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Fandom "Tears" (a multi-fandom RP)

ryanpk200 said:
"It is a tad convenient but I'm not sure if you're right about someone playing with my life..." Said Elizabeth. "Who are you?" She asked. "You haven't given me a introduction."
The Doctor handed over his Psychic Paper to Elizabeth, "I'm the Doctor, and I'm going to find out who's behind all of the kidnappings and shut down this orphanage before tea... and if this Andrew Ryan has any problems with that then he's making a very powerful enemy..."

It says that he is from a group called UNIT and a bunch of swear words
When Stitch learned the man's name was Nikola Tesla, he was happy to know that he was more polite then the Doctor. When Tesla asked him about how he gotta his name, Stitch opened his mouth, and took out the photo of his 'ohana. He pointed at Lilo. "Lilo called me Stitch," he told Tesla. "Lilo and Stitch's 'ohana all live on Hawaii on a different Earth." Stitch became sad at the thought of his 'ohana. Knowing what the next question Tesla might ask would be, he answered it anyway. "'ohana means family. Family means no one gets left behind or forgotten."

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DaManofWar said:
When Stitch learned the man's name was Nikola Tesla, he was happy to know that he was more polite then the Doctor. When Tesla asked him about how he gotta his name, Stitch opened his mouth, and took out the photo of his 'ohana. He pointed at Lilo. "Lilo called me Stitch," he told Tesla. "Lilo and Stitch's 'ohana all live on Hawaii on a different Earth." Stitch became sad. Knowing what the next question would be, he answered it anyway. "'ohana means family. Family means no one gets left behind or forgotten."
A Tear opens up and a red-haired girl with a golden Chinese Dragon wrapped around her appeared.

"Hey guys, mind if I drop in? Hey! blue doggie do you know any place where I can find a bunch of cute girls?!" the Girl in red asked
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Stitch perked when he saw the red-haired girl enter through the tear. He found the dragon vaguely familiar, as it reminded him of another dragon he had met, and Stitch crawled over to it. He sat down, and looked up at the girl. He extended his hand. "Hi," he said, in typical Stitch fashion.

DaManofWar said:
Stitch perked when he saw the red-haired girl enter through the tear. He found the dragon vaguely familiar, as it reminded him of another dragon he had met, and Stitch crawled over to it. He sat down, and looked up at the girl. He extended his hand. "Hi," he said, in typical Stitch fashion.
"Cool! You could talk!" the Red girl exclaimed. and hugged Stitch, "Do you have a name Doggie? My name's RED!"

"Stitch," Stitch told Red. He scratched the back of his ear with his foot, enforcing that he was a dog. He barked twice, and began crawling around on all fours. He suddenly stopped when he noticed what was displayed on the TARDIS console, and watched what was going on outside with interest. It seemed a battle was going on, and Stitch was beginning to get bored. Besides, he needed to fix his ship.

DaManofWar said:
"Stitch," Stitch told Red. He scratched the back of his ear with his foot, enforcing that he was a dog. He barked twice, and began crawling around on all fours. He suddenly stopped when he noticed what was displayed on the TARDIS console, and watched what was going on outside with interest. It seemed a battle was going on, and Stitch was beginning to get bored. Besides, he needed to fix his ship.
"Nice to meet you, Stitch!" RED replied. She then took noticed of the Monitor on the TARDIS console, "COOL! What show's that?"

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"Great animals, animals always seem to hate me" Lea grumbled, he put his keyblade away back in the pocket space where he could summon it again. Hopefully this time it wouldn't come back out. He really needed to ask Sora or Riku how that thing worked.

@theManCalledSting @TommyGun15

Sky spotted another pokemon from the air along with his trainer and flew back to her trainer.

"I found another trainer, but I don't think we're in the same place as our home any more" Sky stated, motioning in a direction.

"Okay thanks Sky, I'm sorry about returning you guys before walking through that portal. I get the feeling if I didn't I probably wouldn't have you guys" Ash apologized.

"Well you better let Fang and Blade out, you know how they hate their pokeballs" Sky reminded him.

