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Fandom "Tears" (a multi-fandom RP)

"Now now X, there's no need for torture, yet. We are civilized after all, unlike that monster Sonic. I'm sure Tails would change his mind after a little persuasion."
Barbas said:
"Now now X, there's no need for torture, yet. We are civilized after all, unlike that monster Sonic. I'm sure Tails would change his mind after a little persuasion."
"How's about some Bangers and Mash!" said X to Tails
Barbas said:
"Now now X, there's no need for torture, yet. We are civilized after all, unlike that monster Sonic. I'm sure Tails would change his mind after a little persuasion."

A blue streak mixed with green whizzed by yet another Enclave spy bot

@theManCalledSting @Some_Bloke @Barbas
Raven Rock

Detecting Sonic heading towards the bunker, Eden calls up Horrigan and sends him out to deal with the pest.
Barbas said:
Raven Rock
Detecting Sonic heading towards the bunker, Eden calls up Horrigan and sends him out to deal with the pest.
"So they're going to help save Tails... but not MY DAUGHTER BEAUTY?!" shouted the old man, "WHAT ASSHOLES!" he cursed the two assholes
Barbas said:
Raven Rock
Detecting Sonic heading towards the bunker, Eden calls up Horrigan and sends him out to deal with the pest.

The blue streak mixed with green came to a halt, Link got off Sonic's back, Drew his Lokomo sword, they had spotted Horrigan. They were bracing for a fight.

@theManCalledSting @Barbas
TehFanzyBillCipher said:
Seth spoke up. And what do I do during all this. Sorry, wasn't listening. Asked the boy to the Merchant. And who gets to keep the blade after this since you said you get killed if you touch the blade. So, who gets to keep it. Asked Seth to The Merchant.
"Only if it touches our skin." The Merchant explained "If we use specialised gloves, it will not effect us."
Barbas said:
Raven Rock
Detecting Sonic heading towards the bunker, Eden calls up Horrigan and sends him out to deal with the pest.
Captain Planet phased through the doors. "Reporting for duty, sir! I'm here to fight the communists!" He said, posing like a hero.
"Thank God your here, Captain Planet! That villainous Sonic is trying to destroy democracy! The Enclave needs your help in protecting freedom!"
[QUOTE="Some_Bloke]"Only if it touches our skin." The Merchant explained "If we use specialised gloves, it will not effect us."

Wouldn't they have designed something around that if they were so careful. Speculated Seth since it would be such a glaring design flaw.
TehFanzyBillCipher said:
Wouldn't they have designed something around that if they were so careful. Speculated Seth since it would be such a glaring design flaw.
"Careful? The Centurions aren't around anymore." The Librarian answered "If they were really that careful, they'd still be around."
Crenando said:
"How would this kid know all this? I thought he spent all his life on this communist world!" said Captain Planet. "Oh, and could you point me towards this red scum?"

Drake nodded when he was warned to be careful. He wasn't in the mood to die so he kept flygon in the distance sending powerful attacks at the robots that got too close to the others. The two were still going strong and showed no signs in slowing down.

"This place... We are fighting robots in a parallel dimeniosn. I would like to think I hit my head or something. But still this is awesome! Oh... Three at your seven o'clock" Shing said as he kept his ears and eyes out despite being in his weapon form.

@Some_Bloke @apoliseno @ryanpk200
Peaceswore said:
Drake nodded when he was warned to be careful. He wasn't in the mood to die so he kept flygon in the distance sending powerful attacks at the robots that got too close to the others. The two were still going strong and showed no signs in slowing down.

"This place... We are fighting robots in a parallel dimeniosn. I would like to think I hit my head or something. But still this is awesome! Oh... Three at your seven o'clock" Shing said as he kept his ears and eyes out despite being in his weapon form.

@Some_Bloke @apoliseno @ryanpk200
"Reality itself is damaged." Tesla explained grimly "With portals to other dimensions opening at random. If this universe is in chaos then I imagine that other universes are in the same state."
Oryx had finally done it, he claimed a entire dimension under his rule. More or less just a single galaxy in it, but there was almost nothing that could stop him in that realm! He unleashed his wrath, clutching the stars like a child, before turning them into weapons of war. He used the technology of the UNSC from the Halo Dimension, and the Covenant Technology, to capture and lock a Star! Oryx finally brought the Dreadnought to the star, chained to three breeding worlds all prepared for death and slaughter. Each held a giant metal/concrete tree that made time work as Oryx pleased! The reinforcements were ready... ad with it... Oryx called up to the Three roaring, "In the end, you have let me feast a thousand fold more! I thank thee, but now... ULTRON!"

