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Fandom "Tears" (a multi-fandom RP)

TommyGun15 said:
Snake watched his men boot Oliver onto the TARDIS.
"Starling City. We can drop Oliver off."
"Well let's hope the tear does send us there..." The Doctor said before looking at the Arrow.

"So what did you do, to get Snake all mad?"

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Stevenson hung his head, defeated "Fine. Blow up the damn city."

"What?" The Doctor snapped

"He's right Doctor. This is a virus, and is must be contained." Stevenson muttered "It's either New York or the entire United States!"

Tesla heard someone speak below on the Avengers tower and walked towards the voice, coming face to face with a woman in a red dress "Hello?" He asked in a confused voice, only to notice the tear behind her "Oh." He muttered "It's not safe here, you need to come with us."


@Pink Gorilla
AoK stood silent, and got an idea. AOK spoke slowly like before, but it was clear... "Infection... Defeated... Need.... Parts.... Weapon... Cure..." He knew how to make a Halo Ring, and he knew how it's energy field. If he could fire it, he could destroy the nervous system of the creatures, curing the city while leaving everything else intact... relatively speaking of course.



@Pink Gorilla
theManCalledSting said:
"Well let's hope the tear does send us there..." The Doctor said before looking at the Arrow.
"So what did you do, to get Snake all mad?"

Snake glared at Oliver.

"Oh, nothing much. He just tried to kill Junko before we could take her to trial, destroying a perfectly good helicopter and killing at least a dozen of my men in the process. Needless to say, I don't want him coming back."
TommyGun15 said:
Snake glared at Oliver.
"Oh, nothing much. He just tried to kill Junko before we could take her to trial, destroying a perfectly good helicopter and killing at least a dozen of my men in the process. Needless to say, I don't want him coming back."
"Well that doesn't sound like the Oliver Queen, I know..." The Doctor said realizing how odd the Arrow was acting as if something was controlling his rage...

Elizabeth held up her hand. "Hold on. Where am I? How did I get here? And why is the city in ruins?!" Elizabeth asked Tesla in a quick voice.
Pink Gorilla] [CENTER]MCU [/CENTER] Elizabeth held up her hand. "Hold on. Where am I? How did I get here? And why is the city in ruins?!" Elizabeth asked Tesla in a quick voice. [/QUOTE] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/3340-some_bloke/ said:
@Some_Bloke[/URL] ((So Bloke knows it's for him))

Nikita turned her attention to AOK, slicing through another zombie "What parts do you need?" She asked. Nikita had tapped in to the radio frequencies of Alpha-1 and the Avenger, hearing about their plan to destroy the city "Hold off." She spoke "AOk, the alien we brought back with us might have a better solution."

Nikita blasted a zombie standing behind AOK with one of her energy cannons and holstered her sword, continually hitting oncoming zombies with repulsor blasts from her palms.

Avengers Tower

"You stepped through into another universe." Tesla explained in a calm tone "This city is in ruins because of multiple alien invasions."



@Pink Gorilla
[QUOTE="Some_Bloke]Avengers Tower
"You stepped through into another universe." Tesla explained in a calm tone "This city is in ruins because of multiple alien invasions."

"And consider this another!" said a voice form afar.

"SKY-BYTE! TERRORIZE!" said Sky-Byte as he transformed into Robot Mode and coughed out the Ant he ate on his trip over here...

"I'm here to invade for the glory of the Predacon Empire!" he said but he began to panic in realization he forgot to bring the rest of the Predacons over.

Aok stood silent for a few moments, but then stated, "Your... ship.... converted... return... after..." It took about 40 seconds for his entire message to come out, but she had the futuristic technology he needed. He could turn a toaster and a fridge into a hard light generator for crisps sake! If he was given the ship, he would begin conversion immediately. Otherwise, the hulking 40 foot giant would crush more and more zombies, trying to find any ruined shops with parts in 'em.



@Pink Gorilla
Elizabeth nodded her head. "Okay then. Aliens, that's a new one. Where are we going?" She asked, walking towards Tesla.

