TBD (Ampersand & GinjaGen)

Ok, had a family emergency today. Everything's fine, but I wasn't able to get to the computer until now, so sorry my post was so late!
Oh no! Hope everything is ok! Totally no worries 
Looks like I'm in a similar boat now. Starting on a new job tomorrow, things have been nuts. Started to write, but I'll have to wrap it up tomorrow evening.
Ok... I've been looking around, and these are some of my ideas for the casino ship:

The general plan is for it to have nice parts, but bearing in mind that it is a casino ship, so parts of it are gonna be sleazy. The Casino itself is a bit dark, because that's where people go to make money and don't necessarily want to be seen. There's also a mall, and a theme park and a variety of restaurants and rest areas, so that the customer is living in luxury (to the level that they can afford). Each area is accessed by the system of "elevators" that require you to insert your key card, to allow you to access only what you've paid for. People who can't afford anything basically are confined to their rooms, the cheap/crappy restaurants/stores, and the casino. People who have a lot of money can go wherever they please. There are a variety of perks that you can purchase for the right price, and many of them aren't legal planetside.

Some general idea images are below.



Cheap room:


Nicer room:



More to come.
lol, you're so distrusting of Rudii! He's just an old man trying to get by!

I freaking love the casino pics! They're perfect! The level-access idea is great. Since Rudii is supplying us with hacked passes, should he only supply the basic one or a fully unlocked one?
Haha I'm just trying to give them reasonable reactions. They're on the run with a wanted felon that they don't really know, being wanted themselves, and now are back in a city that is the capital of where thy are wanted. Trust is not high on their list right now. But don't worry, as Rudii looks at the chip they'll loosen up.

And great! I'm glad you like them! Like I said, more to come.

I'm wavering between Rudii giving them full access passes and them wandering around the awesome place in luxury they'd not used to, or having him only able to get them on as workers, so they still sort of have full passes, but they also have to pretend to be doing their jobs.
I see your likes! Don't worry, I haven't gotten bored--I'm diggin' our RP and want to flesh out the story more, but I'm being run ragged working 12s. I'll try to sneak a post in tonight.
Haha, my likes are not passive aggressive pokes to get you to post, take your time! I just realized the other day that you get "trophies" for likes... and so I've been liking things, but also trying not to like things too much so you and my other RP partners wouldn't think I was trying to get you to post... so I apparently failed... sigh...

Anyway, take your time, no rush. I'll still be here. I understand how taxing 12 (+ because you know most of the time you're going to be there for at least an extra hour) shifts can be.
Gotcha! In that case, feel free to go crazy and like all my posts. Ha, maybe someone will stumble across our RP and think I'm just that good. Awww yeah.

The first 8 go pretty quick, I'm makin' movies, so it's not that bad. It's wrapping up this freelance work on top of it that's killing me.
I wonder if it's worth spending time here and there to think out some neat plot ideas and build the world and backstory a bit more. I have sporadic time to chat, I just haven't been able to sit down and write how I like to write.

So here's what I'm thinking. Through Rudii we find out where we have to head next to start unraveling the mystery of this chip-artifact and the Borealis. After walking out his door, that's when things get dicey and we eventually get captured. Cue short stint with Duncan...and I'm not sure how to tie that back to the casino ship.

One idea is to have him "insist" that his goons tag along on this adventure and we have to lose them in the ship later. That would allow a bit of a clean break without getting sucked into a whole down-the-tyrant chapter, unless we want that. That's idea 2, is planning out the defeat of Duncan....though, something tells me that would be better handled later in the story. Who knows, if he lives, maybe that could explain why bounty hunters and stuff come after us later.
Sorry, things have sort of exploded in my life, but I'm back now.

In relation to the Duncan interaction, I'm thinking similarly.

We walk out, try to get on a ship off planet, get captured by Duncan's men, taken to Duncan, who doesn't know about the ship. He offers us the opportunity to "make it up to him" by finding something he wants that we can get because of our combined skills? (with the company of his body guards). He books us the cheapest passage on the Casino ship to get to the place he needs us to pull off the thing he needs us to do.

We get rid of the guards (don't know how... tie them up in our room?) Steal/hack (Kader is good with hacking) and get a nicer room under different identities and enjoy the luxuries of the ship for a while... until we run into the guards again?

Make it to the next step in the journey.

That's what I've got.
Awesome, all sounds good. I'm about to hit the sack, but I'll find some time tomorrow to wrap up the next post and have Rudii fix up Lodo and reveal some info about this chip. I like the idea that Duncan decides he doesn't want us dead, rather to do him a very risky "favor".
Thinking over the Duncan's men capturing thing. Do you mind if I write for them? I have an idea on how to tie everything up to the Casino ships; the map data, Rudii, Lodo, and Duncan.

Still thinking about that favor though. One idea I liked was that they had to make an exchange. Drugs/weapons for credits. Maybe Duncan expects things to go wrong in the exchange...or has things planned out so things go south and the right people get killed.

Like, maybe the case they have to bring to the trade off is actually a bomb.
I was thinking on the line of they have to break into something and steal something from someone. But the thing is a bomb or gets them caught by the person (and if Duncan had his way, killed) or is even Duncan handing them to someone to get rid of them and they are holding the payment for their own enslavement/demise.

Or your idea. I like your idea as well. :)
Ooo, stealing something could be cool. Let's do that! Now we just have to think of the consequences of failure. What is Duncan's "or else"?
Well... Death comes to mind, especially with his lackeys... But that seems a bit unoriginal and boring...

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