one to answer

"Snake, I know you're pretty upset that you couldn't save those kids! but you have just one more opponent to go! and maybe just maybe if you bolieve in yourself enough you could at least save her!" said Bo Dallas as he gave Snake a thumbs up.
Snake looked at Bo for a moment, half annoyed, half confused. But after a moment, he nodded.

"Fine then. When's the next fight?"
TommyGun15 said:
Snake looked at Bo for a moment, half annoyed, half confused. But after a moment, he nodded.
"Fine then. When's the next fight?"
"RIGHT NOW!" said Bo as he returns to backstage


"Snake, you're making me very mad! I'm seriously super duper angry at this point!" said Kotoko with a smile in what appears to be an attempt at acting...
(( Re-doing Laszlo's intro into the WWE-verse ))

WWE City-Metal Gear Solid Universe

Laszlo: Stumbling out of a tear behind Snake and Kotoko, Laszlo quickly realized that he was not in the jungles of Arcadia. He was now in an arena of some sort, and in front of him stood a soldier and a child with pink hair. He raised his rifle and aimed at both of them out of caution, not noticing Bo Dallas.

"Alright, what's going on? Is this some Covenant trick," the armored super-soldier inquired.

apoliseno said:
(( Re-doing Laszlo's intro into the WWE-verse ))

WWE City-Metal Gear Solid Universe

Laszlo: Stumbling out of a tear behind Snake and Kotoko, Laszlo quickly realized that he was not in the jungles of Arcadia. He was now in an arena of some sort, and in front of him stood a soldier and a child with pink hair. He raised his rifle and aimed at both of them out of caution, not noticing Bo Dallas.

"Alright, what's going on? Is this some Covenant trick," the armored super-soldier inquired.

"Somebody get security!" said JBL as a fan enters the match


"Wait a minute since when were we in Canada?" said JBL in confusion as the Mountie escorts Laszlo out of the Arena...

theManCalledSting said:
"RIGHT NOW!" said Bo as he returns to backstage

"Snake, you're making me very mad! I'm seriously super duper angry at this point!" said Kotoko with a smile in what appears to be an attempt at acting...

The Arena

Snake glanced at Laszlo for a moment before directing his attention back to Kotoko.

"Yeah, I'm getting pissed too. When we're done here, I'm going after the Undertaker. But in the meantime..."

Snake whistled. D. Dog hopped up next to Kotoko and sat at her side like a guard dog.

"We don't want him interfering, now do we?"

WWE City-Metal Gear Solid Universe

Laszlo: Out of surprise, Laszlo rifle-butted the Mountie before side-kicking him into the stands. He fired off two shots at the man, but found his rifle was firing blanks for some reason. Had he not loaded the right rounds before his mission? He was sure he did. Having been taken partially out of the arena, Laszlo decided to have a look around his new area while his suit's systems rebooted. Sprinting out of the arena, he slung his rifle over his shoulder and unsheathed his serrated knife.
TommyGun15 said:
The Arena
Snake glanced at Laszlo for a moment before directing his attention back to Kotoko.

"Yeah, I'm getting pissed too. When we're done here, I'm going after the Undertaker. But in the meantime..."

Snake whistled. D. Dog hopped up next to Kotoko and sat at her side like a guard dog.

"We don't want him interfering, now do we?"

"KYAAA!!! THIS PUPPY IS SOOO ADORBS!!!" Kotoko said but then returns to the action as she brings out her controller, "IF I BEAT YOU! I'M KEEPING THE DOG!"


((Um here's a part of an LP of this boss fight because Miller's that damn good



apoliseno said:
WWE City-Metal Gear Solid Universe

Laszlo: Out of surprise, Laszlo rifle-butted the Mountie before side-kicking him into the stands. He fired off two shots at the man, but found his rifle was firing blanks for some reason. Had he not loaded the right rounds before his mission? He was sure he did. Having been taken partially out of the arena, Laszlo decided to have a look around his new area while his suit's systems rebooted. Sprinting out of the arena, he slung his rifle over his shoulder and unsheathed his serrated knife.
"Can someone get this clown out of the ring so we can actually start this match?!" said a now Furious JBL


"Finally, Sgt. Slaughter of the Diamond Dogs is here to kick that boy's butt!" said a happy JBL as Sgt. Slaughter gave Big Boss a Salute before entering the ring to knock out Laszlo with a Cobra Clutch submission hold

((@TommyGun15 ))
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theManCalledSting said:

"KYAAA!!! THIS PUPPY IS SOOO ADORBS!!!" Kotoko said but then returns to the action as she brings out her controller, "IF I BEAT YOU! I'M KEEPING THE DOG!"


