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Fandom "Tears" (a multi-fandom RP)

Age of Ultron

Revan: T3-M4, Revan's astromech, rolled up to the front after Revan summoned it and plugged into the ship.

"T3, get the rear deflector shields up and decrease power to the hyper drive to get them up! We're getting hammered," Revan almost yelled as he pulled the Hawk through some insane maneuvers to avoid Sentinel blasts.

The little droid did as instructed and the shields started to absorb most of the damage. Revan pulled the Hawk behind the Goose, before it disappeared, and started blasting away at the Sentinels behind him.

"We need to get his attention away from us so we can take him out," Revan said through gritted teeth over the comm.

Age of Ultron

"If your armies are in other universes they will be at risk. For now." Ultron explained "Withdraw and bring your entire force here... As for the being that whispered to me, are you sure you want to speak with it?" Ultron asked "Hearing it whisper will change you, as it has changed me."

"Fine, do the thing Yami!" Gregory shouted "I didn't want those words to be on my tombstone!" He turned back to Seth "Goddamnit it, no!" He snapped "There's another way! If you try to surrender, Ultron will take the blade and then we'll all be a bit fooked!"

As Syeron's R2 unit began to assist T3 Gregory picked up the radio "Okay. I have a plan. Sort of."

"You make these things up as you go along, don't you?" Syeron asked over the radio. There was a pause before Gregory replied

"Sometimes...I mean when things go to shit. Like now. I improvise."

He turned to Yami "Forget the repairs. Can you form a shield around this ship?!" He shouted, taking in a fast pace

"What are you doing?" Mil asked

Gregory pressed a button on the control console, releasing Akane from the brig "Watch her." He ordered Shepard and Seth "On my signal, we're getting the 'ell off this ship." Gregory spoke in a serious tone

"What?" Akane snapped "Don't tell me you're..."

"Flying Goose into Ultron?" Gregory asked "Eh...Yeah, kinda."

@hudhouse @TehFanzyBillCipher @apoliseno @ryanpk200 @TommyGun15

theManCalledSting said:
"Close enough, I guess...: shrugged the penguin.
"Let's just go and find him." Clara shrugged "You'll see soon enough just how Scottish he is."
@hudhouse[/URL] @TehFanzyBillCipher @apoliseno @ryanpk200 @TommyGun15

"Let's just go and find him." Clara shrugged "You'll see soon enough just how Scottish he is."
The entire dimension began to quiver, as millions of ships rip out! Planets all over the galaxy began to be populated by millions and millions of troops and species populated it. Oryx's forces, assuming that he had at least a few billion per dimension, would mean that he had at least a few quadrillion at least. Oryx stated, "...I am certain... I have met the Deep... this should be at least... similar. One final request though... my troops need to feed on light... how will they get such?"

Age of Ultron

Revan: Confused by Gregory's attempt for a suicide attempt at Ultron, Revan clicked the comm again.

"Nelson, what are you thinking? Your crazy scheme won't even harm that being, much less faze him! Rethink this plan, we can find another way!"

"Alright. I'll do my thing." Yami's voice was calm, and he was rolling his eyes.

Suddenly the image of the battle, and Ultron, went dark. The ship continued to fly forward for a few minutes without hitting anything or any change in the view.

In the battle, the Goose truly disappeared from all radars. Meanwhile The Spear, carried by the Goose's forward momentum, impaled itself into Ultron's chest.

Yami lay back, floating on the air.

"I think you can set us down now. A few minor repairs should be possible if I alter the time difference a bit." Yami snapped his fingers, and a wave of dark purple flashed through the blackness around them.
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theManCalledSting said:
"Doctor, I sssee your friendsss have arrived! Now the ritual may begin!" proclaimed the Ice Warrior Priest of the Cult of Sutekh
Snake took one look at the warrior priest and started shooting at him.

"I think I can guess where this is going."
TommyGun15 said:
Snake took one look at the warrior priest and started shooting at him.
"I think I can guess where this is going."
"What the hell did you just do, you idiot!" scolded the Doctor

The Ice Warrior priest rose up once more...

"At last..." he said in a voice that is not his own...

"You blew it, 'Escape from New York'!" said Frobisher.
theManCalledSting said:
"What the hell did you just do, you idiot!" scolded the Doctor
The Ice Warrior priest rose up once more...

"At last..." he said in a voice that is not his own...

"You blew it, 'Escape from New York'!" said Frobisher.
Snake ignored everyone else and simply kept shooting the Ice Priest. Sooner or later it would resemble chunky salsa more than any sort of living thing.
TommyGun15 said:
Snake ignored everyone else and simply kept shooting the Ice Priest. Sooner or later it would resemble chunky salsa more than any sort of living thing.
"Such earthly weapons will do you no good, human..." said the Priest as he morphed into Sutekh


"Now, my minions! Destroy them!" Commanded their God as the Ice warriors aimed their sonic rifles at our heroes.
theManCalledSting said:
"Such earthly weapons will do you no good, human..." said the Priest as he morphed into Sutekh

"Now, my minions! Destroy them!" Commanded their God as the Ice warriors aimed their sonic rifles at our heroes.

