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Fandom "Tears" (a multi-fandom RP)

Sheaon13 said:
"I have about 1,000,000 munny as I didn't buy anything with it really" Xion stated "Oh and is that girl making off with that shield over there important?" She asked, pointing towards Talia.

(This is actually reasonable if your don't buy anything at all in kingdom hearts because heartless drop their currency like crazy)

"ONE MILLION!!!" screamed Nero.

"YES SHE IS! AND MORE IMPORTANTLY THAT SHIELD!" exclaimed Spring-Heeled Jack as he chased after Talia.

Xion nodded to Spring-heeled Jack and began to help him chase after the girl. Her agile figure allowing her to run faster than someone who was more built for strength.

Sheaon13 said:

Xion nodded to Spring-heeled Jack and began to help him chase after the girl. Her agile figure allowing her to run faster than someone who was more built for strength.

"Girl! Quickly! Grab the shield!" said Jack.

Talia jumped up to the Roof Tops.

Much to everyone's surprise... The Milky Holmes managed to catch up to Talia.

"The Detectives!" cursed Talia.

"Yeah! She called us Detectives!" rejoiced Nero as her team pursued the daughter of Ra's al Ghul.

She hurried after Talia and shouted "Gravity!" hoping to slow down Talia with her spell. It would slow her down with the amount of gravity that would be pressed upon her. That is if it hit.

Sheaon13 said:

She hurried after Talia and shouted "Gravity!" hoping to slow down Talia with her spell. It would slow her down with the amount of gravity that would be pressed upon her. That is if it hit.

Seizing the opportunity Sheryl used her ability of Telekenisis to trip Talia causing her to drop Weyland's shield.

"Quick! Someone grab the shield!" called out Sheryl.
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Sheaon13 said:

Xion quickly grabbed the shield and walked over to Jack.

"I don't get why this is so important but I got it" Xion stated.

Jack grabbed Weyland's Shield from Xion and said, "This is Weyland's shield... it is a device forged by Weyland the Blacksmith of the Gods... It has the power to destroy and reshape reality... but in the hands of Fenric... it would bring about the end of all things... Only an Elder God can wield its power without being destroyed..."

"BLASTS! ONCE AGAIN! THOSE ACCURSED PARASITES HAVE THWARTED MY PLANS TO OBTAIN WEYLAND'S SHIELD!" cursed Ra's al Ghul who was obviously Fenric, "Perhaps... I must employ a different strategy..."

"And Fenric is an elder god?" Xion asked. She could imagine how bad that would be. It would be just as bad if Sora hadn't stopped Xemnas from controlling kingdom hearts. Even if Xion didn't know for sure that Sora had stopped Xemnas, but she had assumed he did as they wouldn't be here today if he didn't. Well actually her universe wouldn't be there today if he hadn't.

Sheaon13 said:

"And Fenric is an elder god?" Xion asked. She could imagine how bad that would be. It would be just as bad if Sora hadn't stopped Xemnas from controlling kingdom hearts. Even if Xion didn't know for sure that Sora had stopped Xemnas, but she had assumed he did as they wouldn't be here today if he didn't. Well actually her universe wouldn't be there today if he hadn't.

"Fenric is more... He is a God feared by Gods... Weyland's shield was created to destroy his corporeal form... It left him as a disembodied consciousness... The mere sight of his true form would make anyone go mad..." explained Jack.

Ellie hid behind her teammates and said, "T-that was scary..."

"Hey don't worry, Ellie! We beat him already!" reassured Nero.
Sheaon13 said:

"Have you seen him? If so what does he look like?" She asked, her curiosity getting the better of her.

"I am have not gone mad... but legend states that Fenric's true form bore thousands of many-angled Limbs that stretched across multiple Universe... He bore many names... Aboo-Fenrán, the Wolf, the Hunger... and Hastur the Unspeakable... Thankfully he is only a being of pure consciousness... dependent on possessing others."
Sheaon13 said:

"I think I'm glad that Fenric didn't get that shield then" she stated "Oh I forgot to introduce myself, I'm Xion"

I am called by the locals as Spring-Heeled Jack, and I'm sure you're already familiar with our Detective Friends, the Milky Holmes. oh and that man surrendering Talia to the Authorities over there with the hood I believe he was called the Arrow... But I only heard his name mentioned by my detective friends here," explained Jack

@apoliseno (Let's pretend that Ollie did something during the chase)
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Xion smiled as Jack introduced the people in his group and she walked over to the detectives.

"Will you be willing to help me find my friends?" Xion asked them.

Sheaon13 said:

Xion smiled as Jack introduced the people in his group and she walked over to the detectives.

"Will you be willing to help me find my friends?" Xion asked them.

"YUP! We're Detectives! It's what we do!" said Sheryl.
The Merchant's Pocket Universe

"The Librarian likes to boast sometimes. When you're spying on him I need you to report back about any missions he sends you on, anything he says. Anything unusual at all."

He turned to Yami/Gregory. "You have fulfilled your deal with us. You can leave." He then turned to Oryx "You will need to be my other agent. There may come a time when The Librarian and I will have to settle this. I need you to be ready."