((Um here's a part of an LP of this boss fight because Miller's that damn good


The Arena

Snake saluted Sgt. Slaughter before turning back to Kotoko smirked a bit.

"Okay, but I'll warn you, he can be a handful."

D. Dog gave an indignant snort.

Snake readied The Patriot.

"Well. Let's go."
TommyGun15 said:
The Arena

Snake saluted Sgt. Slaughter before turning back to Kotoko smirked a bit.

"Okay, but I'll warn you, he can be a handful."

D. Dog gave an indignant snort.

Snake readied The Patriot.

"Well. Let's go."
((Sorry if it took a while I had to play damage control))

"With the Demon Hunting Prize money, I'm going to buy a stork! So Monaca and I can have a kid!" shouted Kotoko as Highlander charged at Snake with its Battle ax

"What I love about Highlander the Great is that it basically has no obvious weak point like that dumb Mark Guyver!" said JBL over the Commentary
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Unknown Universe

"I'm not taking away all of your power." The Woman reassured Morbus "Just some of it so that you aren't much of a problem to us."

"Father of Purgatory..." The Librarian snickered, mocking Morbus "You've never even had kids."

WWE City

"Oh the usual." Constantine shrugged "Tracking down demonic forces. I had a run in with a demon and even scanning his urn for dark magic woke him up." He explained "Tall fella all dressed in black, beard long hair, wore a hat. Any of this ring a bell to you?" He asked, having described his fearsome foe.

theManCalledSting said:
((Sorry if it took a while I had to play damage control))
"With the Demon Hunting Prize money, I'm going to buy a stork! So Monaca and I can have a kid!" shouted Kotoko as Highlander charged at Snake with its Battle ax

"What I love about Highlander the Great is that it basically has no obvious weak point like that dumb Mark Guyver!" said JBL over the Commentary
The Arena

Snake dodged to the side, slapping a package to the axe as it was buried in the ground.

"Except for the fact that it relies on a removable weapon." Snake said, as the Fulton device caused the axe to float up out of reach.


Age of Ultron

"Oh, don't worry. I don't want your entire soul. A mere 10% will be just fine. I'm an expert at these things. Trust me, it'll grow back in a week or two."
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AOU Universe

Drake: Rubbing his still-throbbing head, Drake stood up and glanced at his gauntlets. Seeing both were now green, that was one less worry off of his mind. He could finally be of use. Now, he had to figure out where in the hell he was.

"Alrighty then. My name is Ethan Drake, but you can just call me Drake. I'm already familiar with Conner and Harley, but you I'm not familiar with Mr. Irishman. Another fairly important question I have is what universe is this, anyways? It seems post-apocalyptic, so I'm guessing it isn't good," Drake stated.

WWE City
"Oh the usual." Constantine shrugged "Tracking down demonic forces. I had a run in with a demon and even scanning his urn for dark magic woke him up." He explained "Tall fella all dressed in black, beard long hair, wore a hat. Any of this ring a bell to you?" He asked, having described his fearsome foe.


Papa Shango was taken aback by his words... "What do you wish to know about the Undertaker..."


TommyGun15 said:
The Arena

Snake dodged to the side, slapping a package to the axe as it was buried in the ground.

"Except for the fact that it relies on a removable weapon." Snake said, as the Fulton device caused the axe to float up out of reach.

"If the Kid has a giant robot, JBL, I'm sure taking away her axe isn't breaking the rules!" said JR who sides with Snake

"HEY THAT'S MY AXE! GRRR.... YOU'RE LUCKY WE'RE IN AN OPEN AIR ARENA." ranted Kotoko as Highlander the Great decided to bury its fist into the ring rendering it immobile or a moment.
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