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Fandom "Tears" (a multi-fandom RP)


"Zombies?"Max muttered "Shit. They're real?!" He spat, looking down at the horde "It's starting me right in the face, so I might as well accept it." He shrugged only to notice a figure grappling towards them "Listen.here you lot." Mirus spoke "I sent the letter but it seems that things have really hit the fan." She examined the group in front of her "A cat-lady, a dog and a couple of actual humans. Great." She smiled "I'm going to get you out of here before you become Walker chow."



@Furious Finch
Some_Bloke] [SIZE=24px][COLOR=#ff0000]Bad Creepypasta [/COLOR][/SIZE] The Woman brushed off the attack and pushed Elemento to the side. "Have fun in this universe." She smiled before disappearing @theManCalledSting [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/14313-crenando/ said:

Unknown Universe

Seth's words caught The Guardian's attention

"You...Tricked me." She spoke

"Seth! Fookin stab 'er!" Gregory shouted




I didn't trick you! I'm just glad that, after all this time we could get the thing that we needed to solve Ultron and The Emperor. I promised you I would give it back after I killed Ultron and Syeron and Revan killed The Emperor. Reminded Seth, just feeling the energy rush of obtaining the God Killer. He kept the blade firmly in his hand in case The Guardian tried something.
But Shield Knight is up there! I can't leave her! Exclaimed the man, pointing to where the group was originally. As the horde advanced, something seemed to appear out of thin air infront of it. The figure had leatherish clothes and two things strapped to it's back. It took both into their hands and prepared, as if for battle as the horde came close t it... The person was only running distance from them. Look! Is that person insane! We gotta go help her! Shovel, go back up and get Shield Knight, any volunteers to go save that idiot! Declared the space marine, pointing to the horde that was about to engulf the person.


@Furious Finch
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Marvel Universe

A small sigh escaped Drakes lips as he lay on the ground his eyes up in the sky. "...... Wasn't I in the middle of a pokemon battle?" He muttered as he kept his eyes to the sky. As he lay there he heard screams and sounds of fighting as well as a few roars which made him all the more confused. "...What's going on? I know I was in a battle, but it didn't sound anything like this." He grumbled as he sat up and scratched his head. Looking around his eyes widened a bit as he was no longer in the forest but in some sort of city. "What the??"

Standing up he looked even more confused as two....creatures? He had no clue what they were, but they were not human and they sure as hell weren't friendly! "I...I have no words....To describe how confused I am!?" He couldn't put things together at this moment, however one thing was certain he was in danger. One creature let out a loud screech before charging right at Drake going in for the kill. At this Drake turned on his heel and ran, only to find he was slower then...whatever that thing was. Cursing under his breath as the thing started to catch up, he took out a pokeball and threw it. "Come on out! Metagross!" He shouted as the pokemon appeared. "Use iron defense!" At this the pokemon was covered in a sheet of metal and the thing ran head first into it. The metagross didn't flinch, while the zombie was stopped in it's tracks.. "Now use zen headbutt!" The pokemon let out a loud roar before the top of it's head glowed a bright pink color. Grabbing the zombie with two of it's legs it rammed his head forward, hitting the creature right in the head, killing it in an instant. "What the hell was that thing!??" He asked before he remembered the other one that had disappeared from sight. Moments later he noticed a shadow looming over him, as it turned out the zombie had taken an alternate route and gone behind Drake.

The zombie screeched it's mouth open wide ready to eat Drake, however before he could...it's head fell off, along with all it's limbs. Behind the now chopped up zombie was a green hair man who stood there one sword unsheathe, the flat of the blade resting on his shoulder. The man looked at Drake with a glare making the blue hair step back a bit feeling slightly intimidated. "Oi. Do you know whats going on?" Drake shook his head at this as his metagross returned to his side. "Not a damn clue, I was in the wods moments ago and now here I am."

