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Fandom "Tears" (a multi-fandom RP)

apoliseno said:
Victorian London
Arrow: Shooting the Doctor a glare, Oliver walked away towards the exit of the TARDIS and switched his grip on the bow so he was holding the grip in his left hand, ready to fire if necessary. He followed the Doctor and Aigis into the blizzard outside, ignoring the Doctor's snide remarks. He seemed entirely different, not only in appearance but also personality, as if he had become a new man altogether. He would have to think about that.

"Well I didn't bring a change of clothes with me through the random dimensional portal, nor did I bring any money, which I doubt would be accepted here anyways," Oliver retorted.

New York-MCU

Ethan: Stepping away from Stevenson and the Doctor, Ethan walked away towards the sound of fighting away in the distance. He looked down at Shing's pistol form and raised an eyebrow.

"Seriously dude? A pistol? All of the rubble around here and you chose a pistol? We gotta talk about that, man. Anyways, I've noticed we aren't in Kansas anymore, judging by the fact I can't sense any familiar soul wavelengths near here. You as weirded out about this as I am?"

He sighed in exasperation, but quickly ducked behind cover as he saw a group of zombies just ahead of the pair. He peeked over the piece of rubble to get a look at the things, but ducked back down and looked at Shing.

"We're gonna need more firepower here. Maybe your assault rifle form?"

Reborn Universe

Revan: Seeing that their passenger woke up, Revan keyed the intercom for the cargo hold.

"Good, you're awake. You've missed quite a bit that I will fill you in on later, but right now I need you at the cockpit. If you get lost, T7'll come get you," Revan said as he addressed Shepard.

He closed the intercom after and leaned back in his chair as the ship glided after Gregory's. He took the chance to remove his mask and breathe out a sigh of relief that he was out of that wasteland. He glanced down at the blade in its sheathe that he fastened to his belt. The power in this blade was definitely enough to defeat the Emperor, and after that he would see the blade returned to that place. He looked at his reflection in one of the consoles, looking more or less at the circular marks around his face that the years of torture in the Emperor's prison left, the impression of his mask imbedded into his skin as a reminder of the horrors that being was capable of.

@theManCalledSting @Some_Bloke @TommyGun15 @ryanpk200 @Peaceswore
Shepard stood up and made his way to the cockpit. Shepard's advanced cybernetics helped him stand up and walk despite the head injury. Being born on a ship and spending most of his life on various spaceships, he felt at home. He walked around the ship and got to the cockpit. "You said I was needed?" He said to Revan.
theManCalledSting said:
"Yup," Said Eggman who was behind Sonic.

Link quickly drew his Four Sword, split into four links, Red, Blue , Green, Purple link all held a sword up to Eggman's throat "Here to make fun of me Eggman" Sonic said "Gloating over the fact I killed someone" Sonic added "What are you doing here " Green link said "Trying to cause trouble for my new friend" Red link added "What say thee" Blue link said "EXCUUUSE ME FATSO" Purple link said, as Green, Red , and blue link all facepalmed with their free hand "Seriously purple, you just had to go there" Green link said " You know it's kind of his thing Green, he just has to some version of that line to everyone, you should know this by now" Blue link added "Not this again, it's always Excuuuuse me this Excuuuuse me that with purple" Red link said "WELL EXCUUUUSE ME GUYS" Purple link replied @theManCalledSting @Some_Bloke @Crenando

Reborn Universe

Revan: Revan swiveled in his seat to face Shepard.

"Mr. Shepard, I believe your...uh, Geth, was it? Yes, your Geth ally had more questions to ask you. I'll be in my chambers, meditating. The ship's on a locked course back to that castle we came from, so don't mess with the controls," Revan said. He stood up afterwards and walked down the corridor to the meditation chamber that belonged to Kreia when the Jedi Exile Meetra Surik had possession of the ship. The doors shut behind him as he got down on his knees with his hands on his thighs. He quieted his thoughts and tried to attune himself with the Force.

Victorian London

Arrow: Realizing that he couldn't even hear himself through the blizzard, he jogged up behind the Doctor and half spoke, half shouted in his ear to get over the noise of the blizzard.

