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Fandom "Tears" (a multi-fandom RP)


"Doctor, One of your assistants, approched me and told me of Creatures from the Planet Mars were responsible... I am not sure if I should believe her," Aigis said as she recalled the time she met Compa.

"Aigis, please... I prefer to call them Friends..." The Doctor Corrected his Android Companion, "Also it's good... your Auto Maintenance System is back online... Your Memories will be back in no time." said the Doctor as he approached Aigis.

"Aigis, Listen... We're being watched by an idiot in a Halloween costume," the Doctor said as he knew the Arrow was Watching them.

apoliseno said:

New York-MCU

Ethan: Sitting up and rubbing his head, which he had hit rolling off of Shing, Ethan looked up at Stevenson and the Doctor and groaned. He ignored their question as he worked his way over to Shing in a crouch.

"On that we can agree, dude. Question is, where the hell are we? More importantly, what about that prank? It was gonna be the bomb," Ethan said before laughing so hard he fell back and hit his head, causing him to yell in pain and clutch his head.

Rolling back up, he slowly worked his way to his feet and looked at the Doctor and Stevenson.

"You guys look like hammered shit. And if we're gonna fight, I sure as hell ain't risking Shing's life and mine for a distraction. Now, you don't get my name till I get answers. Where the hell are we and what the hell is going on?"

@Some_Bloke @Peaceswore
"Millions of people are dead!" Stevenson snapped in response to Ethan's laughter "This is no prank! This world has been invaded several times in the past day and this is the fourth invasion." He pointed at The Doctor "He has a plan to take out those machines destroying the city. It'll level the playing field. All he needs is time, as much as you can give him." Stevenson pleaded "If you don't like it you can fuck off!"
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Victorian London

Arrow: Oliver stepped out from the shadow with the top prong of his bow held in his right hand. He had somehow replenished his supply of flachettes and arrows as well.

"Well Doctor, it seems your regeneration has left you a spiteful Scot. Can you tell me where we are, I lost my way in your police box, so I haven't been keeping up."

apoliseno said:

Victorian London

Arrow: Oliver stepped out from the shadow with the top prong of his bow held in his right hand. He had somehow replenished his supply of flachettes and arrows as well.

"Well Doctor, it seems your regeneration has left you a spiteful Scot. Can you tell me where we are, I lost my way in your police box, so I haven't been keeping up."

((How does he know about Regeneration?))
Shing blinked as he looked around himself completely shocked as to what he was told and what he was seeing. 'This isn't a joke... I can hear the screams...the air is heavy and the feeling of death is all around.' He thought as he looked at Ethan. He was silent a bit before he scratched his head with a grin. "Since when have we shied away from a fight? This should be awesomely different." He said as his body turned red and he soon sifted into a pistol. His sign of saying he was going to fight. He had no clue as to what is going on but he wasn't going to do nothing.

Drake watched shing in slight amazement as he didn't get how he did that. But shaking his head he looked at the men. "What are the main enemy? tell me weakenss and such and I'll see what I can do."

@apoliseno @Some_Bloke

New York-MCU

Ethan: Catching Shing's pistol form as he stood up, Ethan smiled to keep the facade of foolish bravery. He looked over at Stevenson as it faded and spun Shing around on his finger like a Western cowboy.

"Alright, pal, I may not know what's going on here at all, but fighting is part of what I do. So, I'll ask it for the hell of it: what do you need me to do?"

@Peaceswore @Some_Bloke

"Doctor, I remember when we first met... you looked so much younger... How long was I inoperable?" asked Aigis remembering the 11th Doctor.

"I'm not sure, Time Travel makes it easier for me to loose track of time... Change... Aigis... that's what happened... Exactly what the Death Card entailed," The Doctor explained to Aigis.

"I do not understand," Aigis responded.

"Try not to," The Doctor said...

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A humanoid figure fell from the sky and impacted in front of Sonic. As the dust settled, it was revealed that the figure was Vegeta, voice by Lanipator from Team Four Star!

