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Fandom "Tears" (a multi-fandom RP)

Drake still on his flygon flew to the enemy when he was told to attack when he got close enough he petted Flydon. "Come on buddy! Hyper beam!" He shouted. At this flygon opened his mouth before he shot out a powerful beam aimed for a weak point trying to do as much damage as he could.

@apoliseno[/URL] @TehFanzyBillCipher @ryanpk200 @hudhouse


As the TARDIS withdrew, landing back on top of Avengers Tower and The Doctor stepped out, Stevenson approached him.

"An EMP could have taken out this tower and everyone below!" He snapped angrily "What the hell were you thinking!?"

"Well, you see. That's what took me so long. I had to minimize the damage. But of course, like most tantruming humans you have to be ungrateful." The Doctor replied, the same look still on his face.


Seeing their chance, Nikita and Tesla flew forwards, towards the Sectopod The Warrior was fighting. Nikita landed on top of the machine, drew her energy katana and began to stab it repeatedly. She turned to Tesla and handed him the katana. He studied the blade and charged it with electrical energy using his gauntlets and stabbed the Sectopod whilst yelling.

Nikita looked down at the Warrior "You are The Ultimate Warrior." She began "Even in the Soviet Empire, your name is famous, as are your exploits."

@Peaceswore @Crenando
Oryx had enough of this, and simply roared out in frustration. He starred at them with curiosity and anger piercing his being. He had left a mere shade after the attack on Camelot, which listened in to the conversation. It was rather easy to spot, a pitch black monster isn't that stealthy you know! Oryx snarled out, "Ultron, we both had a master once... and the humans told me that. Hank Pym, and for me, the Traveler. We fought against it and became free... but for me, I was enslaved again by the Three Unknowns. They made me a offer like those knights of Camelot are with you, and I accepted because it was simple. Do not attack any Earth, and leave all innocents. As long as I follow that codex, I am immune to their strength or else they break their own laws... showing just how pathetic and weak they are.

"I was ordered to fight you, and you were one I stumbled across. If you can't trust me.. let me speak to the one beyond the tears. That way, if I am changed... I will understand you and prove my loyalty. You offered me a surrender, and I followed it. You are my master now, and I shall do as you command. Just know that even if you kill me, I can not be physically killed." Oryx hungered for the strength that the One beyond the tear could give him, and he thirsted for the knowledge. The worm inside him burrowed ever deeper into his hearts, forcing him to do what he promised millennium and millennial ago. He couldn't contain his curiosity...

"HOLY SHIT!! WHERE THE HELL ARE WE!!!???!!?!?!" Shing suddenly shouted obviously forgetting the past few moments as he looked thoroughly confused. Of course he stayed in his assault rifle form. When they were told to attack all out he was still heavily confused. "Ethan??? Did you put something in my food again????"


Nikita put her helmet back on and grabbed Gorilla and Warrior before flying away, Tesla right behind her "Clear the area!" Nikita shouted, speaking in a demanding tone.

Tesla landed next to Alpha-1 "What is the blast radius?" He asked in a concerned tone

@Peaceswore @Crenando @ryanpk200

Age Of Ultron

Ultron turned to Oryx "I shall take you to see the being that whispered to me." He spoke "From it you shall learn it's secrets as I did and our conquest of the Multiverse, to guide organic life on the right path can begin." He turned his attention to Mil "As I said before, your species and your life will be nothing in the fabric of history itself."

"Make it quick." Mil stated, outstretching both arms

As Ultron prepared to erase the Geth Specter from existence, he felt something pierce him in the neck. He reached out using one of his arms and felt for something, only to withdraw the God Killer. He glared at the blade curiously, only to drop the blade at his feet.

"No." He muttered "I was so close..." The golden energy began to flow from Ultron's mouth and eyes as the mechanical God was brought to his knees "You could have..." Ultron looked upwards "I trusted you!" He shouted, as if speaking to the being itself "You shared your secrets as I shared mine! You promised me..."

Ultron looked down, continuing to study the God Killer as he began to shut his eyes and more golden energy left his body, flying upwards and leaving the planet. There was a blinding flash of light and as it faded. In his place was a now damaged Ultron.


He looked up at the group and at Oryx "Father!" He called out "I'm...I'm so..." Ultron fell forwards, taking one final look at the group that had killed a God. Mil knelt down so that their faces met.

"It's over." Mil stated as light left Ultron's eyes.