"I think I forgot my business suit when I got sucked into a dimensional portal. Unless you have another outfit in that police box, I might have to shadow you from a distance."

apoliseno said:
Arrow: Realizing that he couldn't even hear himself through the blizzard, he jogged up behind the Doctor and half spoke, half shouted in his ear to get over the noise of the blizzard.
"I think I forgot my business suit when I got sucked into a dimensional portal. Unless you have another outfit in that police box, I might have to shadow you from a distance."
A Tear opened up and out came four girls in matching detective gear.


"Hey are you the one behind these Weird portal thingies?" asked the Pink Haired Girl.
Crenando said:
(Is that how the Four Sword works? I thought they he was always stuck as four Links in that game)
(It's the minish Cap version of the four sword , since it is the only one that could possibly be in my link's timeline due to minish cap being before the time split, Four Swords being in a different timeline, The minish Cap version of the four sword has Link shift between four links and one link)

[QUOTE="Elemento Neutralis](It's the minish Cap version of the four sword , since it is the only one that could possibly be in my link's timeline due to minish cap being before the time split, Four Swords being in a different timeline, The minish Cap version of the four sword has Link shift between four links and one link)

(What that on the CS)
theManCalledSting said:
(What that on the CS)
(It just said Four Sword, and Lokomo Sword on the CS, but with links history the only Four Sword that fits in his timeline is the Minish Cap version of it)


"No we are not going to Kill you Eggman" Sonic said "He did not mean to Kill Panther" Green link said "Well Excuuuuse me princess Eggman" Purple link said "Mew Mew killed himself" Blue link added "Now get lost before we change our mind and make you a scrambled Eggman" Red link added @theManCalledSting @Some_Bloke @Crenando
BAD Creepypasta Universe

The Woman threw the spliff of marijuana to the ground again, finishing it off

"OH MY GOD!" The Doctor Jekyll guy shouted "HOW IS SHE STILL ALIVE!?"

"She's not." The Woman explained "Her angst is just that powerful that it can survive death itself. Even death by being smoked." She sighed before leaning back in her chair and giggling again, enjoying the entertainment she had created for herself



"Well, Sanic." He spoke "Looks like you did a mighty shitty job at being a hero. You killed a father who wanted nothing more than to rule a jungle run by a king who does nothing but get high all the time and you failed to stop his kid from killing himself." He began to clap sarcastically "Great job, sonic."

He paused for several moments, looking down at the body of the Panther, the Black Panther, the Panther's son and sighed "You've widowed a gorilla and left her childless." He shook is head "In a lot of universes, there isn't a name for someone who loses their child, did you know that? I reckon it's because it hurts too much to be described by mere words alone."

He flew towards the body of the cub and held it in his arms "I'll return this to the mother." He spoke

"That's very nice." Old Man spoke

"To make a deal, obviously." The Librarian shrugged "She gets her kid back, I get another ally in the wars to come. I don't do things out of the goodness of my heart. Who do you think I am, Old Man?" He asked

@Elemento Neutralis


Stevenson put his head in his hands, seeing that the newcomers were already going off-task.

"Doctor, Tesla. See if you can patch through to Nikita's communications. Try and get everyone to provide a distraction."

Tesla did not reply, causing Stevenson to turn to him with anger in his eyes "Oh I'm sorry, do you have any better ideas!?" He snapped

"No." Tesla replied, lowering his head

"Then do as you're told and the human race might just survive another goddamn invasion!"

Nikita flew towards the newcomers on the ground, landing in front of them.

"Focus on those machines." She ordered, speaking in English "The undead are being taken care of." She pointed to the small Halo array "Do this and we might just live through today."

@Peaceswore @apoliseno @ryanpk200 @hudhouse
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[QUOTE="Some_Bloke]The Woman threw the spliff of marijuana to the ground again, finishing it off "
"OH MY GOD!" The Doctor Jekyll guy shouted "HOW IS SHE STILL ALIVE!?"

"She's not." The Woman explained "Her angst is just that powerful that it can survive death itself. Even death by being smoked." She sighed before leaning back in her chair and giggling again, enjoying the entertainment she had created for herself

"Hey she stole MY gimmick! I thought I left it for dead with To Boldly Flee!" screamed Phelous
theManCalledSting said:
"Hey she stole MY gimmick! I thought I left it for dead with To Boldly Flee!" screamed Phelous
The Woman replied to Phelous' words by snapping her fingers, causing him to explode.

