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Fandom "Tears" (a multi-fandom RP)

Alphonse and Edward

"Devil fruit? There's no such thing as a devil fruit" Edward stated, finding the idea utterly absurd.

"Now Ed, we don't know that. For all we know this guy could be from another country where it does exist. Amestris isn't the only country out there you know" Al reminded him.



"Well I for one don't like this clothing, reminds me too much of something I rather forget" Lea sighed, thinking back to his organization thirteen days. He quickly shook his head of those thoughts and reminded himself he couldn't go back and change his past.

@Some_Bloke @TehFanzyBillCipher @TommyGun15
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Zoro looked at the two and crossed his arms. "Of course devil fruits exist. Are you from some backward country?" He asked finding it odd that this guy didn't know about devil fruits. "Tch, this is annoying. I tried to use my Haki but I can't break out of this trap. I leave and this wall keeps popping up in front of me." He said in a nonchalant tone as he pointed at the wall behind him with his thumb.

Alphonse and Edward

"I could fix that, but I don't think destroying a wall is a good idea" Al stated.

"Isn't it obvious Al he has a terrible sense of direction" Ed stated.

"Well you aren't any better brother" Al reminded him.

A tic mark went on Zoro's head when he was told he had a terrible sense of direction. "Oi! I know where I'm going! Whoever the fruit user is, that guy keeps blocking my path! My sense of direction is just fine!"

Barbas said:
Frank Horrigan
Not wanting to let the communist to get away, Frank grabs her head with his left hand and begins to squeeze it as he slowly pushes his knife towards Nikita's chest.

"Your finished, commie! No one can beat Frank Horrigan."
"I have faced worse things than you can imagine, Horrigan." Nikita stated bitterly, gritting her teeth under her helmet. She launched a small missile from her shoulder, aiming at Frank's chest in an attempt to disorient him.

Frank Horrigan

Surprised by the small missile hitting his chest, Horrigan releases his grip as he nearly fall backwards for a third time. Growing tired of the commie's tricks, Horrigan charges at Nikita with his large knife out with the intention of slashing it across her chest.

"That almost hurt. But this will hurt!"
Stitch found several small trinkets lying about the TARDIS. He found all of them interesting, and began collecting them, carrying them in his arms. When he finally had enough of them, he found somewhere to sit down, and looked over his collection. He thought for a second, then had an idea of what he could do with it all. He began stacking them all in a very specific manner, piling some on top of others, while positioning others at a very interesting angle. When he was done, he had made a small city. Stitch looked over his work, then gave a snarl, and began smashing through it, creating sound effects and toppling buildings over, imitating the famous Kaiju genre from Japan. When he was done destroying the city, he stopped and looked over his work. He sighed, and sat down, staring at the floor. It just wasn't the same without Lilo.

His ears picked up the sound of someone following him. His ears perked, and he turned to find the Doctor. Stitch stood up, and walked over to him. He extended his hand in greeting. "Stitch," he said, pointing at himself.

TehFanzyBillCipher said:
Well, this is where I can shine. I'm guessing Scythes are a sort of wraith or something. Guess I can actually be useful. So, what's our plan, go out and about, asking the locals. We should split up, it'll let us get information faster then sticking together. Said Seth to the others while putting on his new attire. He, on the otherhand, liked these clothes, being a fan of westerns even in his adult age but felt sickened because of the Merchant and his choice of clothes for Lea. Yeah. That b*tch threatened to send all our loved ones to hell and turn them into demons. I knew she was bluffing since my family is protected but she still was a b*tch. I don't trust these people. Said the shadow charmer to Greg and Lea.
@Sheaon13 @TommyGun15
"Demons." Gregory shook his head "No such thing. She was gonna turn mine into the worst things imaginable." He spoke in a grim tone

"What?" Akane asked, but Gregory ignored her "I say we stick together." Gregory replied to Seth "That way if things go tits up we're not separated."

As the group were speaking, a relatively short and somewhat plump Caucasian man entered the saloon. He wore a suit and tie but both appeared rugged, he was in the process of losing his hair and sported a thin mustache. As he entered the saloon he straightened his tie and looked up, noticing the group.

"Ah, you're early." He spoke in a strong Southern accent as he walked behind the bar "What can I do you for, strangers?"

"God, I would love a drink. Something strong." Gregory smiled

"You're from outta town, aren't ya?" He asked "I can tell by the accent and the strange...Stuff you're carrying." He gestured to the spear and to Lea's blade

"Bounty hunters." Gregory lied "We were sent here to find out what's going on. My employer wasn't that specific though. Only specific about how much he was payin'."

The bartender's smile faded "Oh...Oh, I-I don't know too much about that." He stuttered nervously "I-I-I tend to sta-stay out of these matters. I'm fifty five years old. The fact that I lived this long is a virtue. I have no intentions of dying anytime soon."

"No one plans on it." Akane butted in, speaking in a grim tone "If you're not going to help us, tell us who will."

"Yo-You can probably try talking to the marshalls, especially if you're bounty hunters. Well...What's left of the marshalls anyway."

"What do you mean?"

"I-I-I've already said too much. Christ, I need to keep my tongue in check. Oh dear, I just said the Lord's name in vain..."

"We live in a lawless country full of prostitutes, murder, gambling and stealing. I'm pretty sure God has bigger problems than the slip of your tongue." Gregory replied

The bartender nodded in response "I suppose...Anyway, you better get outta here. I hope you sort things out, I just don't want to get involved if they go South."

@TehFanzyBillCipher @Sheaon13 @TommyGun15


"Put that stuff down." The Doctor spoke in a demanding tone "Now."


The knife struck Nikita but her armour prevented it from touching her skin.

