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Realistic or Modern Tarasp School of Excellence – Mafia Boarding School


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:bishiesparklesr: Recruitment Thread: Realistic or Modern - Mafia Boarding School RP Group [Interest Check / Open]

:bishiesparklesr: Character Sheets: Realistic or Modern - Character Sheets for "The Tarasp School of Excellence - Mafia Boarding School"

:bishiesparklesr: OOC: Private Conversation



Name: Tarasp School of Excellence

Location: A medieval castle perched on a hilltop overlooking a nearby village and small lake in the Swiss Alps.

Campus Size: 300-350

Mascot: Wyvern

Colors: Black & Red

The Tarasp School of Excellence is a wealthy boarding school nestled at the heart of the Swiss Alps. Various mafia families, oligarchs, and other extremely wealthy individuals have invested heavily in this school to mask their criminal activities under the guise of a legitimate enterprise. By operating an elite boarding school and offering generous scholarships to students within their networks, they avoid attracting unwanted attention as they launder their ill-gotten gains. Students from crime families are often sent here for protection since the region is isolated from major smuggling and trafficking routes where rival organizations may be lurking.

Specialized Classes (of Particular Interest): Homeopathic Pharmacology, Creative Economics

Campus Facilities:
Armory, Chapel, Computer Lab, Dining Hall, Dormitories, Fitness Center, Greenhouse, Health Center/Infirmary, Laboratories (Homeopathic Pharmacology), Library, Main Assembly Hall, Observatory (Tracking & Hand-to-Hand Combat), Shooting Range (Woodlands), Sports Grounds, Theater, Workshop… And a number of smaller classrooms and staff accommodation.

Off-Site Features:
Hilly Alpine Terrain, Small Alpine Lake (Southeast), Small Nearby Town (Southwest), Woodlands

Dormitory Layouts: Two students per dorm.

Additional Notes: The campus features a blend of modern and medieval-style architecture, with the most contemporary buildings housing laboratories and sports facilities. In some rooms of the castle, the interior spaces have been gutted out and remodeled with more modern luxury furnishings, while gathering areas, such as the chapel and main assembly hall, retain their original medieval character and décor.

(Speech below written by Scavenger Scavenger )


"Ladies and Gentlemen, esteemed faculty and our remarkable students,

It is with great pride and profound joy that I welcome you to the beginning of another exceptional academic year at this esteemed institution. For centuries, our school has stood as a beacon of excellence and tradition, and it is with this rich legacy in mind that we greet both our returning scholars and the new faces joining us for the first time. As you step through these historic halls, remember that you are not just continuing a personal journey, but you are also becoming part of a distinguished lineage of learners and leaders who have shaped the world through their intellect and ingenuity.

Our institution is renowned not only for its rigorous academic standards but also for the values of loyalty and family that we hold dear. This year, as you embark on your educational adventures, I urge you to embrace both the challenges and the opportunities that lie ahead with enthusiasm and resilience. Remember that the pursuit of knowledge is not just about acquiring facts but about developing the wisdom and leadership that will serve you throughout your lives. You will find that our dedicated faculty and staff are here to support you every step of the way, committed to nurturing your potential and guiding you towards excellence.

As we stand on the threshold of this new academic year, let us celebrate the spirit of family and excellence that defines our school. Together, we will create a vibrant and inspiring environment where each of you can thrive and contribute to your success. I encourage you to forge lasting associations, explore new passions, and fully engage in the myriad experiences that await you. Welcome to a year of promise, growth, and achievement. Here’s to a memorable and transformative year ahead.

Thank you."
Emil Andersen Jr.
Location: Assembly Hall
Emil yawned with an exaggerated stretch, bored to death of the assembly. This would be his second year here, and the only thing different about this year’s speech was slightly more backhanded comments about the true nature of this school. And he had to wear the school uniform, instead of his preferred outfits.

“Here’s to another year closer to independence,” he said. “How wonderful!”
Lidija Bogatović
Location: Assembly Hall
Lidija’a attention was focused on anything but the assembly.

'God, this is soooo boring. I wonder if anyone has ever tried to hang toilet paper from those chandeliers...' she wondered in amusement, planning in her head how she'd go about it if she were ever given the opportunity. This kept her mind occupied for a good ten minutes until her thoughts were suddenly interrupted by a loud round of applause. Shortly after, the students next to her began to get up and talk.

