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Fandom "Tears" (a multi-fandom RP)

TommyGun15 said:
Snake tossed him the I-Droid.
"Too bad the Fulton device probably won't work."
"Probably not... But would still be fun to use on a Dalek..." The Doctor said as he used his sonic screwdriver to upgrade the I-Droid.

"There, all done!" the Doctor said as he handed back the device.

"So come on now... where to first? Starling City or Gamindustri, hopefully not Leanbox, their Goddess still very crossed with me for beating her in a video game."
apoliseno said:

Mother Base-Metal Gear Universe

Arrow: Having sworn to kill Junko, Oliver decided to take a page out of the late Ra's Al-Ghul's book and make good on his promise. While the Doctor and Snake were busy, he snuck after the gusrds that dragged Junko away. He jumped both of them, knocking them out with two well-placed punches in the back of the head. He grabbed Junko by the neck and twisted one of her arms behind her back, then wrapped his other arm around her neck and began to choke the life out of her, allowing her to feel the death closing in on her.

"You are a waste of human existance and a blight on the Multiverse. No one will be missing you," Oliver spoke quietly and threateningly.

"Junko" laughed.

"Yeah, the Boss figured you might try that." Octopus said, shifting back to his normal look.
theManCalledSting said:
"Probably not... But would still be fun to use on a Dalek..." The Doctor said as he used his sonic screwdriver to upgrade the I-Droid.
"There, all done!" the Doctor said as he handed back the device.

"So come on now... where to first? Starling City or Gamindustri, hopefully not Leanbox, their Goddess still very crossed with me for beating her in a video game."
"Hey, where's Queen?" Snake asked
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Ocelot pressed the barrel of his gun to the back of Junko's head.

"Alright, get in the chopper. We're taking you to the UN. By god I hope you hang."
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Mother Base-Metal Gear Universe

Arrow: Now more pissed than surprised, Oliver tightened his arm muscle and choked the life out of Octopus.

"Then you tell me where, and you get to live," he threatened.

apoliseno said:

Mother Base-Metal Gear Universe

Arrow: Now more pissed than surprised, Oliver tightened his arm muscle and choked the life out of Octopus.

"Then you tell me where, and you get to live," he threatened.

"Oh, by my calculations Ocelot's got her at the helipad right now. Of course you'll have to get through Raven."

The sound of a spinning mini-gun echo from behind Oliver.

"I'd rather not do this." Raven shouted. "Drop Octopus, and walk away."

Mother Base-Metal Gear Universe

Arrow: Hearing the minigun, Oliver weighed his options. If he continued to pursue Junko and avenge whatever damage she caused to Starling City, that minigun had to neutralized or killed. If he stopped his pursuit, he'd liv with the guilt of knowing that he had been able to make the one who caused the disaster pay. He took the first option.

Slowly moving his hand off of Octopus's arm, he rapidly grabbed a flachette off of his thigh and threw it at Raven. When it got near, the proximity scanner went off and activated the explosive charge, which went off in her face. Oliver snapped Octopus' neck and picked up his bow and knocked an arrow, letting it fly into the chest of the disoriented Raven. He immediately ran the other way towards the route up to the helipad.

apoliseno said:

Mother Base-Metal Gear Universe

Arrow: Hearing the minigun, Oliver weighed his options. If he continued to pursue Junko and avenge whatever damage she caused to Starling City, that minigun had to neutralized or killed. If he stopped his pursuit, he'd liv with the guilt of knowing that he had been able to make the one who caused the disaster pay. He took the first option.

Slowly moving his hand off of Octopus's arm, he rapidly grabbed a flachette off of his thigh and threw it at Raven. When it got near, the proximity scanner went off and activated the explosive charge, which went off in her face. Oliver snapped Octopus' neck and picked up his bow and knocked an arrow, letting it fly into the chest of the disoriented Raven. He immediately ran the other way towards the route up to the helipad.

((Should the Doctor and Big Boss try and stop him? @TommyGun15 ))
apoliseno said:

Mother Base-Metal Gear Universe

Arrow: Hearing the minigun, Oliver weighed his options. If he continued to pursue Junko and avenge whatever damage she caused to Starling City, that minigun had to neutralized or killed. If he stopped his pursuit, he'd liv with the guilt of knowing that he had been able to make the one who caused the disaster pay. He took the first option.

Slowly moving his hand off of Octopus's arm, he rapidly grabbed a flachette off of his thigh and threw it at Raven. When it got near, the proximity scanner went off and activated the explosive charge, which went off in her face. Oliver snapped Octopus' neck and picked up his bow and knocked an arrow, letting it fly into the chest of the disoriented Raven. He immediately ran the other way towards the route up to the helipad.

(Nah, Big Boss's guys can handle this.)

As soon as Oliver reached the top of the stairs, the crack of a sniper rifle sounded, a bullet grazing his face. About one tanker away, Sniper Wolf pulled back the slide on her rifle, the spent casing falling into the sea..

"Go ahead. Make a move."

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Junko had been woken up, and Ocelot stood with his gun to the back of her head, standing on the helipad about a foot from the chopper.

"I said get in!"
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TommyGun15 said:
Junko had bee woken up, and Ocelot stood with his gun to the back of her head, standing on the helipad about a foot from the chopper.
"I said get in!"

"Hey! I'm going! I'm going! You don't have to be such a hard ass..."
theManCalledSting said:

"Hey! I'm going! I'm going! You don't have to be such a hard ass..."
Ocelot got her on the chopper.

"I and I figured I should update you on Monaca. She's in a coma as of now. But don't worry, the UN will be more than happy to put you on trial. In fact, since you're older you'll probably be easier to convict."
TommyGun15 said:
Ocelot got her on the chopper.
"I and I figured I should update you on Monaca. She's in a coma as of now. But don't worry, the UN will be more than happy to put you on trial. In fact, since you're older you'll probably be easier to convict."

"Oh my, now this might be interesting..." she said some how not being concerned for Monaca.

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