"Yeah I will, I better return you I don't think that people will take to kindly to me having all my pokemon out here" Ash stated.

"Yeah I agree, I get the feeling that we're not in the pokeworld anymore" Sky nodded and Ash returned him before letting out a lucario and a gible.

"Sorry about keeping you guys coped up for so long" Ash apologized.

"It's alright, just please don't do it again" Blade, the lucario, begged.

"I promise I won't, now let's go find that trainer" Ash stated and he and his pokemon found the trainer.

"You don't want to talk to him do you?" Blade sighed.

"No, but I don't have a choice do I?" Ash stated.

"Not if you want to find out what's going on" Fang, the gible, stated.

"Alright I'll talk to him" Ash agreed.

"Hey do you know what's going on? I don't know what happened, I walked through this weird portal and came here" Ash stated to Drake as he walked up.

Sheaon13 said:

"Great animals, animals always seem to hate me" Lea grumbled, he put his keyblade away back in the pocket space where he could summon it again. Hopefully this time it wouldn't come back out. He really needed to ask Sora or Riku how that thing worked.

@theManCalledSting @TommyGun15
Vastra looked grimly at Link, "You don't know do you? Then may the Goddess have mercy on your soul... for Fenric will give you none..."
Link and Xion

"I don't understand! What is so bad? I mean he can't be worse than anything I've faced before!" Link stated, starting to get a bit frustrated.

Sheaon13 said:
Link and Xion

"I don't understand! What is so bad? I mean he can't be worse than anything I've faced before!" Link stated, starting to get a bit frustrated.

"Please, dear child... Do not assume, it could kill you."
Link and Xion

"Then tell me what it is" Link stated, but not before wincing at the word kill. It was still a sensitive subject for him.

Sheaon13 said:
Link and Xion

"Then tell me what it is" Link stated, but not before wincing at the word kill. It was still a sensitive subject for him.

"Fenric... is an elder god from before creation... Feared by the gods... But how do you know of him?" asked Vastra.
Link and Xion

"I don't know of him, I was born in raised in another universe. One where there are three golden goddesses that created my world. They are Din, Nayru, and Farore. It is a long story of how they created my world so I don't think you want to hear it. I will however tell you the story of the heroes of my universe. There was a hero, a hero they called the hero of time, he could travel back in time and had a fairy companion. He saved my universe a long time ago and he sealed ganondorf away. Though Ganondorf came back and a new hero arose to save the world once more. This hero was forced to slay Ganondorf, putting an end to him once and for all. Ganondorf was killed by the heroes hand and would never be seen again. That is the hero of my time" Link explained, giving the shortened version of his story. He just hoped they didn't find out the hero of his time was him. He didn't know how they would react to him killing someone.

Sheaon13 said:
Link and Xion

"I don't know of him, I was born in raised in another universe. One where there are three golden goddesses that created my world. They are Din, Nayru, and Farore. It is a long story of how they created my world so I don't think you want to hear it. I will however tell you the story of the heroes of my universe. There was a hero, a hero they called the hero of time, he could travel back in time and had a fairy companion. He saved my universe a long time ago and he sealed ganondorf away. Though Ganondorf came back and a new hero arose to save the world once more. This hero was forced to slay Ganondorf, putting an end to him once and for all. Ganondorf was killed by the heroes hand and would never be seen again. That is the hero of my time" Link explained, giving the shortened version of his story. He just hoped they didn't find out the hero of his time was him. He didn't know how they would react to him killing someone.

"Wow, that would make a good story for a video game," said Sheryl.

"Ignoring my... possible granddaughter's odd behavior..." said Vastra as she looked at Xion, "Where have you last seen your friends?"
Sheaon13 said:
Xion and Link

"I last saw them on the world in my universe called twilight town" Xion responded.

"Then... I shall contact the Doctor... though it may take a while for him to get here, do make yourselves feel at home," Madame Vastra said as she got up to call the Doctor.

"Wait! Ancestor! I wanna know if I can spit acid like you!" called out Sheryl
Xion and Link

"Why would she be able to spit acid?" Link asked, utterly confused.

