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Fandom "Tears" (a multi-fandom RP)


WWE City

"The UN will carpet bomb this place?" Constantine asked "The UN are bloody useless."

He opened the book Shovel Knight had handed him and started to read it.

"So... is it a good read?" asked Yang as they head for Cena's Mansion...
The Woman simply smiled at Yami "Yes, I can perceive your true form." She explained "Wolf's head and everything. I just think your violet suit is more appealing."

"Wolf's head?" Harley asked

"He's a demon with the head of a wolf, one thousand eyes all over his body and multiple arms."

"No such thing as demons." Gregory smirked

The Woman did not reply to Gregory's comment and instead continued to speak with Yami.


Unknown Location

((I didn't let you kill Ultron because he's going to be important to the plot, had you have killed him I just would have edited your post.))

"I can't do that, Morbus." She shook her head "You will scatter Ultron's atoms and I need that body. Bringing an organic being such as yourself back to life is a lot easier than that of a machine. A machine is not alive, it is just wires, circuit and programming pretending to be alive." She explained "Easier to create for mortals, but harder to resurrect with everything intact for the likes of myself."

With those words she continued to hold onto the head of Morbus, causing him to feel as if she was draining strength from him.

@TehFanzyMetroid ((now's a good time for Ridley's invasion if you're still up for it))


Wow... a demon... Last one I saw I had to kill... Mumbled the shadow charmer. Hello, Sir Yami. Said the boy in a demonic language as a sort of wink wink nudge nudge to his powers, not knowing if he could see his dark energy.

@Some_Bloke @TommyGun15


Ridley's scouting ship had arrived with good news. The planet had a few hot spots of valuable ores and technology. The most valuable ore was apparently called Adamantium and was almost unbreakable. That would be useful for more exo armour for him. There was also a company named Stark Enterprises that produced super weapons. There was other stuff but it was mostly in the country called the U.S.A and a continent called Africa. The inhabitants of this world looked the same as the ones on colony K2-L and many others he raided. Since this wasnt a colony name, or, didn't appear to be, he imagined it must be the original planet that colonized the galaxy, founded the Galactic Federation and brang his rival to life. Watching this planet burn would be the greatest feeling and acomplishment for the captain. His army also managed to hack into the major governments database and got all their nuclear missile codes, weapon protypes, secret files, etc. Decrypting this primitive technology was a piece of cake. There was just one problem he found: Superheroes. Superheroes could cause him resistance and a bigger struggle but there were also superpowered beings that wanted the end of this world. He thought if he could contact some of those beings they could help him. The planet was also weakened by 2 previous attacks, making the raid a bit easier. Ridley started to give orders over his army wide message transmitters. ALRIGHT YOU UNMANNERED, UNDISCIPLINED SWINES! TONIGHT, WE RAID THAT BLUE PLANET AND BECOME STRONGER! YOU WILL RAID EVERY BUILDING AND GRAB WHAT YOUR SLIMEY HANDS CONSIDER SHINY AND TAKE WAHT YOU WANT BECAUSE ITS OUR PLANET NOW! KILL ANYTHING YOU FIND AND SHOW NO MERCY! WE ARE THIEVES, UNTAMED BEASTS RELEASED UNTO THE UNIVERSE TO RAVAGE! IF ANYTHING WITH SPECIAL ABILITIES COMES NEAR YOU, BLAST IT! WE WILL RELEASE SOME OF YOU BASTARDS NEAR A MINE! GET AS MUCH AS THE METAL CALLED ADAMANTIUM AS YOU CAN GET YOUR CLAWS ON AND GET BACK TO ONE OF THE WAR VESSELS! THE REST OF YOU WILL GO TO 3 OTHER POINTS IN THE WORLD THAT YOUR SHIPS HAVE ALREADY BEEN PILOTED TO! YOU WILL KILL AND RAID EVERYTHING AND STEAL THEIR WEAPONS AND IF THOSE WEAPONS TRY TO FIRE ON YOU, YOU BREAK THEM! NOW LETS GO FOR THE HUNT! Yelled the purple space dragon, in the docking bay of one of the Galactic Federation's stolen ships. This one served as their mother ship. He entered his personal drop ship that would lead the attack on New York and he got on his exo-armour to lead the attack. Hundreds of ships swarmed U.S, Moscow and the UN, with around 50 pillaging ships dropping where the Adamantium was. One of the war vessels headed to Washington D.C and took hold of the White House. An announcment went over world wide in over 150 languages

"Your planet is under attack by The Space Pirates. Surrender now before it is too late. You won't survive. No one will. Give up."

