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Fandom "Tears" (a multi-fandom RP)

Sheaon13 said:
Xion and Link

Link blinked a couple of times and silently wondered if they normally had such strange ideas. There was no way she could be related to a lizard person. He had originally thought she was related to the lizalfo with her scaly skin and all, but she didn't attack him. That meant she wasn't related to one, plus this wasn't his universe so he doubted that she would even know what one is.

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"So what brings you here," asked Vastra to Xion.
TehFanzyBillCipher said:
It is sad. How could she help us. Asked Seth, thinking there must be a reason they have come here.
"The abilities she gained, able to see fragments of possible futures may assist us." The Merchant explained "I suggest we get moving. Seth, would you like to accompany us? Or shall I drop you back home?" He asked



Nikita struggled with the vines around her neck, reaching for her energy katanas and slicing at the vines in an attempt to release herself.

@Barbas @Crenando
Frank Horrigan

Seeing that Nikita was temporarily restrained, Horrigan approaches her as she tries to free herself and precedes to brutally slam his plasma gun into the side of her head repeatality.

"Lights out, commie."
Sheaon13 said:
Xion and Link

"I'm looking for my friends, I was hoping you'd know where they are" Xion said, her eyes full of hope.

"Well, do you know where you have last seen your friends, my dear?" asked Madame Vastra
Xion and Link

"It has been a year since I saw them, I last saw them when I did the hardest thing in my life" Xion stated, wiping a few tears away as she thought about what happened. She had to have Roxas kill her, seeing as she couldn't do it herself. She didn't want to do it, but it was for the better of the worlds. She she didn't have any other option. She still didn't know how she became her own person but she didn't care. She would find her friends and then never leave them.

Link looked at Xion in sadness, she seemed to have something weighing on her heart. He rest a hand on her shoulder to show his support

Sheaon13 said:
Xion and Link
"It has been a year since I saw them, I last saw them when I did the hardest thing in my life" Xion stated, wiping a few tears away as she thought about what happened. She had to have Roxas kill her, seeing as she couldn't do it herself. She didn't want to do it, but it was for the better of the worlds. She she didn't have any other option. She still didn't know how she became her own person but she didn't care. She would find her friends and then never leave them.

Link looked at Xion in sadness, she seemed to have something weighing on her heart. He rest a hand on her shoulder to show his support

Jenny approached Xion and hugged her to comfort her, "There, there..."

"You are not from this world, are you?" Vastra said.
Barbas said:
Frank Horrigan
Seeing that Nikita was temporarily restrained, Horrigan approaches her as she tries to free herself and precedes to brutally slam his plasma gun into the side of her head repeatality.

"Lights out, commie."
"Not as Fascism lives." She muttered bitterly, blasting Captain Planet with one of her arm cannons in an attempt to untangle herself.

As Horrigan was occupied with Nikita, the Doctor and Tesla ran inside his TARDIS, unaware that Stitch had followed them inside. It disappeared, rematerializing inside Raven Rock.

@Sheaon13 @TehFanzyBillCipher @TommyGun15 @apoliseno
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Sheaon13 said:
Xion and Link

"No I'm not from this world, but how did you know?" Xion stated, trying to rid herself of the sad thoughts.

"Let's just say, that we have experience with Visitors from other universe," Madame Vastra explained.
Sheaon13 said:
Xion and Link

"Really?" Xion asked in curiousity.

"You seem if you have ever traveled with the Doctor... these sort of things are very common," explained the Lizard Lady from the Dawn of Time.
Xion and Link

"The doctor? Why would a doctor travel to different universes? I mean it doesn't make sense can't a doctor treat his patients perfectly fine on his own universe?" Link questioned, he was curious now and as they say curiosity killed the cat, or in his case the wolf.

"I didn't even know there were different universes out there, I thought this was just another world in my universe until you just pointed it out" Xion stated, barely able to believe this. Vastra did just say world so she thought this was just a separate world, not an entire universe.

Sheaon13 said:
Xion and Link

"The doctor? Why would a doctor travel to different universes? I mean it doesn't make sense can't a doctor treat his patients perfectly fine on his own universe?" Link questioned, he was curious now and as they say curiosity killed the cat, or in his case the wolf.

"I didn't even know there were different universes out there, I thought this was just another world in my universe until you just pointed it out" Xion stated, barely able to believe this. Vastra did just say world so she thought this was just a separate world, not an entire universe.

"Not the Doctor that we know..." chuckled Madame Vastra.
Stitch watched the fight between the girl and the man named Frank with enjoyment. He also ignored the Doctor. He didn't really mind if he scratched the paint. When he saw the Doctor and his companions go inside the TARDIS, he followed them inside. He gazed around in awe at the inside of the TARDIS. It was bigger on the inside. Stitch began exploring it, crawling along the walls unnoticed. He began searching deeper inside the TARDIS as well. He knew he could find a lot of things that might help him to get home.

@Some_Bloke @Barbas
Frank Horrigan

Wanting to change tactics, Horrigan replaces his plasma gun with his large knife. Waiting for the right moment, Frank thrusts his khife at Nikita's chest.
Xion and Link

"Then what kind of doctor is he?" Link asked in confusion. His curiosity was at an all time high at the moment as he was just a naturally curious type.

Edward and Alphonse

"Admit it Edward we're lost and you know it" Alphonse stated as they wandered around the city they had arrived in.

"No I know exactly where we are" the older brother replied.

"Then where are we?" Alphonse asked, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Fine we're lost! Happy now?" Edward sighed.

"Very, you do know that we shouldn't have walked through that swirling vortex right?" Alphonse asked.

"I just wondered how that was even possible and wanted to investigate. Though I didn't expect it to close on us before we could get back" Edward stated, a bit angry.

"Hey there's someone! Maybe we can ask him where we are" Alphose stated, rushing over to the green haired man.

"Hi there can you please tell us where we are?" he asked the man as Edward came to his side, a bit annoyed Al would need to ask for help. He could figure it out on his own!

Alternate Halo Universe


This entire realm has been a thing of corpses and death, but the one thing that kept it all together was the most valuable asset Oryx could get. A commander, one so smart and powerful, it could command it's troops all over a galaxy with flesh, and win against stars and steel. A monster had infested the entire galaxy, and it was a Key mind. This galaxy, this reality, this dimension was a shatter, a mere split off from the main Halo universe. What if... the Gravemind won?

Oryx has deployed his most powerful weapons and soldiers in this realm to try and steal the Key mind for himself. Rarely seen Taken and Hive were abundant in this war against the biological terror. High Charity was the final stage of the war, and the fact the Key mind was immobile made this final step all the more important. This was their most held position, and the Taken shall not be ignored!

Shadows and Skivers flooded the shade of the giant space station, fighting into heavily entrenched battles against the flood and the Gravemind. It was still gestating into a Key mind... so they still had a great chance to win this war! They had only a few hours before it would finish the evolution...

Upon noticing Stitch, Tesla pointed him out to the Doctor "Some sort of alien." He muttered "Is it dangerous?"

"He spat at me but it wasn't poisonous or acidic. I'd be bald by now if it was." The Doctor replied. He followed Stich deeper into the TARDIS

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Drake was defending against the oncoming attacks the best he could with metagross, while he countered with gavendor.

Frank Horrigan

Not wanting to let the communist to get away, Frank grabs her head with his left hand and begins to squeeze it as he slowly pushes his knife towards Nikita's chest.

"Your finished, commie! No one can beat Frank Horrigan."

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