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Fandom "Tears" (a multi-fandom RP)

TehFanzyBillCipher said:
Sorry, mind was elsewhere. I was going to come back with you guys. I didn't see any other option for us to leave with God Killer then leave temporarily with it and come back to get you guys after Ultron is destroyed. And I don't like breaking promises. I made a deal with The Guardian and I intended to fulfill it. I wasn't going to stab him in the back for doing his job. Guardians serve an essential role to guard an artifact or anything, really from those who might use it for evil or immoral ways. I tend to keep my deals I make and break them under very extreme circumstances, that's why I was willing to temporarily leave you guys behind to kill Ultron. Now you guys flipped the plans in the air and The Guardian will probably come hunt us down now. Explained Seth to the Geth why he was going to abandon the group just for the time it took to defeat Ultron. Now, what I'm concerned about is who is going to get to keep God Killer because, we aren't all going to stay in our group and not go to our home universes to see our families and such. How are we going to deal with this afterwards. I know I, nor anyone else in my universe need it unless someone is both stupid and smart enough to open the demon prison and try to cause the apocalypse. You seem to need it to kill the Reapers. Gregory could sure use it. Syeron and Revan can sure use it too.
"There was no guarantee that we would be unharmed, yet you were still willing to leave us behind. That Guardian threw one of our squad members into another universe, yet you were still going to listen to it and leave us in a dangerous situation. I do not need to kill the Reapers, they were defeated. I need it to defeat any threats to my homeworld. Yet the Guardian viewed this as unjust." Mil turned away from Seth, staring at Akane before looking back at Seth "The Guardian could hunt us down regardless of our actions towards it. We cannot predict the actions of a being we cannot fully understand."

It started to walk away from Seth, headng towards Shepard "You are just a child, Seth. I would not expect you to understand."

The Librarian rolled his eyes at Yami "We need you inside."

@TommyGun15 @TehFanzyBillCipher @apoliseno @ryanpk200
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@TehFanzyBillCipher[/URL] @ryanpk200
As Grail, Crane, Blaze, Max and the Knights finished the main horde, They focused their attention onto the several other walkers who went down with ease. First of all, the name's Grail. I dunno what to call it but I was born in a, what you "normal" people would call a fantasy realm. Normal being from this world, that is. Then, a long time ago one of these portals opened up and got me transported to a world much like this but other "fantasy" creatures lived there too. I'm a Mask Wearer. I help, well, helped keep the balance between good and evil in my old realm and try to still do but things were pretty balanced. That's when another portal opened up around a week or so ago to here where this world is infested with the undead. I got transported a few miles south from here which is Atlanta. Looks pretty run down. Like if they bombed the place trying to get rid of these things. But there seems to be only us against a city where all of its inhabitants are now zombies. Not such of a problem to me since I can control the elements with ease and my two blades here, Lightbringer and Darkstar are forged by gods to kill gods so killing these monsters are a piece of cake. I see we have some knights and a cat woman here. Nothing too strange for me. So, what's your name. Asked Grail, sitting down on a car hood near the group.

@Furious Finch


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theManCalledSting said:
"Davros, has message for the Doctor, Yes? Wants it to keep it between the two of them, Yes? Would pay a lot, eh?" said Death's Head.
Snake sighed.

"I guess that's fair. But you'll have to wait a bit, The Doctor is busy at the moment."
Walking Dead

"Names Crane. There isn't really much to tell. I'm a freelance operative for a group called the Global Relief Effort. I was sent to a city called Harran that was overrun with zombies. I helped out the local survivors, took out an oppressive overlord, and became very good at climbing buildings and killing zombies. I also know how to craft extremely powerful weapons using household materials." Said Crane.

Reborn Universe

Shepard saw Mil walking towards him. He walked up to him and said "You have a couple of questions to ask me?"


The drone helped Alpha team take out the Chryssalids. Seeing that one of the Sectopods was crippled Alpha team severely injured it then Alpha-4 charged up his Kinetic Strike Module uppercutted the robot and destroyed it.

