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Fandom "Tears" (a multi-fandom RP)

TommyGun15 said:
Snake was starting to look a bit annoyed.
"Alright, seriously? Does this David also have an eye-patch or something? If you must know, My name's John."

Irritated, Snake lit his cigar. Screw the fact that it was bad for his health.
"Yes," All of them said together in unison.

"So Histy, you know about the Robot Invasion?" asked Compa.

"Yes I do, they a beings known to some as the Transformers, they earned that name from their ability to transform into another form as camouflage..." explained Histoire.

"Yeah I know that already, got one of those guys locked up in the Dungeon back in Lowee," said Blanc.
theManCalledSting said:
"Yes," All of them said together in unison.
"So Histy, you know about the Robot Invasion?" asked Compa.

"Yes I do, they a beings known to some as the Transformers, they earned that name from their ability to transform into another form as camouflage..." explained Histoire.

"Yeah I know that already, got one of those guys locked up in the Dungeon back in Lowee," said Blanc.
Snake leaned against the wall and listened, blowing a cloud of smoke out of his mouth.
TommyGun15 said:
Snake leaned against the wall and listened, blowing a cloud of smoke out of his mouth.
"I am surprised it took them 1,984 years of war and 2 peace times to have their conflict reach Gamindustri... although... I do believe the old leader of the Decepticons currently resides here in Planeptune..." Histy said.

"Oh you mean Mr. Megs! He's super nice," Compa said about Megatron...
theManCalledSting said:
"I am surprised it took them 1,984 years of war and 2 peace times to have their conflict reach Gamindustri... although... I do believe the old leader of the Decepticons currently resides here in Planeptune..." Histy said.
"Oh you mean Mr. Megs! He's super nice," Compa said about Megatron...
Snake raised an eyebrow.

"Well, do we know if he's involved in any way?"

"So's the Doctor and we don't let that cloud our judgement of him!" Compa said in defense of Megatron.

A Knock on the Door was heard.

"Come in!" Compa said in a rather pleasant tone.

"Compa! I'm here for our Retro Let's Play!" said a booming voice... coming from


This is legit

"Uh.... am I interrupting something here?" he asked as the rest of the part shot him death glares...

"Don't worry Mr. Megs!" Compa said with a smile before returning a death glare of her own to the others, "Nep-Nep helped Arfoire be good again so why can't we have Mr. Megs be good too?"
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TehFanzyMetroid said:
SHIT! DON'T COME CLOSE TO IT! Yelled Seth to Gregory as he got out and remembered the goblin who acted as a baby to infiltrate his house that first summer solstice. It was too late, the spiderwoman gained her true form and started to attack the group. He figured she could see in the dark, and him too. He grabbed his gun and shot at the pouch of the Jorogumo's body, getting behind cover. Can this thing see in the dark! Asked Seth to Mil, having a plan.

Prison-Dying Universe

Revan: Releasing his grip on the creature, Revan deignited his sabers and put them on his belt as he approached the creature. He approved of Syeron's choice to use a mind trick to get her to speak truthfully. Bastilla and him both followed the group into the building the creature pointed out.

apoliseno said:

Various Locations-Neptunia Universe

Arrow: Having followed Snake's group to the dungeons, Oliver was suddenly whisked away by the small girl's fast travel. He was also getting tired of Snake's speeches about the tactical value of boxes. He was quite confused by the arrival of the weird version of Megatron, but he never nocked an arrow. He just remained silent in the back of the group.

Drake: Seeing a café further up the road, Drake started to walk faster, almost breaking into a run.

"I see food place. Meet you there. Talk in a few," he stated as he slolwy got ahead of his temporary escort. He arrived at the café and got himself a table for two. He was curtious....sometimes. He ordered himself a soda and two sandwiches and waited for Mage.