Sutekh felt something slam into his back, right before D-Dog ran back to Snake's side. Due to how it's casing was made, the shaped charge directed most of it's force into Sutekh's torso with a blast strong enough to blow a hole through 3 ft of reinforced steel.
Age of Ultron Universe

"What do you think I'm going to blow meself up? Commit suicide?" Gregory scoffed "No thank you. I already tried that before...A few times actually. It's not really..." He paused, shaking his head "No." He muttered. He reached for Yami's spear only for it to leave the ship and impale Ultron "Oh shit..." He muttered, a look of panic in his eyes

"What is it?" Akane asked

"The spear was my plan for getting off this ruddy ship. Alrighty then...Plan B." He reached for his helmet, putting it on and activating the ramp at the back of the ship. "Akane, can you go spider-lady again?" He asked, getting a nod from her in response "Righty then."

He grabbed Shepard and Seth, jumping out of the back of the ship and deploying his suit's wingsuit. Akane jumped out after him, returning to her true form and using it to create a protective web below her. She landed in a heap and looked upwards towards the three. Gregory managed to slow their descent but the three still crashed to the ground as the Goose collided with Ultron.

@TommyGun15 @apoliseno @TehFanzyBillCipher @ryanpk200 @hudhouse

theManCalledSting said:
"Such earthly weapons will do you no good, human..." said the Priest as he morphed into Sutekh

"Now, my minions! Destroy them!" Commanded their God as the Ice warriors aimed their sonic rifles at our heroes.

"Doctor?" Clara asked, trying to hide her fear "What do we do? How do we stop him?
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TommyGun15 said:
Sutekh felt something slam into his back, right before D-Dog ran back to Snake's side. Due to how it's casing was made, the shaped charge directed most of it's force into Sutekh's torso with a blast strong enough to blow a hole through 3 ft of reinforced steel.
Sutekh being a god was unphased by the attacks.

"Everything becomes dust under the might of Sutekh!"
TommyGun15 said:
Sutekh felt something slam into his back, right before D-Dog ran back to Snake's side. Due to how it's casing was made, the shaped charge directed most of it's force into Sutekh's torso with a blast strong enough to blow a hole through 3 ft of reinforced steel.
Meanwhile, Snake sent a hail of bullets towards the rest of the Ice Warriors.
[QUOTE="Some_Bloke]"Doctor?" Clara asked, trying to hide her fear "What do we do? How do we stop him?

"Tell the idiot to stop and let me think!" shouted the Doctor.
TommyGun15 said:
Meanwhile, Snake sent a hail of bullets towards the rest of the Ice Warriors.
"Girl! Take this!" said Strax as he tossed Snake a Sontaran Rifle "They are far more effective that any of your puny Earth Weapons."
theManCalledSting said:
"Girl! Take this!" said Strax as he tossed Snake a Sontaran Rifle "They are far more effective that any of your puny Earth Weapons."
Snake nodded at Strax and opened fire with the Sontaran Rifle.
TommyGun15 said:
Snake nodded at Strax and opened fire with the Sontaran Rifle.
"Try not to ruin the furniture, sir," said Jenny as she Fought the Ice Warriors with her katana.

Meanwhile with the Doctor

"Doctor, I recognize this being... He was something I have encountered before..." said Aigis

"Aigis, hush... You couldn't beat Nyx alone... What makes you think you can stand up against Sutekh?" asked the Doctor.

"I am not alone..." Aigis said as she left the Doctor and stood in front of the Mad God.

"Ah, the Puppet... For too long have I dreamed of taking my revenge on you for trapping me in that Time Tunnel!" said Sutekh.

Aigis stared down at the God... "Summoning: Persona!"


"Well, that makes it a lot easier..." said the Doctor.

"Hey! 'Escape from New York', you and Strax handle the Mooks! I'm gonna save Doc'!" called out Frobisher @TommyGun15
theManCalledSting said:
"Try not to ruin the furniture, sir," said Jenny as she Fought the Ice Warriors with her katana.
Meanwhile with the Doctor

"Doctor, I recognize this being... He was something I have encountered before..." said Aigis

"Aigis, hush... You couldn't beat Nyx alone... What makes you think you can stand up against Sutekh?" asked the Doctor.

"I am not alone..." Aigis said as she left the Doctor and stood in front of the Mad God.

"Ah, the Puppet... For too long have I dreamed of taking my revenge on you for trapping me in that Time Tunnel!" said Sutekh.

Aigis stared down at the God... "Summoning: Persona!"


"Well, that makes it a lot easier..." said the Doctor.

"Hey! 'Escape from New York', you and Strax handle the Mooks! I'm gonna save Doc'!" called out Frobisher @TommyGun15

Snake's only reply was to shoot more Ice Warriors.

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