TBD (Ampersand & GinjaGen)

Hey, I'm still alive! Barely...

Our big deadline is tomorrow, so hopefully things ease up after that. So sorry for stalling the RP.

Are you still into it if we can pick it back up?
Awesome! So very close to wrapping with this gig; pulled a 13 today. Didn't expect it to be this nuts.
YESSS! Finally time to post today. Grabbing lunch and sitting down to go nuts. If you're around, we could totally bust out this next scene.
I completely missed your new post :P

And then I got obsessed with Ayala's description. It's the first time she's really gotten one without the stupid robe on.

I was distracted by the immature love story and appalling grammar/spelling in one of my other RPs. To each their own, but I really like being able to read someone's writing... plus... "I looked into his eyes. I didn't know what was happening, but I knew I was different somehow" DRIVES ME MAD. (Yes I am one of those people who watches Disney movies and rants about how 'they've known each other for a day.)

Sorry, random rant!
Ha, oh lord, those kinda stories. I think what turns me away from them is that the romance is so forced. The characters are destined for romance. There's no opportunity for it to happen naturally because that takes time.

I think I'd actually enjoy a co-written love story if it was fresh and left the sappy cliche goo behind.
Exactly. That's the reason I steer clear of romances... Because the development shouldn't be like a light bulb, it should be like a flame, slowly developing with the possibility of going out at any moment.
Ok... I've been seriously considering my irritation at the RP I've been complaining about... and now... on top of the "romance"...I don't know if I can handle "Their body's laid limp eyes diabetes fully indicating death."

Diabetes? Diabetes? Really?

I'm able to survive varying levels of writing ability, and I, myself, am by no means perfect.... but I don't know if I can handle that sentence... or the others coming from this person.........
Yeah, I feel ya. It's writing, not IM chatting. I put a lot of effort into word selection, grammar, story, all of it. When the people I'm writing with don't, it really kills the vibe.

Though, it's that effort that makes my posts take over an hour to write. :P
But it's also that effort that makes your posts wonderful to read! I'd prefer waiting (as I've said before) and getting something great!

Which is why I enjoy our RP so much. 'Tis a respite in this otherwise chaotic and irritating world.
I think we're weaving something great! And even though we're not very far into the story, it already has depth and a universe slowly building around our characters.

Btw, I'm still wrapping up work, but I'm shooting to post tonight.
I know, right. It's been a long month and keeps getting extended, but with pay like this, I can't say no. I'm taking a month off afterwards.
Tomorrow is looking like that magical time of the week when I can actually write. *Crosses his fingers*

Should we come up with a plan for the escape attempt or just wing it? We're gettin' captured, it just comes down to how.

After all this anticipation I realized that it's better we do the back and forth thing for this combat. Feels faster and allows us to kind of take combat "turns".
*nods* I think that sounds good. I had been pondering how to get them captured all day, but having a turn by turn wil make it more fun, and more spontaneous.

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