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Fandom "Tears" (a multi-fandom RP)

Somewhere in the Doctor's Native Universe

over what may be a more video game oriented version of the Land of Fiction a tear opened at out came

TommyGun15 said:
Yami stared at the shattered planet for a few moments.
"Damn if that isn't beautiful."

The others could not see it, but Yami saw every soul that lived on the planet, swirling in the wreckage like minnows in the ocean. It was a starlit sky in motion, constantly shifting and changing.


"I wouldn't really use the world beautiful for the fragments of a planet that's kicked the bucket." Gregory muttered as the Goose approached the Domi system. Every planet was the same as the one they had encountered, nothing remained but it's fragments. Gregory fell silent and leaned back in his chair. Domi, the home system of the Curabitur lay in complete ruins. The sun, once large and in the middle of the system had gone out. In it's place was a black, dead orb. A black dwarf star.

"I wonder how many other systems are like this." Max spoke

"All of them." Mil replied "This is the inevitable fate of the universe."

"Gee, thanks for the reassurance captain positive." Max snapped sarcastically

"Both of you shut up." Syeron butted in "Billions of people probably lived in this system. We should be respectful."

"Sorry." Max muttered

"Trillions." Gregory muttered

The Goose and the Hawk approached Domi itself, the only remaining planet in the system. What had once been the gleaming world of the Curabitur civilization, the planet of their origin had become a dead planet, absent of any kind of light.

"Scan for energy signatures." Gregory ordered the ship "I don't want to stay in this universe for any longer than we have too."

The ship detected several energy signatures on the planet's surface, but one large energy signature seemed to be coming from underground. With what appeared to be the God Killer in sight, the two ships began their descent.
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The TARDIS-Metal Gear Universe

Arrow: Oliver looked up from his knees at the battered Cyberman head. He removed the mask from his eyes and took the hood off, revealing a red-eyed and wet-eyed Oliver Queen stricken with grief.

"I....I...I was used. Those things....made me kill innocent soldiers, made their bodies look like my closest friends. I...I've failed."

apoliseno said:

The TARDIS-Metal Gear Universe

Arrow: Oliver looked up from his knees at the battered Cyberman head. He removed the mask from his eyes and took the hood off, revealing a red-eyed and wet-eyed Oliver Queen stricken with grief.

"I....I...I was used. Those things....made me kill innocent soldiers, made their bodies look like my closest friends. I...I've failed."

"As tragic as that may be, we've all failed at one point in our lives, the best we must do is to keep our chin up and keep moving forward, that is why the Doctor keeps running."
[QUOTE="Some_Bloke]"I wouldn't really use the world beautiful for the fragments of a planet that's kicked the bucket." Gregory muttered as the Goose approached the Domi system. Every planet was the same as the one they had encountered, nothing remained but it's fragments. Gregory fell silent and leaned back in his chair. Domi, the home system of the Curabitur lay in complete ruins. The sun, once large and in the middle of the system had gone out. In it's place was a black, dead orb. A black dwarf star.
"I wonder how many other systems are like this." Max spoke

"All of them." Mil replied "This is the inevitable fate of the universe."

"Gee, thanks for the reassurance captain positive." Max snapped sarcastically

"Both of you shut up." Syeron butted in "Billions of people probably lived in this system. We should be respectful."

"Sorry." Max muttered

"Trillions." Gregory muttered

The Goose and the Hawk approached Domi itself, the only remaining planet in the system. What had once been the gleaming world of the Curabitur civilization, the planet of their origin had become a dead planet, absent of any kind of light.

"Scan for energy signatures." Gregory ordered the ship "I don't want to stay in this universe for any longer than we have too."

The ship detected several energy signatures on the planet's surface, but one large energy signature seemed to be coming from underground. With what appeared to be the God Killer in sight, the two ships began their descent.

Yami sighed.

"That's right. You can't see them. I forget that sometimes."

Yami could feel a powerful presence from underneath the surface of the planet.

"Well, better get going..."

Domi System-Unknown Universe

Revan: The two Jedi Knights felt a large disturbance under the surface of the Curabitur homeworld as they approached the planet hiding the God Killer. Revan felt a chill up his spine, recognizing the feeling in this system as very similar to his brief exposure to the Void on the Emperor's homeworld.

"This feeling....it's horrible. Let's quickly find what we're looking for and leave."

@TommyGun15 @Some_Bloke
[QUOTE="sally williams]h...hi im sally..

Hello Sally, please post in the Character sign up or the out of character chat. This is for the RP itself.
Domi System- Dying Universe

As the Goose and Hawk landed, Gregory stepped out in full gear with Yami's spear in hand accompanied by Mil, who began to scan the area with it's omni-tool.

"My scans suggest that this air is breathable." It stated

"How the 'ell could the oxygen be breathable?" Gregory asked "Oxygen field maybe but..." He drew his revolver "Who put it 'ere?"

"Maybe it was the Curabitur themselves." Mil suggested "This air is artificially produced, but safe."

"Oxygen field then." Gregory shrugged, removing his helmet.

Syeron, Max and Bishop stepped out of the ship and began to scan the area. Bishop's ears pricked up.

"What is it boy?" Max asked

"Energy signature, two clicks." Mil stated

"Is it the blade?" Syeron asked

"No, that was underground." Mil explained

Gregory walked forwards, coming across a small device in the shape of a box. It was covered in dust and dirt, he handed the device to Mil who pressed a button. It displayed the holographic image of a Sontaran soldier. He placed one fist over his heart in a salute.

