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Fandom "Tears" (a multi-fandom RP)

The Merchant's Pocket Universe

"I know all of this Oryx, but when faced with most obstacles I would find a way." The Merchant replied "However, unless you go against the wishes of the other two, I cannot kill you." He sighed "Regardless of my personal feelings."

The Merchant snapped his fingers, sending part of the group back to the Age of Ultron universe while Oryx, Lea and Yami/Gregory remained.

"Where did they go?!" Gregory shouted

"Another tear has opened, leading to the Emperor. To the target Revan specified." He explained "Yes, I can hear you, Gregory. Once the Emperor is dead, Revan will hand me back the God killer as part of our agreement."

"So, another suicide mission? Figures, a knob like you and your mates have done nothing but send us on suicide missions."

"You complain about risk, yet you allow yourself to be possessed by a demon." The Merchant stated

"You're the one who said I'd be a good host for him! The one who convinced me to take the ruddy spear."

The Merchant nodded in response "Yes, I made the suggestion but I never forced you." He turned his attention to Lea "I can send you home, but you must do something for me first."

"Don't listen to 'im!" Gregory shouted, but Lea could not hear him "He and his bastard mates will only lead you on!" He sighed inside of his own mind "Yami, for Christ sakes...Don't let this poor bugger fall victim to their plans." He pleaded


Age of Ultron

Syeron drew her lightsaber at the sight of the Sith warrior and charged forwards to Revan's aid while Mil scanned the area "What happened?" It asked "Why did he send us back here?" Mil turned it's attention to the Sith warrior and drew it's rifle, trying to get a clean shot.

@apoliseno @ryanpk200 @TehFanzyBillCipher
Lea turned his head towards the merchant, a look of hope in his eyes. If this guy could send him home then he would take the chance at whatever mission this guy would give him. He needed to get home, he needed to protect his home. He needed to protect Sora. He had failed Roxas and Xion, he didn't want to fail again. He would protect Sora and his new friends with his life. He couldn't let them down.

"Whatever it is I'll do it, just promise me you'll send me back home afterwards" Lea stated.

Victorian London.

"Archer, what is it that you know of Ra's al Ghul and his League of Assassins?" asked Spring-Heeled Jack.

"Hey! Jack! What about that shield thingy that they want?!" asked Sheryl of the Milky Holmes.

"Weyland's shield?!" exclaimed Jack in shock.

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"Ancient One..." called out Ra's al Ghul to the leader of the haemovores.

"What is your command, my master?" asked the Ancient One.

"Ensure that the she-wolf delivers Weyland's shield to me!" commanded "Ra's al Ghul"

"As you command, master."

The Haemovore hoard marched on to find Talia al Ghul and protect her from any passer-bys


Victorian London

Arrow: Snapping back into reality, Okiver looked down at the monster whose legs were tied together beneath him. Oliver remembered back to his fight with the League to recall just how dangerous they were. He bent down and used an arrowhead to cut the thing free before he helped it to its feet.

"First, my apologies for tying you up like that. If I knew you were going after the League, then I would've helped. Secondly, this must be a different League than the one I faced, as the Ra's daughter's name was Nyssa, not Talia. But, if they're code of ethics is the same, they will kill anything and anyone to get their way. We need to retrieve that shield, and girls you need to go home. We can handle this now, and I'm not

putting you in harms way."

Age of Ultron

Revan and TDA: Before the younger Sith charged Revan, he blasted Syeron with Force Lightning to slow her before dashing back towards Revan, who switched to a combination Jar'Kai and Soresu defensive stance. The Sith leapt up in the air and shot a couple small bursts of lightning at Revan, who absorbed them with his lightsaber, but was left wide open from his back. The Sith landed abd attempted to cut Revan across the back, but he spun around and caught the saber with his own and swung his other at the young Sith, who caught that attack with his own.

"Who are you," Revan demanded. The figure said nothing as he pushed away before instantly turning and rushing after Mil.

apoliseno said:

Victorian London

Arrow: Snapping back into reality, Okiver looked down at the monster whose legs were tied together beneath him. Oliver remembered back to his fight with the League to recall just how dangerous they were. He bent down and used an arrowhead to cut the thing free before he helped it to its feet.

"First, my apologies for tying you up like that. If I knew you were going after the League, then I would've helped. Secondly, this must be a different League than the one I faced, as the Ra's daughter's name was Nyssa, not Talia. But, if they're code of ethics is the same, they will kill anything and anyone to get their way. We need to retrieve that shield, and girls you need to go home. We can handle this now, and I'm not

putting you in harms way."
"There is no safe haven when the game's afoot!" called out the ancient one with his horde of haemovores


The Merchant's Pocket Universe

"Very well" The Merchant nodded in response.