"So, Drake... tell me about your home dimension, I'm doing a study on all inter-dimensional visitors and how the travel between two worlds would affect their health." said MAGES..
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apoliseno said:
Arrow: Having followed Snake's group to the dungeons, Oliver was suddenly whisked away by the small girl's fast travel. He was also getting tired of Snake's speeches about the tactical value of boxes. He was quite confused by the arrival of the weird version of Megatron, but he never nocked an arrow. He just remained silent in the back of the group.
"Hey, Asshole with the Hood, you tell me if we should trust the Giant Robot," ordered Blanc.

"Must we have him be my judge?" asked Megatron.

"Well, I guess he is the most impartial judge we have. ~(^◇^)/" said Histoire.

"But I've stayed on this planet for Months! If I was involved then why didn't I kill all of your already?" countered Megatron.
[QUOTE="Some_Bloke]"How the hell should I know?!" Max shouted, opening fire on the creature with his rifle "I've never seen anything like it in my life!"
Gregory was knocked back by the Jorogumo as he attempted to attack it's head and hit the ground next to the group. He quickly steadied himself using the spear and turned to the others. "Well so much for that idea." He muttered, seeing that the creature was still being held by Revan.

"Don't rush in without me next time, Gregory." Syeron shot him a cocky half-smile "While they distract it and Revan holds it in place we hit it from both sides. Ready?"

Gregory nodded in response and the two lunged forwards. While the creature knocked Gregory back using two of it's legs, Syeron was able to slice five of them off before being knocked back. It screeched in pain and turned it's attention towards her only for Gregory to strike it from behind. He quickly drew his katana and sliced another leg off, causing the Jorogumo to fall.

As it fell, the creature changed back to it's human form, now covered in blood and raised a hand. "Please." She begged "Don't kill me!"

Syeron looked at Gregory, then back at the creature "I say we find out what she knows. She could be useful." She suggested, getting a nod from Gregory in response.

"Right love, if you want to keep what legs you have left you'll answer our questions." Gregory spoke in a threatening tone, getting a nod from her in response "What is this place?"

"A prison." She answered "When the Centurions hid the weapon here, they also imprisoned us, well for a lack of better words. They left us here to fend for ourselves."

"What are the Centurions?" Syeron asked

"You came here looking for the God Killer and yet you don't know who they are?" She asked in a confused tone

"Listen lady...Well, spider-lady, thing. We're only here because we need to kill something with Godly powers." Max butted in, drawing one of his revolvers and pointing it at her head "I don't give a damn about your Centurions."

"I can take you to the God Killer." She pleaded

"No chance." Gregory chuckled "You just tried to eat us. You're not taking us anywhere!"

"We need to hide. They're coming."

"What is?" Syeron asked, kneeling down so that her face and the face of the creature met

"You let out a screech like I did, something is going to notice!" She pleaded "We need to get underground!"

Gregory stepped away from the Jorogumo "To your web." He chuckled

"Listen to me you fool!" She continued to plead "I need time to heal before I can change back into my true form. If I do it now, it will kill me. I am no threat to you!"

"Speak honestly." Syeron spoke in a clear tone, gently waving two fingers in front of the creature's face

"I am no threat to you." She spoke in a blank tone

"She's telling the truth." Syeron explained, standing up and taking the Jorogumo by the left arm

"How do you know?" Max asked

"Jedi mind trick." Gregory half-smiled "I've seen it before."

"Where?" Syeron asked curiously

"You wouldn't believe me in a million years."

"This way!" The Jorogumo shouted, pointing to a nearby run-down building


Yami sighed. Damn, another thing he wasn't going to eat. This was starting to irritate him.

"Well, I guess we let her lead the way. Permission to eradicate her if she tries anything funny?"
theManCalledSting said:
"Hey, Asshole with the Hood, you tell me if we should trust the Giant Robot," ordered Blanc.
"Must we have him be my judge?" asked Megatron.

"Well, I guess he is the most impartial judge we have. ~(^◇^)/" said Histoire.

"But I've stayed on this planet for Months! If I was involved then why didn't I kill all of your already?" countered Megatron.
"Sleeper agent." Snake said around his cigar.

