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Fandom "Tears" (a multi-fandom RP)

Reborn World

There was a knock on Syeron's door. She stood up and opened it to find Max standing there, with Bishop at his side.

"What is it?" She asked

"I couldn't sleep." He shrugged "So I came here."

"I have the same problem." She muttered "Alright, come in."

Max sat down on the bed while Syeron shut the door and folded her arms "We've been fighting and tryin' to stay alive for so long...I haven't had time to be afraid." He muttered "I can see it in your eyes. You're afraid too. Shit, we all are. We don't even know what the 'ell we're doin'. I don't even know why I'm tellin' you this."

"You have to get it off your chest." Syeron replied, lowering her arms and sitting next to Max "You were wandering around the corridors and my room was here so you picked it. Simple enough."

"Anythin' you wanna talk about?" He asked

"No. I can deal with my problems on my own." She turned away from him

"Suit yourself." He nodded in response "I have a sister back him, she's probably worried sick about me. What about you, you got a family?"

"They..." She paused "I suppose you can say the Jedi are my family. Tell me about your sister."

In Gregory's room a small smile began to form on his face.

"I don't even know where she is." He muttered, his smile fading "It might not be any use."

Mil entered Seth's room "You cannot sleep, can you?" It asked




Due to the fact that a large portion of the robots were stunned XCOM finished off the fight. Alpha-6 walked over to Alpha-1 and helped him up. He stood up, rubbed his head, and groaned. "Thanks." Alpha-1 said to Alpha-6. They heard the alarm come from somewhere in the ship. "That must be our allies." Said Alpha-3. "They may need help. We should go find them." Said Alpha-5.

They team made their way through the ship and were outside the prison. They saw the barricade and moved out of sight. "That's a lot of X-Rays." Said Alpha-6. "Any ideas?" Said Alpha-2. "You think they saw us?" Said Alpha-3. Several plasma shots flew into the wall behind them. "Yeah..." Said Aplha-1. "Open fire!" He yelled.

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TommyGun15 said:
"Well, I won't know until I try. I'll need to know who or what I'm looking for though."
"Her name is Mirus." Gregory replied "She's a Curabitur. Considering how big the ruddy Multiverse is, I doubt that's much to go on."


"Hello, Mr. Snake... I take it you met Ms. Junko already?"
[QUOTE="Some_Bloke]"Her name is Mirus." Gregory replied "She's a Curabitur. Considering how big the ruddy Multiverse is, I doubt that's much to go on."


Yami closed his eyes for a moment, mumbling to himself.

"Mirus... Mirus... Mirus... I got something."

Hearing the gunfire and then noticing the team, the prisoners made their move and charged forwards. Nikita stood in front, taking most of the hits and using her armour as a shield for as many prisoners as possible. This display was nothing more than a means to get The Doctor on her side however. "Tesla!" She shouted "Use your UV rays!"

The scientist replied by blasting the pirates with UV light, temporarily blinding some of them in the process. This allowed Nikita to charge forwards, slicing through several pirates with her energy katana. The Doctor used his sonic screwdriver to disable the weapons of five space pirates as they were about to fire on a group of escaping prisoners running towards them. Taking this opportunity the prisoners overwhelmed the five pirates, knocking them to the ground.

theManCalledSting said:

"Hello, Mr. Snake... I take it you met Ms. Junko already?"

"Yes. Yes I have. She's been dealt with. In a few minutes we'll have someone brought in who wants to talk to you. Better make a good impression, because he's the one who decides what we do with you."
Reborn World

"Today I learned at the afterlife is real. Not a concept dreamt up beings afraid of death. I find myself having to consider several items in my life." Mil replied

"What is it?" Gregory asked in an agitated tone

TommyGun15 said:
"Yes. Yes I have. She's been dealt with. In a few minutes we'll have someone brought in who wants to talk to you. Better make a good impression, because he's the one who decides what we do with you."
The Doors wing open, "Sorry I'm late, was catching up on a few things... So where's the lil' Devil herself!" The Doctor said.
RWBY Streets:

"There are two who still fight in the streets. Two was the number of parents I had when they abused me as a child. Do you see these scars? They're from the first Monster's Ball!" The very angry crazy man with a bag full of thumb tacks.

And then he realized he didn't actually say his name.

I...AM...ABYSS!" He shouted, spitting in the others' faces.


RWBY Streets (about a block away):

The sound of Abyss's voice echoed to Barbara & Jason.


Reborn World
"Today I learned at the afterlife is real. Not a concept dreamt up beings afraid of death. I find myself having to consider several items in my life." Mil replied

"What is it?" Gregory asked in an agitated tone


"I've definitely found the soul you are looking for. I can open a window to it's location... or at least the location of it's most recent physical vessel."

theManCalledSting said:
The Doors wing open, "Sorry I'm late, was catching up on a few things... So where's the lil' Devil herself!" The Doctor said.
Snake got out of his seat and offered it to The Doctor.

"She's all yours."

Snake leaned against the wall in the corner by the door.