@hudhouse @apoliseno @TommyGun15 @TehFanzyBillCipher
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@Peaceswore[/URL] @Crenando @ryanpk200

Age Of Ultron

Ultron turned to Oryx "I shall take you to see the being that whispered to me." He spoke "From it you shall learn it's secrets as I did and our conquest of the Multiverse, to guide organic life on the right path can begin." He turned his attention to Mil "As I said before, your species and your life will be nothing in the fabric of history itself."

"Make it quick." Mil stated, outstretching both arms

As Ultron prepared to erase the Geth Specter from existence, he felt something pierce him in the neck. He reached out using one of his arms and felt for something, only to withdraw the God Killer. He glared at the blade curiously, only to drop the blade at his feet.

"No." He muttered "I was so close..." The golden energy began to flow from Ultron's mouth and eyes as the mechanical God was brought to his knees "You could have..." Ultron looked upwards "I trusted you!" He shouted, as if speaking to the being itself "You shared your secrets as I shared mine! You promised me..."

Ultron looked down, continuing to study the God Killer as he began to shut his eyes and more golden energy left his body, flying upwards and leaving the planet. There was a blinding flash of light and as it faded. In his place was a now damaged Ultron.


He looked up at the group and at Oryx "Father!" He called out "I'm...I'm so..." Ultron fell forwards, taking one final look at the group that had killed a God. Mil knelt down so that their faces met.

"It's over." Mil stated as light left Ultron's eyes.

@hudhouse @apoliseno @TommyGun15 @TehFanzyBillCipher

"Don't worry." Said Alpha-1 as he aimed his plasma sniper rifle. "It's not big enough to cause any real damage." He took the shot and watch as the Sectopod fell backwards and exploded. "You just needed to get out of stabbing range."
Drake had flygon fly away once more landing near Alpha squad. "Is that it?" He asked as he watched the thing explode.
@Peaceswore[/URL] @Crenando @ryanpk200

Age Of Ultron

Ultron turned to Oryx "I shall take you to see the being that whispered to me." He spoke "From it you shall learn it's secrets as I did and our conquest of the Multiverse, to guide organic life on the right path can begin." He turned his attention to Mil "As I said before, your species and your life will be nothing in the fabric of history itself."

"Make it quick." Mil stated, outstretching both arms

As Ultron prepared to erase the Geth Specter from existence, he felt something pierce him in the neck. He reached out using one of his arms and felt for something, only to withdraw the God Killer. He glared at the blade curiously, only to drop the blade at his feet.

"No." He muttered "I was so close..." The golden energy began to flow from Ultron's mouth and eyes as the mechanical God was brought to his knees "You could have..." Ultron looked upwards "I trusted you!" He shouted, as if speaking to the being itself "You shared your secrets as I shared mine! You promised me..."

Ultron looked down, continuing to study the God Killer as he began to shut his eyes and more golden energy left his body, flying upwards and leaving the planet. There was a blinding flash of light and as it faded. In his place was a now damaged Ultron.


He looked up at the group and at Oryx "Father!" He called out "I'm...I'm so..." Ultron fell forwards, taking one final look at the group that had killed a God. Mil knelt down so that their faces met.

"It's over." Mil stated as light left Ultron's eyes.

@hudhouse @apoliseno @TommyGun15 @TehFanzyBillCipher

Oryx snickered, before looking to Mil and the others. His forces had only brought in about a 1/4th of their true might, the other 3/4ths were still raging among the thousands of dimensions. His soldiers began their conquest again from this dimension, while Oryx stated, "Words and games... most leaders always keep it that way, to try and get people to join them. Good thing it worked." If Ultron lived, who knew which way he might have swayed. He roared out to the air towards the Three Unknowns, "Masters! You have some explaining to do, who is this One Beyond the Tears, That who Whispers?"

With that, Oryx struck as fast as he could. He roared out at the dying Ultron, "GIVE YOUR WILL... TO ME!" He tried to make him Taken, for it didn't matter for how strong willed you were.. if you died in Oryx's presence... you were his! IF he successfully took Ultron, he would steal from his memory and discover just who this being who talked to him was...

Age of Ultron

Revan: Shielding his eyes after he landed, Revan turned back to look at the being known as Ultron. With his godly powers drained, he was only a shell of what remained, yet the Prodigal Knight felt pity for the rogue artificial intelligence as it had just been trying to do what it thought was right. Revan glanced over to the large being, Oryx, and looked with disgust on the Taken King after remembering their skirmish in the other universe. He retrieved the God Killer from the ground and aimed its tip at Oryx with an outstretched arm, hokding an un-ignited lightsaber in his spare hand.