Nikita nodded in response to AOK's words, indicating that she understood. The alien had restored her armour and with upgrades, why would her ship be any different? Her ship, having left the survivors at Avengers Tower flew into the field of battle right above AOK's head.

"Whatever your plan is, alien. Do it now." She stated, slicing through a group of five zombies with her katana.

Avengers Tower

"Higher ground." He explained, offering the woman in the red dress his left hand "These undead monsters will start climbing buildings, looking for people to eat. We stand a higher chance of survival on higher ground."

Tesla looked at Sky-Byte as he joined the fray "Look around you, machine. Is this a world you want to rule?" He outstretched both arms, displaying the chaos around him "You are the fourth being to claim dominance on this world. Do not start a battle you cannot win. For your own sake, leave." He tried to plea with Sky-Byte, wanting to avoid any more death.


@Pink Gorilla


AoK went on nearly instantly, ripping small pieces of the ship off and then adding it to his RIG mixture. The radiation of it was changed, warped.. and adapted. It became one that was like a Halo Array, the ultimate biological killer. He fired it near a group of zombies, and they fell apart into hopeless chunks of meat. AoK would upgrade the ship to be able to fire out the radioactive energy beams, but in total it took 8 minutes. He roared out, "Done! Garrison!" He would go into the ship and link up with it, become a super intelligent A.I. that targeted and fired at zombies with immense accuracy. Now someone had to drive it and save as many people as they could!


@Pink Gorilla


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Elizabeth reluctantly took Tesla's hand. She hoped she was making the right choice, but in this situation, she didn't have a lot of options left. "I am not us to any of this so I don't know of how much use I will be." She stated.

Tesla flew upwards, clutching Elizabeth's hand and the two quickly reached the top of Avengers tower.

"Who is this?" Stevenson asked

"A survivor. She stepped through from another universe." Tesla explained, getting a nod from Stevenson in response. Stevenson, The Doctor and Tesla looked down as Nikita's ship was converted while The Doctor pulled out his 3D glasses and glared at Elizabeth, seeing that she was covered in "Void stuff"

"What universe are you from?" The Doctor asked in a curious tone.


@Pink Gorilla

Elizabeth didn't know how to respond. "I don't know the name of my universe. I was just in my Hotel, the Hotel Cortez, when I showed up here. I really don't understand why I am in a different universe..."
WWE City, Lex Express

The Wrestlemania Album had looped for about the hundredth time, as Hurricane and Jervis attempted to eject the album. "How did Luger...stand to listen to this for hours....and hours... on end?" Hurricane asked, fiddling with the cassette deck. Jervis didn't respond. Being rude behind someone's back is worse than being rude directly to them!


Avengers Tower

Alpha team was about to say something to the new arrival when a nearby door opened and a Chryssalid charged their position. Alpha team quickly cut it down since it was on its own.

"If we're fighting, it's probably best for you people to learn it a bit about the alien." Alpha-1 said as he walked over to the dead Chryssalid. He went down to one knee next to the lid and began talking. "These guys are called Chryssalids." He pointed at its claws. "Those are very sharp and coated in posion. If you survive a hit the hit, the posion will most likely kill you. If you don't survive the bug implants you with a egg and you become a zombie till the egg hatches." He pointed at its legs. "The bugs run super fast and can jump several stories. Keep your distance." He pointed at its head. "Luckily the bugs are a just animals and aren't capable of higher thought. That's our only advantage. Any questions?" Alpha-1 stopped talking and waited for a answer.

@Some_Bloke @Pink Gorilla @hudhouse
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[QUOTE="Some_Bloke]Avengers Tower
"Higher ground." He explained, offering the woman in the red dress his left hand "These undead monsters will start climbing buildings, looking for people to eat. We stand a higher chance of survival on higher ground."

