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Fandom "Tears" (a multi-fandom RP)

apoliseno said:

Victorian London

Arrow: Oliver only smiled at the good Doctor's remark.

"I can outrun modern cops. Scotland Yard won't be a problem," he said in reply to the Doctor's snide remarks.

"I cannot tell you how stupid you are for bragging about that... Let's make things harder for the other blokes on the team by having them run from BOTH Scotland Yard and the Ice Warriors," the Doctor snapped back, "You're worse than the soldier."

Aigis approached the TARDIS door and said, "I must side with the Doctor, It would be a strategic disadvantage if you were to catch the attention of local Law Enforcement. Perhaps a Civilian Identity would suffice."
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theManCalledSting said:
Panther the Black Panther the Panther used his ability to teleport away and back to Eggman's ship...
"Slave, you will give me more DIAMONDS!" ordered the mighty Panther the Black Panther the Panther.

"Yes, Master!" said Eggman.

Hyper Sonic appeared in front of Eggman's ship "Well well well, long time no see Eggman, What have you been up to for the past year, also YOU WORKING FOR SOMEONE ELSE, HA!" Hyper Sonic said as he started laughing

@theManCalledSting @Some_Bloke
theManCalledSting said:
"Sonic?!" said Eggman in surprise.
"Yeah its me , and you know darn well I mean business when I am in this form, Remember what happened last time, Eggman? Didn't you end up having to rebuild from scratch, If I recall correctly?" Hyper Sonic added "Now hand panther over before I do my midair jump in Hyper form thing and blow up your entire ship Eggman" Hyper Sonic said (In the game with Hyper In it you push the jump button in midair to destroy all enemies on screen with a flash) @theManCalledSting @Some_Bloke
theManCalledSting said:
"Ah" Scream the Evil Panther the Black Panther the Panther as he turned to dust.

Eggman bailed before the ship was destroyed, Knowing better than to stick around when sonic was In Hyper form "Was nice Knowing you panther" Eggman said "But I am nowhere near ready to fight a Hyper Sonic" He added "That's Right, you better run Eggman" Hyper Sonic yelled, landing as the Super emeralds shrunk back into Chaos Emeralds and scattered across the planet, Sonic went back to normal "What the heck just happened here" Link said "Whoops I did not mean to kill the guy" Sonic Said about panther looking at the ashes @theManCalledSting @Some_Bloke
Victorian London

The Streets of London

The Blizzard rages, on.

"Doctor, from what is left of my data on World History, I cannot find any data on a Blizzard in London during this time period," Aigis struggled to get words out to the Doctor in the Snow Storm.

"That's because there isn't suppose to be one, the Tears in the space-time continuum must have flung the Ice Warrior's ship here, and now they're trying to make London more like home," the Doctor explained as he grabbed a Newspaper, "Thankfully, I have a good idea where they might be..."

The Newspaper contains an article on a Egyptian Artifacts Exhibit in London.


Madame Vastra's Estate

Our Heroes gathered around Death's Head who is now cuffed with Stasis cuffs

"Well, now Death's Head... what was it that brought you to 1893?" asked Madame Vastra.

"Hrn, Employers wanted to deliver message to the Doctor, Yes?" Death's Head replied.

@Some_Bloke @TommyGun15
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"TEEN ANGST MAKES ME... UN... STOP...PABLE..." said Clockwork as she was a Mary Sue

theManCalledSting said:
"FATHER!" cried out a Panther Cub.
The Cub went over to the ashes and screamed at Sonic, "MURDERER!"

"He had a son too?, My god, not only did I kill someone, I killed a father" Sonic said "WHAT HAVE I DOOOOOOOONNNNNNNNE" Sonic screamed as he started running, only for Link to step in front of him "This was your first time killing someone wasn't it" Link said to Sonic "I understand how you are feeling, you must feel tainted, and you probably hate yourself right now" Link continued "HOW WOULD YOU KNOW, YOU DONT EVEN KNOW ME AND WHO ARE YOU ANYWAYS" Sonic yelled "The name is Link, Knight-General of Hyrule and I know because I have had to kill people before too, I have had to kill to defend myself and those around me, the first time was the worst, It was during a riot" Link said to Sonic


