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Fandom "Tears" (a multi-fandom RP)

apoliseno said:

Mother Base-Metal Gear Universe

Arrow: Thinking about a possibility, Oliver snapped his fingers.

"Get that helicopter of yours ready. We need to go back to Dallas and the Wrestlemania arena. By the way, I suggest replacing the guards in front of the medbay," he said while pointing to two unconscious guards on the floor with broken rifles.

@theManCalledSting @TommyGun15
"Gee, I'd love to but Ocelot and his team aren't back yet."

The sound of a helicopter sounded overhead.

"I stand corrected. Looks like they've got the little bitch."
apoliseno said:

Mother Base-Metal Gear Universe

Arrow: Thinking about a possibility, Oliver snapped his fingers.

"Get that helicopter of yours ready. We need to go back to Dallas and the Wrestlemania arena. By the way, I suggest replacing the guards in front of the medbay," he said while pointing to two unconscious guards on the floor with broken rifles.

@theManCalledSting @TommyGun15
"So, Robin Hood, what's the plan?" The Doctor asked "Also, Snake, The TARDIS is powered by a star going super nova in a time loop. It's best to let the ol' girl rest." @TommyGun15
TommyGun15 said:
"Gee, I'd love to but Ocelot and his team aren't back yet."
The sound of a helicopter sounded overhead.

"I stand corrected. Looks like they've got the little bitch."
"Well that's not nice to say about a little girl, no matter how evil she is."

Beacon Academy-RWBY Universe

All of my chars in RWBY: Before the Dalek commander could retreat, he was surrounded by Laszlo, armed with a chargd Plasma Pistol, Skylar with his twin blades and glowing green aura, and Raiden with the tip of his Murasama held at its eye.

"And where do you think you're going?" Raiden asked threateningly.

apoliseno said:

Beacon Academy-RWBY Universe

All of my chars in RWBY: Before the Dalek commander could retreat, he was surrounded by Laszlo, armed with a chargd Plasma Pistol, Skylar with his twin blades and glowing green aura, and Raiden with the tip of his Murasama held at its eye.

"And where do you think you're going?" Raiden asked threateningly.

"EXTERMIN-" was all the Dalek could say before being destroyed by Ruby.

"Villains, always wanting to turn tail when the heroes show up." Ruby said casually, the Promo cutting lessons from NXT really worked on her.
theManCalledSting said:
"Well that's not nice to say about a little girl, no matter how evil she is."
"One, I have no idea how that is possible, and two, at this point I've reached my limit for weird shit for today."

Mother Base-Metal Gear Universe

Arrow: Oliver thought for a moment on his idea, finalizing the details, before speaking up.

"You said it yourself, the change in the flow of time there stems from the multiversal energy of the tears. Would that work?"
TommyGun15 said:
"One, I have no idea how that is possible, and two, at this point I've reached my limit for weird shit for today."
"Well, I'm not going to tell you how the Eye of Harmony works... It's something that I rather keep a secret from you and Junko... And Junko has Omega in her mind right now... we need to expel his mind form hers"
apoliseno said:

Mother Base-Metal Gear Universe

Arrow: Oliver thought for a moment on his idea, finalizing the details, before speaking up.

"You said it yourself, the change in the flow of time there stems from the multiversal energy of the tears. Would that work?"
"Getting energy from a Tear in the fabric of the universe? That's insane! Let's do it!"


Beacon Universe-RWBY Universe

Skylar: Noticing the arrival of Team RWBY, Skylar instantly threw his hood up and started to walk away towards the academy to both check for any stragglers and hopefully avoid an awkward moment of him not saying anything while Team RWBY tried to get him to open his mouth.

Laszlo: Walking off to secure a perimeter, Laszlo watched the armies of Mordor, the Daleks, and the Nexus retreat through the scope of his rifle. He was about to pull the trigger on Wyatt Barrett's head, but he had no ammo in that clip. He jogged off to round up any stragglers left behind.

Raiden: Staying behind, Raiden entered a Zendatsu and cut the Dalek Commander like confetti. Once he had finished, he sheathed the Murasama and looked down at Ruby.

"I'm surprised you're in condition to fight a war," he said, ruffling her hair. "That was quite a fight you had."

apoliseno said:

Beacon Universe-RWBY Universe

Skylar: Noticing the arrival of Team RWBY, Skylar instantly threw his hood up and started to walk away towards the academy to both check for any stragglers and hopefully avoid an awkward moment of him not saying anything while Team RWBY tried to get him to open his mouth.

Laszlo: Walking off to secure a perimeter, Laszlo watched the armies of Mordor, the Daleks, and the Nexus retreat through the scope of his rifle. He was about to pull the trigger on Wyatt Barrett's head, but he had no ammo in that clip. He jogged off to round up any stragglers left behind.

Raiden: Staying behind, Raiden entered a Zendatsu and cut the Dalek Commander like confetti. Once he had finished, he sheathed the Murasama and looked down at Ruby.

"I'm surprised you're in condition to fight a war," he said, ruffling her hair. "That was quite a fight you had."

((You can't kill Wade Barrett, the Nexus no sold your offense to escape.))
apoliseno said:
Raiden: Staying behind, Raiden entered a Zendatsu and cut the Dalek Commander like confetti. Once he had finished, he sheathed the Murasama and looked down at Ruby.
"I'm surprised you're in condition to fight a war," he said, ruffling her hair. "That was quite a fight you had."
"Well, I am a fighting champion," Ruby said as she showed off her Intercontinental Title that she won off of Kevin Owens.

