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Fandom "Tears" (a multi-fandom RP)

Enclave forces

Hearing reports of a battle in a different area of the city, a large group of soldiers and Vertibirds are dispatched to investigate.

She smiled at the leader of the Milky holmes enthusiasm, she was sure she would find her friends soon.

"Let's go see if my friends are anywhere in the city" Xion cheered.


"So you're looking for your friends. I'll help" Link stated, a bit hesitant but he couldn't deny someone in need, and Xion nodded with a smile.



The Librarian would be interested in him because of his abilities? Wait how did the Merchant know about them in the first place? Well that was another thing to file under the no longer private stack.

Barbas said:
Enclave forces
Hearing reports of a battle in a different area of the city, a large group of soldiers and Vertibirds are dispatched to investigate.
The combined forces of everyone destroyed the Sectopod. Like the other one, it fell backwards and exploded. Over the radio the Commander talked to him. "Alpha-1, we're detecting a force of unidentified troops and aircraft closing in on your position. Be on your guard." He replied with. "Roger that. I'll inform the others." He told his team and the others with him. "We got unidentified troops coming towards us. Everyone get ready."

@Barbas @Peaceswore @apoliseno
Sheaon13 said:

She smiled at the leader of the Milky holmes enthusiasm, she was sure she would find her friends soon.

"Let's go see if my friends are anywhere in the city" Xion cheered.


"So you're looking for your friends. I'll help" Link stated, a bit hesitant but he couldn't deny someone in need, and Xion nodded with a smile.



The Librarian would be interested in him because of his abilities? Wait how did the Merchant know about them in the first place? Well that was another thing to file under the no longer private stack.

"YEAH! If we team-up with a Nintendo Character we can get even more money afterwards!" exclaimed Nero.

Sheryl nodded, "Okay Xion, let's go find your friends!"

"Maybe we should ask around..." suggested Elly
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Enclave forces

Coming across a small squad of unidentified soldiers, the Vertibirds begin to fly around the Xcom troops as the Enclave soldiers surround them.

"This is the the Enclave. Lower your weapons and stand down. I repeat, lower your weapons and stand down.:

New York-MCU

Ethan: Looking up at the vertibirds, Ethan hoists Shing up and aims at them, but he tilts his head towards Shing and whispers to him.

"So, how much juice you got left? These guys don't look or sound too friendly."

@Peaceswore @Barbas
Barbas said:
Enclave forces
Coming across a small squad of unidentified soldiers, the Vertibirds begin to fly around the Xcom troops as the Enclave soldiers surround them.

"This is the the Enclave. Lower your weapons and stand down. I repeat, lower your weapons and stand down.:
Alpha-1 quickly radioed to command. "They have us outgunned and have air support." The team lowered their weapons. "Who knows? They may be friendly." Said Alpha-5. "Who exactly is the Enclave?" Asked Alpha-1. "Do you have a leader we could talk to?"
Drake had to land flygon as he was tired. He patted his head and looked at him. "Good job boy take a rest." With that he brought him back and sent out metagross.

Shing took a deep breath and grinned. "Please! We haven't even shown off that much! I got this! So don't fret! Hahaha!"


Nikita attempted to dodge Horrigan's attacks yet one struck her in the chest, knocking her back and into the side of the TARDIS. She stood to her feet and flew forwards, attempting to slice at Frank with her energy katana.


"Nintendo?" Link asked in confusion, what in the world was a nintendo. Link shook his head of this thought, he had a job to do. At least it would help get his mind off of Ganondorf. He just hoped he could help her find her friends.


Xion started asking around the town, hoping to find someone who knew her friends. She wasn't haven't any luck.

Enclave forces

Seeing that the soldiers were being cooperative, the Enclave soldiers begin to secure the area as an Enclave sergeant approaches the group.

"We are remnants of the U.S. government. As for your other question, not at the moment. But once this city is under Enclave control then our leaders will be able to reveal themselves to the American public."
Sheaon13 said:

"Nintendo?" Link asked in confusion, what in the world was a nintendo. Link shook his head of this thought, he had a job to do. At least it would help get his mind off of Ganondorf. He just hoped he could help her find her friends.