Tesla looked at Sky-Byte as he joined the fray "Look around you, machine. Is this a world you want to rule?" He outstretched both arms, displaying the chaos around him "You are the fourth being to claim dominance on this world. Do not start a battle you cannot win. For your own sake, leave." He tried to plea with Sky-Byte, wanting to avoid any more death.

Sky-Byte looked around and shrugged, "I guess I got my self carried away."
ryanpk200 said:
Avengers Tower

Alpha team was about to say something to the new arrival when a nearby door opened and a Chryssalid charged their position. Alpha team quickly cut it down since it was on its own.

"If we're fighting, it's probably best for you people to learn it a bit about the alien." Alpha-1 said as he walked over to the dead Chryssalid. He went down to one knee next to the lid and began talking. "These guys are called Chryssalids." He pointed at its claws. "Those are very sharp and coated in posion. If you survive a hit the hit, the posion will most likely kill you. If you don't survive the bug implants you with a egg and you become a zombie till the egg hatches." He pointed at its legs. "The bugs run super fast and can jump several stories. Keep your distance." He pointed at its head. "Luckily the bugs are a just animals and aren't capable of higher thought. That's our only advantage. Any questions?" Alpha-1 stopped talking and waited for a answer.

@Some_Bloke @Pink Gorilla @hudhouse
XCOM air patrols flew around the entrances and exits to city. The patrols were equipped with not as strong weapons to avoid extreme collateral damage. They coved areas in case a Chryssalid tried to escape.

"Oh that's okay." Stevenson replied to Elizabeth "No one really does."

"The walls of reality are breaking down." The Doctor explained "I still haven't figured out how that's possible, but..." He was cut off as the Chryssalid charged towards them and paused as Alpha-1 spoke

"So we can out-think them." Tesla muttered "Their hubris is a lack of intellect and so we must exploit it." He turned to Sky-Byte "Machine, if you want to stay alive I suggest you help us deal with these alien creatures."

The Doctor approached the corpse and started to scan it with his sonic screwdriver "Well, you're right about the poison. There's enough poison on these claws to take out...Around five Judoon."

"What's a Judoon?" Stevenson asked

"Space Rhino police." The Doctor explained "Well, more like hired police....Oh." He paused

"What is it?" Stevenson asked

"After we're done here I need to pay a visit to the Shadow Proclamation."

Reborn World

Gregory glared at Yami as he stocked up on supplies.

"This'll be another suicide mission." He complained "This Merchant fella says we're going to a dying universe where some people hid a blade capable of killing so-called Gods...Well, if I was hiding a weapon that powerful I'd put a bit of extra security in place. Any idea what we could be up against?" He asked.

Before Yami could answer, Max, Bishop and JoJo entered the room

"Gregory, we're leaving." Max stated, only to stop in his tracks to examine it

"You've never seen Top Gun or Robocop, have you?" Gregory asked


"You poor bugger." Gregory shook his head "If we both make it through this, we'll sit down and them together."

The three men and the Siberian Husky walked into the briefing room where the rest of the group was waiting with The Merchant.

"Ready?" He asked

"Not really." Max complained "But we might as well get it over with."


[QUOTE="Some_Bloke]"Oh that's okay." Stevenson replied to Elizabeth "No one really does."
"The walls of reality are breaking down." The Doctor explained "I still haven't figured out how that's possible, but..." He was cut off as the Chryssalid charged towards them and paused as Alpha-1 spoke

"So we can out-think them." Tesla muttered "Their hubris is a lack of intellect and so we must exploit it." He turned to Sky-Byte "Machine, if you want to stay alive I suggest you help us deal with these alien creatures."

The Doctor approached the corpse and started to scan it with his sonic screwdriver "Well, you're right about the poison. There's enough poison on these claws to take out...Around five Judoon."

"What's a Judoon?" Stevenson asked

"Space Rhino police." The Doctor explained "Well, more like hired police....Oh." He paused

"What is it?" Stevenson asked

"After we're done here I need to pay a visit to the Shadow Proclamation."

"HA! These creatures are no match for a true Predacon General like myself!" Sky-Byte Boasted.

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