“Uf, it’s finally over,” Lidija uttered to herself in relief. She jumped up from her seat and stretched, but did not follow the other students in her row as they filed out into the aisle and headed over to the back of the room where several chefs had entered with a smorgasbord of hors d'oeuvres. She wasn’t in a hurry to eat anything. Her father, on the other hand, could already be seen hovering over the various refreshments set out on the tables for faculty and students to enjoy. It did not take Lidija long to pick him out at the front of the line, piling loads of different cheese, prosciutto, salami, breads, olives, and walnuts onto his own plate as if he planned to sample at least one of everything offered on each platter.

‘Oh, daddy, that’s so cringe,’ she thought with a sigh, turning around and sinking back into her seat to avoid his gaze. He had insisted on staying at the school during move-in to make sure that everything was set with her room and paperwork before heading back to Belgrade for the week, but now he was just overstaying his welcome. Perhaps she should have tried harder to reassure him that everything would be okay, but it wasn’t like she was particularly thrilled about being left here either.
Victor Arturo Tercero de la Torre Gonzalez Rodriguez
Location: Assembly Hall

All he wanted was to take things calmly. To do what his saint of a mother had asked and focus on recuperating. But no, besides the boring speech, there was already someone aiming to ruin his day. There he was, taking a piece of each delicious treat set out for everyone. That son of a bitch! He was probably picking out the best one of each! Victor could not let this slide, oh no! He was not about to eat the third or second best! He would not allow this!

With a fire in his eyes, the Mexican cartel member grabbed a tray for himself and quickly moved to the table with the delicious treats on it. He moved first for the ones that hadn't been touched by the sticky fingers of a man. He scanned and searched fast for the biggest and best looking pieces, nabbing them away from the monster and on to the safety of his tray. Once he had finished, he stood by the greedy man and stuffed the most delicious looking pastry into his mouth, a smug and proud smile on his face as he chewed.

Having conquered his first battle. Victor started to look around the place. It was pretty fancy. That explained the uniform, which didn't allow for his cowboy hat, so he was reduced to just brushing his hair back. That didn't stop him from wearing his silver braceletes and the thick silver chain around his neck. His fingers were even adorned with rings, except for one simple looking one, the rest seemed pretty expensive. Still, the fancy accessories couldn't cover up the tireness in his eyes.

In order to fly into such place he had to do it sober. Ever since he arrived, he hadn't had the chance to get a small high. Not even a damn energy drink. All he had in his system was water and the food he had just gloriously won over the food nabbing man. Arturo's sleep schedule was a mess too, coming from America to Europe was a complete flip on his sleeping habits. If he could have some snow right about now, he would be feeling like new!

But there wasn't any. He also swore to his dear mother he would try and be clean. Try, being the key word. As he finished eating his first delicious treat, that only tasted better after a well earned victory, he stuffed the next one into his mouth. Unfortunatelly, he was getting thirsty. He need something with caffeine and sugar, mostly caffeine. He began walking around with his tray full of food and looking to score some beverage to quench his thirsty and lift his spirits.
Emil Andersen Jr.
Location: Assembly Hall
Emil sneaked a gulp of bourbon from his hidden flask, after furtively glancing around to ensure no teachers were looking at him. He almost went to the snack tables to grab something tasty, only to see his father standing there, picking out snacks and occasionally sticking one in the pockets of his extremely expensive silk suit.

Fuck, his father was such a pig sometimes. He only came for the free food.

Emil Sr.
Hecotoro Hecotoro

Emil Sr. glanced over at the cartel boy, what’s-his-face, and slid closer without being noticed.

“Who’s your pop, boy?” The assassin asked in accented English. He thought the kid looked familiar… maybe he’d done a job for his old man when the boy was smaller.
Yara Deremer
Location: Assembly Hall

Yara sat primly watching the headmaster give his usual speech, it was basically the same as the last 2 times that she had heard it but, sitting still through intense boredom was a necessity on surviving any business meeting. The only leeway that she gave herself was to lightly run her fingers down the edge of her uniform as she tried to asses the new students purely from their reactions to the speech. It was always a difficult task from behind them but there were always some standouts, currently the award for the most inattentive student was a girl staring up at the chandeliers high above the crowds heads. Making sure to applaud with the appropriate vigour Yara rose from her seat to clear the row.

She didn't immediately beeline for the food, she had eaten before the assembly but took a moment to look over the returning students in the hope of seeing a familiar face. The unique make up of the student body meant that attending year after year was in no way guaranteed and she was singularly useless at keeping up with people over the holidays with all the work she had to do for her father.

