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Fandom "Tears" (a multi-fandom RP)

RWBY: The Streets

Abyss continued to shout about the Monster's Ball.

RWBY-verse: Deep Space

OAA jumped through space towards Earth, when suddenly...

The Doctor gritted his teeth as a tear opened in front of the space pirate ships, taking them into another universe. Before he or Nikita could act, the tear shut behind them. The Doctor would be able to chase Mother Brain across the universe, but tracking her and the pirates down across the entire Multiverse would be impossible. Nikita understood this and called back the ship, both remained silent as they climbed on board.

"Did you kill it?" Stevenson asked, but got no response from The Doctor. All of the lives lost, all of the lives he had taken today had been for nothing.

Picking up on Aok's interference, Nikita approached him "Who are you?" She asked


New York

The soldiers protecting New York weren't ready for the Chryssalid and Zombie hoard. Like many other aliens they had no idea how to fight them. The Chryssalid massacred the people in New York and kept growing the hoard.

Space Pirate Ship

Alpha team was wary around the alien. It was a natural reaction since every alien in the past as tried to kill them. They kept fingers close to the trigger in case it tried to attack them. Alpha-1 walked up to the Doctor and Stevenson. "Any idea on were to go from here?" he asked.


Aok looked up to the armor clad woman... at least that's was sure of. Gender really wasn't a thing among Lekgolo, plus 'he' and 'Augustus" would take around the same time between words. His gut ripped open, revealing a swarm of eels that wrapped around Nikita. The tendrils ripped her armor apart, keeping it locked in a stasis field around her. Aok focused on his primitive instincts, fusing and warping the technology to something that was better. His tendrils pulsed, giving off a word, and every 8 seconds another, "AoK" came first, echoed by "Upgrading" The static was absorbed by the gravity field, allowing his advanced knowledge to suddenly kick in. The energy sword was warped and changed with some details from the ship schematics.

Her armor was changed to one that could apply the medical technology itself, and produce a energy shield around itself. Her sword could extend farther and was even more solid. Her Rifle could form a link to her suit and aim with her eye. Finally a remote link was added in to the visor to allow for remote orders to be brought into the ship, though he would need to upgrade the A.I. for that. AoK lowered and compressed himself to a third of his size, still nearly twice as tall as the average Human, and said, "...Friend..." He simply stood there, waiting for any responses or blunt trauma.


At first, Nikita was preparing for a fight, even without her armour she could still do some damage. Who was this alien, and why was he doing this? These thoughts changed as her armour was restored. She examined her armour, checking to see if the alien had damaged it in any way but found instead that he had upgraded it in several ways. He spoke the word "friend" causing her to realise that this was some kind of token of friendship or of thanks for helping him escape.

Nikita offered Aok a handshake "Nikita, friend." She spoke in a soft tone.

The ship descended towards New York, finding it overrun. The Doctor put his head in his hands while Stevenson checked his ammo supplies. Having scanned their enemy, the ship told the group that this enemy was undead. In response to this, Tesla stood up and clutched his shotgun. He would not allow another world to fall victim to hordes of the undead.


As the Arrow was taken to the Brig by the two Guards, they spoke to him, "Excellent Diversion, human..."

"You've made our infiltration of this human marine base much easier..."

"You've helped us weed out the weak..."

((@TommyGun15 Trying to explain why the hell did Team Arrow acted so OOC and also get ready to have MotherBase meet Doctor Who's version of the Snatchers))
AOK watched as the undead armies fought and ravaged the streets of New York. It was, a interesting situation. Though, he has fought worse odds and come out stronger. He has fought the Flood, and even then he survived. He didn't have a nervous system, so the normal zombie or flood couldn't even get him sick, let alone infected. With this in mind, he hacked the controls to open up the door for him, allowing him to just leap off mid flight. He curled up into a giant meteor shard, zooming downwards to meet this Plague of Darkness. Aok twirled in a violent matter, shield followed by gun. Radioactive Incendiary Gel (RIG) was sprayed in a circle around the hulking alien, letting him play some demented form of King of the Hill for keeps.

theManCalledSting said:
As the Arrow was taken to the Brig by the two Guards, they spoke to him, "Excellent Diversion, human..."

"You've made our infiltration of this human marine base much easier..."

"You've helped us weed out the weak..."

((@TommyGun15 Trying to explain why the hell did Team Arrow acted so OOC and also get ready to have MotherBase meet Doctor Who's version of the Snatchers))
(The who?)

Nikita jumped out of the ship and followed AOK while her ship searched for a safe place to land. She hovered in the air and opened fire on the undead horde with both her assault rifle and blasts from her armour, tearing many of them to pieces. Tesla jumped from the ship and activated his flightpack, searching for a nearby building. He landed at Avengers Tower and drew his rifle, trying to get a shot at the zombies below.