Mother Base-Metal Gear Universe

Melvin: The alarms went off in the medbay section of Mother Base as Melvin was deposited from a tear. The two guards that tried to stop him both received one of Melvin's extra special "Milennium lightsaber hugs." He walked along the hallway, laughing like a maniac.

"MWAHAHAHAHA! Oh, those were some good hugs. Is there anyone else in this place I can hug? I'm feeling very lonely in here, heh heh." He proceeded to slurp is tongue around his mouth as he giggled a bit.

@theManCalledSting @apoliseno
apoliseno said:

Mother Base-Metal Gear Universe

Melvin: The alarms went off in the medbay section of Mother Base as Melvin was deposited from a tear. The two guards that tried to stop him both received one of Melvin's extra special "Milennium lightsaber hugs." He walked along the hallway, laughing like a maniac.

"MWAHAHAHAHA! Oh, those were some good hugs. Is there anyone else in this place I can hug? I'm feeling very lonely in here, heh heh." He proceeded to slurp is tongue around his mouth as he giggled a bit.

@theManCalledSting @apoliseno
"Or we could use the tear that's here," said the Doctor as he used his Sonic screwdriver to contain the tear.

"You better get ready, Ollie... We're going in the mind of the most dangerous teenager I have ever met!"
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theManCalledSting said:

"Yes. Summon your armies and destroy those pest!"
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RWBY Streets

He threw caution to the wind. These Chikara Gimmicks were capable enough on their own, and he needed to take shelter. "I'm sorry! I'm so sorry! I'll catch up with you later!" He needed to find his brother. It was his top priority!... next to survival, of course.



Outside the ship

As Alpha-1 was on the ground below the Mother Ship, a troop of patrolling Space Pirate ships tasked in guarding the air around the base spotted them and unleashed surprise blasts at Alpha-1 while in the air with their mounted guns, exploding some of the ground near them. The group flied in close formation as they circled the air, leaving as they thought their work was done.

On Board

As the Torizo Guards were defeated, they exploded in a powerful burst. More reinforcements were probably coming after these. ALOT more reinforcements. The other Space Pirates were still laying on the floor, bursting in pain. They all wore a sort of headpiece as a mic to communicate with.



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theManCalledSting said:
The Doctor places one of the Helmets on Junko.
"Okay, I only have two more so who's the lucky mad man who's going to join a Mad Man and his Box in to the Mind of the Ulitmate Despair!"

@TommyGun15 @apoliseno
(I just got back from night class and I've gotta go to bed, but as long as your willing to wait till tomorrow, I'll send Snake along.)
Reborn World

Gregory clutched the spear "I know. It's like I said before, you get cocky it gets you killed." He muttered

The Merchant led the group inside, bringing them to a futuristic war room full of holograms displaying different versions of Ultron. In the middle of the room was a large, round table.

"We are still waiting on some others." The Merchant spoke, waving his hand and creating three holograms, one of Ser Dougan, one of Ser Lancelot and the other of the God Emperor.

"You said you knew how to kill Ultron. How?" Mil asked

"It is like I said, there are weapons in this Multiverse that can kill Godly beings." The Merchant explained, sitting down at the table. He waved his hand and created a hologram in the centre of it. The hologram was of a curved knife with a golden handle with markings coating the blade in Celtic.

"It translates to God killer." The Merchant explained "It has been missing for over a millennia but after the tears opened up it revealed itself."







"Run!" The Doctor shouted, leading the group to Mother Brain's location. They approached a large door and The Doctor used his sonic screwdriver to open it. On the other side of the door was Mother Brain herself, surrounded by guards.

Black Garden - Halo Universe / Oryx


Oryx protected his tear like he was told, but now having access to the Citadel and Restorative Minds? Time itself flowed in his name, birthing many new spawn for the Hive in mere millions of the time it would normally take! Cloning facilities grew the Wizards, sending them off with a squad of Hobgoblins, Goblins and Minotaurs to construct new breeding grounds and Vex time gates. His army was more of a wave now, a tidal wave of wrath that constantly swallowed and tore through hostile lines. Everything fell into his talons, every little thing now perfected for his war eternal! As he gained more strength from his entrenchments, he grew strong enough to start even more in another dimensions! He had to admit, teaming up with the Merchant, Librarian and Woman? They warped him about, spreading his Darkness out of his universe. Now, his Plague of Darkness was almost to big to fail, and he was so close to achieving his goal... becoming an Axiom. Hive Seeders flew in from rifts, followed closely behind by Tombships. Invasion, consumption, war! This was the life, the industry!

Sanghelios, the home world of the Elites. The sky began screaming and roaring as Hive and Taken warped in. His Plague was one stronger then any Flood... then any Zerg... then any Head Crab...

Witch King


Everything became blurry when his Fell Beast, overwhelmed and exhausted from the bullets, crashed down into some ancient ruins. The impact knocked out the Witch King for a few moments, but he stood up as durable as ever. But... he had no idea where he was..


Mother Base-Metal Gear Universe

Arrow: Oliver almost didn't want to do this, but if it meant finally being able to put Junko down for good, then he would gladly undertake this mission.

"I'll go with you. I can...contain my anger with her until we accomplish your mission," he said.

apoliseno said:

Mother Base-Metal Gear Universe

Arrow: Oliver almost didn't want to do this, but if it meant finally being able to put Junko down for good, then he would gladly undertake this mission.

"I'll go with you. I can...contain my anger with her until we accomplish your mission," he said.

(Why does there only have to be room for 1 other person?)

"As can I." Snake said.

"Really, it's a question of who you think is more capable for this mission."


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