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Fandom "Tears" (a multi-fandom RP)

New York-MCU

Ethan: Rolling under a piece of cover to avoid the strafing, Ethan popped right back up and fired off three rockets each at the vertibirds once again, this time the missles having a tracking function.

"Shing, just let me know when you need to switch back. But I swear if it's in the middle of this huge fight, I'm
going to put so many stink bombs in your bed when we get back..."

@Peaceswore @Barbas @ryanpk200
Enclave vertibirds

Upon colliding with the missiles, three of vertibirds clumsily fly around before slamming into the ground and explode close to the Xcom forces.

"Well here we are, I really hope she can help me" Xion stated, she really did miss her friends.


Link rested his hand on Xion's shoulder and stated "Don't worry we'll find them, right guys?"

Sheaon13 said:

"Well here we are, I really hope she can help me" Xion stated, she really did miss her friends.


Link rested his hand on Xion's shoulder and stated "Don't worry we'll find them, right guys?"

"HALT, BOYS! These grounds are under the protection of the great Sontaran Empire!" commanded this odd looking man with odd brown skin...


Several Firestorms from XCOM HQ launched out of the hanger and went towards Alpha team's location. This time they were equipped with EMP cannons and had the intention of capturing a vertibird. EMPing it would keep the vertibird in better condition when it would crash. They reached the fight and began flying around the vertibirds and firing EMP shots at them. Alpha team moved out of the way of the vertibird debris.


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New York-MCU

Ethan: Stepping out from his piece of cover with the rocket launcher still held over his shoulder, Ethan looks at the Enclave forces.

"Listen up," Ethan called to them. "Y'all need to learn some manners! This place clearly looks like it's seen its fair share of huge fights, and then you guys come marching in here asking for our compliance and to lower our weapons? My weapon is my best friend, and I'll be damned before I give him up."

@ryanpk200 @Barbas
Enclave forces

Unable to dodge the EMPs, five vertibirds fall to the ground intact. Knowing that they are outmatched, the remaining vertibirds and a majority of the soldiers retreat while a small group of Enclave soldiers stay behind and continue fighting.

"We're sorry for intruding we just wish to talk to madam Vesta. You see we want to ask her a question" Link stated to the man politely, hoping he would allow them to pass.

Barbas said:
Frank Horrigan

Annoyed that the commie wouldn't stay down, Frank continues to fire his weapon at Nikita's legs with the intention of crippling her.

"Why won't you just die already?"
"I won't die!" Nikita shouted angrily "Not until my mission is complete! Not while Facism still lives" She continued to fly forwards, aiming a swing for Frank's head.

@Sheaon13 @TehFanzyBillCipher
Sheaon13 said:

"We're sorry for intruding we just wish to talk to madam Vastra. You see we want to ask her a question" Link stated to the man politely, hoping he would allow them to pass.

"Strax, let them in! After all... We're detectives..." called out Madame Vastra.

Sheryl's eyes glimmered when she heard that Madame Vastra was a Detective, perhaps she has met her ancestor.
Nearby skyscraper

Standing on the roof of a skyscraper near the Xcom forces, a group of five Enclave soldiers armed with Fatmans aim their nuclear weapons at the Xcom squad. Receiving orders to attack, the soldiers ready their Fatmans and fire.

Frank Horrigan

Moving backwards a little while holding his head with his left hand after being struck, Frank quickly recovers and precedes bellows in rage as he lunges at Nikita with the intention of grabbing her throat with his left hand.

"You'll pay for that, you damn communist. I'm going to make you suffer!"
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"It looks we're scaring them off!" Yelled Alpha-3. "Keep fighting!" Yelled Alpha-2. "We may be able to win this!" Alpha team continued. With the vertibirds gone, they refocused their efforts on the ground forces.

