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Realistic or Modern Tall Shrubs Orphanage


Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
This role play includes mild violence and there are chances for your character dying if this is not to your taste, then this role play is not for you. Should you be interested in joining, however, do create a character at signups tab and wait for it to be accepted (Will only accept before we enter the orphanage though)

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Julie Simmons

Just outside the orphanage; 4:47PM


xcitement was obviously etched on Julie's face as she treads upon the road that leads up to her previous home, Tall Shrubs Orphanage. It was a meekly 2 hour drive from where she was staying at the time, quite incomparable to her 3 short years of stay at her precious, former home. 15 years had already passed since Mister and Mrs. Simmons had adopted her and now those 15 years accumulated to a homesickness that Julie found it too unbearable. 15 years of not having any word from the orphanage made Julie curious for the well-being of those who took care of her 15 years ago and now that she had reached an age where she could take good care of herself add to that having a job, of course, she can't but help visiting the orphanage.

Alas, she had arrived but the state of the orphanage was not as she expected. She found herself stuck to the ground as the shocking truth overwhelmed her more than anything ever could. Her mouth gaped as tears slowly flowed out from her eyes.

"H-h-how... what happened...?"

her voice was shaky, she took a few steps towards the front yard and took a seat on the fountain's rather mossy marble, calming herself down a bit.

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Vaughn Turner

4:52 PM

"Beep-beep-beep" An annoying sound breaks the calmness of the wintry, dark room. Vaughn, awakened by the irritating sound, "Ughhnn" he muttered with a low voice as he tries to reach the alarm clock. It was a pleasant and sunny Sunday morning as Vaughn walked downstairs while taking a quick glance at the ticking wall clock. Today, he planned to go back to his previous home, the Tall Shrubs Orphange where he lived for several years. Back then, he was adopted by the Turners, a very kindhearted and charitable couple who was unable to bear a child. It has been 15 years and Vaughn always thought of coming back, but never had the time to do so. The place reminds him a lot of his deceased parents who was very fond of him which gave him the urge to go back and check how the orphanage is doing.

"Keys check, wallet okay, doors locked..." Vaughn noted himself as he walks toward his black tinted motorcycle. It was a 3 hour trip from his apartment. Vaughn, taking glances while riding his mud stained motorcycle, felt a bit eerie because of the dim location of the orphanage. As he arrived, he was astounded of what he saw as he walked slowly in front of the rusty, old gate. His memories as child, standing in front of the obsolete door, rushed back as he stared and looked around him. "H-how..W..why.." he muttered with a perplexed voice as he walked downcast entering the ruined orphanage. Not from afar, Vaughn noticed someone sitting at the mossy marble seats in the front yard. Bewildered of what happened to his former home, he quickly walked towards the brown haired girl who seems to be visiting the place as well, hoping she knows something about what happened to the place..
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"Ugh.." That last bottle of whiskey might have just been a little too much. I even planned on going as picture perfect as I can. I couldn't have expected that my client was a girl, moreover, she was too damn hot that I just couldn't decline her offer for a drink together. "Just a bit", she said.. Anyways, I'm here. I really went. "What the hell were you thinking man? What, you expect you'd eventually just find her with a bit of effort and a bit of luck thrown in together? Someone whom you've never even met again since fifteen whole years?" Well, whatever. I was just a few blocks away from the place. I'm already here. Might as well see how everyone's doing. I hope they don't smell alcohol reeking as I talk and get a disappointed look on their face in return thinking of what I've become. That's not good. Anyway.. Now, what do I do when I get there? "Hmm.."

A few more steps and I'd almost see the front yard of the building. "What.. the.. hell?" I said walking as I gaze all over this such tall structure of a house. It was indeed nostalgic to look at the place again from the front, but it just wasn't as I had expected it to look like. "Oi oi.. Th.. this is the place, right?" Forcefully scratching my eyes with its lids and taking another good look, I just didn't know what to say nor what to feel. What is this? "What,.. in the actual fuck, happened? What went.. wrong?" I kept fumbling my words in a whispering manner. Surprised wasn't even the best word to describe the look on my face at that moment. The word I was looking for, I was rather.. very.. bothered. I know I'm a bit too tipsy, but I, sure as hell, know I'm not that drunk. For the while that I had been staring at this rundown building, I finally came to my senses and realized that more than a minute had already gone past since I arrived and that my eyes really weren't just fooling me just because of the state I'm in.
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Blare Rose

Location: Tall shrubs Orphanage, frontyard.

With: @Noblesse
@Quantum Equinox @hikki

Excitingly hopping on her motor, Blare carefully placed the lace of her camera on to her neck and quickly took her motor keys inside her pocket. "My boss would be very proud of me if I get to take at least 3 astonishing pics." She then inserted her keys to the motor and wore her helmet to at least avoid danger since motor drivers are prone to accidents. After 30 minutes of driving, Blare took the paper where the address was written and started asking some people for directions. As she finally reached her destination, she first parked her motor nearby the orphanage, took off her helmet, and hopped out from her motor.

Blare took a few steps closer to the courtyard and started to take pictures of the outside of the orphanage.
"Woah.. this place was creepier than I thought.. which is better though." As she went closer to the building, it got more and more interesting. Right after taking a few pictures of the abandoned orphanage, Blare decided to scroll on to her pictures. As she was scrolling to her pictures..She noticed that most of the windows of the building had a white-like blurry line. She thought that it was just a glitch or something, or maybe her camera is broken. However, when she started to take another pic. of the building, more and more windows had the exact same blurry line. "What the hell?" she said while wearing a confused expression on her face.

