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Fandom "Tears" (a multi-fandom RP)

Unknown Flower-Neptunia Universe

Drake: Seeing the massive army of weird blue dog/slime creatures surrounding him, Drake reached his sword arm behind his back like he was grabbing a sword from its sheathe. The shadows congealed in his hand into an onyx black Greek blade with jagged, thorny edges protruding randomly from various spots on the blade.

He slammed his foot down into the ground and a fracture started from his foot and created a circle around him. Boney and decayed hands clawed their way up to the surface through ghostly green flames. A ring of undead Spartan warriors surrounded Drake defensively, their eyes glowing the same ghostly green. Their shields were steady and their spears were raised to attack. Drake readied his blade as the shadows they created clung to him in black wisps, like flames.

apoliseno said:

Unknown Flower-Neptunia Universe

Drake: Seeing the massive army of weird blue dog/slime creatures surrounding him, Drake reached his sword arm behind his back like he was grabbing a sword from its sheathe. The shadows congealed in his hand into an onyx black Greek blade with jagged, thorny edges protruding randomly from various spots on the blade.

He slammed his foot down into the ground and a fracture started from his foot and created a circle around him. Boney and decayed hands clawed their way up to the surface through ghostly green flames. A ring of undead Spartan warriors surrounded Drake defensively, their eyes glowing the same ghostly green. Their shields were steady and their spears were raised to attack. Drake readied his blade as the shadows they created clung to him in black wisps, like flames.

Six of the remaining Dogoo merged into Two Giant Dogoo



"Hmm, it appears that this new Dimensional visitor would need my assistance." said mysterious girl before she shot a fire blast at one of the Giant Dogoos killing it instantly.

The witch hopped to Drake's side. "I believe you require some assistance in dealing with this enemy."
WWE-Gear Universe: The Phantom Express

Hurricane continued to bash buttons. "One of these...has to be the eject button!" Jervis, not trying to be rude, stated "Mr. Helms, I believe you missed this button!" He said as he pressed a large, red button slowly. Suddenly, the Lex Express went forward at ludicrous speeds, leaving a trail of fire behind it, vanishing through a wall as if nothing happened.


The Lex Express settled in a strange, new place. Jervis fainted (of course) and Hurricane lifted him up. "Where'd we land?"


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Crenando said:
WWE-Gear Universe: The Phantom Express
Hurricane continued to bash buttons. "One of these...has to be the eject button!" Jervis, not trying to be rude, stated "Mr. Helms, I believe you missed this button!" He said as he pressed a large, red button slowly. Suddenly, the Lex Express went forward at ludicrous speeds, leaving a trail of fire behind it, vanishing through a wall as if nothing happened.


The Lex Express settled in a strange, new place. Jervis fainted (of course) and Hurricane lifted him up. "Where'd we land?"




"Where the hell are we now?! AND CAN SOMEONE TURN OF THE DAMN RADIO!"

Random Field-Neptunia Universe

Drake: Looking at the new arrival in confusion, Drake just decided that explanations would have to come later. He nodded in response to her lending her support and shouted in ancient Greek orders to his Spartans to seek out and attack instead of defend. The shadows on his body slithered to the ground and made five separate shadows of him in the shape of a five-pointed star. He ran forward and hopped over the fissure's gap and joined the battle, attacking the slime-ish enemies with his blade and defending on several sides with the shadows he was manipulating. He turned around to the girl and yelled in english, "Hey! Are you planning on helping anymore?"

"Let's explore! Someone here might know!" He parked, turning off the cassette. His face was a combination of shock, anger, and confusion. "..wassap wit dat...."
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apoliseno said:

Random Field-Neptunia Universe

Drake: Looking at the new arrival in confusion, Drake just decided that explanations would have to come later. He nodded in response to her lending her support and shouted in ancient Greek orders to his Spartans to seek out and attack instead of defend. The shadows on his body slithered to the ground and made five separate shadows of him in the shape of a five-pointed star. He ran forward and hopped over the fissure's gap and joined the battle, attacking the slime-ish enemies with his blade and defending on several sides with the shadows he was manipulating. He turned around to the girl and yelled in english, "Hey! Are you planning on helping anymore?"


Random Field-Neptunia Universe

Drake: Drake just stood in disbelief as the girl just basically nuked the field and killed off all of the slimes. He wasn't rejecting what just happened, as he had seen it before, but it's just that it was weird magic. His sword faded back into the shadows and the four extra shadows of himself dissipated. The undead Spartans disentegrated and returned to the Underworld, and the fissure closed up. Drake approached the girl.

"That was....impressive, to say the least," he started. "That was some pretty cool magic, so I'm assuming you're a daughter of Hecate. Am I right?"

apoliseno said:

Random Field-Neptunia Universe

Drake: Drake just stood in disbelief as the girl just basically nuked the field and killed off all of the slimes. He wasn't rejecting what just happened, as he had seen it before, but it's just that it was weird magic. His sword faded back into the shadows and the four extra shadows of himself dissipated. The undead Spartans disentegrated and returned to the Underworld, and the fissure closed up. Drake approached the girl.