Zoro was about to ask another question but he looked over behind him moments before a horde of those alien zombies appeared. "Tch, What are these human crab things?" He grumbled as he got in a fighting stance, still only one blade drawn, ready to fight. Drake called back metagross and sent out lucario as he to got ready to fight these creatures. "Human crab things? I, I don't see it. Where is the crab? More importantly the human??
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TehFanzyBillCipher said:
I didn't trick you! I'm just glad that, after all this time we could get the thing that we needed to solve Ultron and The Emperor. I promised you I would give it back after I killed Ultron and Syeron and Revan killed The Emperor. Reminded Seth, just feeling the energy rush of obtaining the God Killer. He kept the blade firmly in his hand in case The Guardian tried something.
Gregory rolled his eyes in response "You stupid bastard!" He shouted "Fookin' get 'er while you've still got the chance!"

The Walking Dead

Mirus nodded in response, not saying a word and took off after the idiot.



@Furious Finch

Unknown Universe

Revan: Sensing Seth's intentions to leave the group, Revan extended his hand and ripped the God Killer away and pulled it to his hand. When he grabbed it, he immediately felt a warm power flowing through him. This was power that could finish the Emperor and leave the galaxy in peace.

"Guardian, the foes we seek to extinguish with this blade are to great to topple alone. All of us need to be in the fight to succeed. We travel together, and we fight together, for peace in the multiverse," Revan spoke without hostile tone in his voice.

@Some_Bloke @TehFanzyBillCipher


@Furious Finch
Darius and Mirus ran towards the horde of walkers and saw the figure, no, woman, clearer. She had leather armor and long, brownish/reddish hair. She had two swords in her hand, one an extreme dark and the other and blinding light. She was now only a meter away from the horde as one walker tried to touch her, she immediately sliced it's head off along with some others while a few around it caught flames. L-LADY! WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING! Yelled Darius to the woman as some walkers circled her, prompting her to do a spin attack with both blades, slicing and dicing the enemies around her, also causing some to freeze up and some to burn up. She didn't even see Darius or Mirus as she was too concentrated on the walkers.
The Walking Dead Universe

"Who are you?" Mirus asked, trying to get the mad woman's attention "What universe are you from?"

Unknown Universe

The Guardian turned to Revan and nodded in response "I believe you will be able to stop those who intend to use it's power for unjust intentions."

"You killed Max!" Syeron snapped

"Even if Valentine was dead, would it really matter?" It asked

"I won't forget this." Gregory muttered bitterly

"I know." It replied

The Guardian turned away from the group as Gregory turned his attention to Revan "Give me the blade." He demanded





"Good morning Kathy" Elemento said as he regained Consciousness "Feeling better meow" Kathy replied. "Alot better, thank you, Where are we?" Elemento replied to Kathy "I found this well lit abandoned house and thought it would be a great place to stay, it looks like no one has lived here in years and I thought it would be a safe place to stay while you recovered" Kathy said back

"Well We need to start looking for a way back to our own universe, I need to Contact the Divine Council in person" Elemento said "Trying to get your powers back I see "Kathy said "Yep" Elemento replied as he touched his amulet and it started to glow, and a projection shot out of it. The projection showed a blurry Council Chamber "Elemento is that you, why is this thing so blurry, it is usually clear as day" A being sitting on a throne said "Lord Chronodues, I am in a different Universe right now, that is why the Communication link is not working properly. I wanted to tell you that some Woman stole a bit of my powers, And as soon as I can get back to our Universe I will need to meet with you" I said as I bent a Knee In Respect and bowed my head "How many times do I have to tell you you don't need to bow to me, not after all you have done for the Council, And also, You do know you will have to train to get your powers up to where they used to be after The Council Infuses you with Divine Energy again, right? There is also the possibility, that your powers will only work at full potential in our Home universe when all is said and done, *Cough* inaudible whisper *Cough* Get here as soon as you can, over and out agent Elemento" Chronodues replied as he cut off the projection "Well that went well" Elemento said "It may take a while before We can get home though"He added

@theManCalledSting @Some_Bloke @Crenando @apoliseno
apoliseno said:

Unknown Universe

Revan: While Revan felt he should give the blade to Gregory, he also felt the hostility within his tone.