Blare then decided to walk over to the entrance of the building and as she went closer, she got more confused cause she thought that this orphanage was abandoned.. well it looks like abandoned but she didn't know that many people still visit this orphanage.
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Jhanyce Kingston

with @Noblesse @Peppermint @Quantum Equinox @hikki

For some reason, Jhanyce was tasked in telling the orphanage that her adoptive sister was dead. In others mind, Jeanne was a faithful, hardworking and very good girl of the family while Jhanyce on the other hand was only good at providing them money through her modeling work. Before, she might've cared but now she's practically immune to it. She've always paced a smile on her lips and stayed like a happy giddy girl even with all the rumors surrounding her which aren't even true.

She placed her head on the steering wheel and cursed her life, she hated it very very much but she wants to continue living and find something truly worthwhile and be far away from this world full of fucking backstabbing people. She sighed and started her car and waited a few minutes before leaving her home.

It was a four hour drive from her home and she was glad that she finally found it. But she didn't expect whatever it is that she saw outside her car. She checked if the address matched and it did. For more realization to come into her head she went to the people that she saw, they were just by the fountain. And as Jhanyce walked closer to them, she carefully observed the place and it only gave her goosebumps.

Excuse me, is this the Tall Shrubs Orphanage?" She asked them, only to notice that the other one was crying.
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Julie Simmons

Just outside the orphanage; 4:57PM


t took Julie quite a while to gain a hold of herself again, it wasn't that she was completely down and under for the whole 10 minutes or so, it's just that, she didn't want the other random visitors to see how she'd look especially right after being that tearful. She took in a deep breath and along with her exhalation, took every bit of frustration and depression she had with it. Much to her surprise that in only mere minutes that they'd be five of them gathered in front of her precious orphanage.

"Uhm, yeah... this is the place."

she replied to the newest arrival among the lot, voice rather down.

"I pretty much don't know what happened to the place... any of you have any ideas?"

she continued, not making much eye contact on the lot, obviously still embarrassed with the sudden crowd.

Vaughn Turner

5:03 PM

Front yard with @Noblesse @Euthanasia @Peppermint

Vaughn was walking back and forth, impatiently waiting for answers to his questions, mostly about the things that might have happened to the orphanage. Before he knew it, there were five people gathered behind him who shares the same expressions on their faces, as if they all seem to be asking the same question in their minds, what did really happen to the Tall Shrubs Orphanage? Minutes later, they started talking about what happened to the place and Vaughn hastily went near to join the conversation.

Who are these guys? And what are the hell are they doing here? he muttered in his thoughts as more questions consecutively went inside his bewildered mind. "W-wait a second, who are you people? And why are you here anyway?" he asked with an inquisitive, high-toned voice. Vaughn took a few glances away from them while waiting for them to answer his question, looking around the cold, eerie place.
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Jhanyce Kingston

with @Noblesse @Peppermint @Quantum Equinox @hikki

The woman had stopped crying ad answered her question. She was satisfied with the woman's answer for she doesn't really care about this creepy orphanage. She could only nod at the woman's answer and stare at the old house in front of them. It gave her chills, but it also made her curious, made her want to know what happened to it. Right now, she could imagine of so many ways as to why the orphanage became like this.

Her train of imagination stopped when one of the two boys asked questions about who we are and why we were here. Jhanyce was the first to answer his question. "
Right, we should at the very least know each other. Yes? I am Jhanyce Kingston. The reason why I'm here is because I know someone from the orphanage and that someone is dead, I was going to tell the head of the orphanage about it." Jhanyce gave the guy a look that's says "And that's about it."

Jhanyce sighed and continued to stare back at the orphanage all the while listening to the others, if they were gonna speak.
Right after Brohn's rather baffling realization, he noticed people and the similarities of looks on their faces and decided to join in on the shock fest. He didn't ask questions, though, or at least, not yet. Disregarding the fact that it's already weird people seemingly unfamiliar to each other had gathered at the same time and at the same bothersome place, he figured that just about everyone is all equally confused and thought it best to just shut his drunkass mouth, self-conscious about saying something stupid and wait for someone to provide an explanation.

Fortunately, the man asked one of the two questions that, basically, are just asking to be asked. After Jhanyce's introduction, it has finally come to the point where he must man up and say what he has to say. "
I'm Brohn Fischert, but you can call me "brofist". I was raised in this orphanage before getting adopted 15 years ago." "Shit!" Brohn shouted in his mind. By now, he was telling himself that he wouldn't be surprised if people avoided him for his weirdness, unbeknownst to them his slight tipsiness. Brohn's face lifted itself up and looked at the windows of the building, noticing the sudden bright light that glimmered for one moment, but then he saw one girl holding a camera and told himself it was nothing but a flash and just shook it off his mind.
Hannah Brodin:

Hannah Brodin was, suffice to say, pissed off. The bus ride here had been less than favorable and to make things worse Hannah had to walk the remainder of the way, hoping she had recalled her childhood home of sorts. It had been quite a long time since she had set foot on the orphanage grounds and she was hoping it would still be in the state it had been left in, her two adoptive parents had yet to notice her exit from their town and she would have preferred to keep it that way. Of course, upon striding up the gravel path it took no longer for Hannah to transition from pissed to mad as hell. Wasn't this lovely?

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