Fortunately it didn't take long for her eyes to pick out Emil's sharp features from the crowd, he was hanging back from the food, near the assemblies seating so it was easy for her to weave through the crowd. She came to a stop standing next to Emil, her nose catching a tiny hint of alcohol on his out going breath, "
Starting early this year, Emil" Yara gently ribbed almost no accent present in her english. "I take it your summer was interesting as always", with her facing the same direction it didn't take long for Yara's eyes to fall on Emil's older clone currently distracted from his pillaging of the hors d'oeuvres by an interesting student that she hadn't seen before but looked to be on age with Emil and herself
Location: Assembly Hall

Stood to the side of the hall - in the company of faculty members he'd barely yet been introduced to - Adán digested his first introduction to Tarasp. Not the speech, no. But rather, the students. The contortions of their faces at the words of their headmaster, the melting into their seats. Drifting off into space, the lot of them, eyes glued to the ceiling as though the solar system had been strung up on it.

The attendants soon took to the buffet. Well, 'took' being the more polite verb. They ravaged it; Lone wolves, starved centuries since.

It was hardly appealing.

Adán, rather, saw to the headmaster, praised his speech, and sealed his praise with a handshake. This was the first they were to meet in person. And they spun a brief chat regarding the assembly. Adán found that the headmaster was averse to offering a personal touch to their conversation, steering around it like a second speech.

Jarushi Clan
Ainara Zayna
Assembly Hall
Ebony hair gleamed an almost inky blue sheen as Ainara studied the assembly hall quietly. Her piercing emerald green gaze scanned the Assembly Hall quietly. The young head of the Jarushi clan sighed to herself as she zoned out completely. Her fingers played with the ebony curls that fell down to her thighs. A skirt made up of jewel-toned emerald green adorned her legs, showing a hint of sun-kissed tanned skin every time she walked through the slits on either side. A form-fitting top flared out at her shoulders, draping bell-style sleeves with embroidered floral patterns in golden thread standing out amongst the simple white blouse. Heeled boots made an ominous sound - clicking with every step made.

Seeing people break apart, the hidden mafia head made her way (regally of course) to a table, picking up a plate with almond-shaped nails and beginning to pile it with some of the cheese - picking out her favorites easily and adding to the delicious assortment. Ainara groaned inwardly as she noticed how groups were beginning to form. The princess of Egypt (and future queen) decided to stick to the shadows, keeping herself on the outskirts before settling down to eat and drink some water.

code by @Nano
Princess of Australia
Her Highness Saoirse Eabha Fallon
Assembly Hall
Copper-toned strands shimmered almost ginger as Saoirse made her way across the Assembly Hall. Her long, waist-length wavy hair was pulled into a delicate waterfall braided hairstyle. Mercury-dipped silver-blue orbs stared out of a sun-kissed tanned face. Amazonite, Topaz, and Emerald gemstones sparkled as she shifted her weight. Her eyes studied the groups of gathering students cautiously. The young Princess of Australia gave a hefty sigh. The unusually outgoing princess wore a set of form-fitting jeans with a tank top and hiking boots. Her stomach growled eagerly as the groups split apart, making the princess begin to risk interactions as she hesitantly approached the very outgoing group to get some food.

code by @Nano
Fortunately it didn't take long for her eyes to pick out Emil's sharp features from the crowd, he was hanging back from the food, near the assemblies seating so it was easy for her to weave through the crowd. She came to a stop standing next to Emil, her nose catching a tiny hint of alcohol on his out going breath, "Starting early this year, Emil" Yara gently ribbed almost no accent present in her english. "I take it your summer was interesting as always", with her facing the same direction it didn't take long for Yara's eyes to fall on Emil's older clone currently distracted from his pillaging of the hors d'oeuvres by an interesting student that she hadn't seen before but looked to be on age with Emil and herself
Emil Andersen Jr.
Location: Assembly Hall

Emil smiled with surprising warmth as he saw Yara- his favorite friend in this abyssal school.

“I resent the accusation, miss! I’m an upright man, and an honest student. I’ve never touched a drop,” he said, suppressing laughter. But of course, there was the dreaded summer vacation question.