"You send a guy ahead to scope out the places that are valuable and/or vulnerable, then attack once you've gotten as much information as possible. I've seen it done before. Hell, I've done it myself."

A café-Neptunia Universe

Drake: After washing down the last bit of his first sandwich with his drink, Drake cleared his throat to explain.

"Well, where I come from, ancient Greek mythology is real and the gods of Olympus, uh, intermingle with mortals to create demigod children. I am a son of Hades, god of the Underworld and a few other wonderful things. And, as I've learned through my adventures, the gods have Roman counterparts and a whole other mess off Roman demigods who built a "New Rome" in California. I've also seen Egyptian mythology and Norse mythology in my universe as well. Yeah, so I spend my time at a camp full of Greek demigods doing fun camp stuff like arts and crafts, archery classes, sword fighting lessons, lava rock wall, and more fun stuff. Anyways, what about here?"

Deep in the TARDIS...

The Doctor is alone with Aigis, @The Servant "Aigis, I am so sorry I couldn't save your friend... I hope fixed you up though because right now there's a Warworld hovering over Gamindustri and we need all the firepower we can get to take down Nova Prime!" the Doctor said in hopes of Aigis waking up...

Apartment-Neptunia Universe

Arrow: Oliver was once again placed in a decisive situation, even though he had been trying to be quiet. He didn't take too kindly to the girl's colorful language, either.

"Well, first off watch your mouth. Secondly, he isn't acting anything like the Megatron I've seen in television or movies. This one hasn't been trying to wipe out organic life. I say he's fine for now, but if he so much as touches anyone the wrong way he's going to get short-circuited," Oliver stated, close to emotionless.

@theManCalledSting @TommyGun15
apoliseno said:

Apartment-Neptunia Universe

Arrow: Oliver was once again placed in a decisive situation, even though he had been trying to be quiet. He didn't take too kindly to the girl's colorful language, either.

"Well, first off watch your mouth. Secondly, he isn't acting anything like the Megatron I've seen in television or movies. This one hasn't been trying to wipe out organic life. I say he's fine for now, but if he so much as touches anyone the wrong way he's going to get short-circuited," Oliver stated, close to emotionless.

@theManCalledSting @TommyGun15
"I was a revolutionist first, fighting agaist the horrid caste system of the Autobots before becoming the monster I was fighting..." said Megatron as he rubbed a black symbol on his chest to reveal the Autobot Symbol "I wear this badge now as penance for my sins..."
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Domi- Dying Universe

The Jorogumo led the group into the building, opening a cellar door and ran inside. As they followed, they found that the cellar was covered in webbing and stockpiled with medical supplies. A pile of bones lay in a corner, causing Gregory and Max to draw their revolvers.

"Granted." Gregory replied coldly

"What?" The Jorogumo asked

"He weren't talkin' to you." Max snapped "What's out there?"

"What you humans would call Yōkai."

"Shite..." Gregory muttered, lowering his revolver

"Yōkai are a class of monsters in Japanese folklore." Mil explained

"Monsters?" The Jorogumo snapped "Says the creature made of metal."

"Last time I checked it didn't try to eat me." Gregory shrugged "Giant spider that takes the form of a lady, sounds like a monster to me alright."

"What exactly is out there?" Max asked "Other spider-ladies?"

"Other...Spider-like creatures." She explained "And other Yōkai."

"Well that's just bloody fantastic." Gregory spat "It was a fookin effort takin' you down."

Gregory stepped away from the Jorogumo and drew his revolver, aiming it at her head.

"Right, is there anything else you know? The devil's in the details."

"I see no devil." Mil butted in "The devil is a..."

"Made up concept, I know. It's a saying." He interrupted

"Tsuchigumo, Gashadokuro, Lapsis Honora and Scythes."

"Gregory, Mil?" Max asked "Mind explain' what those things are."

