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Fandom "Tears" (a multi-fandom RP)

Reborn World

Revan: Walking behind Gregory to the Hawk, Revan's lightsabers dangled from his belt as he adjusted the mask back onto his face. He was ready for a fight, and this relic might be a good way to deal with the Sith Emperor once and for all.
apoliseno said:

Reborn World

Revan: Walking behind Gregory to the Hawk, Revan's lightsabers dangled from his belt as he adjusted the mask back onto his face. He was ready for a fight, and this relic might be a good way to deal with the Sith Emperor once and for all.
((Waiting for Skylar's post))

Beacon Academy-RWBY Universe

Skylar: Seeing the threat had been teleported away, Skylar adjusted his hood and carefully ventured outside the academy's entrance, past Laszlo, and out into the space where the army of enemies used to occupy. Could it have been one of those 'tears' that took him to that other universe? He didn't know.

Raiden: Inside the academy, Raiden was recharging his dangerously low energy reserves. The actions and power he had drained left them a little too low, and he had to charge them back up. His next task was to take down those strange trash can-looking robots that attacked and threatened to burn the planet. His Murasama, his blade of justice, would ensure that those beings met their ends.


The TARDIS-Metal Gear Universe

Arrow: Oliver sat in one corner of the TARDIS, away from anyone. He had completely lost control back on Motherbase. He had killed and wounded soldiers that were only doing their jobs, and he didn't feel remorse until now. The Doctor had said that those Zygon creatures, which took the forms of Oliver's closest friends, had controlled his rage and harnessed it to do their work. He felt worse than his tumble off of the cliff he had first fought Ra's Al-Ghul on. He wished he had been shot back at Motherbase. At least he wouldn't have to live with the guilt.
apoliseno said:

Reborn World

Revan: Walking behind Gregory to the Hawk, Revan's lightsabers dangled from his belt as he adjusted the mask back onto his face. He was ready for a fight, and this relic might be a good way to deal with the Sith Emperor once and for all.
Gregory sat behind the controls of the Curabitur ship and sent Revan a message over the radio.

"Is everyone on board?" He asked "I want to get there before this universe actually dies."

Reborn Universe

Revan: After going through and making sure his ship's systems were online, Revan answered Gregory's hail.

"I've got myself and Bastilla on board my ship at the moment. I don't know if Syeron and her companions have joined us yet," the masked Knight responded.

"They're accounted for." Syeorn replied, speaking into the radio

"Alright then." Gregory muttered "Bollocks."

"What is it?" Syeron asked

"This ship still doesn't have a name." Gregory explained

"It's bad luck to fly a ship without a name." Max butted in, stepping towards the controls and examining them "So what are we gonna call her?"

Gregory paused for several moments "Goose." He grinned "We'll call her Goose."

"Goose?" Max asked

"It's a Top Gu...Nevermind." Gregory sighed, taking the controls of the ship and flying upwards


Reborn Universe

Revan: Confused by what Gregory was referring to, Revan shook his head as he took off in the Hawk after the Goose.

"If this universe is as dangerous as you've described, Gregory," Revan said over comms, "then I suggest everyone be safe and stay close together. May the Force be with us all."

apoliseno said:

Reborn Universe

Revan: Confused by what Gregory was referring to, Revan shook his head as he took off in the Hawk after the Goose.

"If this universe is as dangerous as you've described, Gregory," Revan said over comms, "then I suggest everyone be safe and stay close together. May the Force be with us all."




apoliseno said:

The TARDIS-Metal Gear Universe

Arrow: Oliver sat in one corner of the TARDIS, away from anyone. He had completely lost control back on Motherbase. He had killed and wounded soldiers that were only doing their jobs, and he didn't feel remorse until now. The Doctor had said that those Zygon creatures, which took the forms of Oliver's closest friends, had controlled his rage and harnessed it to do their work. He felt worse than his tumble off of the cliff he had first fought Ra's Al-Ghul on. He wished he had been shot back at Motherbase. At least he wouldn't have to live with the guilt.
"Oliver Queen, what is troubling you?" asked Handles the Cyberman head.
ryanpk200 said:
Recently Shepard had just been blindly following everyone and wasn't doing much. He didn't know why and it felt very out of character for him. Shepard saw Mil walk over to him and answered his question. "The universe I come from is still fighting the Reapers. We had been raiding a base when I stumbled across a tear and got pulled in."
"The Reapers are defeated after Shepard, Commander sacrifices herself at the Crucible." Mil explained, trying to reassure Shepard "Just as Legion sacrificed itself to save it's species and that of the creators, Shepard, Commander sacrifices herself to end the Reaper threat. She takes control of the machines, living through them and uses them to rebuild the galaxy." It continued "I can show you the entire history if you so wish."

