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Fandom "Tears" (a multi-fandom RP)



"The Doctor displayed his psychic paper to the Eyebot in hopes of convincing it "A written message from the Communists." He spoke in a serious tone

Oryx tried to make sense of it, and spoke of a hypothosis, "What if it means... what it means in my realm? The Deep and the Sky shall meet, two different forces... while a father and son who both have it face each other. They are destined to fight, so one has to die so that the other can be sparred. Those that hide will face that which whispers.. which is the term I gave to the thing beyond the Tear. Six jesters.... what if... no that adds another spin. Three unknowns, Sky and Deep...

"What if... your morality can be shed into two separate beings, or the masks Humans wear, one for truth and one for their social life? Or if its more literal, two halves of the same being... so complete in of themselves its impossible to know they were once the same. If that happens to all three of you, it makes six... and if you all went mad... it all will burn in silver?"

Oryx tried his best to make sense of it, but he guessed it was his turn. He spoke out his question, "...Is there any way that I shall become a true god to all realms.. a true Axiom burned into the fabric of reality, a second constant that must always happen?"
Frank Horrigan

"Just tell me where I can find that communist maggot. It's been far to long since I've killed anything tougher than some whining muties."

This made him both worried and confused. He didn't like the sound of that. He hoped that whatever it was he could help his world.

Sheaon13 said:

Link blinked at them in surprise at the fact they shushed him. Why did they do that? He didn't understand what was so special about moving pictures so he sat down and waited. He began to get engrossed by the moving pictures, it had an interesting storyline. As soon as it was done he turned to the Milky holmes and scratched the back of his head.

"I'm sorry I interrupted that, I wanted to know where I was" Link apologized.


Xion smiled at him and shook her head, indicating she didn't mind. She just wanted to watch that movie. It was really good to her. She turned to the milky holmes as well to see how they would respond to this green clad stranger.

The Man in the movie turned to face the audience and said, "Do you know how to spell 'today', Audience?"


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hudhouse said:
Oryx tried to make sense of it, and spoke of a hypothosis, "What if it means... what it means in my realm? The Deep and the Sky shall meet, two different forces... while a father and son who both have it face each other. They are destined to fight, so one has to die so that the other can be sparred. Those that hide will face that which whispers.. which is the term I gave to the thing beyond the Tear. Six jesters.... what if... no that adds another spin. Three unknowns, Sky and Deep...
"What if... your morality can be shed into two separate beings, or the masks Humans wear, one for truth and one for their social life? Or if its more literal, two halves of the same being... so complete in of themselves its impossible to know they were once the same. If that happens to all three of you, it makes six... and if you all went mad... it all will burn in silver?"

Oryx tried his best to make sense of it, but he guessed it was his turn. He spoke out his question, "...Is there any way that I shall become a true god to all realms.. a true Axiom burned into the fabric of reality, a second constant that must always happen?"
She stared at Oryx "The servant." She uttered "The father, the king. He who's rebellion will be perish in fire."

Noticing Lea's worry, Gregory turned to face him "Are you alright?" He asked

@Sheaon13 @TommyGun15

Barbas said:
Frank Horrigan
"Just tell me where I can find that communist maggot. It's been far to long since I've killed anything tougher than some whining muties."
Nikita descended towards Horrigan, landing right in front of him "Here." She muttered grimly, standing to her feet.

Link blinked at the screen in confusion. What in the world did that mean? Of course he knew how to spell today! Who, besides younger children, didn't know how to spell that word? Link didn't know but it was weird. He didn't understand how the moving pictures worked but it fascinated him. Though not as much as it should have, his mind was still on the back burner with the thought of Ganondorf. He would probably never forget it. He could never wipe the blood off his hands.

"Can you please tell me where I am" Link stated.



"I'm fine, don't worry about me" He stated.

hudhouse said:
Oryx sighed, "...The Servant, the Father, the King... they are all the same?"
"I think so." The Merchant replied "You serve the other two, you were a father and are known as The Taken King."
Sheaon13 said:

Link blinked at the screen in confusion. What in the world did that mean? Of course he knew how to spell today! Who, besides younger children, didn't know how to spell that word? Link didn't know but it was weird. He didn't understand how the moving pictures worked but it fascinated him. Though not as much as it should have, his mind was still on the back burner with the thought of Ganondorf. He would probably never forget it. He could never wipe the blood off his hands.

"Can you please tell me where I am" Link stated.



"I'm fine, don't worry about me" He stated.

The Milky Holmes shrugged, "London, we guess."
[QUOTE="Some_Bloke]"I think so." The Merchant replied "You serve the other two, you were a father and are known as The Taken King."

Oryx thought for a moment, and stated, "...I AM a Father... but that doesn't answer my question in the slightest. How can I rebel against those I can not even touch? How does that answer my goal?"

Xion smiled at Link and turned towards the Milky Holmes.

"So where do we start?" Xion asked.


Link looked at them curiously, what did she mean start?

"What do you mean by that?" Link asked.



"I think the sooner I see the librarian the sooner I get home" Lea stated, a bit impatient.

Frank Horrigan

Looking down at the Soviet super soldier, Frank begins to speak while readying his plasma gun.

