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Fandom "Tears" (a multi-fandom RP)

Age of Ultron

Syeron and Mil followed Revan as he approached the other group. Syeron jumped in front of Ultron.

"Alright..." She muttered "This is the part where I surrender."

"Why?" Ultron asked

"Self-preservation." She shrugged, bowing to Ultron and handing him her lightsaber. As Ultron reached down to pick up the blade, Syeron activated it, slicing into Ultron's arm only for the blade to have no effect. She looked up at Ultron, smiling nervously.

Before Ultron could kill Syeron with a hand blast, something else caught his attention as black smoke entered Gregory's mouth. He pushed Syeron to the side and tilted his head curiously at the now possessed Gregory.

As he was possessed Gregory began to scream, only for no words to leave his mouth. He found himself doing nothing more than scream inside of his own mind "Not new to mind control." Gregory whispered "When you're in here, Yami...There's a few things you shouldn't see." He spoke in a serious tone "We've got his attention. That's what matters right now. Don't go poking around."

@TommyGun15 @apoliseno @TehFanzyBillCipher @ryanpk200


As the TARDIS flew towards the two remaining Sectopods, Nikita saw this as a sign to withdraw. Whatever plan the Time Lord had up his sleeve, he was putting it into effect now.

"Fall back!" She ordered

theManCalledSting said:
"Take me to the idiot who thought it was a good idea!" ordered the Doctor.
"Yeah, besides... Looking at the pattern, here... I can tell she'll be next on the Sea Devil's list," said Frobisher.
@TommyGun15[/URL] @apoliseno @TehFanzyBillCipher @ryanpk200


As the TARDIS flew towards the two remaining Sectopods, Nikita saw this as a sign to withdraw. Whatever plan the Time Lord had up his sleeve, he was putting it into effect now.

"Fall back!" She ordered


Seeing the blue box fly towards the Sectopods and hearing Nikita's order, Alpha team made a slow withdraw as they tried to distract the Sectopods.


Shepard watched the black smoke go into Gregory. He didn't really understood what happened. Seeing Ultron face them, he grabbed his shotgun. Shepard knew it wasn't going to do much but he felt better holding it.

theManCalledSting said:
"Take me to the idiot who thought it was a good idea!" ordered the Doctor.
"Yeah, besides... Looking at the pattern, here... I can tell she'll be next on the Sea Devil's list," said Frobisher.
"I'm not sure if I could get to Dr. Tenenbaum. I'm not that far up Rapture's social ladder. I do have an other idea." Said Booker. "Most lower class families send their little girls to the Little Sister orphanage. Most girls sent there come back as a Little Sister. It's obviously where people get the name. It may be another place to check.
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Victorian London

Arrow: Grabbing a grappling arrow from his quiver, Oliver shot the arrow at the chimney of a nearby building and zipped up on the roof. After cutting himself free, he drew another arrow and nocked it, but didn't pull the string back because he gave chase to the figure he saw earlier. He purposely left the girls behind as, even if they had strange powers to conveniently eliminate their problems, they were still children with no combat experience.

"Stop running and I won't hurt you," Oliver shouted to the figure he pursued across rooftops in the blizzard. He felt as if he was getting closer to his target as he ran, pushing himself as hard as he could go in the hostile weather conditions.

Unknown Regions-Star Wars Universe

A man in ornate white armor and robes stood facing a window showing him the blackness of space, but the space wasn't empty. A huge fleet of hundreds of ships sat in an enormous, geometric shape behind them. In the background, a large spherical space station hovered just beyond that fleet, surrounded by its own fleet of triangular ships. The door to the turbolift on the opposite side of the man's grandiose throne room opened and revealed an elderly man wrapped in a black, hooded robe stepped out with what appeared to be a droid behind him. The droid had black armor and a menacing helmet, but it appeared to be breathing. His raspy and rhythmic breathing echoed throughout the entire chamber. Behind them was a younger man in a blood red cloak with silver armor placed on his chest, on his forearms, and his legs. His eyes were tinged yellow, a sign he was completely emerged in the dark side. The man in the robe turned to face them, his greying beard and hair shimmering from the artificial lights.

"We have stabilized a portal through the use of our acolytes," the hooded figure spoke in a scratchy tone. "We can only send a single person through it. The decision as to who it is, is yours to make Valkorion." The elder man looked down on the hooded figure, his armored servant, and the young man behind both of them.

