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Fandom "Tears" (a multi-fandom RP)

Mother Base-Metal Gear Universe

Arrow: Oliver also wondered why only one person could accompany the Doctor, but that's beside the point.

"Snake, if things go south in there, all the people here would be in mourning. Me? The only family I have left is my sister and most of the one's close to me have little trust in me after a brief, and false, change in affiliation that was necessary to keep my city safe. I have little to lose, so let me go."

apoliseno said:

Mother Base-Metal Gear Universe

Arrow: Oliver also wondered why only one person could accompany the Doctor, but that's beside the point.

"Snake, if things go south in there, all the people here would be in mourning. Me? The only family I have left is my sister and most of the one's close to me have little trust in me after a brief, and false, change in affiliation that was necessary to keep my city safe. I have little to lose, so let me go."

"On the same note, if you die in there, that's one less hero in this world. If I die in there, that's one less mercenary in this world."
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TommyGun15 said:
(Why does there only have to be room for 1 other person?)
"As can I." Snake said.

"Really, it's a question of who you think is more capable for this mission."

(The last helmet has to connect to Junko so they can go in.)
Crenando said:
(One guy needs to be left behind to protect the guys wearing the helmets)
(But... they're on an ocean platform in a med bay surrounded by Snake's people... They've got a small army of mooks to protect them...)
TommyGun15 said:
(But... they're on an ocean platform in a med bay surrounded by Snake's people... They've got a small army of mooks to protect them...)

(Whatever. Point is, The Doctor only had three on-hand because he rarely ever uses these things, so why buy four?)

Sanghelios-Halo Universe

Sangheli Hierarch: As the hierarch stared in blatant anger about what appeared on his screen, subordinate Sangheli and Ungoy (Grunts) scurried around his command center on the surface of the Holy City. The Covenant fleet in orbit changed direction, and the cruisers, corvettes, and destroyers deployed swarms of Seraph, Banshee, and Phantom squadrons to engage the new threat. The super carriers hung in the back, launching armies of fighter craft and gunboats. The lateral lines of the front ships glowed with pulsating crimson, blue, and purple plasma, charging up. The hierarch slammed his fist down on the arm of his throne.

"All ships open fire! Cleanse this filth before it desecrates the surface! Anti-air batteries begin bombardmant as well! Inform all fighter units to engage and destroy! Cleanse them with our holy fire!" The lines along the ships flashed as waves of superheated plasma arced towards the Hive and Taken forces from the skies, and round after round of plasma from the anti-air guns on the ground.

Oryx smiled, some resistance like all the others! But a Space ship formed, one that was 18 miles long! Oryx smiled, as for a small moment the Dreadnought warped into the system, hovering above Sanghelios. The Space ship was... 3,175 miles long! The ship was 176 times bigger then the Supercarrier, looming over the entire world with it's raw presence. Hive Seeders flew forward from the side, crashing into space ships to drop off troops just like the Covenant did to the Pillar of Autumn. Taken Sentinels stood in mass sheets, firing out blasts of energy that if it killed, toke the dying alien. If a Sentinel fell, another would just take it's place, or maybe a Dragoon. The Dreadnought fired off crimson energy blasts like it's patrol ships, something similar to a anti-ship weapon but to foreign to truly understand. Oryx and his Dreadnought returned back to the Tear he was ordered to protect, leaving the carnage in the small zone as a testimony to his strength.


Camelot-Reborn Universe

Revan: With his arms crossed, Revan stared at the holographic images of Ultron with disgust, but he finds the notion of a god-slaying weapon intriguing. Perhaps he could use it against the Emperor...Looking up, Revan addressed the crowd.

"A weapon of this much power...that is incredible. My friends, once we defeat this robotic devil, there is one more task that I ask we use this weapon for: the Sith Emperor Vitiate. He has consumed entire worlds, millions of people, to obtain vast power and immortality. That weapon, that could be the only hope to stop his darkness from corrupting anything else in any universe. I ask of you all, we should use this weapon to exterminate him once and for all!"

@TehFanzyMetroid @TommyGun15

Mother Brain's Chamber-MCU

Drake: Feeling weak from both the over-exhertion of his powers and the beatings he sustained from the Torizo, Drake collapsed on the ground as soon as the group reached Mother Brain. He muttered one phrase before slipping into unconsciousness.

