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Fandom "Tears" (a multi-fandom RP)

Reborn World

Gregory shot Yami a half-smile and turned to Seth "Your shadow magic mixed with whatever Yami's got up his sleeve...I think it'll be enough."

"You're awfully confident about this." The Merchant butted in "Are you not the one who said that cockiness would get people killed?"

"Yep." Gregory smiled "But this is just about distracting the bugger."

"Killing him is another thing." Syeron butted in "We'll attack him from behind. He won't know what hit him."

"Perhaps." The Librarian nodded in response to Seth's question "If such a threat emerges, we will deal with it. And it's not like the Centurions will come back looking for their blade. They all died a long time ago."

@TehFanzyBillCipher @ryanpk200 @apoliseno @TommyGun15

The Walking Dead

Harley enthusiastically approached Clarke "Please tell me he's right about your universe." She grinned "I've always wanted to see a unicorn!"

"I am Groot." Groot added, nodding in agreement

"I've seen swords that can cut through titanium like butter." Mirus shrugged, appearing unimpressed "A sword that can do that much damage isn't anything new to me, let alone proof that Gods exist." She turned, examining the destroyed city "Washington does seem like a plan though. It's better than this place, anyway."

"We could have a slumber party in the Whitehorse." Harley suggested

"I am Groot." Groot added
@TehFanzyBillCipher[/URL] @ryanpk200 @apoliseno @TommyGun15

The Walking Dead

Harley enthusiastically approached Clarke "Please tell me he's right about your universe." She grinned "I've always wanted to see a unicorn!"

"I am Groot." Groot added, nodding in agreement

"I've seen swords that can cut through titanium like butter." Mirus shrugged, appearing unimpressed "A sword that can do that much damage isn't anything new to me, let alone proof that Gods exist." She turned, examining the destroyed city "Washington does seem like a plan though. It's better than this place, anyway."

"We could have a slumber party in the Whitehorse." Harley suggested

"I am Groot." Groot added
Reborn World

Sure. Well, I can only really cast shadows, emmanate magic fear, talk with dark creatures and become invisible in darkness. Let's just hope we attack at night. Said Seth, feeling a bit useless.
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Crane looked at Groot. "Is that all he says?" He asked.

Isaac said "Umm, my universe? I guess your referring to were I last was before I got here?" He pointed a zombie. "My universe involves zombies that are much more dangerous than that and there's also crazy religious fanatics that worship them."
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Yami frowned. He looked at Gregory.

"Wait. Hold it. What did he just say? Because that sounds like the exact thing someone says in a story right before that very thing they said can't happen does happen. Alright, there was some sort of guardian protecting this thing. This sounds like yet another thing they're neglecting to tell us. The last thing we need is to be caught unaware if something big and shows up while we're fighting Ultron."

Yami shook his head.

"You know, I'm starting to doubt these guys' supposed omniscience."
Reborn World

Gregory patted Seth on the back, shooting him a reassuring grin "As long as you don't try and leave us all behind again, you'll be fine." He turned to Yami "They're a bunch a' knobs." Gregory shrugged "I don't trust a damn word that comes out of their mouths."

"Watch your tone, Nelson." The Librarian butted in "The Centurions are dead and even if they did return, they would not harm you. They upheld a strict moral code."

"We don't trust you, but we need the blade." Syeron folded her arms "Ultron, the Emperor. They're the same in a way. The longer we wait around snapping at each other like children, the more people they kill!" She snapped angrily.

@TommyGun15 @apoliseno

The Walking Dead

"Yep." Harley explained to Crane "But you have to listen very, very carefully and he's actually saying something."

"Zombies?" Max butted in "Looks like our theory was right, Bishop."

"Bishop?" Mirus asked "What kind of a name is that for a dog?"

"What kind of a name is Jim for a dinosaur?" Max asked, shooting Mirus a playful smile.

Mirus turned away from Max, ignoring his follow-up question.

Is your name really Bishop? Mirus asked Bishop, speaking inside the dog's mind

Yep! Do you have any food!?

Typical dog...