"Where the hell am I no-" He stopped midsentence as he saw Sonic. "Another one. Another stupid transforming hedgehog....I, THE PRINCE OF ALL SAIYANS, WILL DEFEAT YOU!" He immediately turned Super Saiyan.

@Elemento Neutralis
apoliseno said:


A humanoid figure fell from the sky and impacted in front of Sonic. As the dust settled, it was revealed that the figure was Vegeta, voice by Lanipator from Team Four Star!

"Where the hell am I no-" He stopped midsentence as he saw Sonic. "Another one. Another stupid transforming hedgehog....I, THE PRINCE OF ALL SAIYANS, WILL DEFEAT YOU!" He immediately turned Super Saiyan.

@Elemento Neutralis
"AH! Someone with as little frames of animation as I! Panther the Black Panther, the Panther," said the Panther the Black Panther, the Panther. "I summoned you here so you can kill the Lion's son, Robin, and together we will rule his country as King and Queen!"

Victorian London

Arrow: Oliver stepped a bit closer to the Doctor and Aigis, seeing as he had been ignored.

"Doctor, why do you look so different?" Oliver asked, experiencing memory lapse and forgetting he had seen a few episodes of Doctor Who in his younger years. (( Fixed it ))

"Doctor, what shall be our next move?" Aigis asked.

"Well now, we have to find the Cult of Sutehk and stop whatever it is they have in mind but first... please put on some normal clothes, Leather jackets don't really help an android fit in Victorian Era London..." the Doctor explained.

apoliseno said:

Victorian London

Arrow: Oliver stepped a bit closer to the Doctor and Aigis, seeing as he had been ignored.

"Doctor, why do you look so different?" Oliver asked, experiencing memory lapse and forgetting he had seen a few episodes of Doctor Who in his younger years. (
The Doctor looked at the Arrow, "Are you a Zygon?"

"A... What?" Aigis said confused
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Vegeta just looked at the panther before

kicking it into a tree.

"Sorry, freak, but I already got a bitch. Now, hedgehog, does a weird animal like yourself experience fear?" Vegeta asked as he powered up his Super Saiyan form.


Victorian London

Arrow: Sharing Aigis' confusion, Oliver tilted his head to the side in confusion.

"A...what? What is a...nevermind..." he somberly said, remembering the events at Mother Base.

apoliseno said:


Vegeta just looked at the panther before

kicking it into a tree.

"Sorry, freak, but I already got a bitch. Now, hedgehog, does a weird animal like yourself experience fear?" Vegeta asked as he powered up his Super Saiyan form.

"Your attacks can't harm me! My lack of animation frames protect me from such attacks! Ha ha ha ha ha!" said Panther the Black Panther, the Panther

suddenly Aladdin's uncle appeared once more, horrified to see Vegeta.


apoliseno said:

Victorian London

Arrow: Sharing Aigis' confusion, Oliver tilted his head to the side in confusion.

"A...what? What is a...nevermind..." he somberly said, remembering the events at Mother Base.

"Also get out of that ridiculous looking outfit, if you think of helping us save Victorian London from the Might of Sutekh." The Doctor snapped at the Arrow, "They might call Scotland Yard on us, you look like a robber."

"Doctor, does this attire meet the requirements to blend in?"


"See at least the amnesiac understands plain English," the Doctor snapped once more at the Arrow.
theManCalledSting said:
"Your attacks can't harm me! My lack of animation frames protect me from such attacks! Ha ha ha ha ha!" said Panther the Black Panther, the Panther
suddenly Aladdin's uncle appeared once more, horrified to see Vegeta.


Sonic noticed Panther had dropped the chaos Emeralds, grabbed them and turned Super Sonic "You were saying" Sonic said to Vegeta @theManCalledSting @Some_Bloke @apoliseno

Victorian London

Arrow: Oliver only smiled at the good Doctor's remark.

"I can outrun modern cops. Scotland Yard won't be a problem," he said in reply to the Doctor's snide remarks.


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