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WWE City

"It's not helpful." Constantine replied "And it's not about some poor bugger with daddy issues either. All this bloody books are lying around and any sane person has to wonder who the hell put them here... I don't think some guy just left them lying around, I think that someone left them as a message, or as a trail of breadcrumbs." He explained "But the books, while some of them share similar themes are different stories."




"I can be in multiple universes at once." The Woman explained "You on the other hand are stuck with whoever picks up that spear." She mocked the demon before turning her attention to Seth "He can hear you and see you but it does not work both ways." She explained in a patronizing tone.

Gregory and Connor glared not at The Woman but at Illuminator.

"There's no one there." Connor explained

"I think the poor bugger's lost his mind."

Gregory approached Illuminator and held him by the shoulders.

"Hey. mate are you alright?" He asked in a concerned tone "You're seeing things."




"Another invasion?" The Doctor asked in an annoyed tone "This planet must have a big red target on it."

"What do we do to fight them?" Stevenson asked

"Well I'm going to talk to their leader." The Doctor replied, grinning "And if that doesn't work..."

"Sir, they've gained the launch codes." One of the agents spoke

"We have no missiles left. We used them all on Oryx." Stevenson grinned "Doctor, what is your plan?"

"I'll tell you when I figure it out." The Doctor smiled again and approached Elliot as his smile vanished and his tone became serious and grim "I will give you my word that I will not let his planet burn."

"You really make this up as you go along?" Tesla asked

"Yep, but I do it brilliantly." The Doctor grinned

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WWE City

Constantine pulled out his pendulum and began to scan the area "We don't need to follow the book's trail." Constantine grinned "The Undertaker is still giving off a signal of dark magic. We can track it down." He explained
Some_Bloke] [SIZE=24px][COLOR=#b30000]WWE City[/COLOR][/SIZE] Constantine pulled out his pendulum and began to scan the area "We don't need to follow the book's trail." Constantine grinned "The Undertaker is still giving off a signal of dark magic. We can track it down." He explained [/QUOTE] [COLOR=#00b3b3]"If you're planning on doing that... May I suggest looking for someone who knows a bit more of the Undertaker than any of us..." suggested JOHN CENA of the Cenation[/COLOR] [COLOR=#00b3b3] ((Now [/COLOR][URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/14313-crenando/ said:
@Crenando[/URL] you know what to do))
The world's sweetest man approached Constantine. "I do believe I know someone who would fit that description! A man by the name of Papa Shango!"

Hurricane tilted his head a bit and said. "You...know Papa Shango?" Jervis nodded. "Yes! my good friend, Chuck Taylor and I were out for Pink Lemonade one night, and we met him at a local Pizzeria! I had three pizzas!"
Crenando said:
The world's sweetest man approached Constantine. "I do believe I know someone who would fit that description! A man by the name of Papa Shango!"
Hurricane tilted his head a bit and said. "You...know Papa Shango?" Jervis nodded. "Yes! my good friend, Chuck Taylor and I were out for Pink Lemonade one night, and we met him at a local Pizzeria! I had three pizzas!"
"That's a lot for you, Jervis..." said JOHN CENA THE DOCTOR OF THUGANOMICS!!!

((@Some_Bloke ))
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Age Of Ultron

Yami grinned.

"Harley. Mind letting the others touch the spear. If everyone is touching it, they should see me. After all, don't want them to think you're crazy."

Outside Titan Tower

Snake slipped into the building's ventilation systems from outside, helping D. Dog crawl in as well.

"Okay. According to the information Nagisa gave us, there are three more children in the Tower, including Monaca. What are you going to do Boss?"

"I know that I'm not going to let the same thing that happened to Chico and Paz happen to them."
TommyGun15 said:
Age Of Ultron

Yami grinned.

"Harley. Mind letting the others touch the spear. If everyone is touching it, they should see me. After all, don't want them to think you're crazy."

Outside Titan Tower

Snake slipped into the building's ventilation systems from outside, helping D. Dog crawl in as well.

"Okay. According to the information Nagisa gave us, there are three more children in the Tower, including Monaca. What are you going to do Boss?"

"I know that I'm not going to let the same thing that happened to Chico and Paz happen to them."
Suddenly, Snake's was then contacted by... Monaca on his I-droid.

"That was a fun match you had with... Ummm what's his name? The Hero-guy, you know the one that was bullied by adults..." said Monaca over the I-Droid
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Titan Tower

Snake growled.

"Masaru. Are you saying you don't even remember his name?"

Mother Base

Upon noticing the foreign signal, Miller set The Boss's I-Droid to record the conversation.
TommyGun15 said:
Titan Tower
Snake growled.

"Masaru. Are you saying you don't even remember his name?"

Mother Base

Upon noticing the foreign signal, Miller set The Boss's I-Droid to record the conversation.