"Yeah, like that's going to work!" Phelous butted in, appearing at her side

"MY GOD!" Said the Lion

"I can't die you idiot." Phelous complained, folding his arms and rolling his eyes "Not like I can do anything else, though." He shrugged, sighing deeply

At the sight of Phelous returning from the apparent grave, Aladin's Uncle became horrified.



"She's not really my type, Old Man." The Librarian replied as he carried the body of the Panther, the Black Panther, the Panther's son back to the gorilla wife of the Panther, the Black Panther, the Panther.


@Elemento Neutralis
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@Elemento Neutralis[/URL]


Stevenson put his head in his hands, seeing that the newcomers were already going off-task.

"Doctor, Tesla. See if you can patch through to Nikita's communications. Try and get everyone to provide a distraction."

Tesla did not reply, causing Stevenson to turn to him with anger in his eyes "Oh I'm sorry, do you have any better ideas!?" He snapped

"No." Tesla replied, lowering his head

"Then do as you're told and the human race might just survive another goddamn invasion!"

Nikita flew towards the newcomers on the ground, landing in front of them.

"Focus on those machines." She ordered, speaking in English "The undead are being taken care of." She pointed to the small Halo array "Do this and we might just live through today."

@Peaceswore @apoliseno @ryanpk200 @hudhouse
Augustus slammed down his shield, offering cover behind his giant body, while firing out heavy plasma at machines. The plasma was highly effective against pretty much anything on the ground level! It was a even fight against the massive alien machines. He kept on moving his shield in an attempt to reflect the massive blasts at the other walkers. Augustus roared out, "Survive!"

Augustus let out a tiny swarm of Lekgolo that danced along the ground, trying to infest and take over one of the walkers.
[QUOTE="Some_Bloke]"She's not really my type, Old Man." The Librarian replied as he carried the body of the Panther, the Black Panther, the Panther's son back to the gorilla wife of the Panther, the Black Panther, the Panther.

"And Yet some how... Sonic's a bigger monster than me!" said the Old Man


@Elemento Neutralis[/URL]

"I will probably never use Hyper again after all this" Sonic said "If I never went Hyper then none of this would have happened" Sonic added "I am a failure" Sonic continued "Maybe I should just die" Sonic said, as Link marched up to Sonic (Having merged back into one link) and Slapped him across the face "YOU NEED TO STOP WALLOWING IN SELF PITY AND GET A GRIP SONIC" Link yelled at sonic "But" Sonic began "BUT NOTHING, THIS WORLD NEEDS YOU, YOU CANT DO THIS TO YOURSELF OVER ONE FAILURE, YEAH YOU ACCIDENTALLY KILLED SOMEONE, BUT YOU NEED TO GET A MOVE ON WITH YOUR LIFE AND CONTINUE DOING YOUR BEST TO HELP THOSE AROUND YOU" Link ranted "YOU CANT LET THIS KEEP YOU DOWN SONIC SO MAN UP AND GET OVER YOURSELF" Link finished "You know what, You are right link, thanks for setting me straight" Sonic responded

@theManCalledSting @Some_Bloke @Crenando
[QUOTE="Elemento Neutralis]"I THOUGHT I TOLD YOU TO LEAVE EGGMAN" Link yelled at Eggman

"Why are you so mean to this old fat man?" snapped the Old Man

Victorian London

Arrow: Because of the blizzard, Oliver could not hear or see the three little girls.

theManCalledSting said:
"Why are you so mean to this old fat man?" snapped the Old Man

"Well for one thing, he always tries to take over the world, He has messed With the flow of Time in the Time Eater incident (Sonic Generations) , He once unleashed a Aqua monster named Chaos (Sonic adventure) , He once unleashed a beast named Dark Gaia (Sonic Unleashed), need I continue?" Sonic ranted at the old man "Wow this Eggman is one nutcase, if he had pulled that in my world he would have been sentenced to death" Link said glaring at Eggman @theManCalledSting @Some_Bloke
apoliseno said:

Victorian London

Arrow: Because of the blizzard, Oliver could not hear or see the three little girls.

The Milky Holmes run right up to the Arrow to give him a winter Coat, "There! Now you have sleeves!" said the Girls.

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