Nikita's ship landed next to Tesla's position, allowing the others to step out.



As a single tear connecting others from around the Multiverse opened ontop of a building in Atlanta, many walkers roamed the streets below. The sun was bright, it was about 3 PM and the tear opened about 2 meters above the tall building. A space marine got up from the pile of other people who also fell from the tear in time and space and gazed upon the bombed city. Rifle in hand, pistol holstered in his side pocket and sniper rifle strapped to his back. God, what happened to this place...



The Walking Dead

Since Yami had created his window, the armoured car had continued on it's journey through Mississippi, avoiding the main roads as much as possible. However, wanting to horde of walkers the car had taken a detour and things had gone completely south, forcing the group to take up camp outside of Atlanta. A place all of them wanted to avoid.

Mirus' helmet buzzed, letting her know that a small tear had opened up inside of Atlanta itself. She stroked under Jim's chin and turned back to Harley and Groot.

"A tear's just opened." Mirus explained

"I am Groot." Groot replied

"He says we should check it out." Harley explained, turning her attention to the living tree "That's completely insane." She explained, in a clear soft voice "You don't want to be walker, chow do you? Wait, would walkers even want to taste tree?"

"I am Groot." He muttered, almost with a hint of fear in his voice

"I don't think any of us want to be Walker chow, Harley." Mirus sighed, only for her helmet to buzz again letting her know that there were life signs in the city

"Your helmet made the buzzing sound, so either a bee got in there or something else happened." Harley shrugged

"How would a bee get in here?" Mirus asked, putting on her helmet and tapping the side of it "There's no pollen in here anyway and it's not an asshole wasp that wants to sting me for fun because it's a spiteful bastard."

She paused, as her helmet told her that there were survivors in Atlanta, survivors that had come out of the tear.

"Survivors." She explained

"I am Groot." Groot replied

"He says we should go and save them. I say that's a suicide mission. Gee, what a wonderful idea Groot!" Harley snapped sarcastically

"I am Groot." He mumbled in a sad tone

"Oh come on, I didn't mean it." Harley apologised "You're full of good ideas." She turned her attention to Mirus "What about Jim?" She asked

"Jim's a dinosaur. He can't talk." Mirus explained "And when he does it's about food."

"You hurt his feelings." Harley frowned, staring at the Nemicolopterus currently resting on Mirus' shoulder.

Mirus drew her rifle and looked at the bombed city for several moments "We send Jim with a message for whoever's on that roof. That way we can get them out without risking becoming the appetiser, main course and desert of some hungry walker." She explained

"Wait, which one of us is the after dinner mints?" Harley asked "Jim probably...I mean Groot is obviously the appetiser, you're the main course and I'd be the desert."

Groot had a look of horror on his face

"Shut up Harley." Mirus snapped, walking over to the armoured car, taking out a piece of paper and starting to write something down. Using a piece of string she attached it to Jim and sent him towards the roof. "And just for the record, Curabitur pudding would obviously be the desert."

Jim touched down in front of in the space marine, a note around his neck.

Hello there saucy sailor. I know you're in a city that's overrun with the undead and all, but try not to panic.

If you have any weapons, destroy the brain or remove the head, don't get bitten or you'll become like them.

Also, this note is attached to a dinosaur. He's called Jim, so please be nice to him. Us, a group of people, well two humans and a living tree really are going to help you get out of there. If you want to live, send Jim back with a note explaining your situation and we'll send back instructions.

Don't panic, we're going to get you off of that roof in one piece.

Lots of love Beth, Harley and Groot.

P.S Please be nice to Jim

P.SS What universe are you from, I'm curious


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theManCalledSting said:
(Look up zygon transformation on youtube)
(... Okay. Fine. More Doctor Who stuff... Honestly, I was kinda hoping to be done with Mother Base as a location. I was thinking about turning it into a source of comic relief for a while...)
TommyGun15 said:
(... Okay. Fine. More Doctor Who stuff... Honestly, I was kinda hoping to be done with Mother Base as a location. I was thinking about turning it into a source of comic relief for a while...)
(We are done with motherbase but i want @apoliseno to do something over ther at least)
Reborn World

Having rested for the night, the group were called into the briefing room. Ser Dougan, the Emperor and several Knights also stood there, including Ser Ismay.

"We hold the line here." Ser Dougan stated "Ultron cannot be allowed to reach the colonies." She turned her attention to the Merchant "How long do you think it will take to find this God Killer?" She asked

"That depends upon what awaits them in the dying universe." The Merchant explained "If this civilization hid the God Killer there, they could have hidden other things."

"Like what?" Max asked

"I don't know. Take this." He handed each member of the group a device that looked similar to a mobile phone "The God Killer gives off an unique energy signature. Use these devices to track it."

"How can you trust this man?" Syeron asked Ser Dougan

"I do not trust him. But I know that we have a common enemy." She explained "Ultron must be stopped."

