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Fandom "Tears" (a multi-fandom RP)

ryanpk200 said:
Booker nodded and said. "I'll try but in my line of work, things get can pretty violent. Fast."
"Heh! And you think that but the Doc's job is way more violent than yah think... It's kinda the reason why he tries to avoid the gun-totin' folk," replied Frobisher.

"Booker, I can't help but notice you're without your partner... I believe you've mentioned her before..." said the Doctor.
Lea clenched his fists as he heard what he said. How dare he reasearch his past like that! He had no right! It was his personal life! He had no right to find that out! Then a thought struck Lea. Could it be possible? Could he know how he became a nobody? Lea didn't remember that at all. He wanted to know that badly. Even if he was no longer a nobody, he wanted to know!

(I'm thinking about making this up since it doesn't say how he did become a nobody in his back ground)


Upon seeing the approaching invasion force Tesla took flight and approached Avengers Tower "Something else is here." He spoke, sounding out of breath

"Another invasion?" Stevenson asked, getting a nod from Tesla in response "Christ..." He muttered

"What kind of manpower do we have left?" The Doctor asked Stevenson "Enough to counter another invasion?"

Stevenson shook his head "I...I don't know." He admitted

"Perhaps they can be reasoned with." Tesla butted in "A machine I encountered spoke about preventing Communism from spreading. If we convince them..."

"Have they hurt anyone?" The Doctor asked

"One machine shot at my feet..." Tesla admitted

"No." The Doctor stated "I'm ending this."

"For pity's sake Doctor!" Tesla pleaded "At least talk to them first!"

The Doctor pointed to the ruined streets of New York below them "This what happened when I gave them a chance. People died. I will not make the same mistake." He spoke in a grim tone. He pointed to the group battling the Sectopod "Tesla, we have a warrior from the Soviet Empire fighting with us."

"If we hide her..." Tesla pleaded

"I have a better idea. We use her."

"Yes, what exactly do you want me to be on the lookout for when I'm spying?" Lea asked, stifling his curiosity about his past. He did want to know, it's just there were more important things now. He had to deal with that first then he could ask.

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Upon airving at New York, the Vertibirds land in different areas of the city and unload the soldiers and Sentry bots within them. Once unloaded, the Enclave forces begin to secure a field base in the ruins of the city as they set up communications with Raven Rock.

Xehanort smirked at his most recent discovery and how he ended up here. They had discovered a portal in radiant gardens that lead some place else. He decided to study it as it opened up and discovered it lead to other universes due to a nobody going in then coming back out right before it closed. It opened at random intervals and closed at them too. So Xehanort decided to take the chance and find a way into the portal. From there he heard of this group called the enclave. They interested him, so he wished to join them. He decided to wait in a place he figured they would show up at. Eventually they did show up and he was there now. He walked over to the enclave soldiers he saw at Raven rock, he thinks it was called.

"I hoped you would come here as I am seeking to join your cause" Xehanort said.

Sheaon13 said:

Xehanort smirked at his most recent discovery and how he ended up here. They had discovered a portal in radiant gardens that lead some place else. He decided to study it as it opened up and discovered it lead to other universes due to a nobody going in then coming back out right before it closed. It opened at random intervals and closed at them too. So Xehanort decided to take the chance and find a way into the portal. From there he heard of this group called the enclave. They interested him, so he wished to join them. He decided to wait in a place he figured they would show up at. Eventually they did show up and he was there now. He walked over to the enclave soldiers he saw at Raven rock, he thinks it was called.

"I hoped you would come here as I am seeking to join your cause" Xehanort said.

"Who the hell are you" asked Sonic.EXE

"Who are you and how did you get inside of my base? Are a spy sent from our enemies to learn weaknesses? Or are you some random traveler that wants to join out cause?"
Barbas said:
"Who are you and how did you get inside of my base? Are a spy sent from our enemies to learn weaknesses? Or are you some random traveler that wants to join out cause?"
"Do you even have Bangers and Mash?!" added X


"I will answer you questions in the order that they were presented. I am Xehanort, I am a traveler from a different universe seeking join your cause. I got into your base with my keyblade, it can open any lock. I just assumed that you would come here seeing as this is an underground bunker, made for military types like yourselves. You see when I heard of your cause and I got interested. I just recently got here so I don't know what a banger and a mash is" he replied.

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"Well if your planning on joining us your going to have to do a little task first. I want you to place a canister of F.E.V. in the nearby water source."
Sheaon13 said:
"I will answer you questions in the order that they were presented. I am Xehanort, I am a traveler from a different universe seeking join your cause. I got into your base with my keyblade, it can open any lock. I just assumed that you would come here seeing as this is an underground bunker, made for military types like yourselves. You see when I heard of your cause and I got interested. I just recently got here so I don't know what a banger and a mash is" he replied.

"Oh, sorry... didn't recognize yah! Hope you'd be better help than that fat lardy shit, Robotnik!" exclaimed X remembering the bumbling idiot.

Xehanort nodded at the task he was given, he would do it if it meant that he would be one step closer to joining their cause. He knew that if he gained their trust that he might have worthy allies in the future, much like his obedient pawns. Though he had to tread lightly with them. He did not want to lose any trust he might be given.