"Shit." Gregory muttered "For Christ sake Yami, don't let the poor bugger become a victim." He pleaded

"In another universe there is a matter I need attending to. I need you to spy on the one you call The Librarian for me. He is becoming far too arrogant for his own good."

"Aren't you worried about him finding out?" Gregory asked, still speaking telepathically

"No. He cannot see anything in this pocket universe. A blind spot in the Multiverse where I can hide from the both of them. The Librarian will undoubtedly have a task in mind for you, Lea and it will be dangerous."

"What's 'is real name?" Gregory asked "Ultron said that bitch's name is Dagny. Is he right?"

The Merchant turned to Gregory/Yami and with shame in his eyes uttered one word "Yes." He turned back to Lea "He has the same powers of myself, he can bend reality to his will in some ways with cosmic powers and like myself can teleport to certain universes at will. His arrogance will be his hubris. You will need to play the victim."

Within his hands he crafted a device, handing it to Lea. It bore a striking resemblance to a mobile phone from the early twenty first century. "To him, this will appear as a regular mobile phone, but to us is will be how you will reach me in an emergency."

He turned to Oryx "If you breathe a word of this to the other two, I will erase you and your swine from existence!" He threatened "Do I make myself clear!?" He then turned back to Gregory/Yami "The same goes for you two."

@Sheaon13 @hudhouse @TommyGun15

Age of Ultron

Mil loaded the rifle with cryo ammo and opened fire, aiming for TDA's legs in an attempt to stop the Sith warrior in his tracks rather than kill him "Stop." Mil commanded. Syeron stood to her feet, steadied herself and attempted to rush the warrior from behind "Leave him alone!" She shouted angrily

@apoliseno @ryanpk200 @TehFanzyBillCipher
@hudhouse[/URL] @TommyGun15

Age of Ultron

Mil loaded the rifle with cryo ammo and opened fire, aiming for TDA's legs in an attempt to stop the Sith warrior in his tracks rather than kill him "Stop." Mil commanded. Syeron stood to her feet, steadied herself and attempted to rush the warrior from behind "Leave him alone!" She shouted angrily

@apoliseno @ryanpk200 @TehFanzyBillCipher
Oryx starred at the Merchant, and gave off a smile. He stated, "You learn to take even in the smallest ways. Merchant, you are the only one of the three I respect. The rest are unworthy of being princes. I won't let them be heard. Any specific tasks for my soldiers?"

In an uninhabited area of the world, a new tear opens up and teleports the Enclave's base to a new, better world. Relieved that they are free from the horror that is the Sonic fandom, the Enclave send out eyebots to scout the area and to indoctrinate the world's inhabitants with pro Enclave propaganda.
Lea looked to the man, this job would be easy enough for him. He was use to deceiving people thanks to being the organizations assassin when he was still a member. He just hoped that this would be as easy as he thought so he could get back home. The worlds needed him and all the eight seekers of light, even if they were missing three of them. Plus Xehanort was after Sora for his thirteenth seeker of darkness. Xehanort was whole again and it wouldn't be good if he met Sora in battle. It wouldn't end well. While Sora could easily beat Xehanort when he wasn't whole, he wouldn't be able to now that he was whole again. If Sora met Xehanort in a battle it wouldn't end well. Xehanort was easily as powerful as all the current keybearers put together. That's why they needed to train and prepare for the battle that sure to come. Lea had to make sure Sora stayed safe, otherwise he would have lost another friend. He wouldn't allow that to happen again.

"Just send me where I need to go" Lea stated.


(I'm going to be putting up christmas decorations so I won't be on for a while after this)
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Yami/Gregory dismissed his shadow dragon, slowly floating down from the air. He landed next to Lea.

"I think it would be wise for you to reconsider." Yami said quietly. "He is not making this offer out of the kindness of his heart. He is doing it because you are expendable. He likely expects you to fail, at which point he will make you do something else for him. If you are not simply wiped from existence that is."

@Sheaon13 @Some_Bloke
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Victorian London

Arrow: Nocking three arrows at once into his bow, with all of them having an explosive tip, he let all three fly into the ancient one before nocking two more and letting those fly into the group of Haemovores.

"Everyone back! Girls, get out of here! I'll hold them back," Oliver said before nocking two more arrows that he immediately fired into the Haemovores.

Age of Ultron

Revan and TDA: The apprentice deflected the geth's shots away from himself as he continued his charge, but he was pulled back by Revan. Twisting in midair, TDA came down on Revan in a spiraling slash using both of his sabers. Unexpectedly, however, Revan leapt up at the Sith and crossed blades with him once again, both combatants exchanging blows in midair, the flashes and sounds of colliding blades carried in the group.