"Gear up. We leave in half an hour." The Merchant spoke




TehFanzyMetroid said:
As a single tear connecting others from around the Multiverse opened ontop of a building in Atlanta, many walkers roamed the streets below. The sun was bright, it was about 3 PM and the tear opened about 2 meters above the tall building. A space marine got up from the pile of other people who also fell from the tear in time and space and gazed upon the bombed city. Rifle in hand, pistol holstered in his side pocket and sniper rifle strapped to his back. God, what happened to this place...



Dying Light Universe

Kyle Crane was away from the tower and was on a supply run. He scaled up and down buildings and occasionally jumped off of them. He only killed zombies that got in his way since he really needed to be fast since night was coming.

Eventually he came across a tear but he didn't know what it is. "What is that?" He said. "I should probably take some Antizin ((anti-zombie drug)) when I get back to the Tower." Instead of moving and ignoring it, Crane tossed a few firecrackers to move the zombies away from the tear. He picked a rock up and tossed it at the tear. He walked around the tear and looked for the rock and saw it wasn't there. "So this is some kind of portal? I wonder where it leads?" Crane said as he jumped in.

Alpha team stepped out of the ship and looked out at the zombie horde. Alpha-1 surveyed the battlefield through his plasma sniper rifle and that's when he saw them. Chrysalids were scattered across the horde and more zombies were becoming Chrysalids. Alpha-1 radioed up to the Avenger. "Avenger this is Alpha team. We have found Chryssalids in New York." The people of the Avenger where surprised. "Chryssalids? Here?" Thought the Commander. "Say that again, we didn't catch that." Said Bradford. Alpha-1 replied with the same thing. Bradford began talking "Contain the outbreak or radio for evac and get out of there so we can destroy the city." Alpha-1 told the orders to him team.
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ryanpk200 said:
Alpha team stepped out of the ship and looked out at the zombie horde. Alpha-1 surveyed the battlefield through his plasma sniper rifle and that's when he saw them. Chrysalids were scattered across the horde and more zombies were becoming Chrysalids. Alpha-1 radioed up to the Avenger. "Avenger this is Alpha team. We have found Chryssalids in New York." The people of the Avenger where surprised. "Chryssalids? Here?" Thought the Commander. "Say that again, we didn't catch that." Said Bradford. Alpha-1 replied with the same thing. Bradford began talking "Contain the outbreak or radio for evac and get out of there so we can destroy the city." Alpha-1 told the orders to him team.
Having overheard the words "destroy the city" Stevenson instantly jumped in "Destroy the city!?" He snapped, a look of fury on his face "You've already bombed half of it to rubble! Sure, go ahead why don't you destroy the rest!? Why don't you just destroy this whole fucking country while you're at it!?"

The Doctor stepped in, trying to intervene but stopped when Stevenson mentioned bombing half of the city "Half of the city?" He asked "Didn't those aliens do that?"

"No!" Stevenson snapped "It was them!"

The Doctor approached Alpha-1 so that their faces met "All this time I've been trying to defend this planet from the invading aliens. The Sycorax, Oryx and now these aliens." He spoke in an angry tone, gritting his teeth "I should have been defending it from you too."
[QUOTE="Some_Bloke]Having overheard the words "destroy the city" Stevenson instantly jumped in "Destroy the city!?" He snapped, a look of fury on his face "You've already bombed half of it to rubble! Sure, go ahead why don't you destroy the rest!? Why don't you just destroy this whole fucking country while you're at it!?"
The Doctor stepped in, trying to intervene but stopped when Stevenson mentioned bombing half of the city "Half of the city?" He asked "Didn't those aliens do that?"

"No!" Stevenson snapped "It was them!"

The Doctor approached Alpha-1 so that their faces met "All this time I've been trying to defend this planet from the invading aliens. The Sycorax, Oryx and now these aliens." He spoke in an angry tone, gritting his teeth "I should have been defending it from you too."

"You don't understand." Said Alpha-1 "An alien from our world showed up and caused this. The alien reproduces by killing people and impregnating corpses. The impregnated corpse spends a short time as a zombie then turns into another alien. If we can't contain the outbreak, it would be safer to completely destroy the area. We can't let the aliens leave the city because then they could do a lot more damage then XCOM could." He finished.
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American Horror Story

The Countess walked down the corridor of her Hotel. She was calmed by the sounds of faint screaming and the pounding on the doors. She opened the door of her penthouse and walked in when suddenly everything changed around her.


She stood in a building tat when she looked outside, she could tell it was some sort of skyscraper. She became afraid because when she did look outside, the city was in ruins. "What the Hell is this place? This is not a trick of the Hotel." Elizabeth began wandering around this 'Tower'. She heard strange noises, not the ones she was use to, new ones. "Hello? Is there anyone here?" She called out.

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