@Some_Bloke @hudhouse @TehFanzyBillCipher

Deep within an uninhabited forest, a tear suddenly opens and unleashes a massive bunker known as Raven Rock. Highly confused and disoriented from the transportation of their base of operations, the inhabitants of the bunker send out one hundred eyebots to scout the area while playing old American marching songs.
TommyGun15 said:
Snake looked over at the two aliens.
"Do either of you know who he's talking about?"
(Madame Vastra's a Lizard Person and a native of Earth... Strax's the only alien)

"Yes, I believe the Doctor said something about the Cult..." said Vastra.
theManCalledSting said:
(Madame Vastra's a Lizard Person and a native of Earth... Strax's the only alien)
"Yes, I believe the Doctor said something about the Cult..." said Vastra.
(Must... resist... urge... to make... Illuminati joke...)

"I'm going to guess they worship Sutekh."
TommyGun15 said:
Snake frowned.
"Really? Seth? Well, I guess you learn something every day."
"Hrn, No time to waste, yes?" said Death's Head.

"Yes, Well... We must make hast to the Museum of London then, that is where we will find the Doctor and the Ice Warriors..." said Madame Vastra.
The Walking Dead

Mirus upraised an eyebrow at Grail's words "Gods?" She asked "Are we talking Greek, Roman, Norse? Also, what's a Mask Wearer?"

"I'm curious too." Max butted in "Like, just what the 'ell are ya doing here?"

"Are you like Macgyver or something?" Harley asked Crane as she and Groot approached the group "Can you make a bomb out of a rubber band and a pair of scissors?"

"I thought I told you to stay put." Mirus snapped

"Yeah, we got bored. Sorry." Harley shrugged

@TehFanzyBillCipher @ryanpk200

Reborn World

"Although all of you have come from alternate universes, yours is the most similar to my own. Who exactly are you?" Mil asked

As Mil and Shepard talked, several Knights escorted the entire group to the castle. The Merchant and Librarian were sitting at the same table as before, surrounded by several Knights.

"Do you have it?" The Librarian asked

@TommyGun15 @apoliseno
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Barbas said:
Deep within an uninhabited forest, a tear suddenly opens and unleashes a massive bunker known as Raven Rock. Highly confused and disoriented from the transportation of their base of operations, the inhabitants of the bunker send out one hundred eyebots to scout the area while playing old American marching songs.

Sonic finally obtains 100 rings, and the chaos emerald appears in his hand, both him and The old man are ejected from the special stage


Sonic appeared "Whew three down and GAH" Sonic said as two arms go around him "I FINALLY FOUND YOU SONIC" Amy yelled as she glomped sonic "A-AMY LET GO OF ME" Sonic replied cough "Stalker" Cough Sonic said under his breath "WHAT DID YOU JUST CALL ME" Amy yelled, pulling her hammer out of thin air "I believe he just called you a stalker" Link said "AND JUST WHO THE HECK ARE YOU"Amy yelled as sonic facepalmed, any ran after Link with her hammer raised, bonking him on the head with it , Link fell down flat on his back


one of the bots sent out by the enclave notices a giant ring (The enclave has an opportunity to obtain a chaos emerald here)

@theManCalledSting @Some_Bloke @Barbas
Mobius forest

Noticing the stange artefact, the Eyebot collects the strange ring and precedes to take it back to Raven Rock so that it can be properly studiedby the Enclave scientist.

Outskirts of West city

Noticing a city in the distance, the remaining Eyebots head towards the city with the intention scouting it and to spread Enclave probaganda to it's citizens.

Crane laughed at Harley's question. "I guess you could say that. Making a bomb out of rubber band and scissors is a bit too difficult for me. If you really wanted a bomb I could make one out of a tin can, household chemicals, and household items."

Reborn Universe

"Don't you kinda know who I am? Or are you asking for my life story." Shepard asked.


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