"Tsuchigumo are a mix between tigers and spiders with the face of a demon. According to legend, a warrior once killed one and one thousand, nine hundred and ninety skulls fell out of it's belly." Mil explained

"Shit." Max muttered

"They can be killed, that's all you need to know." Gregory spoke "The other thing, the Gashadokuro. It can't be killed. It's a giant skeleton that eats people."

"And the other two?" Max asked

"Never heard of them." Gregory shrugged "Lapsis Honora is Latin. It means Fallen Honour or something. My Latin is a little rusty though."




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The Doctor notices that Aigis hasn't responded yet, "Please, Aigis... Don't go..." The Doctor teared up and hugged the Android, "I put so much work into you... Please, Just this once, Don't die because of me..." The Doctor sobbed. @The Servant

"Just this once... Please be alive..."

As the Timelord sobs he then finishes by saying, "I put so much work into you."
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Aerie: Age of Ultron Universe

Ser Dougan, Lancelot, Ser Ismay and the Emperor stood on the Shi'ar homeworld of Aerie, an army of Thunder warriors and several platoons of Knights behind them. Standing in front of the army were millions of Ultron Sentinels. The planet had become a desolate wasteland, with almost no signs of the once great Shi'ar Empire left. All that remained in place were factories for producing Ultron's Sentinels, the machines of war.

"Who are you?" Ultron asked, speaking through one of his Sentinels.

Ser Dougan turned to Lancelot who nodded in response and drew his sword. "For Camelot." He muttered

"For Camelot." Ser Dougan muttered in response, drawing her swords "We are the ones who will end your genocide, soulless machine!" She shouted "We will show you no mercy, for you deserve none as a butcher of the innocent!"

The two Knights and the Emperor charged forwards, their army behind them. The Thunder Warriors pushed past the Emperor and the three Knights, charging into the first wave of Sentinels with their swords, slicing them to pieces and only losing a small handful of soldiers. Five Sentinels broke off and flew towards Lancelot. He cut them down with ease, yelling angrily as he decapitated the remaining Sentinel. The second wave descended, flying straight towards the Thunder Warriors only to be ripped apart by gunfire fired from mortars.


Those remaining were quickly torn to shreds by the Thunder Warriors. The third wave approached the army, flying towards them at full speed.


@hudhouse (this battle could be a good point for Oryx to come back, if you want)
Oryx's desire for revenge finally overtook him, it was one that could never be quenched until he was an Axiom! He would not, and could not, stand for Ultron meddling in his affairs. Oryx would be the only multidimensional conqueror, and he would be undefeated! He called forth the newest Taken, those that were not battle tested yet were formidable in the fields. The planet of Aerie was one of the beach heads of Ultron's assault, and as such Oryx took the fight to him. He caused the very dimensional plane above the planet to quiver open, a slit that spewed out a fleet of new ships. The newest head of the entire fleet of Hive, Cabal and Fallen, rested a Covenant Supercarrier. The nearly 18 mile spaceship was converted during the Siege of Sanghelios, and with this war machine he desired to rip his rule BACK!

The ground in front of the Thunder Warriors twirled, space itself seeming to rush towards it. The air breathed out, rushing backwards in horror as a Echo of Oryx stood there. He roared out, "i conquered Galaxies now Ultron, I am consumer of dimensions! You are simply a cloned experiment, and i am your pathogen! Find out how to break one, and you break the rest!" The Echo jerked it's head back towards the Thunder Warriors, and roared out, "I will aide you..." The Echo thrusted its right hand upwards, forming Taken Blights as far as the eye could see.

Forming first were 10 Blighted Descendants, massive versions of the Overlord that unleashed artillery over vast distances. Upgraded Constructors stood, ones that made their shielded targets invulnerable but could not be shielded themselves. Tyrants stood side by side with the Blighted Descendants, unleashing their quad-laser weaponry into the Ultron forces. But then came the new ones... Taken Elites. Renamed into the Zealots after their duties to the Prophets, the Honor Guard all held the power of the ancient arbiter. They unleashed a thick visible aura of frenzy while leaping high into the air, then slashing down in a straight line towards foes. They were blood hungry, and seemed to never stop fighting their foe tell all that was left were allies.