"Is that a Curabitur?" Max asked "If your girlfriend looks like that... Jesus man I don't see why you'd be attracted to a potato."

"That's a Sontaran." Gregory snapped "They're not from this universe, so what the 'ell is it doing 'ere?"

"Final report." The soldier spoke "Our recon mission to find the God Killer has been met with heavy resistance from a race of spider-like creatures. Under interrogation, one enemy unit revealed that they were imprisoned here." The soldier paused as the sounds of battle, screams, laser blasts and war cries were heard in the background "Our position is being overwhelmed, but we shall go down fighting. For the glory of the Sontaran Empire!"

"That is the end of the message." Mil spoke

"Spider-like creatures, ring any bells Gregory?" Max asked

"We have Arachnids...It's a loose term we use for giant spiders. They live on outer-rim planets but they never displayed organization before, let alone the ability to speak. On some planets they resort to cannibalism." He explained in a frantic tone "Something else is here."

Bishop started to bark as a woman approached them, clutching a child covered in cloth.


Gregory approached the woman in response, holstering his revolver but still clutching the spear. "Hello." He called out "Are you alright?"

"Would you like to hold my baby?" She asked, speaking in English

"How about you hold onto it?" He asked "You should come with us, it's not safe here."

"Hold my baby." She insisted

"Who are you?" He asked

"Hold my baby."

"How about you erm, hold onto him for now and we'll get you somewhere safe."

"Hold. My. Baby." She spoke, gritting her teeth

"Get away from her, Gregory!" Syeron shouted

"I will not leave a child on a planet like this to die!" He snapped

"Nelson, Captain." Mil spoke "That is not an infant."

"What?" He asked

"Hold my baby!" The woman shouted

Gregory ran a scan of the child, seeing that underneath the blanket was a husk, inside were thousands of spiders. He began to step back.

"What the fook are you!?" He asked, with a slight tremble in his voice

The woman smiled in response as her human form was ripped to shreds, revealing her true form.


A Jor?gumo stood before the group, letting out an inhuman screech before lunging towards them.




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Domi System-Dying Universe

Revan: Igniting both of his lightsabers as Bastilla ignited her double-bladed yellow saber, Revan and his wife reached out simultaneously with the Force and grabbed the beast, lifting it up.

"Hurry! We can't hold it for long!" Revan shouted.

@Some_Bloke @TommyGun15 @ryanpk200
TommyGun15 said:
Yami grinned when he saw the Jorogumo. Finally, something that he could properly kill. He materialized next to Gregory in a purple track suit, leaning on his shoulder.
"Well my friend, name your pick. How shall I crush this insect? Please feel free to get creative."
Gregory turned to Yami a Revan picked the beast up "I say we take it's head." He muttered, lunging at the monster, aiming the spear for it's head.
TommyGun15 said:
Snake leaned against a wall.
"Well, where to now?"
"Weighing the options, I'm sure there's a whole host of wonderful folk in Ollie's home universe that are more than a match to Monaca's Dalek Knock Offs, so we're heading back to my universe, anyone here who disagrees?"

The TARDIS-Metal Gear Universe

Arrow: Oliver didn't say anything, but a small glimmer of hope that his friends could hold the line gave Oliver just a bit ot closure. He wasn't opposed to the plan to switch universes.

theManCalledSting said:
"Weighing the options, I'm sure there's a whole host of wonderful folk in Ollie's home universe that are more than a match to Monaca's Dalek Knock Offs, so we're heading back to my universe, anyone here who disagrees?"
"Sounds good to me. Oh, I need one more thing before we go."

Snake whistled, and D-Dog ran into the TARDIS, dragging a parachute behind him. Snake scratched D-Dog behind the ears while he removed the parachute.

"Can't leave D-Dog at the Base. He'll get fat."

D-Dog looked at Snake, then at the others. For a dog, he looked almost indignant at that comment.
TommyGun15 said:
"Sounds good to me. Oh, I need one more thing before we go."
Snake whistled, and D-Dog ran into the TARDIS, dragging a parachute behind him. Snake scratched D-Dog behind the ears while he removed the parachute.

"Can't leave D-Dog at the Base. He'll get fat."

D-Dog looked at Snake, then at the others. For a dog, he looked almost indignant at that comment.
"Well the TARDIS has done something like this in a very long time to let's just say the trip may kill all of us," The Doctor said nonchalantly as he set coordinates to his universe.

Thankfully them all dying didn't happen but the ride was bumpy as all hell.


Mother Base-Metal Gear Universe

Melvin: While Melvin was sneaking through Mother Base, a box was dropped on his head and he died. Dropping from the rafters, Notwinksi stabbed Melvin's body several times with a banana and ran away.

Flower Field-Neptunia Universe

Drake: Sleeping on his back on a hill near the strawberry fields in Camp Half-Blood, Ethan Drake was minding his own business as a tear opened up and sucked him in, waking him up. The tear dumped him in the middle of some random flower field in the middle of nowhere. He sat up as the tear closed and shouted a few choice words in ancient Greek.

"...gods of Olympus where am I now? Can I not just have a nap?" He was quite flustered and a bit annoyed.

apoliseno said:

Flower Field-Neptunia Universe

Drake: Sleeping on his back on a hill near the strawberry fields in Camp Half-Blood, Ethan Drake was minding his own business as a tear opened up and sucked him in, waking him up. The tear dumped him in the middle of some random flower field in the middle of nowhere. He sat up as the tear closed and shouted a few choice words in ancient Greek.

"...gods of Olympus where am I now? Can I not just have a nap?" He was quite flustered and a bit annoyed.


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