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Fandom "Tears" (a multi-fandom RP)

Victorian London

Arrow: Oliver grabbed the coat and looked down at the strange-looking girls that threw him the coat with question. Since the main villains in the WWE universe were children, he was cautious around them.

"Thanks, but what are you and why are you giving me this?"

apoliseno said:

Victorian London

Arrow: Oliver grabbed the coat and looked down at the strange-looking girls that threw him the coat with question. Since the main villains in the WWE universe were children, he was cautious around them.

"Thanks, but what are you and why are you giving me this?"


The area around the Milky Holmes and the Arrow suddenly became Warm...
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theManCalledSting said:
"It's not the worse that could happen..." said the Old Man.

Link pulls his Light Bow out and notches an arrow, which then Glows yellow, he points the bow at Eggman "Give me one reason I should not kill you where you stand Eggman" Link said "LINK STOP" Sonic said as Eggman pulled out a device and pushed a button behind his back, summoning his Eggmobile "Uh oh time to go" Eggman said, as he flew off into the horizon "Great he got away" Link said

@theManCalledSting @Some_Bloke
theManCalledSting said:
"I mean, most of his plans revolve trying to control a God Being, that always end up poorly for people, I should know!" said the Old Man.
"Hey is that what I think it is over there" Sonic said pointing at a Giant ring "Yep, yep it is" Sonic said "I wonder what the special stage will be like this time, it's been a while since the emeralds were in special stages" Sonic said as he jumped through the giant ring, and both him and the ring disappeared with a flash

@theManCalledSting @Some_Bloke
theManCalledSting said:
"So are we going to just wait for him?" asked the Old Man to Link.
"Well I am" Link said, a few minutes later Sonic appeared out of thin air holding a Chaos Emerald "Whew, that was alot harder than the first special stage should have been, it was one of the hardest special stages I have ever been through, and that is saying something. It was literally a combination of every special stage 1 I have ever been through, all rolled into one" Sonic said as he put the chaos emerald away. @theManCalledSting
[QUOTE="Elemento Neutralis]"Well I am" Link said, a few minutes later Sonic appeared out of thin air holding a Chaos Emerald "Whew, that was alot harder than the first special stage should have been, it was one of the hardest special stages I have ever been through, and that is saying something. It was literally a combination of every special stage 1 I have ever been through, all rolled into one" Sonic said as he put the chaos emerald away. @theManCalledSting

"So what now?" asked the Old Man "Are you going to help me save my daughter, Beauty?"
Drake nodded and looking at his flygon smirked. "Let's do this." He said as he climbed onto Flygon's back. "So destroy those robots, got it!" With that the flygon took to the air to gain some distance and to get a better view of the enemy. Seeing where they were Drake petted the side of Flygon's neck. "Let's do this buddy." He said with a grin. The flygon let out a roar before taking a deep breath and diving toward the robots as he let out a dragon breath attack.

Shing in his black empty void crossed his arms. "Dude I was trying to be cool and the pistol was the first thing that came to my mind. I realized it was a not so good choice after I changed... Next time just go with it." He said with a sigh as he shook his head. The pistol then glowed red and he turned into his assault rifle. "There happy? Now! Let's put all those video games to use and decimate these bots!!"

@apoliseno @Some_Bloke

"Be careful." Tesla told Drake as the two flew into battle. Nikita quickly figured out what Agustus was doing and provided his Lekgolo with covering fire from her laser rifle "Tesla!" She shouted, getting the scientist's attention. He flew towards Agustus "Anything I can do to help?" He asked

@theManCalledSting @Elemento Neutralis
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The Sectopod took the plasma shot from the Hunter and turned to face it. It fired its chest cannon at Augustus. The tiny drone army got to work on fixing the damage from the Hunter.

Trying to take advantage of Augustus's distraction Alpha team fired at the Sectopod but several Chryssalids charged their positions to occupy them.


Later near west city Sonic noticed another Giant ring "Here I go again wish me luck" Sonic said as he jumped through

SPECIAL STAGE 3 Part 1, collect blue spheres

Sonic ran through the special stage, collecting blue spheres and avoiding red ones, When he collected them all the stage changed

Special stage 3 part 2

Sonic ran along a halfpipe, collecting rings, and jumping over spike balls, when he cleared that part the stage changed again

@theManCalledSting @Some_Bloke
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ryanpk200 said:
The Sectopod took the plasma shot from the Hunter and turned to face it. It fired its chest cannon at Augustus. The tiny drone army got to work on fixing the damage from the Hunter.

Trying to take advantage of Augustus's distraction Alpha team fired at the Sectopod but several Chryssalids charged their positions to occupy them.

Augustus roared out with new resistance, aiming his hand out to a angle that made his five streams of radioactive incederary gel burn the back of the Sectopod... but more importantly, it burned the back of it's legs. Augustus was trying to either have the thing cave backwards, or have the heat and flame burn the repair drones. Though his lekgolo swarm was able to grab one of the drones, and take it over!

The Drone flew forward, firing on the Chryssalids while Augustus made copies of the files. Weak spots in the armor of the Sectopod began to form...
"If you get wet, you'll be completely useless." Old Man shook his head.


Tesla and Nikita focused their attention on one of the Sectopods and opened fire, trying to dodge it's attacks. Nikita tried to lead the newcomers, using hand gestures such as pointing out the weak points rather than words.

"Doctor?!" Stevenson shouted, approaching the TARDIS "How much longer?"

"I need more time." He replied "I'm trying to reverse the Polarity..."

"The what?"

"Nevermind." The Doctor sighed

@hudhouse @apoliseno @ryanpk200 @Peaceswore

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