Link was 18 at the time and had been in the Hylian army for a few months now, Link and several other Soldiers had been called out to quell a riot in Castle Town, it was year 2 of a 3 year famine in New Hyrule and everyone was on edge, Things got out of hand. When the Soldiers tried to calm the riot down, they had stones chucked at them, and curses were yelled at them, Then someone charged at Link's Captain at the time and drew a sword, taking the Captain by suprise Link acted on instinct and quickly beheaded the perpetrator, saving his Captain's life. After that, Shocked at what just happened, and afraid for their lives, The rioters surrendered and were rounded up, Link needed a bit of counseling after the event

*Flashback over*

"I acted completely on instinct, and even though I saved my captain at the time's life, I still felt horrible about it all" Link continued "So I understand how you are feeling, Wait what was your name?" Link said

@theManCalledSting @Some_Bloke
[QUOTE="Elemento Neutralis]"I acted completely on instinct, and even though I saved my captain at the time's life, I still felt horrible about it all" Link continued "So I understand how you are feeling, Wait what was your name?" Link said

"Mew-Mew" said the Panther Cub before jumping off the ship, killing himself.
theManCalledSting said:
"Mew-Mew" said the Panther Cub before jumping off the ship, killing himself.

"WARNING WARNING ENGINE MALFUNCTION" A robotic voice says as an explosion shakes the ship

"The name is sonic, Sonic the Hedgehog" Sonic said as he grabbed link and jumped off the ship, Link opened his sailcloth, later they both Landed on the ground just as the ship crashed into the forest, blowing up "DEAR GOD" Sonic yelled "A FOREST FIRE" link yelled @theManCalledSting @Some_Bloke
Victorian London

Arrow: Shooting the Doctor a glare, Oliver walked away towards the exit of the TARDIS and switched his grip on the bow so he was holding the grip in his left hand, ready to fire if necessary. He followed the Doctor and Aigis into the blizzard outside, ignoring the Doctor's snide remarks. He seemed entirely different, not only in appearance but also personality, as if he had become a new man altogether. He would have to think about that.

"Well I didn't bring a change of clothes with me through the random dimensional portal, nor did I bring any money, which I doubt would be accepted here anyways," Oliver retorted.

New York-MCU

Ethan: Stepping away from Stevenson and the Doctor, Ethan walked away towards the sound of fighting away in the distance. He looked down at Shing's pistol form and raised an eyebrow.

"Seriously dude? A pistol? All of the rubble around here and you chose a pistol? We gotta talk about that, man. Anyways, I've noticed we aren't in Kansas anymore, judging by the fact I can't sense any familiar soul wavelengths near here. You as weirded out about this as I am?"

He sighed in exasperation, but quickly ducked behind cover as he saw a group of zombies just ahead of the pair. He peeked over the piece of rubble to get a look at the things, but ducked back down and looked at Shing.

"We're gonna need more firepower here. Maybe your assault rifle form?"

Reborn Universe

Revan: Seeing that their passenger woke up, Revan keyed the intercom for the cargo hold.

"Good, you're awake. You've missed quite a bit that I will fill you in on later, but right now I need you at the cockpit. If you get lost, T7'll come get you," Revan said as he addressed Shepard.

He closed the intercom after and leaned back in his chair as the ship glided after Gregory's. He took the chance to remove his mask and breathe out a sigh of relief that he was out of that wasteland. He glanced down at the blade in its sheathe that he fastened to his belt. The power in this blade was definitely enough to defeat the Emperor, and after that he would see the blade returned to that place. He looked at his reflection in one of the consoles, looking more or less at the circular marks around his face that the years of torture in the Emperor's prison left, the impression of his mask imbedded into his skin as a reminder of the horrors that being was capable of.

@theManCalledSting @Some_Bloke @TommyGun15 @ryanpk200 @Peaceswore
apoliseno said:
Arrow: Shooting the Doctor a glare, Oliver walked away towards the exit of the TARDIS and switched his grip on the bow so he was holding the grip in his left hand, ready to fire if necessary. He followed the Doctor and Aigis into the blizzard outside, ignoring the Doctor's snide remarks. He seemed entirely different, not only in appearance but also personality, as if he had become a new man altogether. He would have to think about that.
"Well I didn't bring a change of clothes with me through the random dimensional portal, nor did I bring any money, which I doubt would be accepted here anyways," Oliver retorted.
(We can't hear you we're outside in a Blizzard)

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