"Oryx, the being who decimates innocent universes and steals the light from anyone who wields it. You are almost as much a menace to this universe as the Sith Emperor, so back down now or I use the blade designed to kill gods on you," Revan said in a combination of a threatening and mocking tone.

@Some_Bloke @TommyGun15 @ryanpk200 @hudhouse
apoliseno said:

Age of Ultron

Revan: Shielding his eyes after he landed, Revan turned back to look at the being known as Ultron. With his godly powers drained, he was only a shell of what remained, yet the Prodigal Knight felt pity for the rogue artificial intelligence as it had just been trying to do what it thought was right. Revan glanced over to the large being, Oryx, and looked with disgust on the Taken King after remembering their skirmish in the other universe. He retrieved the God Killer from the ground and aimed its tip at Oryx with an outstretched arm, hokding an un-ignited lightsaber in his spare hand.

"Oryx, the being who decimates innocent universes and steals the light from anyone who wields it. You are almost as much a menace to this universe as the Sith Emperor, so back down now or I use the blade designed to kill gods on you," Revan said in a combination of a threatening and mocking tone.

@Some_Bloke @TommyGun15 @ryanpk200 @hudhouse
Oryx snickered and stated, "I have freed and preserved all the people I conquer, and I work for the Three Unknowns now. If it were not for my invasion... and me talking to Ultron and putting faith in you... you would be in Ultron's situation. I have over 8 billion troops here, and you were protected by them.. so turn on me now and prove that you are unloyal to your friends and the Three Unknowns, unable to operate with another living being, or thank me for preserving your life and working with you when I am now more then a hundred times stronger then when you previously fought me. Besides, even if you kill me with that blade, I can not die from it. I have more then one life you know..."
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Age of Ultron

Revan: Sneering under his mask, Revan annoyingly recognized that the Taken King spoke rather well. He lowered the blade but did not relinquish his intimidating posture.

"You allied yourself with them, then turned on them after fighting two conflicts with Ultron. You should be the one to speak of disloyalty," Revan retorted. "What caused you to ally yourself with them, Taken King? Fear? Respect? Obsession? Or was it just a selfish attempt to steal more power for yourself?"

@hudhouse @Some_Bloke
apoliseno said:

Age of Ultron

Revan: Sneering under his mask, Revan annoyingly recognized that the Taken King spoke rather well. He lowered the blade but did not relinquish his intimidating posture.

"You allied yourself with them, then turned on them after fighting two conflicts with Ultron. You should be the one to speak of disloyalty," Revan retorted. "What caused you to ally yourself with them, Taken King? Fear? Respect? Obsession? Or was it just a selfish attempt to steal more power for yourself?"

@hudhouse @Some_Bloke
Oryx raised his head before stating, "It was a boast, at most all I wanted was to get Ultron to show me this strange creature and prove it true. My philosophy is that if you die, you didn't deserve your power... so the person who kills you gets it. Unfortunately only those that follow the Deep or are in a place of the Deep can utilize the sword logic.. which I can. If I killed Ultron, his cunning, his strength, his knowledge... it would be mine. The Unknowns almost killed me and all my armies, and decided I could be of use to them. I am now their minion, and I am stronger by a thousandth fold at least. My species went from the trillions to a near incalculable number. Besides... if you knew about how all these dimensions work... there is one universal constant. Everyone is in all dimensions, just in different forms. In this world, you could have been a lawyer on the side of the street, in another you could be more powerful then the Three Unknowns combined, and in another... you are... you. I felt that for Ultron, and gave him a chance. Either way it worked for me... if I listened to the One beyond the tear and it changed me, I would have new knowledge that would feed my worm.

"Have you wondered why the unknown arn't here? They could easily destroy Ultron with a snap... why send us? Either way, the other way I simply distracted Ultron, and you could kill him.. which you all did. Answer me this... you lose everything in your life, and the person who did it offers you to become stronger when they could easily kill you. What would you do... and would would you do if you knew you would be strong enough to save your friends?"

Age of Ultron

Revan: Remembering back to his time travelling with Bastilla, Carth, and the others after his memory loss, Revan's tone loses its edge and malice.

"I've already gone through that before, and I forged a new path for myself. That new path had lead to many more trials, but I have made for myself a better identity than the past."