As Darius gazed into the horizon, Shovel Knight and Shield Knight got up. Shovel Knight decided to talk to the man. Hello, good sir. I am Shovel Knight. We seem to have both fallen into some sort of portal across worlds to this ruinous place. Anyways, what is your name. Asked the blue knight to the space marine. Uh... Hello... Wait, you got to be kidding me! This must be some sort of weird dream. You aren't real, since this is all perfectly impossible! Exclaimed Darius to the new arrival, flabbergasted. No, I believe I am quite real, me and my companion Shield Knight, that is. So, what is your name. Asked the short one again. Okay, okay, this is probably some trick, but, my name is Darius. I must be dreaming but can't wake up. Hello, uh... Shovel Knight. Said the soldier unsure, sitting down on a vent on the building. Suddenly, Jim the dinosaur flew up. Hey look, a Divedrake! Said Shovel Knight as he saw Jim. Darius cocked his rifle, target acquired. This frightened Jim which caused him to hide behind Shield Knight who was up and checking her things. SHIELD KNIGHT, WATCH OUT! Yelled the shoveled knight. It's alright! He's harmless, come look! Said the woman as the dinosaur flew around her. She had the note in hand.

Hello there saucy sailor. I know you're in a city that's overrun with the undead and all, but try not to panic.

If you have any weapons, destroy the brain or remove the head, don't get bitten or you'll become like them.

Also, this note is attached to a dinosaur. He's called Jim, so please be nice to him. Us, a group of people, well two humans and a living tree really are going to help you get out of there. If you want to live, send Jim back with a note explaining your situation and we'll send back instructions.

Don't panic, we're going to get you off of that roof in one piece.

Lots of love Beth, Harley and Groot.

P.S Please be nice to Jim

P.SS What universe are you from, I'm curious :)

Shovel Knight, Shield Knight and Darius read the letter. What... The... Hell... Said Darius, thinking he's loosing his mind. Hmm... Interesting... Said Shovel Knight. Yes, very. I'll write a reply. Come on, Jim. Said Shield Knight, having a quill and ink for some reason on her. She then started to write the note.[/i]

Hey there! Thanks for writing so soon. I'm Shield Knight, I'm here with a man called Darius, me my companion Shovel Knight and some others who haven't woken up.

We'll try to go to the lower levels of the building. The 3 of us have armor that should protect us and the other guy, Darius has a few mechanic crossbows on him.

We'll try waking up others and one of the people here will stay up here to look out for Jim.

We'll stay here until further instructions.

Oh, and Shovel are from a, from the looks of it, less advanced universe.

See you soon.

P.S Jim is nice.

P.SS You seem surprisingly calm

Responded the woman on the back of the paper in a nice cursive calligraphy before rolling up the paper and sending it on Jim before he went off.


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TehFanzyMetroid said:
As Darius gazed into the horizon, Shovel Knight and Shield Knight got up. Shovel Knight decided to talk to the man. Hello, good sir. I am Shovel Knight. We seem to have both fallen into some sort of portal across worlds to this ruinous place. Anyways, what is your name. Asked the blue knight to the space marine. Uh... Hello... Wait, you got to be kidding me! This must be some sort of weird dream. You aren't real, since this is all perfectly impossible! Exclaimed Darius to the new arrival, flabbergasted. No, I believe I am quite real, me and my companion Shield Knight, that is. So, what is your name. Asked the short one again. Okay, okay, this is probably some trick, but, my name is Darius. I must be dreaming but can't wake up. Hello, uh... Shovel Knight. Said the soldier unsure, sitting down on a vent on the building. Suddenly, Jim the dinosaur flew up. Hey look, a Divedrake! Said Shovel Knight as he saw Jim. Darius cocked his rifle, target acquired. This frightened Jim which caused him to hide behind Shield Knight who was up and checking her things. SHIELD KNIGHT, WATCH OUT! Yelled the shoveled knight. It's alright! He's harmless, come look! Said the woman as the dinosaur flew around her. She had the note in hand.

Hello there saucy sailor. I know you're in a city that's overrun with the undead and all, but try not to panic.

If you have any weapons, destroy the brain or remove the head, don't get bitten or you'll become like them.

Also, this note is attached to a dinosaur. He's called Jim, so please be nice to him. Us, a group of people, well two humans and a living tree really are going to help you get out of there. If you want to live, send Jim back with a note explaining your situation and we'll send back instructions.

Don't panic, we're going to get you off of that roof in one piece.

Lots of love Beth, Harley and Groot.

P.S Please be nice to Jim

P.SS What universe are you from, I'm curious :)

Shovel Knight, Shield Knight and Darius read the letter. What... The... Hell... Said Darius, thinking he's loosing his mind. Hmm... Interesting... Said Shovel Knight. Yes, very. I'll write a reply. Come on, Jim. Said Shield Knight, having a quill and ink for some reason on her. She then started to write the note.[/i]

Hey there! Thanks for writing so soon. I'm Shield Knight, I'm here with a man called Darius, me my companion Shovel Knight and some others who haven't woken up.

