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Fandom "Tears" (a multi-fandom RP)

TommyGun15 said:
Snake sighed and decided to just follow The Doctor's lead. Nothing better to do at the moment.
"Vastra," the Doctor called to a Veiled woman.

"Doctor? Your face is different," said the Veiled Woman.

"Good, you actually talk properly," said the Doctor, "So show me this Meteor."

"Actually, it isn't a meteor, sir... it's a spaceship," said the other woman.

The Doctor stood there frozen, he recognized the ship from when he first met Aigis @The Servant

"Ice Warriors," were the words that came out of the Doctor's mouth.

Trenzalore-Neptunia Universe

Drake: Disappearing from sight, Drake reappeared where he was next to It. The Vehicons were still shooting at each other and the shadow spikes.

"Anyways, I believe it is your turn. I think I softened them up a bit," Drake said confidently with a smirk.

apoliseno said:

Trenzalore-Neptunia Universe

Drake: Disappearing from sight, Drake reappeared where he was next to It. The Vehicons were still shooting at each other and the shadow spikes.

"Anyways, I believe it is your turn. I think I softened them up a bit," Drake said confidently with a smirk.

"Never mind them, we got to find Neptune and the Other Goddesses!"
The Walking Dead Universe

Using her helmet, Mirus saw that a large horde was approaching the smoke.

"They'll be eaten alive." She muttered, turning her attention to the group "We need to get them away from that smoke."

"Thank you, Queen obvious." Harley replied "So, what's the plan?"

"Create another explosion to lead the walkers away of course." Mirus smiled, taking off her helmet. She winked at Harley and put it back on, running into the city and using her grappling hooks to quickly climb onto a roof. She grappled from building to building, heading deeper into the city. She sent a message to Harley using telepathy

Don't worry, I've got it covered. No one is making Curabitur pudding out of this bitch! She spoke in a playful tone

Mirus, stay out of my head. Harley replied


Unknown Universe

The hooded figure turned to Seth "I was created by the Centurions. I am artificial, a combination of magic and technology to create a guardian for one of their weapons. I..." It paused "I was never given a name, but you may call me guardian. For that is my purpose."

Yami, go loud. Gregory told Yami As loud as you bloody well can!

Victorian London: Whoverse

"Strax, that's the Doctor." Clara explained "He regenerated




[QUOTE="Some_Bloke]"Strax, that's the Doctor." Clara explained "He regenerated

"Silence! BOY!" spat Strax, "And you to!" he said pointing at Compa.

Trenzalore-Neptunia Universe

Drake: Drake almost didn't want to help, he almost wanted to wander off and try to find another portal and see if it led home. But, he decided to stay in do the right thing. Maybe he could get rewarded with some better weaponry so he wouldn't be so easily overwhelmed in a fight like he was earlier.

"I guess I can stick around for a while and help. My name's Drake, by the way. Ethan Drake," he said as he held his hand out for a handshake, both swords having dissipated into shadow when he reappeared.

Alright. But this might get messy...

The Spear glowed brightly for a moment. The runes, glowed brightly for a moment, then dimmed to a faint glimmer.

Behind the guardian, a small wisp of shadow opened up with a great snapping sound, and from the opening loomed a huge eye. It was blood red, and at least as tall as the giant skeleton from earlier. There came a voice, deep and dark as the depths of the sea.

"My bonds have been loosened. Surrender the Godslayer to us, or I will show you a fraction of what my true power can do."
apoliseno said:

Trenzalore-Neptunia Universe

Drake: Drake almost didn't want to help, he almost wanted to wander off and try to find another portal and see if it led home. But, he decided to stay in do the right thing. Maybe he could get rewarded with some better weaponry so he wouldn't be so easily overwhelmed in a fight like he was earlier.

"I guess I can stick around for a while and help. My name's Drake, by the way. Ethan Drake," he said as he held his hand out for a handshake, both swords having dissipated into shadow when he reappeared.

"Yeah and if you're thinking of helping can you please not be a jerk?"
theManCalledSting said:
"Why yes it is, my good man... Are you a friend of the Doctor's by any chance?" asked Madame Vastra who's face was hidden by a veil.
"I guess you could say that." Snake replied.

Trenzalore-Neptunia Universe

Drake: Raising both eyebrows in surprise and retracting his hand, Drake was wondering what he said wrong.

"What'd I do? Am I not supposed to offer a handshake here?" He was genuinely confused.

theManCalledSting said:
"Let me guess, you've just witnessed the Doctor change his face and are rightfully confused by it," deduced Madame Vastra.
"I've had almost no idea what's been happening for the past week Ma'am."
The Doctor walked cautiously into the spaceship

"Are you sure it's empty?"

"Yes, sir. We've checked and Strax would have killed the occupants if there were any," said Jenny

"Because, it wouldn't be snowing if there weren't any living Ice Warriors..." the Doctor explained.
TommyGun15 said:
"I've had almost no idea what's been happening for the past week Ma'am."
"Then things are about to get more confusing," Vastra said as she removed her veil to reveal her face.

apoliseno said:

Trenzalore-Neptunia Universe

Drake: Raising both eyebrows in surprise and retracting his hand, Drake was wondering what he said wrong.

"What'd I do? Am I not supposed to offer a handshake here?" He was genuinely confused.

"No, I'm saying stop showing off so much, it usually get people killed," IF said channeling her inner Doctor.
theManCalledSting said:
"Then things are about to get more confusing," Vastra said as she removed her veil to reveal her face.

Snake stared at her impassively for a moment.

"Ma'am, I hate to disappoint you, but I've been through so much weird shit in the past week, I've reached my limit for confusion. Nevertheless, you seem like a fairly friendly person, and it is very nice to meet you."
TommyGun15 said:
Snake stared at her impassively for a moment.
"Ma'am, I hate to disappoint you, but I've been through so much weird shit in the past week, I've reached my limit for confusion. Nevertheless, you seem like a fairly friendly person, and it is very nice to meet you."
"Well that's nice, to know," Vastra said.

"Girl! Come here!" Strax called to Big Boss.
theManCalledSting said:
"Well that's nice, to know," Vastra said.
"Girl! Come here!" Strax called to Big Boss.
Big Boss stared at Strax for a moment, wondering why he called him girl. With a shake of his head, he walked over to Strax.

"And how may I help you?"
TommyGun15 said:
Big Boss stared at Strax for a moment, wondering why he called him girl. With a shake of his head, he walked over to Strax.
"And how may I help you?"
"Please Don't mind, Strax. He has trouble with gender," said Vastra

"Girl! I see you are also of a military background, I am Strax of the great Sontaran Empire! Who might you be?"

Trenzalore-Neptunia Universe

Drake: Drake was slightly offended.

"I wasn't trying to show off, and I apologize if it seemed that way. I'm just...a little frustrated and I needed to let some steam out. I'll try to be less of a bother in the future..." he said, gripping his right bicep with his left hand.

apoliseno said:

Trenzalore-Neptunia Universe

Drake: Drake was slightly offended.

"I wasn't trying to show off, and I apologize if it seemed that way. I'm just...a little frustrated and I needed to let some steam out. I'll try to be less of a bother in the future..." he said, gripping his right bicep with his left hand.

"And now he's showing off," IF said unamused.

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