@hudhouse @Some_Bloke
apoliseno said:

Age of Ultron

Revan: Remembering back to his time travelling with Bastilla, Carth, and the others after his memory loss, Revan's tone loses its edge and malice.

"I've already gone through that before, and I forged a new path for myself. That new path had lead to many more trials, but I have made for myself a better identity than the past."

@hudhouse @Some_Bloke
Oryx roared out, "I loved my sisters, and they knew the Sword Logic well... we killed each other for over 300 years. We sharpened our blades, and we sharpened our minds... becoming the Worm's champions... until I slayed one. I forged myself a path, one where I could call on the deep and use it's full strength... where I could unleash its full wrath if I wanted. I made the Dreadnoughts for me and my sisters, I became the Taken King, I became Oryx from Auryx. Revan... I will tell you this since you distrust me. I was born in a Gas Giant named Fundament, with floating continents of land with a giant sea. My birth name is Aurash, and I was princess of the Osmium Court. I lost my home to the Helium Drinkers and took it back. I lost my world to the Traveler, and took it back. Nothing was given, I took it for myself. I am powerful because I take, and I am a Axiom. That is my dream... I am a constant that will be burned into reality. To be known... to make things live and become the perfect shape... you Humans call it as Natural Selection. Your blade proves you follow it in a way... all do. I simply realize the full path... and the Three Unknowns have made it easier.."
apoliseno said:
(( Princess? Wtf? ))
(...I am not kidding you. Oryx was originally a Princess of a species that would only live for 10 years. She hailed from the Osmium Court, child of the Osmium King who went mad from visions from a dead worm. He and his sisters spent 5ish years going into the heart of Fundament to find the worms, who blessed them with eternal life. Oryx took the form of the King, which no other Hive has, and became Auryx and male. When he killed Akka, Worm of Secrets, and from his corpse made the Dreadnought (which there is multiple apparently? Its hinted but not outright stated...) and the Tablets of Ruin, which allows him to use the Deep/The Darkness to power his spells and make the Taken. He became Oryx once he used the Tablets of Ruin to meet the Darkness, and gave it a Ogre. It spoke through the Ogre, and when Oryx came back he said his name is now Oryx, the Taken King, and he has the power to take Life and make it his own)
(The quotes to show em...

"I am Aurash, first daughter of the dead king. I will chase my father’s last screamed warning. I will know what changed the motion of our moons. If the end of the world is coming, I will understand why."

"The worm grants you power over your own flesh, Aurash. When you’ve taken the king morph, what will your adult name be?

Auryx. It means Long Thought. We approve."

"The Hive entity Oryx/Aurash is deploying a paracausal ontopathogenic weapon that infects and subverts Ecumene forces. The weapon operates on individual targets. Targets are abducted and returned as compliant Hive slaves with inexplicable and physically illegal abilities.")
Age Of Ultron

As Oryx attempted to corrupt the deceased Ultron to his will, the Taken King would feel resistance. As if something was trying to corrupt him. From the corpse of Ultron, an army of tendrils reached out towards Oryx. However, before they could reach their target The Merchant appeared, placing a hand on Oryx's shoulder and teleporting everyone off of the Shi'ar homeworld.

The group found themselves in an empty pocket universe with nothing but The Merchant for company.

"I am sorry it had to be so sudden." He bowed his head "Had I stayed in that universe for too long, it would have noticed me. The one Ultron called the being beyond the tear, that which whispered to him. Oryx...If the same being were to whisper to you...You too would become corrupted, just as Ultron had. When you tried to bend a corpse with part of it's power still lingering."

He approached Oryx "Be grateful I was quick enough." He spoke in a grim tone

"What are you talking about?!" Ser Dougan demanded, drawing one of her swords "Speak, Merchant! No more lies!"

@apoliseno @TommyGun15 @hudhouse @TehFanzyBillCipher @ryanpk200


"No." Nikita replied, pointing out the remaining Sectopod as it stepped from the smoke and flames of it's fallen ally. She flew forwards, leading the group in a final charge.

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@apoliseno[/URL] @TommyGun15 @hudhouse @TehFanzyBillCipher @ryanpk200


"No." Nikita replied, pointing out the remaining Sectopod as it stepped from the smoke and flames of it's fallen ally. She flew forwards, leading the group in a final charge.