Mirus reached down and patted Bishop on the head "It is kind of a good name, I guess." She smiled

"Well, he didn't bark. I guess that means your not an asshole." Max shrugged, kneeling down so that their faces met. He offered Mirus a handshake "Max Valentine." He introduced himself

"Beth." Mirus lied

"What, you don't have a surname?" Max asked sarcastically

"It's Nelson. Beth Nelson." Mirus lied

"I'm Harleen!" Harley shook Max's hand enthusiastically "That's Groot!"

"I know, he told me." Max replied "You look kinda familiar Harleen, but I can't quite put my mind on it..."

@ryanpk200 @TehFanzyBillCipher
"So, will we be leaving soon, or are we staying for the continental breakfast?" Yami asked, his voice dripping with sarcasm.
TommyGun15 said:
"So, will we be leaving soon, or are we staying for the continental breakfast?" Yami asked, his voice dripping with sarcasm.
"Is everyone ready?" The Librarian asked

"Yes." Syeron complained "What did I just say about wasting time?"

The Librarian, the Merchant and a squad of Knights led the two groups to their ships.

"Oryx and other allies we have gathered are keeping Ultron's army busy. This is our only shot at him so try not to fuck it up." The Librarian explained as the two ships prepared for take off.

Snake sees a cardboard box near the Museum...

TommyGun15 said:
Snake looked at the box.
"I take it you're this David Hayter everyone is confusing me with?"
"I found plans for a weapon that might interest your group..." said Snake.

Shinobi Blade: 5MB

Invisible Cloth- x4

Mithril Ore- x2

Phantom Wing- x3
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Reborn World

As the Hawk and the Goose approached the tear leading to the Age of Ultron Universe, Syeron activated the radio on the Hawk.

"I feel like I should say something." She spoke, pausing for several moments "So here goes...Taking one innocent life alone is an act that will not go unpunished." She spoke, anger in her voice "He killed two of us. A warrior named Connor, who I never knew and a troubled woman who called herself Harley Quinn. I do not know the names of the others he has butchered but I do not intend to let that bastard take another life! We're going to kill Ultron and then we're going to save those Knights and then, just to finish it off we're going to wipe every single last droid he's got out of the sky!"

She deactivated the radio and sat down, looking over at Revan as he piloted the Hawk. "We can do this." She reassured him, leaning back in a chair with her arms behind her head and her legs sticking upwards "We're Jedi. Master Zhar Lestin taught you just as Master Skywalker and Master Katarn taught me."

Her smile faded as leaned forwards and withdrew her lightsaber, examining it for several moments but never activating the blade. She turned back to Revan "The legends say you are a lot more powerful than Master Skywalker. I was wondering if...Maybe you could teach me a few things? When this is all over of course."

"Ultron's death would kill all of his Sentinels." Mil explained as it arrived on the main deck "It operates as a Hive mind."

"Hmm." Syeron replied, turning her attention back to her lightsaber "Well that makes things a little easier, I guess."

"No. Ultron will live as long as his Sentinels survive, but only one body appears to possess the power he acquired."

"How do you know all this?" Syeron asked

"It's a theory."

The Goose

Gregory leaned back in the chair, sighed and activated the radio "Right, I'll go over the plan one more time. Seth, Yami and meself will distract Ultron while the rest of you get him from behind. Revan has the blade but the rest of you will be supporting him. Just a reminder, we've only got one shot at taking out a so-called God. So you know...Try not to mess up."

He looked at a screen, seeing that Akane was still in the brig and turned back to the controls.

@TommyGun15 @apoliseno @TehFanzyBillCipher @ryanpk200

Age of Ultron Universe

Upon noticing the damage Oryx had caused, Ultron himself descended towards the Taken army with every single Sentinel in the universe behind him. Their numbers ranged in the quadrillions. Rather than attack immediately, Ultron himself stepped forwards.

"Oryx." He spoke "Step forwards, I mean to speak with you to discuss the terms of your surrender."


In a city on what had once been the homeworld of the Shi'ar Empire, Ser Dougan, Ser Lancellot, The God Emperor and their army made of Knights and Thunder Warriors continued to fight Ultron's Sentinels, only for the Sentinels to stop their attack. One lone Sentinel stepped forwards, approaching the three commanders.

"I mean to speak with you to discuss the terms of your surrender."


Seeing that everyone was introducing themselves to each other Isaac introduced himself "My name is Isaac Clarke. I'm a space engineer that fights space zombies and abominations." He looked at Harley. "Before you ask, no my "universe" does not have unicorns."

