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Fandom "Tears" (a multi-fandom RP)


@TommyGun15 @Some_Bloke @Crenando
ryanpk200 said:
Isaac answered Mirus's question. "Abominations as in reanimated mutated corpses that resemble monsters instead of..." He pointed at a corpse "that."
"Speakin' a which, we need to get out of the city. Now." Max replied, walking towards the armoured car, Bishop following him "We're not stickin' around to get eaten."

Mirus climbed into the driver's seat and gestured to the others to climb inside "Anytime today."

@TehFanzyBillCipher @Furious Finch @ryanpk200

Age of Ultron Universe

"Your...Taken." Ultron explained "Your ability to produce a large army will be useful as we conquer the Multiverse."

In the former capital city of the Shi'ar Empire, Ser Dougan stepped towards the Sentinel "Why?" She asked "Why ask us to surrender now?"

"Your Thunder Warriors." the Ultron Sentinel explained "I have come to the realization that I cannot conquer the Multiverse with my Sentinels alone. Your Knights will prove useful as well."

"None of us will be harmed if we stand down?" She asked

"What are you doing?" Lancelot butted in, only for Dougan to raise a hand

"What are you doing?" Custos, her Squire asked "You can't trust a word he says."

"Yes." The Sentinel nodded "Those who follow me will not be harmed. I will guide organic life and prevent it from destroying itself."

The Goose and Hawk approached the Shi'ar homeworld, both with their stealth drives engaged only for sensors to pick up the massive armies below.

"Shit." Gregory muttered "What now?"

"I detect two ships approaching this world. Both have stealth drives engaged." Custos stated "Keep it up."

"Once you have conquered the Multiverse, what then?" Arya asked

"I will prevent organic life from destroying itself." The Sentinel replied

"But how? How will you establish your rule across the entire Multiverse?"

The Sentinel paused for several moments "That is not your concern."

"It is, actually. See, I'm going to be living under this new Multiverse of yours. We all are."

@apoliseno @hudhouse @Barbas
theManCalledSting said:
@TommyGun15 @Some_Bloke @Crenando
"So, you actually bought that act, eh?" said what appears to be Death's Head as he is seen from behind the Part that he was once leading...

"You lot must be new at this, investigation sort of thing... don't worry, everyone's a novice when they meet..." Death's Head said as he shape-shifted into a balding man.

"A Whifferdill! Especially if that particular Whifferdill goes by the name of..."


"Frobisher!" the 'man' said as he morphed into a Penguin.

"Wow! Mister Head was really a Mister Penguin!" awed Compa.

"Wow, Doc sure knows how to pick 'em..."

"Frobisher!" Clara shouted "Why were you disguised as Death's Head?" She asked, an angry look appearing on her face
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Age of Ultron Universe

Revan: Grabbing his mask from his belt and putting it back over his face, Revan cleared his mind of any thought to allow the Force to guide him in the coming fight. As was his tradition before a battle, he recited the Jedi Code in his mind a few times.

There is no emotion, there is peace...he started. He was snapped back into reality by Syeron's request.

"Syeron, I haven't taken a learner, anyone really, since Malak, or Alek as I knew him then. I'm not sure I'm even ready to take a learner as I have not completely subjugated the darkness that lingers inside. If this Master Skywalker you speak of is truely less powerful than me, then he would be a better teacher than I."

theManCalledSting said:
"Well, I wasn't sure you'd recognize me... Also I needed something to make sure you guys take me seriously... I mean... I'm sure 'Escape from New York' over there won't take a talking Penguin, seriously!" Forbisher said as he pointed his flipper at Snake @TommyGun15
"Girl, what is this 'New York' that you've escaped from?" asked Strax.

"Clara, I see you are already acquainted with one of the Doctor's more... interesting friends..." said Madame Vastra.

"Madame Vastra! Sorry I missed the wedding," apologized Frobisher.

"Miss Clara, who's Fre-bee-sheer?" asked Compa as she struggled to pronounce Frobisher's name.
Snake gave the shapeshifter his usual impassive glare.
TommyGun15 said:
Snake gave the shapeshifter his usual impassive glare.
"Whoa! Look at that tough guy look!" said Frobisher as he morphed his face to match Snake's face.

