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Fandom "Tears" (a multi-fandom RP)

(Correct me if the characters have moved on from what they were doing when I was last here.)

Reborn Universe

(I think they returned there)

Yami balanced on the tip of the spear, more than a little bit bored.

Victorian London

Snake leaned against a nearby wall and watched everyone talk. He'd felt uncomfortable ever since leaving Mother Base. Not that there was much he could do about that.
TommyGun15 said:
Victorian London

Snake leaned against a nearby wall and watched everyone talk. He'd felt uncomfortable ever since leaving Mother Base. Not that there was much he could do about that.
"Girl! Come here! Allow me to offer you some Sontaran Weaponry, It appears that Death's Head refuses to offer us the message, It's for the Doctor only..." said Strax
theManCalledSting said:
"Girl! Come here! Allow me to offer you some Sontaran Weaponry, It appears that Death's Head refuses to offer us the message, It's for the Doctor only..." said Strax
Snake raised his eyebrow and followed Strax.

"I'm male by the way." He muttered to himself.
TommyGun15 said:
"Well, no big deal." Snake remembered when Volgin though he was Raikov while disguised.
"So." Snae began once they were out of earshot of Death's Head. "Am I the only one of the opinion that our plan should involve killing Death's Head? If he's as dangerous as they say he is, then were better off without him skulking around."
Reborn World

The two ships landed in front of the castle the group had stayed at before leaving for the Dying Universe. A group of knights and the Merchant approached.

"You have not answered my question." Mil stated, talking to Seth "Why did you intend to leave so many of us behind?"

"Who not kill the Guardian?" Akane butted in

"He may have a moral point against killing an enemy from behind." Mil suggested

Gregory looked at the bored Yami "We probably have a few hours." He muttered "I need you to do me a favour."

@TommyGun15 @apoliseno @TehFanzyBillCipher @ryanpk200 (in case Shepard wants to bump in with the Mil conversation)
TommyGun15 said:
"So." Snae began once they were out of earshot of Death's Head. "Am I the only one of the opinion that our plan should involve killing Death's Head? If he's as dangerous as they say he is, then were better off without him skulking around."
"Killing Death's Head is easier said than done, girl," said Strax
TommyGun15 said:
Yami looked over at Gregory, vaguely interested.
"Oh? And what might that be?"
Gregory sighed and looked down, trying to avoid eye contact with Yami "I know that Mirus is alive. Max, too. Maybe." He shrugged and began to twiddle with his thumbs, continuing to avoid eye contact with Yami "It's Steven. My brother." Gregory fell silent for several moments "I haven't got a fookin clue where he is, or even if he's alive. Find him."
[QUOTE="Some_Bloke]Gregory sighed and looked down, trying to avoid eye contact with Yami "I know that Mirus is alive. Max, too. Maybe." He shrugged and began to twiddle with his thumbs, continuing to avoid eye contact with Yami "It's Steven. My brother." Gregory fell silent for several moments "I haven't got a fookin clue where he is, or even if he's alive. Find him."

"Alright. But I'll warn you again. I can only show you that last vessel of his soul."

After a moment of searching, Yami opened another window.

(Again, no idea what it'll open up to.)
TommyGun15 said:
"Alright. But I'll warn you again. I can only show you that last vessel of his soul."
After a moment of searching, Yami opened another window.

(Again, no idea what it'll open up to.)
On the other side of the window was a man with the same eyes and hair as Gregory. Rather than long, his was short but still scruffy. He wore a pair of spectacles and his face was without scars.

"Alright, he's alive." The Librarian spoke, appearing behind Gregory and Yami, closing the window "Now get back to work."
@TommyGun15[/URL] @apoliseno @TehFanzyBillCipher @ryanpk200 (in case Shepard wants to bump in with the Mil conversation)
Sorry, mind was elsewhere. I was going to come back with you guys. I didn't see any other option for us to leave with God Killer then leave temporarily with it and come back to get you guys after Ultron is destroyed. And I don't like breaking promises. I made a deal with The Guardian and I intended to fulfill it. I wasn't going to stab him in the back for doing his job. Guardians serve an essential role to guard an artifact or anything, really from those who might use it for evil or immoral ways. I tend to keep my deals I make and break them under very extreme circumstances, that's why I was willing to temporarily leave you guys behind to kill Ultron. Now you guys flipped the plans in the air and The Guardian will probably come hunt us down now. Explained Seth to the Geth why he was going to abandon the group just for the time it took to defeat Ultron. Now, what I'm concerned about is who is going to get to keep God Killer because, we aren't all going to stay in our group and not go to our home universes to see our families and such. How are we going to deal with this afterwards. I know I, nor anyone else in my universe need it unless someone is both stupid and smart enough to open the demon prison and try to cause the apocalypse. You seem to need it to kill the Reapers. Gregory could sure use it. Syeron and Revan can sure use it too.
[QUOTE="Some_Bloke]On the other side of the window was a man with the same eyes and hair as Gregory. Rather than long, his was short but still scruffy. He wore a pair of spectacles and his face was without scars.
"Alright, he's alive." The Librarian spoke, appearing behind Gregory and Yami, closing the window "Now get back to work."

Yami rolled his eyes and bowed sarcastically.

"Ask and we shall obey oh lord of prolapse."
theManCalledSting said:
"Well, Death's Head refuses to share us the information, but... He did tip us off on another mystery," said Madame Vastra.
"True. Whoever he's working for definitely has an interest in all of this."

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