@theManCalledSting @Sheaon13 @TehFanzyBillCipher

"I don't have a choice, there's no other way I can get home. I have to take this chance" Lea responded with a sigh. He really didn't have another choice. Plus he would have to face far worse than this with Xehanort, Xehanort was powerful, far more powerful than he or any of the others were at the moment. He just had to take this chance. Though he would never tell the others why he had to. He didn't trust them, but there was no other choice but to hope that the Merchant would keep his word. If he didn't come back from this than there was no way he could face Xehanort.

@Some_Bloke @TommyGun15
The Merchant's Pocket Universe

"I am not a prince." The Merchant stated in a serious tone "Nor a king...But, do not be so dismissive of the one you simply call The Woman. She is a lot more competent than she lets on." He turned to Yami "I never break my promises. You will be rewarded for your actions in taking out Ultron."

"Give us our damn reward, then!" Gregory snapped "Get on with it."

"It is not mine to give. It is the Librarian's. That power that left Ultron's body. It had been contained for study, but I have destroyed it. After I saw what it did to Ultron."

"So that knob is gonna be pissed right off, yet you're sending this poor bastard on a mission to spy on 'im?"

"He will not suspect him. On the other hand, if I were to send you or Yami. He would be suspicious. Your...Resentment of him is something he knows already. It is better to send someone neutral."

"I resent you too, you're an arsehole just the same as he is." Gregory spoke in a bitter tone

The Merchant ignored Gregory's comment and stepped towards Lea "Of course, I will not be sending you in blind. Do you have any questions?"


Age Of Ultron

Syeron lunged at the apprentice again, aiming a swing for his left arm in an attempt to incapacitate him while Mil waited for a clean shot. If it were to fire now, it could hit Syeron or Revan.

@apoliseno @ryanpk200 @TehFanzyBillCipher

Nikita flew towards her ship as it began to change back and boarded it. She flew towards the remaining Sectopod and began to open fire, filling the downed Sectopod with armour-piercing rounds. As small dents began to form in the Sectopod she activated the ship's autopilot and flew downwards, slicing into the Sectopod's head with her energy katana. She gritted her teeth under her helmet as she delivered another four swings.

"Are you going to stand there, or are you going to help?!" She shouted at the others "We need to finish it off while it's weak!"

@ryanpk200 @Peaceswore @apoliseno

"Just who is this Librarian and why do I need to spy on him? Also what is a librarian? I mean I know what a Librarian is in my universe but I have a feeling that this one isn't the same is it?" Lea asked, hoping he would fill in the gaps. Though that wasn't always the case. Xemnas, when he sent Lea to castle oblivion, expected him to weed out any traders that would be amongst the group at the castle and kill them. Lea played it off like they were all traders. One of them had found out his and Saix's plan to overthrow Xemnas and so Lea killed them. Of course back then he could kill them easy because he didn't have a heart. Though he wasn't so sure he could do it now. During the time he spent at castle oblivion Saix decided to follow Xemnas and had all but forgotten their friendship. Lea knew that they could never mend that, plus he worked with Xehanort now. He just hoped that Saix would come to his senses. Though Lea seriously doubted that.

@Some_Bloke @TommyGun15
Drake sighed as he fed his flygon an oran berry. "He isn't a machine." He grumbled before looking at Flygon and petting his head. "Just a little more buddy and Ill let you rest." He said softly. The flygon with a look of determination nodded and let out a roar. At this Drake climbed back on and the Pokemon took off. In moments the pokemon was at the right distance. "Okay flygon! Time for your strongest attack!! Use Draco Meteor!!!" He shouted. With that another loud roar left flygon and suddenly the enemy was being bombarded by a bunch of comets coming from the sky.
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New York-MCU

Ethan: Looking down at Shing, then up at the Sectopod, Ethan nodded at Shing's request.

"I'm thinking so, Shing. You ready?"

Taking a deep breath Shing nodded and closed his eyes. "Ready when you are." He said his soul wave length already in sic with Ethan's.

Seeing the other Sectopod, Alpha team moved into nearby cover and started firing at it. Alpha-5 began preparing a plasma rocket. "Hey Nikita!" He yelled. "I'm about to fire a rocket! Move back!"



Booker had been leading everyone to the Orphanage. Before they left he raided his safe for supplies. On him he had a shotgun, pistol, ammo for each, EVE Hypos, and medical supplies. "We're almost there." He said to the group.
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New York-MCU

Ethan: Stepping out of the shop, Ethan shut his eyes as he closed them. Shing and Ethan both were outlined by an orange aura. Opening his eyes, Ethan and Shing yelled out in unison

Let's go, Soul Resonance!"

(( @Peaceswore can you do the scene because I forgot what we agreed to do back in the day ))

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