The TARDIS landed in front of a group of Enclave soldiers and The Doctor stepped out, his hands in the air as the doors shut behind him "Hello, I'm The Doctor." He spoke "I need to talk to whoever's in charge."

The Merchant's Pocket Universe
"The Librarian likes to boast sometimes. When you're spying on him I need you to report back about any missions he sends you on, anything he says. Anything unusual at all."

He turned to Yami/Gregory. "You have fulfilled your deal with us. You can leave." He then turned to Oryx "You will need to be my other agent. There may come a time when The Librarian and I will have to settle this. I need you to be ready."



The TARDIS landed in front of a group of Enclave soldiers and The Doctor stepped out, his hands in the air as the doors shut behind him "Hello, I'm The Doctor." He spoke "I need to talk to whoever's in charge."


Oryx nodded before stating, "Protect me and my kind from being warped out of existence by the Librarian, and we can easily fight!"
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Stitch was sad. He was lost, and had no idea how to get home. He was floating through space in his red police cruiser. He whined, and slunk back into the chair of his ship. He just wanted to go home to Lilo, Nani, Jumba and Pleakly. But he didn't know how.

Suddenly, the alarms in his ship went off. He perked up, and looked outside the window, trying to see if he could spot what it was that had set off the alarm. Then he heard a single word, uttered by a metallic, robot-like voice.


A laser flashed by his window, making Stitch bark in surprise. He grabbed the steering wheel of his ship, and began taking evasive action, dodging several more laser blasts. He spotted what was shooting at him. It was four Daleks, a scouting party, although Stitch didn't know what they were. All he knew was that they were trying to kill him. Stitch turned to face his attackers, lowering the plasma cannon. "Yee-ha!" He cried, and opened fire on the Daleks. The plasma blasts fired in a repeating stream, causing the Daleks to make evasive maneuvers of their own. One was too slow, and got hit by a plasma ball, exploding with a scream. Stitch laughed, and began targeting the other daleks. One tried to fire at him, only for Stitch to shoot first. However, it wasn't long before his ship was hit. Stitch growled, then spotted something. It was a Tear. The thing that had resulted in him becoming lost from his 'ohana. Stitch thought for a second, and pulled the hyperdrive, launching himself away from the Daleks, and towards the Tear. The waves from the hyperdrive smashed onto both of them, causing them to hurtle about screaming, their systems failing. Stitch laughed in glee as he went through the tear, hoping to arrive back home.

When Stitch arrived, he wasn't sure were he was. He saw a planet that looked like Earth, but Stitch could tell something was off. This didn't look like his Earth. But he needed to land somewhere. He wrestled with the controls, his ship plummeting down towards the planet. In the end, he was barely able to prevent it from breaking apart. However, it still crashed, skidding across the ground, kicking up dirt. When he finally stopped, Stitch coughed a bit, and opened the cockpit. Before leaving, he grabbed a picture. It was of all the people back on Hawaii, all his cousins, Lilo, Jumba, Nani..... his 'ohana. He looked at it for a bit, before putting in his mouth, and swallowing it. He hopped out, and began crawling around on all fours, before spotting a group of people, one of whom was dressed funny. They were gathered around a blue box. Stitch thought for a second, then crawled over to them, pushing past several people before stopping in front of the man who was dressed funny. He sat like a dog for a moment, then stood up, extending his hand. "Hi," he told him, smiling.

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Seeing that one of the civilians wanted to speak to high command, a nearby Enclave sergeant steps forward.

"If you want to speak to Enclave high command your going to have fill out the proper paperwork and wait a few months while our highly efficient robot teams check over them. Then your going to have wait approximately one year as they send more paperwork for you to fill out."
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Ash looked around where that portal had taken him when he stepped through it, though he knew he probably shouldn't have. His friends and brother even warned him not to, but did he listen? No, he just had to step through the portal in the pokemon center. He always did have a problem with his curiosity and now it might just get him killed. Ash sighed and threw Sky's, his staravia's, pokeball into the air and let her out.

"Hey Sky can you see if you can find any other people?" He asked.

"You got it Ash" she stated in pokespeech as she flew off.

(Italics will mean pokespeech for me)



Xion smiled widely at the detectives, they would help her find her friends! This was great! She was so happy.

"Thank you so much!" She stated.

Constantine lit himself another cigarette "We can't just take Sauron head on. He'll be surrounded by those ugly buggers who follow him. You have a plan, don't you?" He asked Cobra Commander "Or do you need me to do everything by myself?" He asked sarcastically

"You'll be taking a squadron of our best Battle Android Trooper... into battle with the Daleks..."
Sheaon13 said:

Xion smiled widely at the detectives, they would help her find her friends! This was great! She was so happy.

"Thank you so much!" She stated.

In return the Milky Holmes responded with a group hug.

At first Xion was surprised by the hug but responded by hugging them as well.

"I'm so grateful to you guys for this. I really miss my friends so I really want to find them. So thank you for helping me" She smiled.

Sheaon13 said:

At first Xion was surprised by the hug but responded by hugging them as well.

"I'm so grateful to you guys for this. I really miss my friends so I really want to find them. So thank you for helping me" She smiled.

"Hey, Jack! and Green Arrow Guy! Wanna join us?" asked Nero as Jack Joined in group Hug.


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