"YUP YUP YUP! That's him alright! You can't enter Titan Towers juuuuust yet. You gotta have to face the priest and the fighter! Tonight on Monday Night Raw! Live on the WWE Network for only 9.99! Your Match with Masaru made the people in the UN so happy they're delaying the bombing for your next three matches until after WrestleMania!"
theManCalledSting said:

"YUP YUP YUP! That's him alright! You can't enter Titan Towers juuuuust yet. You gotta have to face the priest and the fighter! Tonight on Monday Night Raw! Live on the WWE Network for only 9.99! Your Match with Masaru made the people in the UN so happy they're delaying the bombing for your next three matches until after WrestleMania!"
Titan Tower

"Fine. I'll fight their robots, and I'll send them to Mother Base with Nagisa. Because at this point, I'm starting to think this isn't meant to be a paradise for children at all. It's a paradise for you."

"Pfft. I know I'm crazy." Harley laughed "I suppose that's what love does to a gal."

"Oh, go back to the nineteen fifties ya knobgoblin." Gregory mocked her, only to raise in defence when her eyes literally burned with hatred. "Okay, I take it back..."

"What's a knobgoblin?" Connor asked

"A mixture between a knob and a goblin." Gregory explained "Don't worry they're not real, it's just an insult a friend of mine came up with." He reassured Connor

"He wants you to touch the spear, knobgoblin." Harley snapped, getting a nod from The Woman in response "It won't kill or harm you. If he does, I'll throw the spear into a black hole. Understood." She spoke, threatening Yami with a playful smile and wink.

Gregory approached the spear and took a hold of it "The violet suit doesn't actually look that bad in person." He smiled as Connor reluctantly approached and took hold of the spear.

"Seth, you want to talk to this so-called demon or not?" Gregory asked "And you, the other fella. Want to talk to a so-called demon?"




WWE City

"You must have a void where your stomach should be." Constantine joked, shooting the gentleman a playful half-smile "If you're able to eat three 'hole pizzas. Any idea where he is now?" He asked
TommyGun15 said:
Titan Tower

"Fine. I'll fight their robots, and I'll send them to Mother Base with Nagisa. Because at this point, I'm starting to think this isn't meant to be a paradise for children at all. It's a paradise for you."

"A Paradise for Monaca is a paradise for everyone!"
TommyGun15 said:
Age of Ultron

"So called?" I'm sorry, do I not live up to expectations?"


Titan Tower

"And if you're friends can't keep up?"

"Then Monaca would be sad... but once I'm able to bring back Junko Enoshima... Everyone will be happy again!"
theManCalledSting said:

"Then Monaca would be sad... but once I'm able to bring back Junko Enoshima... Everyone will be happy again!"
Titan Tower

"And just who is this Junko?" Snake asked, sending a text message to Miller.


Mother Base

Miller read the message and began to run the I-Droid's signal tracing software.
TommyGun15 said:
Titan Tower
"And just who is this Junko?" Snake asked, sending a text message to Miller.


Mother Base

Miller read the message and began to run the I-Droid's signal tracing software.

"She's the one that saved All of Us! She's the Ultimate Despair! Have you ever felt that wonderful feeling, Mr. Snake? Have you ever felt Despair?"
Jervis was amused by Constantine, but you could never tell based on his mask. "Yes, well, He goes by the name 'The Godfather' now! He's at the building with all the...'Escorts', as it were. It's a Night Club right across the street from the 'Smackdown Hotel'."
Crenando said:
Jervis was amused by Constantine, but you could never tell based on his mask. "Yes, well, He goes by the name 'The Godfather' now! He's at the building with all the...'Escorts', as it were. It's a Night Club right across the street from the 'Smackdown Hotel'."

theManCalledSting said:

"She's the one that saved All of Us! She's the Ultimate Despair! Have you ever felt that wonderful feeling, Mr. Snake? Have you ever felt Despair?"
"More than you can ever imagine."
Age Of Ultron.

"Not really." Gregory replied "Just, there's no such things as demons. No Heaven and no Hell apart from the one we make for ourselves and others. No Santa Clause, no Krampus. No Satan and no God. Jesus was a real fella though, but he wasn't a messiah. Just a bloke with a beard."

"There's no Santa!?" Harley shouted

"Ugh..." Gregory sighed, rolling his eyes

"But you encountered Wendigos, supernatural creatures from the folklore of my own people..."

"I have to draw my line somewhere." Gregory smiled "Or before you know it I won't be able to eat bacon anymore."

"Actually your ancestors enjoyed bacon." The Woman explained



WWE City

"The Attitude Avenue?" Constantine asked "Still not a good a title as Mucus Membrane." He sighed and lit himself yet another cigarette "That was a long time ago though. Let's head to his place and see if we can find this bloody demon."


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