TBD (Ampersand & GinjaGen)

Great, glad to hear!

Unrelated, I'm so awful with the nine-thousand re-edits thing. If you're writing right on my heels, keep an eye out for my post-submission ninja edits. Like art, it's never perfect...but a shit load of edits sure gets it closer.
Ayala's 26, an optimistic, happy-go lucky, smart, and somewhat snarky young woman. Think Catwoman/River Song type meets Harley Quinn minus (most of) the crazy. She is very good at thinking on her feet, which is probably the reason her and Kader haven't been arrested or dismembered yet.

Kader is actually 28 years old (human years), but appears about eight or nine years old by human standards. His height and his humanoid face which closely resembles a humans for the most part, has a very young look, which helps this illusion of youth. His species doesn't mature very quickly, and even when mature they usually don't pass 6 ft in height. He's a bit of a stick in the mud, but is incredibly loyal because of his past with Ayala.

Hope that helps!
It sure does, thanks! 
Haha, I was half expecting Kader to end up on Quinn's lap...with both of them frowning the whole way back.
Haha I was considering that! I can change my post to do that instead if you want! 
I wasn't sure your character would go for it. 
Screw it, I changed it. Funnier dynamic!
If you change it so it's the only option, then what choice do I have? Plus, it's hilarious. It's a two person bike and Kader is like a kid on a lap after all. 
Ha, awesome
Gotcha! Thanks for the heads up! 
Cool. Do our wrap up post with any dialog / description of the bike taking off and I'll start our intro to Oasis. Finally! A change in scenery! Chapter 2 - The City of Thieves
Glad to hear! I'm imagining it as a future Morocco, but a more fantastical than techy. The styles vary between areas of the city, for example the literal water oasis inside it is more ornate than say the interstellar dockyard, which is more modern industrial looking. This may or may not come through in the writing, but it's fun to picture it all and build up some background lore to write on.
One can hope! I'm a digital environment artist in the film industry, so I totally dork out over the scenery and visual details in anything I write. I always find myself cutting back on the descriptions since it kills the pacing for the pop-y stuff I write; I'd get lost in the world if I was writing something like Hyperion. Endless world and lore building.

By the way, are you in school--what are you studying for?
That's amazing! I'm super jealous! I'm a sucker for visuals, so don't feel like you have to cut them.

I'm at school studying Psychology and Pre-medicine. Besides that I work as an EMT.

But I love to dabble in everything, digital art, music, literature. (whether or not I'm good at any of these things is unimportant)
Oh, well in that case maybe I'll dial them in a bit more! If I let loose completely, our story thus far would be titled "A Visual Guide of Varr'sar And Some Events Within" with it's accompanied text "Antiquity to Modern: The History of Var'sarrian Culture". It's been really fun doing the world building so far though. I guess we've been shooting the gap between the 50/50 and GM-player style I mentioned.

Cool! A ton of my friends are med on account of me being pre-med way back. Loved the science, not the job, and pulled a 180 into art--I was already doing it as a hobby, just made the final leap to career. So now I'm an artist with a chem minor. It gives me that edge...the chemistry one.

Great that you're still expanding those creative powers!
Hey, if you want me to make more things up, let me know. I've got plenty of crazy ideas and worlds ready to pop out of my head at any time, I just don't like forcing my RP partners to conform to my worlds.

Art and chemistry sounds like am awesome combination and way to interact with and view the world that people who hadn't gotten to understand both wouldn't understand!

My creative powers only direction to go is up, as I mostly lack them :P
Oh, by all means, go to town! Anything you want to create or expand on, feel free to do so. And we can always OOC world build here and then make it a reality in the writing. The universe we're building belongs to both of us!

You seem plenty creative! Don't sell yourself short :)
Awesome. If you ever need me to add anything that you just don't feel like doing, let me know, I don't want you to feel like you have to do all the work!

That being said, I've been thinking about the Casino ship a bunch,many have some ideas (very rudimentary ideas mind you) of what it could be like.

Oh, it's no burden at all, I love doing it! I just don't want to hog it all.

You should totally worldbuild the casino ship! Also, I love that we're escaping on a casino ship. Such a great weird adventure we're on.
Haha good, I'm glad. I'm really enjoying this, and didn't want it to be annoying for you.

Great, I'll work on it! I'll probably just start writing little bits down here in the OOC when I have time so were ready.

Weird adventures are much better than normal adventures!
Running around today, hope to write something this afternoon. We'll visit Rudii, get what we need, then get captured :P

...and meet Duncan.

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