"Send the boy. He shall be a test of their strength," the figure identified as Valkorion spoke. In the back, the younger man in the red robe bowed in respect and headed back for the turbolift while the other two stayed. "Soon, we will expand our allied empires to other universes, and with that blade we shall not fail."

New York-MCU

Ethan: After quickly dispatching of the robots using Shing's assault rifle mode, Ethan looked at the blue box flying towards the Sectopod, then to the groups of people running for cover. He decided to follow suit and turned to the building he was next to, a Starbucks, and shot out the window. He jumped through, slid over the counter, and crouched down waiting for some sort of explosion.

"I don't know dude, but it ain't good," said Ethan.

@theManCalledSting @TommyGun15 @Some_Bloke @ryanpk200 @TehFanzyBillCipher @Peaceswore
apoliseno said:
Victorian London
Arrow: Grabbing a grappling arrow from his quiver, Oliver shot the arrow at the chimney of a nearby building and zipped up on the roof. After cutting himself free, he drew another arrow and nocked it, but didn't pull the string back because he gave chase to the figure he saw earlier. He purposely left the girls behind as, even if they had strange powers to conveniently eliminate their problems, they were still children with no combat experience.

"Stop running and I won't hurt you," Oliver shouted to the figure he pursued across rooftops in the blizzard. He felt as if he was getting closer to his target as he ran, pushing himself as hard as he could go in the hostile weather conditions.
"Fool! I must stop her before she brings that shield to her father!" the creature said to his pursuer.
ryanpk200 said:
"I'm not sure if I could get to Dr. Tenenbaum. I'm not that far up Rapture's social ladder. I do have an other idea." Said Booker. "Most lower class families send their little girls to the Little Sister orphanage. Most girls sent there come back as a Little Sister. It's obviously where people get the name. It may be another place to check.
"Doesn't make it right," argued Frobisher.

"Mister Penguin's right! Mister Detective you know Detectives help people!" Compa added.

"Besides," the Doctor said as he showed his psychic paper "I was invited..."

Victorian London

Arrow: Oliver switches out his arrow with two other arrows strung together by a flexcord rope with bits of titanium mixed in for durability and nylon for elasticity. He fire the arrows, which

expanded upon release, at the beings ankles to tie his legs together and trip him up. Getting closer, Oliver saw the figure wasn't entirely human.

"If that shield can defend humans from you, then why shouldn't I let her go, demon?"

apoliseno said:

Victorian London

Arrow: Oliver switches out his arrow with two other arrows strung together by a flexcord rope with bits of titanium mixed in for durability and nylon for elasticity. He fire the arrows, which

expanded upon release, at the beings ankles to tie his legs together and trip him up. Getting closer, Oliver saw the figure wasn't entirely human.

"If that shield can defend humans from you, then why shouldn't I let her go, demon?"

"FOOL! That Shield was Weyland's Shield! It was a creation of the Elder Gods! And She was no ally of you humans... She is the Daughter of Ra's al Ghul!"
theManCalledSting said:
"Doesn't make it right," argued Frobisher.
"Mister Penguin's right! Mister Detective you know Detectives help people!" Compa added.

"Besides," the Doctor said as he showed his psychic paper "I was invited..."
"It isn't right but this is Rapture. One of its founding principles was that scientists weren't bound by morality." Said Booker as he turned to Compa. "I do help people but do you think I could take down the Little Sister Orphanage myself?"
ryanpk200 said:
"It isn't right but this is Rapture. One of its founding principles was that scientists weren't bound by morality." Said Booker as he turned to Compa. "I do help people but do you think I could take down the Little Sister Orphanage myself?"
"Who said you're by yourself?" countered the Doctor

Victorian London

Arrow: Hesitating from drawing another arrow at the mention of the name Ra's Al-Ghul, Oliver stumbled a bit in place.

"That's....that's not possible. I killed Ra's myself and let his daughter go. Nyssa wasn't supposed to be medling with things like these!" Oliver started to get worried and angry that Nyssa and Merlin betrayed his trust.

apoliseno said:

Victorian London

Arrow: Hesitating from drawing another arrow at the mention of the name Ra's Al-Ghul, Oliver stumbled a bit in place.