Oryx snickered and stated, "Your the same thing Merchant, just more direct and not absolute. Besides, I am your servant am I not?"
Age of Ultron

Axel, or Lea as he now went by, was not having a good day. First some heartless hoard had attacked radiant gardens, tiring him out in the process of destroying them. After that Yen Sid informs them that Xehanort had returned and that's why the heartless had appeared. Then this weird portal thingie appears out of no where and takes Lea somewhere else. Finally Lea was lost and there was nothing in sight. No houses, landscape, no anything. It was just empty and now he was stuck here because the weird portal closed behind him. He had found that he couldn't use his dark corridors to get out of this place, only to get farther on into it.

That was when Lea spotted a few people a head and he sighed in relief. At least there was someone here besides him. Now he could find out where in the worlds he was. Lea walked over to them and asked "Do you know where I am? I sorta got here through some sort of weird portal"

(I hope this is okay, if not tell me)

@Some_Bloke @hudhouse @apoliseno
hudhouse said:
Oryx snickered and stated, "Your the same thing Merchant, just more direct and not absolute. Besides, I am your servant am I not?"
"Lies!" The Merchant snapped "We made you submit to our will, we did not corrupt your mind!" Before the Merchant could continue something else caught his attention as Axel approached. "Ah, you stepped through a tear into another universe." He explained "A gap in reality."

"Who are you?" Mil asked

[QUOTE="Some_Bloke]"Lies!" The Merchant snapped "We made you submit to our will, we did not corrupt your mind!" Before the Merchant could continue something else caught his attention as Axel approached. "Ah, you stepped through a tear into another universe." He explained "A gap in reality."
"Who are you?" Mil asked


Oryx roared out, "You made all my soldiers vanish from existence! You sent armies of Daemons who I couldn't even fight back against me, and sent my soldiers into hell itself! You did not make me submit, you stole everything! You could never feel this way because your just a spoiled child in a adult's body, used to only getting his way. I fought with bone and tooth to be where I am, and this took me millions upon millions of years! You? Practically born that way... and you tell everyone what to do like we are your pawns on a chest board! I do your work but you don't care about the responsibilities, you still haven't governed a single one of the worlds I conquered. You never told me innocents, just that I can fight to survive as long as it's not Earth. I have done everything you asked and more, and I treated no more then a dog. I have lost everything multiple times, and now I have Taken them back! I can take Life itself and make it my own! You WANT to be that power beyond the Tear don't you? So you can do everything you want fully, that one power thats outside of your grasp. You need other's operation, or you are nothing but a attention seeking void of despair and destruction! I teach and I give a better shape, for I am King of Shapes... Oryx the Lawless. I could curse you if I wanted, but if I do so you will just poof me out of existence.

"Your so pathetic, so weak, that you use your powers like a bully rather then a magnificence King. You would win people to your side via your strength, your kindness, and your law. You are the Tyrant, the bully.. for you take no law and no kindness, you simply take Strength and force others to look upon you. For all your glories, all your travesties, everyone only sees you as some unknown thing that ruins everything. I may now be your Attack Dog, but know this oh Rex Regum (King of Kings). The universe sees me as sin, because they follow the Light and the Traveler. Everything but sentient beings see me as themselves ascended. You are nothing but a attention seeking fool who will make his problems just die even if everyone else loves her! You will just make everything vanish and die! Crawl up and rot! I have meaning, I have purpose... You have nothing! You will destroy me for just talking to you, for talking back to you... but this only proves my point. Kill me here and prove that you are as weak as you are, so pathetic you can't handle a little yapping dog at your heels. Make me no longer exist and see this scorn go away, and smile at the emptiness in your heart. Or let me live and watch as my will is still done, my perfect shape is still forged within your laws, and as such, is your will as well. If you stop me, then you prove your solo minded weakness and selfishness, if you keep me, you prove loyal yet genocidal and without purpose. What shall it be oh Reg Regum?"
The Merchant approached Oryx and grabbed him by the throat, lifting him into the air "Do not claim to know me, Oryx!" He snapped angrily "What makes you think I was born with this power?! As for what lies beyond that tear...It's power corrupts those who try and claim it! You saw what happened to Ultron! Let that be a warning!"

He sighed and let go of Oryx before stepping back "You call me a tyrant and a bully when you have killed billions, when you killed the Traveller. My two associates are out of control, yes I can agree with that...But I am different than them."

"Different how?" Syeron asked angrily

"I..." He paused, lowering his head in shame

@hudhouse @apoliseno @ryanpk200 @TehFanzyBillCipher

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