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Fandom "Tears" (a multi-fandom RP)

TommyGun15 said:
"Well, we got this one cell that's pretty far below sea level. It's pitch black down there and only accessible through an elevator that has to be operated from up here. We could try that."
"Well, that's a tad much... Granted she might even enjoy it...But we still have to find a way to get Omega's consciousness out of her and back to the Anti-Matter dimension."
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TommyGun15 said:
Yami growled.
"I cannot properly aid a host without a sliver of their soul. It would be like..." Yami searched for a good comparison.

"Like a blind man trying to teach you to shoot."
"Then we have the same agreement as before. If Gregory dies, his soul enters the afterlife. You do not consume it as you did Harley's. Until then, his soul is yours."

Gregory stepped forwards and drew his revolver, aiming at The Merchant's head. "Until a few minutes ago I didn't even know there was an afterlife, that there were souls! The last thing I want to do is make a deal with a so-called demon!" He shouted

"You have to stop Ultron, do you not?" The Merchant asked "He poses a threat to the entire Multiverse. A threat to your family...How far would you go to protect them?"

Gregory lowered his revolver and his head "Dammit." He muttered, taking Yami's spear in hand. As the rest of the group stepped out of the ship, they followed the Merchant and the Knights to a castle.


At the factory built for creating troops of the God Emperor, his Thunder warriors Ser Ismay caught Ser Dougan and Lancelot's attention. Lancelot prepared to draw his sword, only for Ser Dougan to raise a hand and stop him.

"It's her." She spoke "I have scanned her for rogue elements. The only thing I detected was void energy. I assume she picked it up when she led a platoon to another universe."

Lancelot holstered his sword in response and turned his attention to the Emperor "This is Ser Ismay, the Knight who was recently murdered."

"Murdered?" Ser Ismay asked in a shocked tone "What are you talking about?!"





John Constantine stood over the body of the Undertaker, lit himself a cigarette and left to lick his wounds. Having patched himself up he left Wrestlemania and used his pendulum to track down any other demons or dark forces at work in the area of the WWE-Verse


Titan Towers/Mother Base-Metal Gear Universe

Raiden: Having grabbed on to the helicopter last second, Raiden was hanging on to the tail of the helicopter to see where they were taking his target.

Arrow: In the medbay of Mother Base, Oliver jolted up in his bed in a cold sweat. He dreamt of his city on fire and in rubble, his friends and family lying dead at the bottom of a Dalek. His father appeared behind him and told him he had failed. Oliver shook his head and tried to rub the sweat off of his forehead, but he found he was chained to the bed.

"What's going on?! Get these cuffs off of me now!" He screamed at the guards outside.

Barad Dur-RWBY Universe

Skylar: Seeing a pause in the chaos, Skylar saw his opportunity to escape. Concentrating an immense amount of his aura, he threw up an illusion of an army of mechanized soldiers and larger mechs from Atlas dropping from the sky with electric blue tech blades drawn and ready.

@theManCalledSting @TommyGun15 @Barbas @hudhouse

Growing tired of the fool's tricks, Sauron dispels the army of illusions.

Afterwards, Sauron orders the Witch King of Angmar to capture Skylar.

" Capture that insolent fool before he attempts another,my faithful servant!"
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The Witch king snickered for a moment before unleashing a screen that made the bones of all who herd it shudder in horror. Some of the Orcs around him dropped to their knees to regain themselves, but they were used to it. The Mechs and soldiers that dropped down? They did not shudder, nor move a inch. Even if they could harm him, their blades would be destroyed on contact and their metal poisoned, so the King simply marched forward through the crowd. The Witch King with a single hand slashed out, the ring of his broad sword cutting through the illusion like butter. He then spoke with malice lining each and every word, "Tricks upon tricks. Thine might comes not from thou's own skill! You have failed, young rat. Your world of Dust will become Ash!"

The Witch King ignites his blade, walking casually towards Skylar as the air itself began to scream in horror. His Fell Beast took to the skies, preparing to burn Skylar if he dared make an escape attempt.


Barad Dur-RWBY Universe

Laszlo: Just as quickly as the Fell Beast took to the skies, Laszlo brought it right back down with armor-piercing rounds from his silenced sniper rifle. Exchanging the empty mag for a fresh one, he pumped all four rounds into the Witch King's blade. Laszlo barely escaped the bombing of Titan Towers through a tear, and now he was back at full strength and his weapons seemed to finally be effective against his enemies.

@hudhouse @Barbas
apoliseno said:

Barad Dur-RWBY Universe

Laszlo: Just as quickly as the Fell Beast took to the skies, Laszlo brought it right back down with armor-piercing rounds from his silenced sniper rifle. Exchanging the empty mag for a fresh one, he pumped all four rounds into the Witch King's blade. Laszlo barely escaped the bombing of Titan Towers through a tear, and now he was back at full strength and his weapons seemed to finally be effective against his enemies.