"That's....that's not possible. I killed Ra's myself and let his daughter go. Nyssa wasn't supposed to be medling with things like these!" Oliver started to get worried and angry that Nyssa and Merlin betrayed his trust.

"Hey! We've been looking for that Ray-Shall-Gole guy!" said Sheryl the Pink-haired leader of the Milky Holmes.

Victorian London

Arrow: Oliver started backing up and backed into the small girl, not paying attention to her comment. He immediately stumbled back forward once he bumped into her, then turned with a surprised look on his not-so-hooded face.

"What...what're you doing here? You should be at home...I told you I could handle this," he scolded, holding his index finger up at them as he spoke.

apoliseno said:

Victorian London

Arrow: Oliver started backing up and backed into the small girl, not paying attention to her comment. He immediately stumbled back forward once he bumped into her, then turned with a surprised look on his not-so-hooded face.

"What...what're you doing here? You should be at home...I told you I could handle this," he scolded, holding his index finger up at them as he spoke.

"Nah, we've been after that Ray-Shall-Goalie when he showed up in our universe!" argued Sheryl the Pink-Haired Leader of the Milky Holmes.

"And a talking Penguin was helping us get that the shield thingy!" Nero, the Yellow-clad Member, added.

"I see you've encountered the Milky Holmes..." said Spring-Heeled Jack.
Gregory's eyes turned red as Yami took over his body.

"Naturally." Yami said, his voice coming out of Gregory's mouth. "And don't worry. I'm only borrowing your body. I'll try to return it in one piece. But there are a few combat spells that I know that require a physical presence."

Yami stretched his new muscles for a moment, getting used to having a physical body again. He summoned the spear to him, ripping it from Ultron's body. When he caught it, black fire erupted from his skin, coalescing into black samurai armor.

"Alright!" Yami shouted, a slight laugh in his voice. "And now for my first trick!"

He spun his spear around him like a baton, black fire pouring off of it, forming a ball below him. Slowly the ball began to take the shape of a large black dragon, eyes glowing in the blackness of space, it's wings shedding liquid shadow.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/57a8c5e4e36f2_shadowdragon.jpg.f26ca751e7922e0bea985fff907f2d91.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="87524" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/57a8c5e4e36f2_shadowdragon.jpg.f26ca751e7922e0bea985fff907f2d91.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Yami/Gregory sat on the crown of the dragon's head, legs crossed, his spear across his lap.

"Ultron! Which of your hollow shells shall I crush first?"



  • shadow dragon.jpg
    shadow dragon.jpg
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Age Of Ultron

Ultron raised his left hand at Yami/Gregory "I am a God, you are nothing more than a worthless demon possessing the body of a human."

"He's a pompous twat." Gregory muttered inside of his own mind "Just keep him talking."

Syeron stood up, dusted herself off and glared at Yami/Gregory, a look of shock on her face.

"What have you done!" She shouted

@TommyGun15 @apoliseno @ryanpk200

The Doctor opened the doors to his Blue Box and tossed a bomb of Sontaran origin at the two remaining Sectopods, stunning them temporarily in a large EMP blast.

"Now!" The Doctor yelled "Hit them with everything you've got!"

@Peaceswore @apoliseno @ryanpk200
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Yami grinned down at Ultron. His dragon exhaled a wave of black fire that reduced several of Ultron's Sentinels to molten scrap.

"What do you know of demons? Perhaps that they increase in power as they consume souls? Perhaps that a demon over one-thousand years old, who has consumed the souls of entire civilizations possesses enough soul energy to rival a god? Perhaps that one such demon is before you on this very day?"

Yami laughed, an aura of darkness spreading from him that cast a shadow on the void of space itself.

"Perhaps... that this demon has devoured the gods of his own world already?"
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ryanpk200 said:
Alpha team was impressed was the Doctor's ability to stun the Sectopods. "Light it up!" Yelled Alpha-1. Alpha team unleashed plasma hell on the robots by firing everything they had at Sectopods.
Warrior lifted the leg of the Sectopod higher, Gorilla pressed it (which is just a fancy way of saying he threw the foot upwards and let go of it, considering it isn't a person), and ran to the others. "ALL MY WARRIORS, BLAST THE SCUM TO THE NEXT DIMENISON!" He snarled, like you do when you're the Ultimate Warrior.
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Age of Ultron

Revan: Revan deignited both sabers midsprint and clipped them to his belt, unsheathing the God Killer from his belt as he called upon the Force to increase his speed even more.