And that's when they heard the whistling of a mini-nuke. Seeing the incoming rocket, Alpha-1 yelled. "Scatter!" The team spread themselves apart and for the most part they avoided the mini-nukes. They were still pretty beat up from it. "You just had jinx it, didn't you." Said Alpha-4. They looked at the small mushroom clouds and noticed it was setting off their suit's Geiger counter. "Did they shoot nukes at us?" Wondered Alpha-6.

@Barbas @apoliseno
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Barbas said:
Nearby skyscraper
Standing on the roof of a skyscraper near the Xcom forces, a group of five Enclave soldiers armed with Fatmans aim their nuclear weapons at the Xcom squad. Receiving orders to attack, the soldiers ready their Fatmans and fire.

Frank Horrigan

Moving backwards a little while holding his head with his left hand after being struck, Frank quickly recovers and precedes bellows in rage as he lunges at Nikita with the intention of grabbing her throat.

"You'll pay for that, you damn communist. I'm going to make you suffer!"
(Give me a sec to edit.)

"I wish there was something I could to help her" Lea said in sadness. He just wanted to help her, but he couldn't do anything. He always had hated feeling this helpless.

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(Sorry I zoned out for so long. Computer had to update. I know Yami should be with Gregory, and I've completely lost track of Snake. Suffice to say they've been present, but haven't really done anything.)
Sheaon13 said:

"I wish there was something I could to help her" Lea said in sadness. He just wanted to help her, but he couldn't do anything. He always had hated feeling this helpless.

"So, what brings you to my estate?" asked Madame Vastra.

Sheryl ran up to Vastra and said, "HAVE YOU MET SHERLOCK HOLMES?! HE'S MY ANCESTOR!"

"Clam yourself child, Sherlock Holmes is a fictional character," explained Vastra, the words Vastra uttered crushed Sheryl's feelings... Her ancestor, fictional? It cannot be true.

"Yes, Isn't he based on You, ma'am?" added Jenny.

"Why Yes, I believe he was," Vastra replied.

The Three other Milky Holmes whispered to each other, "Sheryl's ancestor's a lizard?"

"A-a Lizard?" Sheryl muttered.
Frank Horrigan

Noticing Planet as he lunges at Nikita, Frank asks for assistance.

"Tie her up in vines! I don't want her to run away before I get a chance to tear her apart."
Barbas said:
Frank Horrigan

Moving backwards a little while holding his head with his left hand after being struck, Frank quickly recovers and precedes bellows in rage as he lunges at Nikita with the intention of grabbing her throat with his left hand.

"You'll pay for that, you damn communist. I'm going to make you suffer!"
As Frank's hand wrapped around Nikita's throat she raised her left hand, intending to blast him with a charged up repulsor blast.

Frank Horrigan

Releasing his grip on Nikita's throat as he nearly loses his balance due to the force of the attack, Frank quickly recovers his balance and glares at the commie. Enraged, Horrigan swings his plasma gun at Nikita's head with the intention of cracking her skull.


Confused as to how the Xcom squad survived the mini-nukes, the Enclave soldiers fire the remaining mini-nukes before waiting for a vertibird to pick them up.
Xion and Link

Link blinked a couple of times and silently wondered if they normally had such strange ideas. There was no way she could be related to a lizard person. He had originally thought she was related to the lizalfo with her scaly skin and all, but she didn't attack him. That meant she wasn't related to one, plus this wasn't his universe so he doubted that she would even know what one is.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/Lizalfos.png.ef5fe60d9e9753482efb5761ffcc6597.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="88262" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/Lizalfos.png.ef5fe60d9e9753482efb5761ffcc6597.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>




  • Lizalfos.png
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[QUOTE="Some_Bloke]As Frank's hand wrapped around Nikita's throat she raised her left hand, intending to blast him with a charged up repulsor blast. [/uSER]

Planet shot out some vines out of his hands, wrapping around Nikita's neck, pulling her towards Frank's gun.

He had a brief, Nam-esque flashback to the time he had to kill Linka for the power of wind, but he got over it pretty quickly.

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