"I think it's kind of funny" Xion said with a giggle.

Sheaon13 said:
Xion and Link

"Why would she be able to spit acid?" Link asked, utterly confused.

"I think it's kind of funny" Xion said with a giggle.

Sheryl tried spitting acid only normal human saliva to be spat out

"Can you teach me how?" said Sheryl as she spat in-between each words.

"Please dear, mind your manners," said Jenny as she wiped the saliva from Sheryl's face.
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Link and Xion

At that exact moment Xion burst into laughter at Sherl. She found it rather funny that she would do that. Link barely withheld his giggles at the same time.

Sheaon13 said:
Link and Xion

At that exact moment Xion burst into laughter at Sherl. She found it rather funny that she would do that. Link barely withheld his giggles at the same time.

The rest of the Milky Holmes joined Xion, laughing as good friends do.

"What, she's my ancestor," said Sheryl.

"Well if that's what you think, that makes me your ancestor too," replied Jenny as she fixed Sheryl's ribbon.

"WAH! Are you a lizard too!" asked Sheryl.

"No," answered Jenny, "But I'm married to one."
Drake watched as some men came in and cleaned everything up, before sending in a medical team. Finding a relief for the fight he sat on the ground and looked at his stomach that was bleeding a bit as a stray bullet hit him. "Gardenvior... Healing wish." He groaned as he held his bleeding stomach. At this the pokemon held out her hands and a circle of power was shot at him. Instant relief fell over him and the wound started to patch up. Luckily the bullet went through him so he was okay once the healing was done. Standing up he smiled and petted Gardenvior head before handing her a berry. "Thanks, eat this you must be tired." He said. The pokemon took it and ate it happily. Drake then looked over at the man that was talking to him about going to another place. "I will go... I feel like I'm involved now... So yeah." He said calmly as he went over and treated his metagross.

When another person came up to talk to him he turned around and his eyes widened a bit. ".... Another trainer?" He muttered before looking back at Metagross to finish treating it. ".... We are not in our world as you can tell, but some place called New York... I don't know the details but I hope to find out." He said with a sigh.


Zoro glared at the guy that kept telling him he was lost even though he was certain he wasn't. "Tch whatever. If you guys are only going to talk about this then leave me. I need to get out of here and find my crew."


Frank's sheer size and weight were enough to knock Nikita to the ground. As Horrigan was on top of her Nikita grinned under her helmet and charged up one of her arm-cannons, aiming for Frank's head.

"I'll see you in hell you Facist dog." She spat

Upon hearing that all focus was now being drawn towards the Enclave, Stevenson began to speak into his radio, calling for SHIELD reinforcements.


Old West, 1882

Gregory clutched the spear and climbed onto one of the horses, looking back at Lea as Akane reverted to her human disguise. "Hey, at least they're horses." He reassured him with a grin "Could be worse, could be honey badgers. Some mad bastard started breeding those vicious buggers on Mars." Gregory shook his head with a chuckle "I pray to possible non-existent Gods that we don't run into any of those."

"Possible non-existent?" The Sheriff asked

"I don't believe in something' until it kicks me in the bollocks." Gregory replied, turning back to Lea "Just take it slow. We've got plenty of daylight left."

He turned back to the Sheriff "This one have a name?"

"Henry." The Sheriff replied

"Oh come on, that's boring." Gregory complained, rolling his eyes "From now on your name is Viking." Gregory spoke to the horse as he stroked it's mane "Yami agrees with me, don't you Yami?"

@Sheaon13 @TehFanzyBillCipher @TommyGun15

Unknown Pocket Universe

The Merchant entered a new plain of existence. It resembled a suburban neighbourhood in the late twentieth century but was completely empty. He approached the nicest house, a long and light blue bungalow and stepped inside. It was the only house in the neighbourhood with activity with music playing and several half-naked men and women of different species dancing around poles. Orion, Curabitur, human and what appeared to be a single Lust demon from Hell itself.

In the middle of the room, The Woman stared intently at what appeared to be empty space.