"Clear....selection," he muttered. The holsters vanished from his legs and the swords vanished from his hands. The Olympians returned to the universe from which they were dragged, and Drake slipped into a small coma.

Kaiden: Kaiden seemed to be a little winded from the use of his Nova Bomb and the constant bursts of speed he used with his Raze Lighter, but was much better off than Drake. As soon as he saw the boy collapse and his weapons vanish, Kaiden jogged over and stood defensively in front of him, holding his powerful Exotic blade in front of him with its tip pointed at Mother Brain.


Annoyed that army from Mordor was fleeing from the battle, Sauron commands his Uruk Hai and Goblin armies to continue the siege.

Mother Brain's Ship-MCU

Drake: Offering no resistance as he was unconscious, Drake was picked up by a guard and was carried away.

Kaiden: As the electric web descended on the group, Kaiden smirked under his helmet as his Arc abilities began to manifest. A lightning bolt struck from the ceiling and hit Kaiden, throwing him into a Stormstrance and temporarily blinding any enemies near him. The electric web only fed his Stormtrance, increasing only its duration. He floated a foot above the ground, shooting torrents of blue Arc lightning at the pirates.

TehFanzyMetroid said:
Outside the ship

As Alpha-1 was on the ground below the Mother Ship, a troop of patrolling Space Pirate ships tasked in guarding the air around the base spotted them and unleashed surprise blasts at Alpha-1 while in the air with their mounted guns, exploding some of the ground near them. The group flied in close formation as they circled the air, leaving as they thought their work was done.
Alpha team attempted to spread out when they noticed the Space Pirates raining plasma down on them. (They use plasma right?) When they saw the Space Pirates fly away, Alpha-3 yelled "That's all you got you bastard? I've taken worse from a Sectopod!" Alpha-1,4,5 each aimed their weapons at the leaving ships since they had weapons with a far enough range. Alpha-1 fired his plasma sniper rifle, Alpha-4 fired his particle cannon, and Alpha-5 fired his guided fusion launcher in hope of taking the Space Pirates ships down.
TehFanzyMetroid said:
As they broke into her lair they were greeted by immediate gunfire. MB had eyes all around the facility and knew of their arrival. Gunfire poured down on them but not killing them, just immobilizing them into a very restricting electric net, not being able to move.

Uh uh uh. That's not how you act as guests. Greeted a holographic projection of Mother Brain from across they spacy, lava filled and barricaded room. Now, if you don't struggle, the net will probably not suffocate you and damage vital organs. Let me scan you guys... Hmmm... A Time Lord. How charming. I think one of the universes we raided talked of such a being. Maybe pure coincidence. Anyways, that'll teach you. Come on now, I have more important stuff to do. Said the hologram as it dissipated, numerous guards coming to collect the small group. The electrict nets were very strong and their hands and legs well immobilized, paralyzed from the shock. They robotic guards picked up one person of the group and one by one, they took them to a sort of prison on the ship. The more the group squirmed, the tighter it became.

[Let them just be captured for now, I need them for a bit.]

Reborn World

Seth looked at the dagger on the hologram. Looked old and certainly able to kill a god, or atleast hurt it.

So, what universe is this one in.

Asked Seth half joking.





(Is the code used in this post only messed up for me?)
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Crenando said:
(Whatever. Point is, The Doctor only had three on-hand because he rarely ever uses these things, so why buy four?)
(More like have one of them look out for the guys if they enter a mental fit over whatever Junko's head throws at them))
(Is the code used in this post only messed up for me?)

[Nope, I fucked up.]

ryanpk200 said:
Alpha team attempted to spread out when they noticed the Space Pirates raining plasma down on them. (They use plasma right?) When they saw the Space Pirates fly away, Alpha-3 yelled "That's all you got you bastard? I've taken worse from a Sectopod!" Alpha-1,4,5 each aimed their weapons at the leaving ships since they had weapons with a far enough range. Alpha-1 fired his plasma sniper rifle, Alpha-4 fired his particle cannon, and Alpha-5 fired his guided fusion launcher in hope of taking the Space Pirates ships down.
[Yeah, plasma TO THE EXTREME!]