"I don't like taking orders from a big talking bird!" Frobisher mimicked Snake then morphed his face back to a penguin, "Listen, I can tell your dog's the brains of your operation..."

"Mister Penguin's a funny guy, isn't he?" Compa giggled.

"A Real Comedian," Clara rolled her eyes still not happy about Frobisher's Death's Head stunt.

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apoliseno said:

Age of Ultron Universe

Revan: Grabbing his mask from his belt and putting it back over his face, Revan cleared his mind of any thought to allow the Force to guide him in the coming fight. As was his tradition before a battle, he recited the Jedi Code in his mind a few times.

There is no emotion, there is peace...he started. He was snapped back into reality by Syeron's request.

"Syeron, I haven't taken a learner, anyone really, since Malak, or Alek as I knew him then. I'm not sure I'm even ready to take a learner as I have not completely subjugated the darkness that lingers inside. If this Master Skywalker you speak of is truely less powerful than me, then he would be a better teacher than I."

Syeron nodded in response, telling Revan that she understood "He had darkness in him too, for a time at least." Syeron explained "I suppose at one point in our lives, we all do." She turned away from Revan, looking down at her lightsaber "I know I have." She muttered under her breath

"Nelson, Captain." Mil spoke into the radio "Examining the situation below...We do not have the numbers to pull this off."

Gregory hit the side of his chair "Dammit." He snapped "Okay." He spoke into the radio "What do you suggest we do, then?"

"Release Akane." Mil stated

"You're bloody mental." Gregory snapped "She can't be trusted."

"We need all hands on deck." Mil explained, speaking at a fast pace

"Or in this case the legs of a creepy spider-lady who tried to eat me." Gregory replied angrily "Don't you get it, once we hit the surface all 'ell is gonna break loose."

"I'll help!" Akane shouted from her cell, looking straight up at the cell's camera "I need you alive to get me to Gladius, remember!"

Gregory sighed, pausing for several moments "Shite..." He muttered "Right, you try anything. You know what'll happen."

She nodded in response as the two ships descended. Ultron turned away from Oryx and looked upwards, sending a wave of twenty Sentinels after the two cloaked ships.

"What the fook?!" Gregory snapped, speaking into the radio "Revan, he can see us! The bastard can see us!" He spoke in a fast, panicked tone

@TommyGun15 @apoliseno @TehFanzyBillCipher @ryanpk200


Age of Ultron

Revan: Nodding in understanding to Syeron, Revan turned his attention to the console as Mil suggested releasing the spider creature. As he was about to rebuttle the machine's suggestion, he saw the swarm of Sentinels on approach and heard Gregory's panicked tone. He flipped a few switches and prepped the main ion cannon while he charged the manually operated laser cannons.

"Then all hands prepare for combat! Syeron, get on the turret!" Revan fired the main cannons at the oncoming Sentinel forces.

@TehFanzyBillCipher[/URL] @Furious Finch @ryanpk200

Age of Ultron Universe

"Your...Taken." Ultron explained "Your ability to produce a large army will be useful as we conquer the Multiverse."

In the former capital city of the Shi'ar Empire, Ser Dougan stepped towards the Sentinel "Why?" She asked "Why ask us to surrender now?"

"Your Thunder Warriors." the Ultron Sentinel explained "I have come to the realization that I cannot conquer the Multiverse with my Sentinels alone. Your Knights will prove useful as well."

"None of us will be harmed if we stand down?" She asked

"What are you doing?" Lancelot butted in, only for Dougan to raise a hand

"What are you doing?" Custos, her Squire asked "You can't trust a word he says."

"Yes." The Sentinel nodded "Those who follow me will not be harmed. I will guide organic life and prevent it from destroying itself."

The Goose and Hawk approached the Shi'ar homeworld, both with their stealth drives engaged only for sensors to pick up the massive armies below.

"Shit." Gregory muttered "What now?"

"I detect two ships approaching this world. Both have stealth drives engaged." Custos stated "Keep it up."