"We need to talk." The Merchant began

"Talk away." The Woman replied

"He can't see you here. I've got him distracted." The Merchant reassured her "At the moment, he believes this place remains exactly as it was before I entered it. You do not have to hide from me, Dagny."

At the mention of her true name, the illusion surrounding the two Unknowns withered and died, as did the music. As this illusion died, as did the illusion surrounding Dagny. She dropped her glasses and clipboard, causing both to shatter into pieces like glass. Her clothes tore to pieces, revealing a suit of armour underneath.


She wore a horned emerald crown and her eyes changed colour to that of emeralds while her chair grew in length, reaching her shoulders and shifting to ebony. She sighed and turned to face The Merchant as a large blackboard appeared in front of her with multiple drawings in white chalk. In the middle of the blackboard was a detailed drawing of the creature able to tell the future, a sad look in her eyes, reaching out from her were multiple phrases each attached to arrows as if she was making a spider diagram of the future.

The bearded man who will kill The Doctor. He will knock four times

A Child of Steel

A Child of Light. A Child of Night. Both shall meet

Father and son will face each other

One will die so that the other shall live.

Those who hide will face that which whispers.

The Wolf Hungers.

The six Jesters will stand together, laughing at flames

Silver and green fire

There shall be blood on the snow

All will be in fragments

"I've managed to work something out." She spoke, her Texan accent replaced with the soothing voice of a young woman "Some of her prophecies are connected. Her mind and her words are like a jigsaw puzzle of things to come. I'm just assembling the pieces."

"Dagny." The Merchant spoke in a soft tone, causing her to sharply turn around "How did it know us?!" She snapped, fear in her voice "How did it know me!? It's been living in it's own universe like a hermit basking in it's own piss, yet it knows us...And our secret."

"Which one?" The Merchant asked "We have plenty." Both fell silent for several moments as The Merchant studied the chalkboard "Silver and green fire, there shall be blood on the snow." He muttered "I haven't heard her use those ones before."

"I've been visiting her."

"What?" He asked, taken aback

"I can't even visit my friends now?! I know..." She paused and sighed deeply "I know there's a part of the Amelia I know locked in there." She lowered her head. "She might not talk to you, but she talks to me. That's a sign we can help her! I know we can! For goodness sake, we're not just survivors, we're winners! We've done things, sometimes horrible but things people have deemed impossible! So don't try to tell me, don't you dare tell me she is beyond our help!" She snapped

The room shook with her words and Dagny sighed, conjuring a chair and sitting down. The Merchant conjured a chair for himself and sat next to her.

"The things I have done to keep up this damn act." She muttered "All to, what? To convince other beings to join us, to hear us out?"

"Fear is one of the greatest motivators of all." The Merchant tried to reassure her "Just look at the Sinestro Lantern Core."

"Is that who we are now?" She asked "Power hungry Tyrants? I'm worse than my father. Even he had a change of heart towards the end." She stood up from her chair, causing it to crumble like clay "Leave. I need to be alone for a while." She commanded
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Raven Rock
"I've never seen a species before that explodes after you insult it." The Doctor replied bitterly, not convinced by Eden's words. He displayed his psychic paper to Eden in the hopes that it would work on the robotic President "I'm giving you one chance and one chance only, leave this planet in peace." He threatened

Inside the TARDIS, Tesla was taken aback at the sudden arrival of the newcomer but turned his attention to Stitch. He felt sympathy for the creature and this was expressed in his eyes. In amongst aliens and machines that wanted to conquer planets, this dog-like creature wanted nothing more than a trip home.

"I will convince The Doctor to take you home." He spoke in a serious tone "You have my word." Upon making his promise he turned to RED "That is no show, child. What you are seeing is happening right now. Who are you, how did you get in here?" He asked with both caution and curiosity.

"Whoa! Did you just say... The Doctor?! You mean I'm actually in the TARDIS?! YEAH! NOW I CAN HAVE WIFEYS FROM ALL ACROSS TIME AND SPACE!" RED said, ignoring Tesla's question.

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