@Some_Bloke @TehFanzyBillCipher
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@TommyGun15[/URL] @apoliseno @TehFanzyBillCipher @ryanpk200

Age of Ultron Universe

Upon noticing the damage Oryx had caused, Ultron himself descended towards the Taken army with every single Sentinel in the universe behind him. Their numbers ranged in the quadrillions. Rather than attack immediately, Ultron himself stepped forwards.

"Oryx." He spoke "Step forwards, I mean to speak with you to discuss the terms of your surrender."


In a city on what had once been the homeworld of the Shi'ar Empire, Ser Dougan, Ser Lancellot, The God Emperor and their army made of Knights and Thunder Warriors continued to fight Ultron's Sentinels, only for the Sentinels to stop their attack. One lone Sentinel stepped forwards, approaching the three commanders.

"I mean to speak with you to discuss the terms of your surrender."

Oryx suddenly formed a shade in front of the Sentinel, speaking through it, "Surrender... why should I surrender, and where does this sudden mercy come from?" Oryx saw this as an opportunity to stall even further against the quadrillions of Sentinels... besides, Oryx still had his quickly growing next generation ready to insert by the time the conversation ended. He snickered, watching...
ryanpk200 said:
Seeing that everyone was introducing themselves to each other Isaac introduced himself "My name is Isaac Clarke. A space engineer that fights space zombies and abominations." He looked at Harley. "Before you ask, no my "universe" does not have unicorns."

@Some_Bloke @TehFanzyBillCipher
Harley looked down, a disappointed look on her face "Aww..." She complained

"Don't feel too down about it." Mirus reassured her "I'm sure we'll find one eventually." She turned to Isaac "What kind of abominations?" She asked, raising one eyebrow.

hudhouse said:
Oryx suddenly formed a shade in front of the Sentinel, speaking through it, "Surrender... why should I surrender, and where does this sudden mercy come from?" Oryx saw this as an opportunity to stall even further against the quadrillions of Sentinels... besides, Oryx still had his quickly growing next generation ready to insert by the time the conversation ended. He snickered, watching...
"Mercy? No." Ultron replied "You are useful. That is it."
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[QUOTE="Some_Bloke]Harley looked down, a disappointed look on her face "Aww..." She complained
"Don't feel too down about it." Harley reassured her "I'm sure we'll find one eventually." She turned to Isaac "What kind of abominations?" She asked, raising one eyebrow.

"Mercy? No." Ultron replied "You are useful. That is it."

(Is Harley reassuring herself?)
[QUOTE="Some_Bloke]Harley looked down, a disappointed look on her face "Aww..." She complained
"Don't feel too down about it." Mirus reassured her "I'm sure we'll find one eventually." She turned to Isaac "What kind of abominations?" She asked, raising one eyebrow.

"Mercy? No." Ultron replied "You are useful. That is it."

Isaac answered Mirus's question. "Abominations as in reanimated mutated corpses that resemble monsters instead of..." He pointed at a corpse "that."
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[QUOTE="Some_Bloke]Harley looked down, a disappointed look on her face "Aww..." She complained
"Don't feel too down about it." Mirus reassured her "I'm sure we'll find one eventually." She turned to Isaac "What kind of abominations?" She asked, raising one eyebrow.

"Mercy? No." Ultron replied "You are useful. That is it."

Oryx was immediately, interested... The shade spoke, "Oh? How am I useful?"
"Hey, Snake... The Doctor's just been here..." called out Clara @TommyGun15

"And... have you seen Death's Head anywhere?" asked Clara as she noticed their 'guide' is missing.
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@TommyGun15 @Some_Bloke @Crenando

"So, you actually bought that act, eh?" said what appears to be Death's Head as he is seen from behind the Part that he was once leading...

"You lot must be new at this, investigation sort of thing... don't worry, everyone's a novice when they meet..." Death's Head said as he shape-shifted into a balding man.

"A Whifferdill! Especially if that particular Whifferdill goes by the name of..."


"Frobisher!" the 'man' said as he morphed into a Penguin.

"Wow! Mister Head was really a Mister Penguin!" awed Compa.

"Wow, Doc sure knows how to pick 'em..."
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