"So your the communist's trump card, huh? Not as impressive as I thought you'd be. Then again, nothing is impressive when compared to Enclave engineering."
theManCalledSting said:
"Heh! And you think that but the Doc's job is way more violent than yah think... It's kinda the reason why he tries to avoid the gun-totin' folk," replied Frobisher.
"Booker, I can't help but notice you're without your partner... I believe you've mentioned her before..." said the Doctor.
Booker said to the Doctor. "My partner is actually in near the orphanage at a diner. We're going to meet her on the way there." The group made their way through Rapture and walked into a small diner. Elizabeth noticed them walk in. She got up and payed for her food and walked over to Booker. "We have clients." He said. Elizabeth looked at the group and introduced herself. "Hello. My name is Elizabeth." She said. "We're investigating a missing people case. Young girls and scientists have gone missing." Explained Booker. "We're heading to the Little Sister orphanage to start the investigation."
ryanpk200 said:
Booker said to the Doctor. "My partner is actually in near the orphanage at a diner. We're going to meet her on the way there." The group made their way through Rapture and walked into a small diner. Elizabeth noticed them walk in. She got up and payed for her food and walked over to Booker. "We have clients." He said. Elizabeth looked at the group and introduced herself. "Hello. My name is Elizabeth." She said. "We're investigating a missing people case. Young girls and scientists have gone missing." Explained Booker. "We're heading to the Little Sister orphanage to start the investigation."
The Doctor looked suspiciously at Elizabeth...

"There's something not right with you..."

Age of Ultron

Revan and TDA: The apprentice angled himself to intercept Syeron's attack, but it left him vunerable to Revan, and he knew this, so he called on the Force to create a small shield to defend against a Force attack like he anticipated. He was right, as Revan then blasted him with Force lightning seeing as the Sith was left open. The young man was sent back a few feet but skidded to a half on his feet. A tear opened up behind him, and he backed in after taunting Revan.

"We'll see each other again, Revan. The Emperors foresaw it." Revan was left speechless, but he still charged the tear only for it to close as the Sith waked through. He dropped to his knees, horrified by the concept of two Emperors. Just what had happened to his universe in his absence?

Victorian London

Arrow: Wanting nothing to do with romance movies of any kind, Oliver wandered off to find Spring Heeled Jack after he had lost their group after apprehending Talia Al-Ghul and defeating those weird creatures.

@theManCalledSting @Some_Bloke
Stitch had watched these goings on with the man known as The Doctor and the men he took to be something called the Enclave. They were all talking about Communists. In the end, Stitch grew bored, and crawled over to the blue box. He read the top, and saw the word TARDIS. He placed a hand on his chin, and thought for a second. His brain was faster than a super computer, and he quickly solved the meaning of the word TARDIS. Time and space. He gave a cry of interest, and began crawling all over the blue box, searching for a way in. He tried going in through the door, but found it locked. In the end, after what was rather frustrating, Stitch sat on top of the TARDIS. He sat down, thinking about what to do. He then had an idea. He turned to the Doctor. He gurgled up a large amount of salvia, and spat it at him. He laughed when it hit the Doctor on the head.

@Some_Bloke @Barbas
Sheaon13 said:

Xion smiled at Link and turned towards the Milky Holmes.

"So where do we start?" Xion asked.


Link looked at them curiously, what did she mean start?

"What do you mean by that?" Link asked.



"I think the sooner I see the librarian the sooner I get home" Lea stated, a bit impatient.

"We're in the town of London! Where my ancestor, Sherlock Holmes, stopped crime!" Sheryl said proudly.
theManCalledSting said:
The Doctor looked suspiciously at Elizabeth...
"There's something not right with you..."
"You're right Mr." Said Elizabeth. "I can open these things called tears. There basically holes in reality. I can bring things through to help Booker."
ryanpk200 said:
"You're right Mr." Said Elizabeth. "I can open these things called tears. There basically holes in reality. I can bring things through to help Booker."
"All that power and you're using it to hand him the groceries."
theManCalledSting said:
"All that power and you're using it to hand him the groceries."
"I can't create new ones. I can only open existing tears. The existing tears happen to be things that help Booker." Said Elizabeth.
Sheaon13 said:

"I think the sooner I see the librarian the sooner I get home" Lea stated, a bit impatient.


Age of Ultron

Syeron approached Revan, resting a hand on his shoulder "The Emperor is dead. He has been for centuries. The Emperor I know has been dead for decades...How could this be possible?" She asked in a grim tone, trying to hide her fear.

@apoliseno @ryanpk200


"Are you going to fight me properly you Fascist dog or hide behind your guns like the cowards all Fascists are?" Nikita asked, dropping her rifle at her feet.

The Doctor's attention turned to Stitch with an annoyed look on his face "Get off my TARDIS, you'll scratch her paintwork." He ordered

@Barbas @DaManofWar
theManCalledSting said:
"And they're what?" asked the Doctor...
"Guns, ammo, EVE, and medical supplies. Things tend to get pretty violent. Sometimes I can bring in turrets or robots to help too." Said Elizabeth.
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ryanpk200 said:
"Guns, ammo, EVE, and medical supplies. Things tend to get pretty violent. Sometimes I can bring in turrets or robots to help too." Said Elizabeth.
"A Tad too convenient don't you think... If I don't know any better... I'd say someone's playing with your life..."
Frank Horrigan

Amused that the commie thought that she could enrage him with insults, Horrigan raises his plasma gun and precedes to fire a shots at Nikita's rifle. Afterwards, he aims his gun at the Soviet and begins to rapidly fire it at her.

"There's a difference between being brave and being a moron, commie. And it looks like you chose to be a moron. Prepare to die."

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