"Gregory, with all respect, I'll be holding on to this blade until the time comes to face Ultron, and the Emperor."

@Some_Bloke @TommyGun15 @TehFanzyBillCipher
With all due respect, Revan, I have the scabbard and I was the one who took it from the altar and negotiated so that everyone here gets out safe. I feel as I should have the blade. Said Seth to Revan.


The woman seemed to be chewing some gum as she looked at Mirus.
We can do introductions later, now help me take care of these walkers, will ya. I can't do this all day. Said the slayer as she stabbed one that was coming directly for Mirus and swung her black sword at some other walkers to her left as others had their brains shattered by an extreme cold. Meanwhile, Shovel Knight got up the building and got Shield Knight, explaining the situation.

Seeing that people were fighting zombies Crane drew his battle axe and join the fray. The battle axe was possibly one of the most powerful weapons that he had created. Crane jumped into the middle of horde and held his battle axe back. When the walkers got a bit closer he spun around and held his axe at neck height and decapitated the walkers that surrounded him.
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Unknown Universe

Revan: Revan did consider letting Seth hold the blade since he did recover it, but he felt that he should still hold onto it in the case of anyone seeking it for selfish reasons or with malicious intentions.

"You did reclaim the blade from the altar, yes, but I still am not sure if I should just hand it off so easily. It's just a matter of trust, and I have been betrayed before. That person is now deceased."

@TehFanzyBillCipher @Some_Bloke
apoliseno said:

Unknown Universe

Revan: Revan did consider letting Seth hold the blade since he did recover it, but he felt that he should still hold onto it in the case of anyone seeking it for selfish reasons or with malicious intentions.

"You did reclaim the blade from the altar, yes, but I still am not sure if I should just hand it off so easily. It's just a matter of trust, and I have been betrayed before. That person is now deceased."

@TehFanzyBillCipher @Some_Bloke
I've been betrayed aswell, those people were killed to. We all have. How do I know you won't betray us! Said Seth to Revan.
Captain Planet hovered above, carrying Kirby the yetay, while watching the magic man talk into his magic communicator. "This is clearly breaking some law of nature. I guess we should...confiscate that, right?" He flew downwards behind Elemento and put him in a full nelson. "Explain everything!"
Unknown Universe

Gregory turned his attention to Seth as the Guardian vanished "You tried to betray us!" He snapped You were going to leave me here to die with that crazy bitch! Now Max is dead and she just gets away with it!" He shouted before sighing deeply "You could have killed 'er and you decided to just surrender us over like handin' over a couple of stray cats."

He pointed the spear at Seth's throat only for Syeron to rest a hand on his shoulder "That's enough!" She shouted, causing Gregory to lower the spear. He sighed and began to walk away, approaching Akane "Did you know this was going to 'appen?"

She shook her head in response, fear in her eyes. Gregory nodded in response and walked back towards the entrance to the building, where the tear was still open.

"Yami...Is Max alive?" He whispered into the spear

The Walking Dead

Mirus nodded in response and drew her two blades, decapitating two Walkers while Max and Bishop followed Shovel Knight "Is that shovel any good?" Max asked, shooting Shovel Knight a playful half-smile "I mean, against these zombies? Jesus Christ, had someone told me zombies existed a few days ago I'd laugh in their face and tell them to quit smokin' whatever shit they're pumping into their lungs. When something's starting you right in the face you can't really deny it's existence, you know what I'm sayin'?"

Bishop sniffed Shovel Knight but did not bark, he only wagged his tail "Ah, great. It mean's you're not an asshole. Just some guy in armour with a shovel." Max chuckled, offering Shovel Knight a handshake "Max Valentine."