Xion started asking around the town, hoping to find someone who knew her friends. She wasn't haven't any luck.

"If you're lookin' for your friends, ma'am, I suggest you look for Madame Vastra," suggested some Irish Bloke from a Pub.

Frank Horrigan

Seeing that Nikita was charging at him, Frank moves his plasma gun and begins to fire it at her legs. While firing his gun, Frank balls up his left fist with the intention of punching her if she gets to close.

New York-MCU

Ethan: Smiling at Shing's response, Ethan raises the rocket launcher to the sky and fires out three rockets at each vertibird in the sky.

"Uh uh uh," he goaded, "dictatorships aren't very friendly!"

@Barbas @ryanpk200
Sheaon13 said:

"Can you tell me where she's at?" she asked, hopefully.

The Irish bloke took a swig of whiskey in response "At her estate." He answered, a tired look in his eyes. He stared at a photograph of a pretty Dornish man in his pocket and sighed deeply "It's been a bit buggered but I'm sure she'll still be there. Now if you excuse me, I need to drown my sorrows."

He thought deeply about his lost love, Oberyn Martell and let out another deep sigh.

Barbas said:
Frank Horrigan
Seeing that Nikita was charging at him, Frank moves his plasma gun and begins to fire it at her legs. While firing his gun, Frank balls up his left fist with the intention of punching her if she gets to close.
Nikita was thrown back against the TARDIS but steadied herself again and flew forwards again. "Is that all you've got you Capitalist pig!"


Alpha-1 was about to explain his organization when he saw Ethan fire rockets at the vertibird. "Screw it." He said "Everyone fire at will." Since Alpha-1, 4, and 5 had bigger and stronger weapons, they shot at the vertibirds while the others fired at the soldiers.

@apoliseno @Barbas @Peaceswore
[QUOTE="Some_Bloke]The Irish bloke took a swig of whiskey in response "At her estate." He answered, a tired look in his eyes. He stared at a photograph of a pretty Dornish man in his pocket and sighed deeply "It's been a bit buggered but I'm sure she'll still be there. Now if you excuse me, I need to drown my sorrows."
He thought deeply about his lost love, Oberyn Martell and let out another deep sigh.

Nikita was thrown back against the TARDIS but steadied herself again and flew forwards again. "Is that all you've got you Capitalist pig!"


So, is she dead. I've seen some people like this in a preserve in Mexico. Said the shadow charmer with sympathy for the girl as he had already seen living dead in a magical preserve he visited in Mexico.
[QUOTE="Some_Bloke]The Irish bloke took a swig of whiskey in response "At her estate." He answered, a tired look in his eyes. He stared at a photograph of a pretty Dornish man in his pocket and sighed deeply "It's been a bit buggered but I'm sure she'll still be there. Now if you excuse me, I need to drown my sorrows."
He thought deeply about his lost love, Oberyn Martell and let out another deep sigh.

Nikita was thrown back against the TARDIS but steadied herself again and flew forwards again. "Is that all you've got you Capitalist pig!"


Sheryl patted the Irish Bloke on the back as the other Milky Holmes members played sad music on a Violin...
TehFanzyBillCipher said:
So, is she dead. I've seen some people like this in a preserve in Mexico. Said the shadow charmer with sympathy for the girl as he had already seen living dead in a magical preserve he visited in Mexico.
"She is different. She looked into time itself and saw death." The Merchant explained grimly, with a look of sympathy in his eyes.
Enclave forces

In response to the attacks, the Enclave soldiers and Vertibirds begin to unload their weapons at their attackers.

Frank Horrigan

Annoyed that the commie wouldn't stay down, Frank continues to fire his weapon at Nikita's legs with the intention of crippling her.

"Why won't you just die already?"
[QUOTE="Some_Bloke]"She is different. She looked into time itself and saw death." The Merchant explained grimly, with a look of sympathy in his eyes.

So like, the actual death. As in,what happens when you die but you live and are scarred from it. Asked Seth, unsure.

Lea's eyes grew sympathetic, he knew what it was like to be human at one time then forcibly turned into something else. He was a nobody at one time after all. He was glad that he no longer had to suffer that but he wished he could help her.

"Is there anyway we could help her?" Lea asked in sadness.

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