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Fandom "Tears" (a multi-fandom RP)

theManCalledSting said:
"Alright, we don't have time for this.
Snake drew his pistol and shot Queen in the neck with a Tranq.

"Well, not really the most tamed way of doing it but... Alright... Setting Coordinates to Motherbase!"
Snake grit his teeth and yanked the flanchette out of his leg. He called Miller.

"We have confirmed the presence of Daleks in Titan Towers. Miller, blow that place to Hell."

(It'll take a minute fort he strike to hit.)
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Barad Dur

Infuriated, Sauron summons three Nazguls riding Fell Beast and orders them to persue the fool. After that, Sauron commands his Orcs to secure the area to prevent Skylar from escaping.

"Capture that spy you fools! Do not let him escape!"
theManCalledSting said:
The TARDIS lands in Motherbase
The Doctor asked Snake, "So what's the next plan... I get the bombing but what about Junko..."
"Well, there's always the drug induced coma option."
Barbas said:
Barad Dur
Infuriated, Sauron summons three Nazguls riding Fell Beast and orders them to persue the fool. After that, Sauron commands his Orcs to secure the area to prevent Skylar from escaping.

"Capture that spy you fools! Do not let him escape!"
theManCalledSting said:
"Yes, but what about our vigilante friend? I'm sure he didn't get the reunion he wanted..."
"Well, here's the million dollar question. Do we kill her, or do we keep her alive?"
theManCalledSting said:
(@apoliseno I think Oliver would want a say in this)
"That depends... on what our new pal wants to do..."
"Well, the tranq disables under stress so..."

Snake kicked Oliver on the ribs.

"Wake up!"
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Titan Towers-Metal Gear Universe

Arrow: Catching Snake's kick before getting up, Oliver worked his way to his feet. He'd rather take on another Ra's Al-Ghul and a hundred members of the League than be face to face with Junko Enoshima, but they needed the information she had.

"Yes, I'll give her a visit. Any information you need? My interrogations are effective..." Oliver said as he thought back to his encounter with the Boomerang.

@theManCalledSting @TommyGun15
apoliseno said:

Titan Towers-Metal Gear Universe

Arrow: Catching Snake's kick before getting up, Oliver worked his way to his feet. He'd rather take on another Ra's Al-Ghul and a hundred members of the League than be face to face with Junko Enoshima, but they needed the information she had.

"Yes, I'll give her a visit. Any information you need? My interrogations are effective..." Oliver said as he thought back to his encounter with the Boomerang.

@theManCalledSting @TommyGun15
"I just want to know what's the next step... they made Daleks now what's next..."
theManCalledSting said:
"I just want to know what's the next step... they made Daleks now what's next..."
"Not like we couldn't get her to brag her plan to us or something. Either way, say the word and I'll have Ocelot interrogate her."
theManCalledSting said:
"No, we'd risk Omega becoming the Dominate personality that way..."
apoliseno said:

Mother Base-Metal Gear Universe

Arrow: "I can get that. Snake, take me to her."

"Ocelot knows more than hypnosis. He's got this giant machine in the basement that shocks people... I think he needs a new hobby."

Snake started leading the way to the Brig.

"But if Green Beret wants to do it, far be it from me to disappoint him. Right this way."

Boss lead the group to the Brig, where Junko was still locked in her cell.

Mother Base-Metal Gear Universe

Arrow: Oliver adjusted his bow so that it was now in his left hand. He glared at Junko through the glass. She may look like a normal teenager on the outside, but she was pure despair on the inside. She incited the event that caused the downfall of the WWE City, she turned his father into....a monster. It was time he inflicted some pain onto her. He stepped into her cell and shut the door behind him. He glared at her from under his hood.

"Do you know who I am?"

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apoliseno said:

Mother Base-Metal Gear Universe

Arrow: Oliver adjusted his bow so that it was now in his left hand. He glared at Junko through the glass. She may look like a normal teenager on the outside, but she was pure despair on the inside. She incited the event that caused the downfall of the WWE City, she turned his father into....a monster. It was time he inflicted some pain onto her.
Miller walked in, carrying an I-Droid.

"Boss, we have confirmed destruction of Titan Towers. Scans indicate that there have been zero civilian casualties. We've got birds in the sky over the area to clean up anything that might crawl out of the rubble."

Miller noticed Oliver looking into Junko's cell.

"If you're thinking about interrogating her, I should warn you that conventional torture methods don't seem to work on her. The crazy bitch actually gets aroused by that. You'll have to get creative."
apoliseno said:

Mother Base-Metal Gear Universe

Arrow: Oliver adjusted his bow so that it was now in his left hand. He glared at Junko through the glass. She may look like a normal teenager on the outside, but she was pure despair on the inside. She incited the event that caused the downfall of the WWE City, she turned his father into....a monster. It was time he inflicted some pain onto her.

theManCalledSting said:

Snake glared at Junko with disgust as he opened the cell door.

"Robin Hood's got some questions for you."

Mother Base-Metal Gear Universe

Arrow: Oliver knocked an arrow and let it fly, clipping part of Junko's hair.

"You made those metal monstrosities! What are you planning now?! If you think an arrow going in hurts, an arrow coming out hurts even worse!" he threatened as he knocked another arrow, aiming at her shoulder.

apoliseno said:

Mother Base-Metal Gear Universe

Arrow: Oliver knocked an arrow and let it fly, clipping part of Junko's hair.

"You made those metal monstrosities! What are you planning now?! If you think an arrow going in hurts, an arrow coming out hurts even worse!" he threatened as he knocked another arrow, aiming at her shoulder.


"Jeez, you guys need to get out more... We're called Ultimate Despair... Like use that head of yours..."


Snake looked over at The Doctor.

"While we're here, I could have Ocelot and this team he's putting together go collect Monaca."

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