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Fandom "Tears" (a multi-fandom RP)

Crenando said:
Captain Planet suplexes Elemento, releases him, and traps him inside a stone coffin. "I'll deal with you once I get more information from my contacts." He sat ontop of Elemento and pulled out a 2000's flip phone, called someone, and spoke some strange, foreign tongue.
Kirby the Yetay lifted up Kathy Krisp. As evidence.

and to eat later.
The Toffee Crisp Vampire turned it's attention to Captain Planet and began to fire lasers out of it's eyes at him.

Alpha team made their way to the streets and began fighting Chryssalids (the purple bug alien) and zombies. A large number of them charged as Alpha team began firing their plasma weapons back. Alpha-1 was sniping at the animals. Alpha-2 and Alpha-6 were healing the injured while Alpha-3 and Alpha-4 were using their close combat weapons. Alpha-6 was tossing gernades and firing rockets at aliens.

@Some_Bloke @hudhouse @Peaceswore
Yami meditated for a moment, the holes in reality closing and the eyes disappearing. He found Max fairly easily, and he seemed to be in good shape. No need to share that part though.

"He is alive. But he is in a place of great danger. It is unlikely he will survive for long."

Yami watched Seth with The Blade.

"As for him and that blade, leaving the two together is dangerous. Even if he doesn't have any personal uses for the blade right now, there's no telling what ideas he might get now that the power is his. And that's assuming that The Guardian wasn't lying about his soul for some reason of it's own. For all we know, it was left here to ensure that the blade's wielder would be someone with the capacity to cause the most harm with it."
theManCalledSting said:
"Wonderful! May I suggest, using an acid pit when training your soldiers?"
Snake laughed.

"We only accept soldiers with previous military records. It saves money when we don't have to train rookies."
Neither Drake or Zoro knew who the hell these soldiers were but they were on their side for what the two could guess. "Lucario! Use back away and use sword dance!" Drake ordered before going to one soldier that was helping an injured person. "Can you tell me what the hell is going on? I'm hoping you know something because I swear I was in a forest." Drake said as he made sure to stay out of the working men's way.

Zoro who was in the middle of the horde raised a brow at the new men that stormed in to help. He would question as to what was going on, but he had to take care of these pest first.

theManCalledSting said:
"Strax can you please stop talking to the soldier and start being a nurse?" called out the Doctor from the crashed ship.
@The Servant
Snake shrugged and lit another cigar, leaning against a nearby building.
The magical mullet man read the mind of Elemento for any more information. He learned of the sword that could kill gods, and knew this couldn't lie in the hands of any old schmuck.

He formed a tower filled with fire around him, and caved in the floor. "That should take care of it for now. He probably won't die from this."
TommyGun15 said:
Snake blew out a cloud of smoke.
"To be honest I don't think he approves of my profession."
"Yessy, but he was so nice to you when he looked younger," Compa replied noticing the Doctor's sudden shift in personality
theManCalledSting said:
"Yessy, but he was so nice to you when he looked younger," Compa replied noticing the Doctor's sudden shift in personality
"Well you got me on that count. I've got no idea what that's about."
theManCalledSting said:
"Um, Mr. Snake... what do you think of Ai-Chan?" Compa said blushing while sheepishly pointing at Aigis
@The Servant
Snake glanced over at her.

"She seems nice enough."

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