@Furious Finch
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Crenando said:
Captain Planet hovered above, carrying Kirby the yetay, while watching the magic man talk into his magic communicator. "This is clearly breaking some law of nature. I guess we should...confiscate that, right?" He flew downwards behind Elemento and put him in a full nelson. "Explain everything!"
"Hey The Amulet Allows me to Contact the Divine Council, They gave it to me as a way to contact them and draw on their powers when I became an agent of the Divine Council, Plus didn't one of the ten beings look a little 'familiar' to you, I wondered why she looked your way when I was talking to Chronodues, and I think I figured it out CAPTAIN PLANET, I always wondered why the second in command of the Council had the same name as your goddess, I think I figured it out" Elemento replied "Now would you kindly put me down" He added (either My Gaea and his are one and the same or, they are alternate versions of eachother he thought)

@theManCalledSting @Some_Bloke @Crenando @apoliseno
Unknown Universe

If you had listened for one second, and not yelled at me to kill The Guardian and to tell me to not trust him, YOU WOULD KNOW THAT I'M ONLY LEAVING TO KILL ULTRON AND THEN COMING BACK TO GET YOU GUYS! God! Can't you for one second trust someone! Lashed out Seth to Gregory who wouldn't listen.


Shovel Knight looked at Max. You bet it does! Come on, we got work to do! Said the knight, Shovel Blade in hand. Shield Knight also charged into battle with her man as they sliced walkers with the woman advancing into the horde as Darius also loaded rounds into the zombies.

@Furious Finch


Before Captain Planet could reply, a figure emerged from the shadows.


The TOFFEE CRISP VAMPIRE. It fired lasers from it's eyes, turning the wall behind Kathy into Toffee Crisp. Jane the Killer ran towards the TOFFEE CRISP VAMPIRE only for it's lasers to strike her, turning Jane into Toffee Crisp.

"I gotta get outta here!" The Old man shouted

"Wait a minute, didn't you just escape earlier?" Phelous asked

"Oh no, I came back for the pizza." The Old man explained before the two, the Blue Majora team and Valerie, Valerie Hudson ran through the sewers trying to escape from the laser blasts of the Toffee Crisp Vampire.
TehFanzyBillCipher said:
Unknown Universe
If you had listened for one second, and not yelled at me to kill The Guardian and to tell me to not trust him, YOU WOULD KNOW THAT I'M ONLY LEAVING TO KILL ULTRON AND THEN COMING BACK TO GET YOU GUYS! God! Can't you for one second trust someone! Lashed out Seth to Gregory who wouldn't listen.


Shovel Knight looked at Max. You bet it does! Come on, we got work to do! Said the knight, Shovel Blade in hand. Shield Knight also charged into battle with her man as they sliced walkers with the woman advancing into the horde as Darius also loaded rounds into the zombies.

@Furious Finch


Seeing the others join the fray, Crane yelled "Took you long enough!" Crane switched to his flame sword and started setting walkers on fire while slicing them to pieces.
Unknown Universe

"No guarantee we'd be unharmed by the crazy bitch!" Gregory snapped "Something kills one of our own and you're willing to trust it?! I'm just trying to figure it out, to get an idea in my head. Is it congenital with you, were you dropped on your head as a baby perhaps?" He snapped sarcastically "I mean you'll just blindly trust a being that tells us we're unjust or some pretentious shite for wanting to do the right thing, beats the shit out of us and then kills one of our own!"

He stepped away "She, it...Whatever the fook it was it had to die. It was a threat to us. What's to stop it from coming back? From simply killing all of us when we return this blade?" He paused "You'll have to return this blade on your own, Seth. I'm sure as 'ell not coming back to this dead planet."

The Walking Dead

Valentine drew his rifle and opened fire on oncoming Walkers, taking precise headshots "What's the plan?" He asked "We can't just fight off the entire horde, there's too many of these bastards."





@Furious Finch
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Captain Planet suplexes Elemento, releases him, and traps him inside a stone coffin. "I'll deal with you once I get more information from my contacts." He sat ontop of Elemento and pulled out a 2000's flip phone, called someone, and spoke some strange, foreign tongue.

Kirby the Yetay lifted up Kathy Krisp. As evidence.

and to eat later.

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