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Fandom "Tears" (a multi-fandom RP)

Almost that very instant, The Witch King screamed a howl that broke down the very will of those around him, sending any damned onlooker screaming for their mothers! He marched forward to John Cena, coated in raw malice and poison before shouting, "Thine show of light and muscle will do none to me! You have nothing that can break me, for thine weapons are nothing compared to mine!" The Witch King attempted to slash at John Cena while always looking for a spot to stab him with the Morgul-Blade... and if the cursed weapon hit, not even Cena would survive the effects!

hudhouse said:
Almost that very instant, The Witch King screamed a howl that broke down the very will of those around him, sending any damned onlooker screaming for their mothers! He marched forward to John Cena, coated in raw malice and poison before shouting, "Thine show of light and muscle will do none to me! You have nothing that can break me, for thine weapons are nothing compared to mine!" The Witch King attempted to slash at John Cena while always looking for a spot to stab him with the Morgul-Blade... and if the cursed weapon hit, not even Cena would survive the effects!

Robocop appears to save Cena and return him to his proper dimension!

"Objective! Save Cena! Return him to WWE!"

As Cena returned to the WWE-Metal Gear Universe, a single tear rolled from Robocop's eye

"I have failed in my mission to save Sting... But I will not fail the Cenation!"

Robocop turns to the Witch King, "Now, fight me, Punk!"
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Bullets slammed into the Witch King, but melted away into emerald flames. He marched forward to grip the Bullhammer from Wade Barret, whispering to the air, "Sauron is to great, thou foe needs as many advantages as he can get... Man of Metal!" The Witch King waited a few moments for Robocop to be ready, before casually walking forward with his blade to the ground. Rotting grass and screaming air became a common scene around the King as he attempted to slice Robocop, all of his bullets simply melting away from his skin just like the sniper's rounds.

@theManCalledSting @apoliseno
hudhouse said:
Bullets slammed into the Witch King, but melted away into emerald flames. He marched forward to grip the Bullhammer from Wade Barret, whispering to the air, "Sauron is to great, thou foe needs as many advantages as he can get... Man of Metal!" The Witch King waited a few moments for Robocop to be ready, before casually walking forward with his blade to the ground. Rotting grass and screaming air became a common scene around the King as he attempted to slice Robocop, all of his bullets simply melting away from his skin just like the sniper's rounds.
@theManCalledSting @apoliseno
"Oi! That's my elbow!" Wade Barrett shouted at the Witch King!

Barad Dur-RWBY Universe

Laszlo: Seeing his opportunity to exit, Laszlo clipped the SMGs to his thighs, grabbed and primed a plasma grenade, chucked it at Sauron, picked up Skylar, and bolted away faster than a sports car on an open highway.

@theManCalledSting @Barbas @hudhouse

Not suffering any real damage from Cena's attacks or the grenade , Sauron focuses his attention on Robo Cop and the Nexus.

"Join me and you will gain power and wealth! Oppose me and you will die!"
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apoliseno said:

Barad Dur-RWBY Universe

Laszlo: Seeing his opportunity to exit, Laszlo clipped the SMGs to his thighs, grabbed and primed a plasma grenade, chucked it at Sauron, picked up Skylar, and bolted away faster than a sports car on an open highway.

@theManCalledSting @Barbas @hudhouse
"Oi! Witch king! Those blokes are getting away!" Barrett shouted at the Witch King @hudhouse

Wade turns his attentions to the no-selling Sauron.

"The Nexus, are now yours!"
The Witch King leaped into mid air where his Feel Beast immediately picked him up. The dragon beast flew forward, breathing flames to toast the two alive while keeping up!


Pleased that he was able to recruit more minions, Sauron gives the Nexus new orders before returning to his tower.

"I am pleased that you have reason my friends. Now, I want you to gather up an army Orcs and Olog Hai and begin the invasion of Remnant!"
Barbas said:
Pleased that he was able to recruit more minions, Sauron gives the Nexus new orders before returning to his tower.

"I am pleased that you have reason my friends. Now, I want you to gather up an army Orcs and Olog Hai and begin the invasion of Remnant!"
"As you command!" said the Cosmic King.

"All right, you sorry sods! You heard the man! Get your asses movin'! We're takin' over this sorry lump of dirt!"