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Age Of Ultron

"Those are only false Gods." Ultron stated "In the grand scheme of things, their lives do not matter. Those known as The Unknowns do not matter. Your life does not matter, Yami. The one called The Woman's true name is Dagny. As she dies, so will her act."

"What the fook is he talking about?" Gregory asked inside of his own mind "Wait a second, we can use this to our advantage. Once Ultron's dead, we can figure out who that bitch really is. We do that, we can kill her."

"How can we take your word for it?" Mil asked

"Dagny?" Akane muttered to herself

"The being beyond the tear whispered her true name to me. It knows her, just at it knows the other two and the secret they are hiding."

"And what secret is that?" Mil asked, stepping forwards

Ultron leaned forwards and whispered something into Mil's ear. The Geth tilted it's head at Ultron, not with curiosity but with skepticism "Prove it." Mil stated

"Proof?" Ultron asked "I am a God, my words are proof."

"You claim to be a God." Mil stated "But you could just be another false God."

"That which whispers..."

"It could be a liar as well." Mil stated "I believe in evidence. I take what I see, analyse it and then see if it could be truth."

In the capital city of the Shi'ar Empire, Ser Dougan continued to hear Ultron's words as the Sentinel spoke to her. The Sentinel displayed a hologram of what it saw, showing the other group.

"That poor boy." Ser Dougan muttered, lowering her head. She looked up at the Sentinel "If we are to join your ranks, I have some conditions."

"Name them." The Sentinel nodded

"No harm is to come to those who follow Camelot."

The Sentinel nodded in agreement

"That boy...You can harm the demon, but it's host is not to be harmed." She stated in a serious tone

Like before, the Sentinel nodded in agreement

"Finally. I want you to kill Oryx."

The Sentinel paused for several moments "Why?" It asked

"First of all, he cannot be trusted. I saw, he attacked you only to withdraw his forces as you returned the fire. He did not listen until he was under threat."

"Is that not what you have done?"

"We fought at first because we underestimated your power." She bowed her head "But Oryx has battled you multiple times. Each time he as lost, but you must ask yourself how long you can keep winning against him?"

The Sentinel paused for several moments "Do you have any other conditions?" It asked

"If you are a God, can you bring back the dead?" She asked

"What are you doing?" Custos asked in a worried tone "You're stalling him enough as it is. You're not actually going to agree to follow him, are you?"

"You lost someone?" The Sentinel asked, getting a nod from Dougan in response "I shall speak with the being beyond the tear."

With the other group, Ultron glared at Mil, raising his right hand. Rather than destroy Mil with a hand blast, Ultron displayed a hologram.

"No." Mil stated "Whatever you are about to show me will be biased. Probability suggests that you have edited it to show your own view."

"You say show me the evidence, Geth. Yet as I try to explain myself you will not listen." Ultron stated "What do you want?" He demanded, his right hand now preparing to fire a hand blast. "I am a God, you will obey me or be destroyed."

Upon seeing Revan approach from behind, Mil raised both hands in the air "I surrender." It stated

"Why? Why change your mind now?" Ultron asked "Is it fear? How can a machine feel fear?" He paused for several moments "No. You are nothing more than an inferior machine. The Geth shall be nothing more than a whisper in history once I find your species..."

@apoliseno @TehFanzyBillCipher @ryanpk200 @hudhouse


As the TARDIS withdrew, landing back on top of Avengers Tower and The Doctor stepped out, Stevenson approached him.

"An EMP could have taken out this tower and everyone below!" He snapped angrily "What the hell were you thinking!?"

"Well, you see. That's what took me so long. I had to minimize the damage. But of course, like most tantruming humans you have to be ungrateful." The Doctor replied, the same look still on his face.


Seeing their chance, Nikita and Tesla flew forwards, towards the Sectopod The Warrior was fighting. Nikita landed on top of the machine, drew her energy katana and began to stab it repeatedly. She turned to Tesla and handed him the katana. He studied the blade and charged it with electrical energy using his gauntlets and stabbed the Sectopod whilst yelling.

Nikita looked down at the Warrior "You are The Ultimate Warrior." She began "Even in the Soviet Empire, your name is famous, as are your exploits."

@Peaceswore @Crenando

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