Taken Grunts, now named the Shadows, came in vast numbers. They were no longer cowardly, and their unique power allowed them to form in the shadows of their foe and flank them. The shadow dens, the very natural shadows of the world, were turned into weapons. But the most powerful and horrafying of Oryx's new Taken forces... were a beast thought long extinct by even the Guardians. The Ahamakra were brought back! Dragons flooded the sky, followed by Dragoons, Covenant Banshees, and Swarm. The Taken Ahamakara were known as Whispers, who gave off powerful auditory illusions to even the machines of Ultron. The Ahamakra's power was warped to a strange shape, the undying knife, that let them charge. Their unique power allowed their scales to be enhanced to a unholy level, making them as durable as space ship armor, then having a solar shield on them. They also held another, they could breath out flame from their shield, allowing them another ranged attack.

Oryx commanded his vast army to attack the planet of Aerie, which made another tendril of the Black Garden grow there. The dimensional damage he did was healed yet kept open, rapidly forming a gate. If he could get Ultron into the Black Garden, this would be all over. For now, he just fought for more troops!

(Oryx comes in bulk and force xD )

@Barbas @Some_Bloke
The Emperor

Pleased that his forces were winning the battle, the Emperor fires a blast of energy at the incoming army as his forces March forward.
Aerie: Age of Ultron Universe

Seeing Oryx's forces descend, Ser Dougan and Lancelot prepared themselves for a battle against a second foe only for The Merchant to appear behind them. "He is with me." He stated before vanishing.

The Sentinels saw the third party now enter the fray and began to concentrate their firepower on Oryx's forces, giving the Thunder warriors an opportunity to push forwards. They charged towards the now somewhat distracted Sentinels and tore several of them to pieces with their blades. Ser Dougan lunged at three Sentinels who had knocked a Thunder Warrior to the ground and decapitated all three of them within seconds, helping the warrior to his feet. He did not say anything and simply cut down a Sentinel as if nothing had happened.

She looked down as a damaged Sentinel that had been sliced in half crawled towards her, in response she stabbed it through the head using one of her swords and tossed one of her knives at an oncoming Sentinel. Lancelot ran to her side, slicing through two Sentinels as he did so "Who is this being?" He asked, looking up at some of Oryx's forces

"I have no idea, but the Merchant said that the two are allies." She replied "I do not trust either beings, but they have their uses."

As the third wave withered and died, the fourth wave charged towards Oryx's forces while a fifth wave flew towards the Thunder warriors.


TehFanzyMetroid said:
Wait, dark creatures. Sounds right up my alley. Said Seth to the group. Tell me more about that giant skeleton. Asked the man to the Jorogumo.




"They cannot be killed, but they be repelled using the right spells. Considering how you don't know what one is, I doubt you'll be able to repel it." She explained

"Fifteen times taller than the average human, said to be created from the bones of those who died of starvation. Once it kills it's victim, by biting their head off it adds their bones to it's body." Mil explained

"You'll hear a racket in your ears. A loud ringing." Gregory butted in "If one's approaching."

"So, we can't kill it but at least we get a warning." Max shrugged "So we're not completely fucked."
[QUOTE="Some_Bloke]"They cannot be killed, but they be repelled using the right spells. Considering how you don't know what one is, I doubt you'll be able to repel it." She explained
"Fifteen times taller than the average human, said to be created from the bones of those who died of starvation. Once it kills it's victim, by biting their head off it adds their bones to it's body." Mil explained

"You'll hear a racket in your ears. A loud ringing." Gregory butted in "If one's approaching."

"So, we can't kill it but at least we get a warning." Max shrugged "So we're not completely fucked."

Yami tilted his head.

"I don't know. I might be able to kill it. Ask her if monsters have souls. Where I'm from everything has a soul, but it changes in different universes. If it has a soul, I can probably eat it."

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