"That was....impressive, to say the least," he started. "That was some pretty cool magic, so I'm assuming you're a daughter of Hecate. Am I right?"

The Girl smirked and said, "Sorry, I am not related to this Hecate person you speak of, but I am in layman's terms a Magical Girl..."

Random Field-Neptunia Universe

Drake: Confused by this new term, Drake just decided introductions are in order.

"I guess introductions would be in order, then. My name is Ethan Drake, but you can just call me Drake. I am a son of Hades. Who are you and who's your godly parent?"

apoliseno said:

Random Field-Neptunia Universe

Drake: Confused by this new term, Drake just decided introductions are in order.

"I guess introductions would be in order, then. My name is Ethan Drake, but you can just call me Drake. I am a son of Hades. Who are you and who's your godly parent?"

"My name, you ask? Yes, of course... You can call me MAGES., and I have no godly parent to speak of, and from my observation of you, you must have arrived here through a tear in the dimensional fabric much like that." MAGES. said as she used her staff to point at the Cypertronian Warworld hovering over the world.
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@TommyGun15 @apoliseno

"Compa, did you spot the Doctor's Box yet?" asked IF


"Yessy!" called out Compa as she pulled IF to the location of the TARDIS

"Wait! Should we tell Nep too?" asked IF as she was dragged out of the apartment by Compa.

"No time! We gotta hurry!"


"Well now which one of you want to step outside, first?" asked the Doctor.

Noticing one of their foes wandering around, a large group 9f Orcs surround Skylar and precede to chain him up before bringing him to their superiors.
Barbas said:
Noticing one of their foes wandering around, a large group 9f Orcs surround Skylar and precede to chain him up before bringing him to their superiors.


Various Locations-Neptunia Universe

Drake: A little perplexed by her statement that she wasn't a demigod, Drake was about to say something about the giant Death Star above the planet before his stomach growled.

"Heh heh, sorry about that. You happen to know anywhere I can get food? I'm starvin,'" Drake stated.

Arrow: Getting off his feet, Oliver stood up and put the mask back on and pulled his hood back over his head.

"I'll go first," he stated.

@theManCalledSting @TommyGun15

Prison-RWBY Universe

Skylar: Skylar proceeded to spit in the Supreme Dalek's eye stalk.

apoliseno said:
Drake: A little perplexed by her statement that she wasn't a demigod, Drake was about to say something about the giant Death Star above the planet before his stomach growled.
"Heh heh, sorry about that. You happen to know anywhere I can get food? I'm starvin,'" Drake stated.
"Well Leanbox isn't too far way... Come on Let me guide you there." MAGES. said as she lead Drake to Leanbox

apoliseno said:
Arrow: Getting off his feet, Oliver stood up and put the mask back on and pulled his hood back over his head.
"I'll go first," he stated.
IF and Compa are now in front of the TARDIS waiting for the Doctor to step out.



SHIT! DON'T COME CLOSE TO IT! Yelled Seth to Gregory as he got out and remembered the goblin who acted as a baby to infiltrate his house that first summer solstice. It was too late, the spiderwoman gained her true form and started to attack the group. He figured she could see in the dark, and him too. He grabbed his gun and shot at the pouch of the Jorogumo's body, getting behind cover. Can this thing see in the dark! Asked Seth to Mil, having a plan.






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Crenando said:
"Let's explore! Someone here might know!" He parked, turning off the cassette. His face was a combination of shock, anger, and confusion. "..wassap wit dat...."
"That's a good idea," said a strange new voice... coming from behind them... IT WAS NONE OTHER THAN


Leanbox-Neptunia Universe

Drake: As he walked around the city, Drake marveled at the architecture. The Athena kids would have a field day with all this stuff. His stomach growled loudly once more.

"Sorry about all that noise," he apologized. "Anyways, Mage, I'm a little confused as to where I am and what I'm doing here. I was just chilling under a tree in the shade a little bit ago, and now I'm here. You mentioned something about an "interdimentional tear" or something like that?"

apoliseno said:

Leanbox-Neptunia Universe

Drake: As he walked around the city, Drake marveled at the architecture. The Athena kids would have a field day with all this stuff. His stomach growled loudly once more.

"Sorry about all that noise," he apologized. "Anyways, Mage, I'm a little confused as to where I am and what I'm doing here. I was just chilling under a tree in the shade a little bit ago, and now I'm here. You mentioned something about an "interdimentional tear" or something like that?"

"Drake, my name is MAGES. spelled in upper case and with a period in the end, and yes, I've noticed the Dimensional anomalies have increased. I theorized that a powerful ancient entity is behind all of this but I'm not too sure..."

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