"You don't know what real pain is, Horrigan." She spoke in a grim tone "Let you show you!" She shouted, blasting Horrigan with her arm cannons and repulsors.

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Frank Horrigan

Quickly covering his head with his left arm, Frank begins to slowly move backwards as Nikita's shots hit him. Raising his plasma gun, Horrigan begins to exchange fire with the commie.
When Stitch heard the Doctor tell him to put that stuff down, he waved a hand at him in dismissal, and crawled away to the TARDIS mainframe. He gave a whistled he saw it up close, and climbed onto it. He looked over the various buttons on it, unsure of which did what. When he saw the TARDIS screen, he perked, and he jumped up onto to it. He was surprised when it moved a little, and pushed himself forward, testing to see if it moved. He gave a cry of glee when it did, and began pushing himself around on the TARDIS screen, laughing in glee.

Raven Rock

Receiving strange reports of a small phone booth in one of the lower areas of the bunker, Eden sends a small squad of ten soldiers and one Sentrybot to investigate.


"Put that stuff down." The Doctor spoke in a demanding tone "Now."


The knife struck Nikita but her armour prevented it from touching her skin.

"You don't know what real pain is, Horrigan." She spoke in a grim tone "Let you show you!" She shouted, blasting Horrigan with her arm cannons and repulsors.

Have you ever fought any. Asked Seth half jokingly before the bartender entered. Where are the marshall's office. Asked Seth to the bartender.
MCU: Nikita

In response to the plasma blasts, Nikita activated her armour's shielding that Augustus had installed and flew forwards. It prevented the plasma shots from hitting her directly but the impact still knocked her off balance, causing her to miss Frank. Nikita hit the ground with her left fist in an attempt to slow herself down and steady herself.

She quickly picked up her rifle and turned around, opening fire on Frank.

The Doctor and Tesla

The Doctor only continued to grow even more annoyed at the Stitch creature, only to notice that the console displayed several soldiers and an Eyebot approaching the blue box. In response The Doctor stepped outside and displayed his psychic paper to the group, leaving Tesla behind with Stitch. "I'm here on official business." He lied "I need to speak to the man in charge."

Tesla approached the creature, studying it with curious eyes "Just, what are you?" He asked

@Sheaon13 @TommyGun15
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(Damn I missed a lot.)

Yami sighed, using a small glamour to make the Spear look like a broom. Let the people of the West try to figure out why a bounty hunter was carrying a broom. It would be somewhat amusing.

"Sorry I was out for so long." Yami said drowsily. "Direct possession takes a lot out of me. Had to hibernate for a bit."

@Sheaon13 @TehFanzyBillCipher
Frank Horrigan

Seeing that Nikita was forced to land, Horrigan continues to fire his plasma gun at Nikita while slowly advancein towards her.

Enclave soldier

Trucked by the Doctor's psychic paper, the soldier gives the Doctor a map of the bunker before leaving with his men.

Lea smiled at them, having already put his clothes. He was honestly starting to like these people less and less while they spoke about them. Lea sighed as the man noticed his keyblade, he thought he had put it back in the pocket space where he could summon and resummon it. Apparently not. He hadn't quite got the hang of wielding a keyblade yet. That's why he wielded his chakrams more than his keyblade. He would put his keyblade back had the man not been watching.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/57a8c5fc33349_Leas_Keyblade_KH3D.png.6d987d285e56284196ad0b3d225323c3.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="88443" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/57a8c5fc33349_Leas_Keyblade_KH3D.png.6d987d285e56284196ad0b3d225323c3.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

@Some_Bloke @TehFanzyBillCipher @TommyGun15

Edward and Alphonse

"Yeah right, I bet you just got lost is all" Ed stated, starting to get annoyed and Alphonse sighed.




  • Lea's_Keyblade_KH3D.png
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Sheaon13 said:
Xion and Link

"Then what kind of doctor is he?" Link asked in confusion. His curiosity was at an all time high at the moment as he was just a naturally curious type.

"The Universe's greatest defender."
Link and Xion

"I still don't get it but I guess that's just me" Link stated.

"Can you help me find my friends though?" Xion asked with pleading eyes. Link turned around, having felt someone watching them, to see that snake was watching them. You see Link had developed some sort of sixth sense because of being on the road for several days and having to camp out a lot. Monsters would often attack his camps so he ended up developing a sixth sense of people watching him. This is why he felt as if snake was watching him, course his sixth sense was wrong sometimes but this time it turned out to be right.

"Why are you watching us?" Link asked him, cautious of this man.

@theManCalledSting @TommyGun15
Sheaon13 said:
Link and Xion

"I still don't get it but I guess that's just me" Link stated.

"Can you help me find my friends though?" Xion asked with pleading eyes. Link turned around, having felt someone watching them, to see that snake was watching them. You see Link had developed some sort of sixth sense because of being on the road for several days and having to camp out a lot. Monsters would often attack his camps so he ended up developing a sixth sense of people watching him. This is why he felt as if snake was watching him, course his sixth sense was wrong sometimes but this time it turned out to be right.

"Why are you watching us?" Link asked him, cautious of this man.

@theManCalledSting @Sheaon13 @theManCalledSting
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Stitch perked at the man who had asked his name. He sat up on the console, and turned to him. "I'm Stitch," he told him. He extended his hand in greeting. Having been ignored several times now, he was rather hoping to actually have his hand shaken. He licked on of his eyes with his tongue, before sticking a finger up his nose. When he pulled it out, he found a booger on it. He stared at it curiously, then eat it. He smiled.

theManCalledSting said:
"Says the man, who nearly blew up my estate."
"I'm sorry you disagree with my methods. I'm starting to wonder why I agreed to come along on this little expedition. I'm thinking I should've stayed at Mother Base. I sincerely hope Miller and Ocelot haven't run the place into the ground."

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