“Interesting,” he said, sourness in his tone. “That’s one word for it.” He rubbed his side where he’d taken a boot to the ribs. His father had been crueler than usual, sparring with him on a regular basis- Emil Sr. with live steel, and Emil Jr. with whatever he could grab as his father lunged. He’d gained a few more scars from that, and the one time he’d struck his father, well… Emil Sr. had congratulated him, and then beat him black and blue- but confined his beating to spots that weren’t visible to casual inspection. He needed another ice bath.
Iliriana Makolli
Location: Assembly Hall
Once the speech was over, Iliriana slipped into the assembly hall, seamlessly blending in with the crowds of students gathering around to socialize. The black fascinator in her dark hair, adorned with jet-black feathers and a netted veil, along with her black evening gown and gloves, made her appear as though she were attending a funeral—perhaps even her own, as what she was about to witness was sure to embarrass her to death. As Iliriana navigated the room, she couldn't help but roll her eyes when she caught sight of her man standing before the buffet with a mountainous heap of food on his plate. What the hell was he doing? Did his wife finally find out and starve him?

‘Rado, you’re not at a barbeque with your buddies.’

Sure, a medieval castle nestled in a picturesque valley was the perfect spot for a pig roasted on a spit over an open flame… but really? He couldn’t just stand there sticking his hands into everything! Heck, even back in Belgrade that wouldn’t have flown at any of the venues catering to the elite. If that weren’t already embarrassing enough, Ratko’s feeding frenzy only seemed to spread to those around him. Now there was a student with wavy dark brown hair rushing the table with twice the vigor and another man sneaking bits of food directly into his pockets. Iliriana shook her head and tutted to herself in disappointment. Hell, if they weren’t all sporting luxurious suits, you’d think these people grew up in a village or something.

“Fshatarë…” Iliriana huffed, her whisper laced with scorn, consumed by the bitter irony of the situation. Having been born and raised in a village herself, she knew that this sort of behavior was deep-rooted in the stereotypes of the average seljak, often spread by city folk to elevate themselves above those they perceived as different. Yet, she had never encountered such blatant displays of poor manners in her life until relocating to the city. Wealthy men were the real seljaci all along, it seemed.

With a sigh, Iliriana made her way over to the other staff members. Perhaps a conversation with the new hire would help ease her second-hand embarrassment. The so-called Dr. Criado struck her as the well-bred type anyway, or at least she could have sworn she had caught him grimacing slightly at the disarray of people flocking around the complementary buffet like a bunch of starved magpies.

“First day, huh?” Iliriana commented, giving the professor no more than a side-glance as she took a spot next to him and continued to study the activities of those around her.

fshatar, (pl. fshatarë) 🇦🇱 - seljak (pl. seljaci) 🇷🇸 = peasant(s)
🦀Ratko Bogatović🦀
Location: Assembly Hall
Ratko was minding his own business, scooping up various treats for himself and his daughter to enjoy when suddenly a student with wavy dark brown hair cut in front of him and began to dash down the table snatching up food left and right.

‘Ah, that one’s got spirit. If only Lido were this enthusiastic about eating,‘ Ratko mused. He was a bit confused by the student’s seemingly competitive attitude, though quick to shrug it off when he spotted bite-sized morsels of salmon with a scant of crème fraiche and a sprinkle of Strömluga caviar.

‘Joooj, this place has got everything a man could ever want!’ he thought giddily to himself, as he topped his plate off with a generous amount of the hors d'oeuvre. Satisfied with his plunder, Ratko grabbed a second plate and tucked it under the first and went to go look for his daughter.
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With a sigh, Iliriana made her way over to the other staff members. Perhaps a conversation with the new hire would help ease her second-hand embarrassment. The so-called Dr. Criado struck her as the well-bred type anyway, or at least she could have sworn she had caught him grimacing slightly at the disarray of people flocking around the complementary buffet like a bunch of starved magpies.

“First day, huh?” Iliriana commented, giving the professor no more than a side-glance as she took a spot next to him and continued to study the activities of those around her.
For a prestigious institution, it sure had a tumultuous character. Adán's stiffness spoke for itsself. Was this animalistic greed a Swiss thing, or a just a curtesy of the school? The surface of his liquor bubbled as his amused breaths hit it.

From over the rim of his glass, dark wisps of hair drifted into view. Adán flicked his gaze to meet Iliriana - an unfamiliar figure. Unfamiliar, but observant. That, or his thoughts were written all over his forehead, being broadcast to the entire room.

"First day on earth, I think." He gave a nod toward the crawling buffet. "The students do get fed?"
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