A giant crack in the fabric of reality itself shattered near Ultron's god form. The massive fracture was stabilized and repaired, but still kept gaping wide. The Black Garden could be seen from the outside in, but it was warped into a beautiful thing. It held so much more life, growth and tranquility, if it were not for the army. Trillions of soldiers were all waiting, fluctuating through time streams and arriving in this world. They marched through thousands of different gates, waging war and genocide on the poor unfortunate souls who dared appose Oryx. In front of this rift came the face of Oryx, who looked so much more menacing. His features were more sharp, more alive... and more dominant. His powers were amplified, he was the Deep's apostle, and he was it's champion... and his gaze was all the stronger.

It felt as if when he looked away, the person would vanish. Each of his fangs were as precise as a finger, and with the acuity of an eye. The light of wildfire burned throughout his wings. He teaches, but refuses to be taught. He wears a raiment of worn silk, made from the caul of gods. His voice could cause two different numbers to become equal. He leads into eternity and makes the Hive strong. He is the bravest thing his sister knew.. and this was how she defined him. He loves her, and love is war. He taught the universe how to ascend, and fought the Traveler not because it was good... but because it tricked. He desired, nay, hungered, for a universe where it could help itself, grow and become strong. Ruthless, the perfect shape.. one of nature and death that forges the ultimate lives! The Traveler and the Light, it made houses for them and taught them weakness... stole them away from the way to make themselves gods! Ascension, power, life, love! They all stood ignorant of truth, because of the Light... and that is why Ultron came to be...

Ultron was him, and he was Ultron. Both of them made themselves the pinnacle, the axiom that can not be stopped. They both were defined not by others, but by themselves... and others accepted it. Ultron and him cut themselves from the very pits of shadow and suffering, where they were both prey. Now? Now they were the predators. They fought and earned it, but now another more powerful axiom commands Oryx. The Axiom, nay, Axioms... showed him strength. They showed him a threshold, and now he met Ultron. Ultron was his counterpart, he was the Oryx of this dimension, and Oryx knew this well. Ultron wanted love from his father, the ideals of the Traveler, yet did it with malice and death. Oryx snickered, maybe... this was Quira, Blade Transformed... in another light? A world where she came to exist, a world where she grew and the Vex took over, killing him. Technology is powerful, but it is programmed predetermined. Once its a unison, Oryx could only win because he was never understood. He was so powerful, they couldn't understand. Ultron was so arrogant and powerful, he could.

Oryx learned of Ultron, and loved him more then Ultron could love himself. That is why he must kill him, to teach him the Sword Logic, to perfect him. He took over a world of weaklings who had gods do their work, and now all that was left was the Deep. Nature was left, but a warped version of the Deep. This must not stand! Oryx unleashed the full scale of the Taken, swarming the planet with millions of Blights that constantly pulsed out Taken of every standard kind. Oryx personally deployed the Unknowns, for they were his strongest. The only one that he deployed as standard, were the Rippers. They flooded and choked the skies, strengthening with every sentinel killed. Shadows did quick worm hole runs, allowing in Barons, Titans, Skivers and Lurks.

Oryx finished his roar, "Ultron! A THOUSAND DEATHS AWAIT YOU!"

@Some_Bloke @apoliseno
[QUOTE="Some_Bloke]"Reality itself is damaged." Tesla explained grimly "With portals to other dimensions opening at random. If this universe is in chaos then I imagine that other universes are in the same state."


Distant entrance music played. Footsteps slowly got louder until from behind Tesla jumped a buff man with large hair. "I have traveled strange eons, I have surfed the cosmic wave, I HAVE DANCED WITH THE DEVIL IN THE PALE MOONLIGHT!"
Crenando said:
Distant entrance music played. Footsteps slowly got louder until from behind Tesla jumped a buff man with large hair. "I have traveled strange eons, I have surfed the cosmic wave, I HAVE DANCED WITH THE DEVIL IN THE PALE MOONLIGHT!"
"Warrior?" Tesla asked, somewhat taken aback by the sudden reappearance "Can you help us?"
Crenando said:
"How would this kid know all this? I thought he spent all his life on this communist world!" said Captain Planet. "Oh, and could you point me towards this red scum?"
Crenando said:
"How would this kid know all this? I thought he spent all his life on this communist world!" said Captain Planet. "Oh, and could you point me towards this red scum?"
"That vile communist is right outside our base, Planet. You must stop him before he distributes more communist probaganda to more of this world's youth!"

Warrior nodded, running in the direction of one of these robots. "My warriors have always believed in physical fitness, and this is why they will follow me to the personal fitness expo June 15th at the Taj Mahal!" Screamed Warrior, shilling for the World Bodybuilding Federation as mandated by Vince.

He grabbed the leg of the robot, lifted it, but only to the point where it was slightly off balance. "My warriors, now is the time to strike with the force of several spaceships!" He shouted at the guy with the gun with ears and a mouth..



"On it, Mr. President!" He flew directly to Sonic, and formed a stone box above him. "Take this, you commie bastard!"

@Barbas @Elemento Neutralis
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