It was like she stepped into a war zone. Though it looked like the odds were stacked against the other group that she saw. She had just walked out of a weird portal and stepped into this. She looked to the group that was fighting off the many enemies and made her decision. She would help these people, even if they looked fine and could handle themselves. She still felt this strong desire to help them. She didn't know what compelled this desire but she still felt it in her newly acquired heart. She called out her keyblade, one that was named bond of flame, and shouted "Blizzara!"

With that spikes shot up from the ground and hopefully struck a group of the haemovores, she did have really good aim after all. The spikes would freeze anyone that touched them for a medium amount of time, so she made sure to aim the spell as far away from the group as possible.

@theManCalledSting @apoliseno
Sheaon13 said:

It was like she stepped into a war zone. Though it looked like the odds were stacked against the other group that she saw. She had just walked out of a weird portal and stepped into this. She looked to the group that was fighting off the many enemies and made her decision. She would help these people, even if they looked fine and could handle themselves. She still felt this strong desire to help them. She didn't know what compelled this desire but she still felt it in her newly acquired heart. She called out her keyblade, one that was named bond of flame, and shouted "Blizzara!"

With that spikes shot up from the ground and hopefully struck a group of the haemovores, she did have really good aim after all. The spikes would freeze anyone that touched them for a medium amount of time, so she made sure to aim the spell as far away from the group as possible.

@theManCalledSting @apoliseno
"AH HA! So you're the culprit behind the Blizzard!" Sheryl accused.

"Are you sure? The last time you accused the baker from down the street," questioned Spring-Heeled Jack.

"Please, I'm a detective! I should know!" reassured Sheryl Shellingford

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"I can't create a full blown blizzard with my spells. Plus I just got here and I don't even know where here is" Xion stated.

Sheaon13 said:
"I can't create a full blown blizzard with my spells. Plus I just got here and I don't even know where here is" Xion stated.

"Oh, I guess that makes sense..." said Nero the yellow-clad member of the Milky Holmes.

"Hey, do you know about that Weyland's Shield thingy?! You'd probably know about it since it sounds like a JRPG item!" exclaimed Sheryl.

"I honestly have no idea what that is" she replied sheepishly. She was new to this place after all and she had just come here. She didn't know much of anything.

"Hey have you seen someone with red porcupine like hair and emerald green eyes or a male with blonde spiky hair with blue eyes?" She added not too soon afterwards.
Sheaon13 said:
"I honestly have no idea what that is" she replied sheepishly. She was new to this place after all and she had just come here. She didn't know much of anything.

"Hey have you seen someone with red porcupine like hair and emerald green eyes or a male with blonde spiky hair with blue eyes?" She added not too soon afterwards.
"You're looking for someone?!" said Elli the green-clad member of the Milky Holmes.

"How tragic!" said the Dramatic Cordelia the Blue-Clad Member of the Milky Holmes.

"But never fear!" said Nero the Yellow-Clad member, as she took a bite of her snack stick.

"Because we're the Milky Holmes!" exclaimed Sheryl their leader...





Pleased that his guest was coperative, Eden calls up a small canister with the words F.E V. on it next to Xehanort.

"If you complete this task you'll be allowed to join us."

Xion blinked a couple of times at the strangeness of them. Here they were in the middle of a battle yet they were trying to help her or make munny off of her, she wasn't too sure. She figured that munny, the little gold diamond shaped squares, weren't the currency here. So she was penniless so she couldn't pay them even if she wanted to.

"I would like your help but I doubt I can pay you because I don't think the money I have is the currency here" Xion stated.

Unbeknownst to the group the Haemovores vanish without a trace...


"How could those simple specks of dust continue to foil my plans! The Milky Holmes... Even their title makes me sick! They have plagued my ploys to acquire Weyland's shield all through out creation! No matter where the shield goes they manage to bumble their way into my game!" cursed "Ra's al Ghul."

@Sheaon13 @apoliseno
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Sheaon13 said:

Xion blinked a couple of times at the strangeness of them. Here they were in the middle of a battle yet they were trying to help her or make munny off of her, she wasn't too sure. She figured that munny, the little gold diamond shaped squares, weren't the currency here. So she was penniless so she couldn't pay them even if she wanted to.

"I would like your help but I doubt I can pay you because I don't think the money I have is the currency here" Xion stated.

"Did you say money?!" said Nero as she dashed in front of Xion. "Yeah I think we can deal with that! So how much are we talking here?"

"HEY! Where did the moldy guys go?!" exclaimed Sheryl.

"Maybe they left to get manicures?" suggested Ellie.


"I have a lot of money thanks to the heartless dropping it in my home, but I honestly don't think it'll work here" she stated again, hoping to get it through to her.



"Of course, I will complete the task you ask of me" Xehanort smirked, he was completely confident in his abilities. He was strong, he knew that and he knew they five current keepers of light, since there still needed to be three more, couldn't take him down at the moment.

Sheaon13 said:
"I have a lot of money thanks to the heartless dropping it in my home, but I honestly don't think it'll work here" she stated again, hoping to get it through to her.
"You never know when a timestorm might drop us off to your universe!" chuckled Nero as she salivated over Xion's munny.

"Guys, aren't we forgetting something," said Spring-Heeled Jack as Talia made off with Weyland's shield.


"I have about 1,000,000 munny as I didn't buy anything with it really" Xion stated "Oh and is that girl making off with that shield over there important?" She asked, pointing towards Talia.

(This is actually reasonable if your don't buy anything at all in kingdom hearts because heartless drop their currency like crazy)


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