"Once you have conquered the Multiverse, what then?" Arya asked

"I will prevent organic life from destroying itself." The Sentinel replied

"But how? How will you establish your rule across the entire Multiverse?"

The Sentinel paused for several moments "That is not your concern."

"It is, actually. See, I'm going to be living under this new Multiverse of yours. We all are."

@apoliseno @hudhouse @Barbas
Oryx simply stated, "I will only do so, if you can protect me from the Three Unknowns... the Librarian, the Merchant, and the Woman. If so, then I would at least give you the chance. Unfortunately, they feed me to well for now Ultron. I would happily serve if you gave me the better end of the stick..."

Oryx flung his hand forward, forming tens of Tombships around the two cloaked ships. On top of the ships were surfing Constructors they kept the two ships invulnerable until all 32 of them were destroyed! They all began flying in erratic patterns, pulsing out false signals from Vex technology while also sliding in and out of dimensions. It was designed to be a strange trap.

The Taken and Hive positioned themselves, trying to get as best of an advantage on the Sentinels. The next generation began rapid strikes in alternate worlds to bring forth vast amounts of Taken... all waiting to be supplied.
Age Of Ultron

"The Unknowns?" Ultron asked "They do not go by those names. The Librarian, the Merchant and The Woman are nothing but titles for false Gods. I know one of their true names. It whispered it to me. It also whispered something else to me. A secret all of these false Gods share. If you want to hear it, if you want to beat these false Gods you can join me."

A Sentinel also spoke these words to Ser Dougan and those behind her. "What whispered to you?" She asked

"A being inside the tear." The Sentinel explained "It never gave it's name."

"The entity beyond the tear." Custos suggested "It changed Ultron. That would explain his change in ideology...How should we proceed, Arya?"

"Tell me about this being." Arya asked, continuing to stall Ultron "If we are going to serve you, there can be no lies."

Syeron jumped on the turret and began firing while Mil grabbed another, gunning down four Sentinels between them within seconds "Oh come on, Ulton." Syeron spoke "You're making it too easy."

The Tombships formed, protecting the Goose and The Hawk from the Sentinels. Upon seeing Oryx's move, Ultron raised his left hand and every Sentinel on the planet flew forwards. They began to overwhelm the Taken with their sheer numbers, for each Sentinel destroyed Ultron would summon another, newly constructed Sentinel from off-world. They continued to flood the planet, almost blocking out the sun in the process.

"You would not listen." Ultron stated "You no longer matter, false God." He obliterated the echo Oryx was using with a hand-blast and continued to lead his forces against the Taken army. One Rex Regum charged towards Ultron, roaring and breathing fire at the Rogue AI only for Ultron to impale it with one of his tendrils before using his remaining tendril army to tear the former dinosaur to pieces.

The two ships continued to descend towards the surface, now with even more Sentinels following them. Gregory dodged several blasts by turning the Goose, trying to get the Sentinels to crash into a falling Taken ship only for one blast to strike the Goose, shaking the interior.

"Ow! I felt that ya bastard." Gregory muttered, flying the Goose downwards in a further attempt to dodge the Sentinels.

@TommyGun15 @apoliseno @TehFanzyBillCipher @ryanpk200
Then all of the sudden, the tombships just vanished, and the Taken army vanished to. All of the Hive flew back to their dens, and Oryx simply made another Shade. It spoke, "...Wait wait... I accept your offer Ultron. My taken did not mean to attack, and I still had a job to do. If you truly can protect me, and if you truly can help me beat them... you have my loyalty. They are afraid of you, and need artifacts to destroy you... so I believe in your strength. What can I do to prove my side of the deal..."
hudhouse said:
Then all of the sudden, the tombships just vanished, and the Taken army vanished to. All of the Hive flew back to their dens, and Oryx simply made another Shade. It spoke, "...Wait wait... I accept your offer Ultron. My taken did not mean to attack, and I still had a job to do. If you truly can protect me, and if you truly can help me beat them... you have my loyalty. They are afraid of you, and need artifacts to destroy you... so I believe in your strength. What can I do to prove my side of the deal..."
Ultron raised his left hand, causing his forces to stop apart from those around the two cloaked ships. He approached The Echo or Oryx "It is not I can beat them. Those you call the Unknowns cannot touch us in this universe out of fear out of the being that whispered to me. Here, they cannot cause you any harm."