As the weapons fired, the ship tried to dodge but the weapons reached it, exploding the ship while it crash landed. It should only be a 30 minute space walk and all seemed intact.

"Don't struggle!" The Doctor shouted

"Energy nets." Nikita muttered "He's right! If we try and struggle, it will kill us." She turned to the Doctor for a way out, knowing he was thinking of something, a way out.



Reborn World

"Very well." The Merchant nodded in response to Revan's request "However, after the Emperor is dead I will take the weapon into storage. In the wrong hands such a weapon could create irreversible damage to the balance of the Multiverse."

He turned his attention to Seth "A dead universe." The Merchant spoke in a grim tone "One without life."

"Well if I was hidin' something I'd put it where no one else would look." Max shrugged

"What do you mean without life?" Syeron asked

"The Universe is experience it's collapse. You might know it as The Big Crunch."

"Wait, doesn't that mean the place will be full of black holes?" Gregory asked in a concerned tone, getting a nod from the Merchant in response "Bugger me."



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Reborn World

"Very well." The Merchant nodded in response to Revan's request "However, after the Emperor is dead I will take the weapon into storage. In the wrong hands such a weapon could create irreversible damage to the balance of the Multiverse."

He turned his attention to Seth "A dead universe." The Merchant spoke in a grim tone "One without life."

"Well if I was hidin' something I'd put it where no one else would look." Max shrugged

"What do you mean without life?" Syeron asked

"The Universe is experience it's collapse. You might know it as The Big Crunch."

"Wait, doesn't that mean the place will be full of black holes?" Gregory asked in a concerned tone, getting a nod from the Merchant in response "Bugger me."




The guards took them to cell like pods in the bowels of the ship, the energy nets dissipating once they were all in. The glass seemed extremely hard and the top aswell. Pirates patrolled the room where they were held aswell as other prisoners. The room was gigantic Some robots, some human, some alien, some seemed completely empty but with a tint of a color in it. From left to right, the group was placed: Tesla, Drake, The Doctor,Stevenson, Kaiden, and Nikitia. Next to Nikitia, stood an old and frail man, looking to be around 70 and wearing a purple cape and robes with a wooden staff. He had a long beard and long grey hair and also had a wizard hat. Next to Tesla stood a cyborg that was a bit shorter then him and had long black hair. The white metal covered one eye and her forehead, just leaving a green eye and mouth. The white metal also covered most of her as a sort of clothing when her skin wasn't replaced with it. She had big boots and seemed in bad condition and needed repair. Grey ash covered some of her shoulders. The glass let all of them to talk and sit down aswell. They seemed to be on a high level, seeing other pods on top and below them with railings and catwalks around to take and let go of prisoners. The cyborg looked intrigued in Tesla.

Reborn World

Seth looked at The Merchant

But that means we can encounter a black hole any moment and get sucked into them. How are we supposed to get it.

Asked the boy, not wanting to loose anyone else.




Reborn World

"Exactly why you're here." The Merchant explained "In a universe that is on the brink of death, the laws of physics can break down."

"Why don't you just go and take this blade for yerself?" Max asked

"It kills beings of higher power. Imagine if one touched it." Gregory butted in

"Those who created the blade placed enchantments on it preventing beings such as myself from using it against other so-called higher beings." The Merchant explained





Tesla looked at the cyborg "Who are you?" He asked as Nikita studied the robed man.




Tesla looked at the cyborg "Who are you?" He asked as Nikita studied the robed man.

Reborn World

Oh... Alright. That's why the Woman would've died if she entered the other tear where Ultron went in, I guess. Where is it located, exactly. Is it on another run down earth. Asked Seth, wondering if it would be Ultron's universe all over again.


The cyborg heard Tesla. I-I am Synta-627. I am also a prisoner here. Those filthy pirates captured me during a recent raid in another universe, it seems. I was a part of a team sent here to stop them aswell. They were countless to attack our planet Kepler there. They pillaged everything useful to them and destroyed the rest. I presume we are in another universe they are busy raiding. Explained the robotic but feminine voice to the inventor. She looked away for a second then back at the inventor. The robed man looked back at Nikitia.[/color]



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