@hudhouse @Barbas
"EXTERMINATE!" The Dalek shot at Laszlo. (#AnyonebutLaszlo)
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Growing tired of his foe's insolence, Sauron raises his right hand and begins to form a large orb of fire in palm. Waiting until the fire orb became large enough, Sauron hurls the massive fireball at Skylar and Laszlo.

"All who oppose the Dark Lord will suffer for their arrogance! Soon this world will face an age of eternal darkness! "
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Barbas said:
(Or shooting Godzilla with a blowdart.)
((You don't tug on Superman's cape. You don't spit into the wind. You don't pull the mask off the old Lone Ranger, and you don't mess around with THE DALEKS.)

Barad Dur-RWBY Universe

Laszlo: Sprinting full speed towards the kid, Laszlo grabbed him and threw down a bubble shield device, which deployed the energy shield around the two. When the fireball connected with the shield, the fireball exploded and sent flames in all directions, but the shield stood. After the smoke cleared, the shield collapsed and Laszlo stood with his twin silenced M7 SMGs at the ready and aimed at Sauron.

"You might have great power, but I've seen greater," Laszlo stated. "See these things in my hand? They'll tear through your pathetic excuse for armor in seconds. Stand down and we can work some sort of agreement out." Skylar tugged on Laszlo arm to speak to him.

"You can't negotiate with them! They're monsters worse than the Grimm! They'll exterminate anything in their way!" Laszlo glared at Sauron under his helmet as he heard the boy speak. He still had a few plasma grenades in case things go out of hand.

JOHN CENA: The sound of trumphets echoed through the landscape, playing the theme of a particular Marine, who just happens to be the leader of a nation. The clouds parted as a humanoid figure with a green cap, grey tank top, and blue athletic shorts fell through the sky. He landed in the center of the action. As the dust settled there stood the legend himself...JOOOOHHHHHN CEEEENAAAAA!

"Listen here guys, ruthlessly murdering innocent people isn't cool. And now I'm gonna have to teach you a lesson in good manners," said the one man leader of the Cenation. Laszlo and Skylar were both dumbstruck.

@theManCalledSting @hudhouse @Crenando (( How about him? ))
apoliseno said:

Barad Dur-RWBY Universe

Laszlo: Sprinting full speed towards the kid, Laszlo grabbed him and threw down a bubble shield device, which deployed the energy shield around the two. When the fireball connected with the shield, the fireball exploded and sent flames in all directions, but the shield stood. After the smoke cleared, the shield collapsed and Laszlo stood with his twin silenced M7 SMGs at the ready and aimed at Sauron.

"You might have great power, but I've seen greater," Laszlo stated. "See these things in my hand? They'll tear through your pathetic excuse for armor in seconds. Stand down and we can work some sort of agreement out." Skylar tugged on Laszlo arm to speak to him.

"You can't negotiate with them! They're monsters worse than the Grimm! They'll exterminate anything in their way!" Laszlo glared at Sauron under his helmet as he heard the boy speak. He still had a few plasma grenades in case things go out of hand.

JOHN CENA: The sound of trumphets echoed through the landscape, playing the theme of a particular Marine, who just happens to be the leader of a nation. The clouds parted as a humanoid figure with a green cap, grey tank top, and blue athletic shorts fell through the sky. He landed in the center of the action. As the dust settled there stood the legend himself...JOOOOHHHHHN CEEEENAAAAA!

"Listen here guys, ruthlessly murdering innocent people isn't cool. And now I'm gonna have to teach you a lesson in good manners," said the one man leader of the Cenation. Laszlo and Skylar were both dumbstruck.

@theManCalledSting @hudhouse @Crenando (( How about him? ))

Hulk Hogan

Coming out a portal that formed right next to John Cena, Hogan points at Cena before cutting a promo.


After Hogan finished his promo, Hogan and the other members of the N.W.O grab Cena and drag him into the portal.
Barbas said:
Hulk Hogan
Coming out a portal that formed right next to John Cena, Hogan points at Cena before cutting a promo.


After Hogan finished his promo, Hogan and the other members of the N.W.O grab Cena and drag him into the portal.
John Cena over came the odds of WCW booking!

"You've forsaken the WWE Universe by admitting that you're not a fan of Black people! While I am powered by THE CENATION!"


Momentarily confused by the sudden arrival of the the strange individual, Sauron returns his attention to the welp who dared to insult him.

"Fool! It will take more than a mere weapon of metal to defeat me!"
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Barbas said:
Momentarily confused by the sudden arrival of the the strange individual, Sauron returns his attention to the welp who dared to insult him.

"Fool! It will take more than a mere weapon of metal to defeat me!"
Cena hits Sauron with a clothesline then a Five-Knuckle Shuffle!

"The Eye of Sauron CAN'T SEE ME!"
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"Sauron, you're facing the leader of the Cenation now! So how's about you man up and face me IN THE RING!" Cena cut a promo on the evil Sauron! and then...



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