"Abyss." Constantine replied in a mocking voice "I'm just John Constantine." He shrugged


Reborn World

"How do I talk to her?" Gregory asked, his tone still somewhat agitated

TommyGun15 said:
Snake got out of his seat and offered it to The Doctor.
"She's all yours."

Snake leaned against the wall in the corner by the door.
"Hello, Monaca... I'm the Doctor."

"Nice to meet you, face to... FACE!" Monaca said as she slaps a mind draining device on the Doctor.

"WOW! You know so many despairingly wonderful things!"

The Soldiers attempted to stop it but the Doctor told them to stand down, "No... I got this..."

"Monaca, what do you want from me?"

"Your Despair..."

The Doctor smirked... "My Despair? Monaca, you're not really getting it are you? I've lived a life just teaming with Despair, Sorrow and Hope... You want to know what I've seen... I have seen Universes blaze into nothingness, I have seen Mad Men bend reality into their own twisted image... I have faced Beings that would turn most ordinary people mad, I have spoken names that must never be spoken, I suffered Despair of countless lives lost in my Name! I lost everything and everyone to end a War, my home, MY PEOPLE!" The Doctor starts to tear up. "MONACA YOU WANT THE DESPAIR OF A MAN WHO LIVED COUNTLESS LIVES IN THE SPAN OF OVER A THOUSAND YEARS? THEN TAKE IT!!! TAKE ALL OF IT, SWEETIE!!!"

Monaca screamed and clutched her head, the mental strain of the Doctor's memories were too much for her to bear, causing her to enter a vegetative state.

The Doctor held Monaca in his arms, crying the Doctor said, "There should have been another way..."

@Some_Bloke (Monaca's Brain Dead now)
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theManCalledSting said:
"Hello, Monaca... I'm the Doctor."
"Nice to meet you, face to... FACE!" Monaca said as she slaps a mind draining device on the Doctor.

"WOW! You know so many despairingly wonderful things!"

The Soldiers attempted to stop it but the Doctor told them to stand down, "No... I got this..."

"Monaca, what do you want from me?"

"Your Despair..."

The Doctor smirked... "My Despair? Monaca, you're not really getting it are you? I've lived a life just teaming with Despair, Sorrow and Hope... You want to know what I've seen... I have seen Universes blaze into nothingness, I have seen Mad Men bend reality into their own twisted image... I have faced Beings that would turn most ordinary people mad, I have spoken names that must never be spoken, I suffered Despair of countless lives lost in my Name! I lost everything and everyone to end a War, my home, MY PEOPLE!" The Doctor starts to tear up. "MONACA YOU WANT THE DESPAIR OF A MAN WHO LIVED COUNTLESS LIVES IN THE SPAN OF OVER A THOUSAND YEARS? THEN TAKE IT!!!"

Monaca screamed and clutched her head, the mental strain of the Doctor's memories were too much for her to bear, causing her to enter a vegetative state.

The Doctor held Monaca in his arms, crying the Doctor said, "There should have been another way..."

@Some_Bloke (Monaca's Brain Dead now)

Snake sighed.

"Well, that's one problem solved. Now we just have to deal with Junko."

Constantine's attention switched from Abyss to the Skeleton "Who are you?" He asked, trying to get his attention.

Reborn World

"Open the window." Gregory muttered "If she's dead...I just, I need to be sure."

TommyGun15 said:
Snake sighed.
"Well, that's one problem solved. Now we just have to deal with Junko."
"Leave her to me... get her in the TARDIS, I know what to do with her..." The Doctor said in anger.

"Because Junko made me do something I never wanted to do... She made her last mistake..."

The skeleton turned towards Constantine. Silently is walked up to him and held out it's hand, as if offering to shake.


"Alright. But I've got no control over what you see."

Yami opened the window.

theManCalledSting said:
"Leave her to me... get her in the TARDIS, I know what to do with her..." The Doctor said in anger.
"Because Junko made me do something I never wanted to do... She made her last mistake..."
"Well, we've still got her in a coma, so go right ahead. I'll be glad to get rid of the crazy bitch."
TommyGun15 said:

The skeleton turned towards Constantine. Silently is walked up to him and held out it's hand, as if offering to shake.


"Alright. But I've got no control over what you see."

Yami opened the window.

"Well, we've still got her in a coma, so go right ahead. I'll be glad to get rid of the crazy bitch."
"Knowing her she'll wake up and find herself in the places in the TARDIS I've never even been to... So not the Swimming pool..."
theManCalledSting said:
"Knowing her she'll wake up and find herself in the places in the TARDIS I've never even been to... So not the Swimming pool..."
Snake didn't really know how to respond to that.

"So... what are you planning to do to her anyways? For the record I'd like to point out that I still need to hand someone in to the UN."
TommyGun15 said:
Snake didn't really know how to respond to that.
"So... what are you planning to do to her anyways? For the record I'd like to point out that I still need to hand someone in to the UN."
"Okay, scratch the plan of just leaving Junko in a TARDIS forever... you have her... but know this... no executions... just leave her in a small cell and forget about her..."
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