We'll try to go to the lower levels of the building. The 3 of us have armor that should protect us and the other guy, Darius has a few mechanic crossbows on him.

We'll try waking up others and one of the people here will stay up here to look out for Jim.

We'll stay here until further instructions.

Oh, and Shovel are from a, from the looks of it, less advanced universe.

See you soon.

P.S Jim is nice.

P.SS You seem surprisingly calm

Responded the woman on the back of the paper in a nice cursive calligraphy before rolling up the paper and sending it on Jim before he went off.



Crane got up and saw the strange sight in front of him. "Cartoon Knights, a space marine, and a dinosaur? I must not have taken my meds today?" He said. "If I'm not dreaming does anyone know where we are and what's happening?"
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ryanpk200 said:
Crane got up and saw the strange sight in front of him. "Cartoon Knights, a space marine, and a dinosaur? I must not have taken my meds today?" He said. "If I'm not dreaming does anyone know where we are and what's happening?"
Join the club. Said Darius to Crane as Jim flew off. Apparantly, I got sucked into a portal from a distant moon to what appears to be a bombed city filled with the undead who are killed by removing their head or shooting the brain. The name's Darius, by the way. These are Shovel and Shield Knight. They seem to be more relaxed about the situation. Said the man to Crane.
TehFanzyMetroid said:
Join the club. Said Darius to Crane as Jim flew off. Apparantly, I got sucked into a portal from a distant moon to what appears to be a bombed city filled with the undead who are killed by removing their head or shooting the brain. The name's Darius, by the way. These are Shovel and Shield Knight. They seem to be more relaxed about the situation. Said the man to Crane.
Kyle began talking. "The names Kyle Crane. Bombed out city filled with undead? That right up my alley. Where I come from killing undead and helping people is pretty much all I do."
ryanpk200 said:
Kyle began talking. "The names Kyle Crane. Bombed out city filled with undead? That right up my alley. Where I come from killing undead and helping people is pretty much all I do."
Where I come from, us humans are fighting The Garizon, race of aliens who try to steal our stuff and send us back. I'm the leader of a small recon squad sent to sabotage enemy connections and cover the main force's flank.
ryanpk200 said:
Reborn Universe (I think)
"She took control of the Reapers? So the Illusive Man was right? You said she sacrificed herself. I've got a lot of questions. Why don't you just show me the entire history. That should answer a lot." Shepard finished.
"The Illusive man wanted to control the Reapers for his own selfish gains." Mil explained "Shepard, Commander did it to save the galaxy." Mil activated it's omni-tool, displaying images of the final battle on Rannoch, of Shepard destroying the Reaper, of Legion's sacrifice, of the newfound peace between Geth and Quarrians. "Without Shepard, the Geth and the creators would have destroyed each other."

As Yami covered the ships, Gregory flew the Goose through the tear with the Hawk behind him. The two ships were instantly greeted by what appeared to be an asteroid belt. He ran a quick scan of it using the ship.

"And if you look to your right you'll see what appears to be a planet breaking up." Gregory spoke over the radio

"Christ." Max muttered

"It's not Domi." Gregory replied "Scans say whatever planet this was burned up thousands of years ago. This is all that remains. I don't want to be around here any longer than you lot."

He pushed the ship forwards, approaching the Domi system.


Nikita watched as the machines descended and instantly flew towards them wielding her energy katana.

The Walking Dead

Mirus stroked Jim under his chin as he landed back on her shoulder. She opened the note and read it "Shovel Knight?" He muttered in a confused tone, only for a half-smile to appear on her face "Well he's got my curiosity all right. A Knight who wields a shovel. Heh."

"Well we've already got a Jester in our group. All we need is a Queen, King, a couple of dukes...Erm, maybe a Bishop or two." Harley butted in

"I'm the Queen." Mirus smiled, reading the letter "Well they like Jim so I suppose he was his polite self." She stroked under his chin again

"Do you have a plan, my liege?" Harley asked taking a sarcastic bow

"If he's a Knight running around in loud clunky armour and wielding a shovel stealth is out of the question, unless they cover themselves in Walker guts."

She wrote another note, attached it to Jim and sent it back towards the building.

Glad you're a fan of Jim, we have a plan.

And by we, I mean me. It's my plan and don't let anyone else tell you otherwise.

People taking credit for my work dammit.

Anyway, there's a method for stealth. It's a bit gross though.

You need to cover yourself in Walker guts. There might be a few on the lower floors.

Take them out and cover yourself in their guts. To them you'll appear like them.

Another piece of shit, pain in the arse Walker. They won't bother you unless you bother them.

So you know, don't poke them or anything.

P.S Yeah I know Walker guts are gross but I suppose it's better than being Walker chow

PP.S If there's a Shovel Knight I wonder if there's a rake Knight or a bucket Knight



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