The Sentinels continued to fire on the Hawk and the Goose. As Gregory tried to steer away from another blast, several more struck the Goose from behind. "Bollocks!" Gregory shouted "Yami, can you do something!?"

@TommyGun15 @TehFanzyBillCipher @ryanpk200 @apoliseno
theManCalledSting said:
"Whoa! Look at that tough guy look!" said Frobisher as he morphed his face to match Snake's face.
"I don't like taking orders from a big talking bird!" Frobisher mimicked Snake then morphed his face back to a penguin, "Listen, I can tell your dog's the brains of your operation..."

"Mister Penguin's a funny guy, isn't he?" Compa giggled.

"A Real Comedian," Clara rolled her eyes still not happy about Frobisher's Death's Head stunt.

"We should head back to the estate." Clara suggested "The Doctor isn't here and Death's Head was just a penguin this whole time." She complained, still unimpressed about Frobisher's stunt.
[QUOTE="Some_Bloke]"We should head back to the estate." Clara suggested "The Doctor isn't here and Death's Head was just a penguin this whole time." She complained, still unimpressed about Frobisher's stunt.

"Oh come on! It wasn't my idea! It was that purple haired girl's idea!" protested Frobisher.
theManCalledSting said:
"Oh come on! It wasn't my idea! It was that purple haired girl's idea!" protested Frobisher.
Clara rolled her eyes, sighing in response "Let's just go and find The Doctor."
theManCalledSting said:
"Personally, I think he'd be back at the estate," said Madame Vastra.
"Really? I thought that's the Doctor," Frobisher said as the pointed his flipper at Compa who was wearing the Sixth Doctor's outfit.

"No, she just borrowed his outfit." Clara explained "The Doctor regenerated. He's Scottish and grumpy now."
[QUOTE="Some_Bloke]"No, she just borrowed his outfit." Clara explained "The Doctor regenerated. He's Scottish and grumpy now."

"Is he also short with a question mark vest and umbrella combo?" asked Frobisher.

"Uh... What is Mister Penguin talking about?" asked Compa
TommyGun15 said:
Yami appeared to be sitting on the point of the spear, meditating.
In a flash of purple light, several ships identical to The Goose split away, traveling in various directions. Meanwhile, the real ship became invisible.

"I've got them line up. Your turn."
"We're still going down!" Gregory shouted, trying to steady the ship "Everyone clench your buttholes or something!"

"What?!" Akane shouted

"I wanted my last words to me memorable." Gregory shrugged, chuckling slightly "Imagine that written on a tombstone."
theManCalledSting said:
"Is he also short with a question mark vest and umbrella combo?" asked Frobisher.
"Uh... What is Mister Penguin talking about?" asked Compa
"No but he's got really big eyebrows." Clara replied
Oryx realized this, and in that moment physically formed in front of Ultron. He looked at Ultron and stated, "May I request to see or speak to the being that whispers? I have wars raging across multiple realms of existence... thousands.. millions even. I can get 10 troops a second per war, but those Unknowns? They can destroy me and my armies instantly. A mere snap, is there any way to protect them as well? Otherwise... my question still stands... what shall I do for you?
Guys! Wait! Aren't you hearing what Ultron is saying! Seth said as he rushed into the control deck of The Goose. We have to surrender! Atleast for now, we can't out gun all of those sentinels! Just trust me for now. Exclaimed Seth, hearing through the sensors the conversation about the 3 Unknowns and Ultron.
[QUOTE="Some_Bloke]"We're still going down!" Gregory shouted, trying to steady the ship "Everyone clench your buttholes or something!"
"What?!" Akane shouted

"I wanted my last words to me memorable." Gregory shrugged, chuckling slightly "Imagine that written on a tombstone."

Yamig grinned.

"Oh? I'm sorry. I'm afraid crashing isn't on the schedule for today. With your permission, I think I can buy us a small reprieve to make repairs."

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