"BOOOOOOM!!!!" (Wade's battle cry)

On the Way to Beacon-RWBY Universe

Laszlo: Stopping midsprint, Laszlo turned on the Fell Beast and unslung his rifle with one arm, bringing it to bear on the airborne beast. He began backpedalling, and fired four shots as he did. Two shots tore through each wing on the Fell Beast. He followed by chucking another plasma grenade at the beast before turning and starting his sprint again.


Oryx, the Taken King


Time, it was a mere plaything. Oryx waged war against hundreds of different dimensions, fighting armies on the scales of quadrillions. The Hive and Taken swarmed, growing in strength and number with each and every kill. Hundreds of thousands of Taken Sentinels swarmed, commanding the skies with Dragoons and Swarm to assist the walking tanks and hordes of gnawing teeth. Oryx stood at the heart of the Black Garden in the middle of the Reef, having relocated it based on how much less resistance there was.

The roots of the Black Garden pierced through the hundreds of different dimensions he battle in and through. Giant towers of steel and concrete would be raised that went from crust to mantle. Time was warping and Oryx began to find some new power. Echoes of Oryx were present in every dimension, where Oryx's strongest warriors began to warp in and out of them. The Warpriest might war on for 3 hours, 3 years, or 3 days, but then a champion might not be there for years. Then yet another battle, there may be champion after champion, maybe even two at once!

(If anyone wishes Oryx to invade their dimension, the Black Garden awaits!)
Beacon Academy

Arriving at different sides of the Academy, the massive armies of Goblin Town and Isengard release a loud war cry before charging at the school with the intentions of burning it to the ground.
Barbas said:
Beacon Academy
Arriving at different sides of the Academy, the massive armies of Goblin Town and Isengard release a loud war cry before charging at the school with the intentions of burning it to the ground.
"BEACON! YOU'RE EITHER NEXUS! OR AGAINST US!" Wade Barrett said over a megaphone!
theManCalledSting said:
"Well, that's a tad much... Granted she might even enjoy it...But we still have to find a way to get Omega's consciousness out of her and back to the Anti-Matter dimension."
apoliseno said:

Titan Towers/Mother Base-Metal Gear Universe

Raiden: Having grabbed on to the helicopter last second, Raiden was hanging on to the tail of the helicopter to see where they were taking his target.

Arrow: In the medbay of Mother Base, Oliver jolted up in his bed in a cold sweat. He dreamt of his city on fire and in rubble, his friends and family lying dead at the bottom of a Dalek. His father appeared behind him and told him he had failed. Oliver shook his head and tried to rub the sweat off of his forehead, but he found he was chained to the bed.

"What's going on?! Get these cuffs off of me now!" He screamed at the guards outside.

@theManCalledSting @TehFanzyMetroid



"Well," Yamis said, not looking too pleased. "Try not to get yourself killed. As I mentioned earlier, I have my limits. I can make you strong, but I cannot make you invincible."
TommyGun15 said:
Snake gave the Doctor a pat on the back.
"That's where you come in. I assume you have a plan for that, right?"

After a moment of yelling and guards giving him amused looks, Oliver Queen realized that he wasn't chained to the bed. Evidently he'd been thrashing in his sleep and gotten his sheets tangled around one of the legs of the bed.
"Snake, do you know what's the most dangerous place in the universe?"

((Can you guess where the Doctor wants to go now?))
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theManCalledSting said:
"Snake, do you know what's the most dangerous place in the universe?"
((Can you guess where the Doctor wants to go now?))
"I'm gonna hazard a guess at the inside of a Dalek stronghold."
TommyGun15 said:
"I'm gonna hazard a guess at the inside of a Dalek stronghold."
"Close but wrong, the actual answer is inside of a Dalek... now then next question... What's the most unstable place in the universe..." The Doctor said as he taps his forehead to give Snake a clue
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"Demons run when a good man goes to war

Night will fall and drown the sun

When a good man goes to war

Friendship dies and true love lies

Night will fall and the dark will rise

When a good man goes to war

Demons run, but count the cost

The battle's won, but the child is lost”

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theManCalledSting said:
"Close but wrong, the actual answer is inside of a Dalek... now then next question... What's the most unstable place in the universe..." The Doctor said as he taps his forehead to give Snake a clue
"I'm guessing this anti-matter dimension?"

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