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Fandom "Tears" (a multi-fandom RP)

Crenando said:
Warrior nodded, running in the direction of one of these robots. "My warriors have always believed in physical fitness, and this is why they will follow me to the personal fitness expo June 15th at the Taj Mahal!" Screamed Warrior, shilling for the World Bodybuilding Federation as mandated by Vince.

He grabbed the leg of the robot, lifted it, but only to the point where it was slightly off balance. "My warriors, now is the time to strike with the force of several spaceships!" He shouted at the guy with the gun with ears and a mouth..

@Some_Bloke @apoliseno @ryanpk200


"On it, Mr. President!" He flew directly to Sonic, and formed a stone box above him. "Take this, you commie bastard!"

@Barbas @Elemento Neutralis
"Taj Mahal?" Tesla asked, a puzzled look on his face "Why did India let you use it as a fitness expo?" He shook his head, choosing to focus on the situation at hand rather than question Warrior's words.
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Crenando said:
Warrior nodded, running in the direction of one of these robots. "My warriors have always believed in physical fitness, and this is why they will follow me to the personal fitness expo June 15th at the Taj Mahal!" Screamed Warrior, shilling for the World Bodybuilding Federation as mandated by Vince.

He grabbed the leg of the robot, lifted it, but only to the point where it was slightly off balance. "My warriors, now is the time to strike with the force of several spaceships!" He shouted at the guy with the gun with ears and a mouth..

@theManCalledSting @Some_Bloke @Barbas @Crenando
Frank Horrigan

"I heard that you was strongest thing on this planet. Then again, no one on this rock has never met Frank Horrigan. Time to die, mutie."

After finishing speaking, Frank raises his plasma gun and begins to rapidly fire it at him.
Frank Horrigan

Letting the attacks slam into his armor, Horrigan fires a few more shots at Sonic before turning his attention to Link.

"Heh, that didn't even tickle."
Barbas said:
Frank Horrigan
Letting the attacks slam into his armor, Horrigan fires a few more shots at Sonic before turning his attention to Link.

"Heh, that didn't even tickle."
"He's a communist rodent, what did you expect?"
Frank Horrigan

Chuckling at Captain Planet's comment, Horrigan approaches Link. Raising his left fist, Frank swings it at Link's sword arm with enough force to completely shatter it.
Barbas said:
Frank Horrigan
Chuckling at Captain Planet's comment, Horrigan approaches Link. Raising his left fist, Frank swings it at Link's sword arm with enough force to completely shatter it.
Link screeched in pain as his arm was broken by the sheer force. He dropped he sword and looked up at Frank "Please...Please don't kill me." He pleaded

Sonic ran away, leaving his friends to die "GOTSA GO FAST! He shouted, only stopping in his tracks as he came across a bowl of pudding on the ground. He picked it up and proceeded to eat it.


Frank Horrigan

Standing over Link's pathetic body, Horrigan ignores Link's pleas as he brutally stomps his head into a bloody mess.


Showing Tails Sonic and Link's brutal deaths, Eden speaks.

"I hope that after seeing what just happened that you would become more open to joining us, Tails."
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A tear open and spit out Isaac Clarke. He looked around and didn't recognize his surroundings. "This isn't the Sprawl. What exactly happened?" He thought. A few walkers noticed him and closed in on his position. Isaac brought out his Plasma Cutter and shot several limbs off each walker. Seeing they were still crawling after him, he thought "This isn't right. They should be completely dead." Isaac stomped their heads in and walked down the street and was trying to find people. Seeing a group ahead of him, Isaac put his Plasma Cutter away and unfolded his helmet. Isaac asked the group "Does anyone know where we are? I don't understand how I got here."

@Some_Bloke @TehFanzyBillCipher
[QUOTE="Some_Bloke]Link screeched in pain as his arm was broken by the sheer force. He dropped he sword and looked up at Frank "Please...Please don't kill me." He pleaded
Sonic ran away, leaving his friends to die "GOTSA GO FAST! He shouted, only stopping in his tracks as he came across a bowl of pudding on the ground. He picked it up and proceeded to eat it.


"And that was the story of Sanic the Demo Reel!" Said Fat Grandma
Barbas said:
Frank Horrigan
Standing over Link's pathetic body, Horrigan ignores Link's pleas as he brutally stomps his head into a bloody mess.


Showing Tails Sonic and Link's brutal deaths, Eden speaks.

"I hope that after seeing what just happened that you would become more open to joining us, Tails."
"But, Sonic was my dotdotdot LOVER and I'm MPregged wirh his baby!!!"
Captain Planet blew back into the room like wind.

"Breaking copyright law is the least American thing possible! ESPECIALLY in the form of bad fanfiction!"

Remembering that he was in a bastardized version of the original universe, Eden sighs before calling up two turrets who immediately reduce Tails to a bloody puddle. While waiting for the Mr. Handys to finish cleaning up the mesh, Eden speaks to Captain Planet X.

"I think that our best option is to all life on this planet and move on to a different universe that doesn't make you feel so 'dirty'. Do you agree?"
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Barbas said:
Remembering that he was in a bastardized version of the original universe, Eden sighs before calling up two turrets who immediately reduce Tails to a bloody puddle. While waiting for the Mr. Handys to finish cleaning up the mesh, Eden speaks to Captain Planet X.

"I think that our best option is to all life on this planet and move on to a different universe that doesn't make you feel so 'dirty'. Do you agree?"
Agreeably, Captain Planet agreed. "Agreed."
ryanpk200 said:
A tear open and spit out Isaac Clarke. He looked around and didn't recognize his surroundings. "This isn't the Sprawl. What exactly happened?" He thought. A few walkers noticed him and closed in on his position. Isaac brought out his Plasma Cutter and shot several limbs off each walker. Seeing they were still crawling after him, he thought "This isn't right. They should be completely dead." Isaac stomped their heads in and walked down the street and was trying to find people. Seeing a group ahead of him, Isaac put his Plasma Cutter away and unfolded his helmet. Isaac asked the group "Does anyone know where we are? I don't understand how I got here."

@Some_Bloke @TehFanzyBillCipher

Well, it is hard to prove and I don't expect you to believe me. But you saw how easily my blades defeated that horde. I didn't really need help. But thanks, anyways. A group could come in handy. I heard that Washington is a safe place here. Government has it under tight control. That's what they said about Atlanta. Let's just hope they didn't bomb D.C aswell. Said Grail to "Beth". Darius ignored the jester as she was just as insane as the others. Then, Clarke arrived. Great! Another ounce of insanity in this soup! Let me guess, you come from a land where unicorns prance happily while aliens hug humans! Added sarcastically Darius.

Reborn World

But if they were smart enough to create The Guardian and God Killer, they must've seen a way to protect it even more. Added Seth, not feeling The Merchant is being cautious enough.

[QUOTE="Some_Bloke]Link screeched in pain as his arm was broken by the sheer force. He dropped he sword and looked up at Frank "Please...Please don't kill me." He pleaded
Sonic ran away, leaving his friends to die "GOTSA GO FAST! He shouted, only stopping in his tracks as he came across a bowl of pudding on the ground. He picked it up and proceeded to eat it.


theManCalledSting said:
"And that was the story of Sanic the Demo Reel!" Said Fat Grandma


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