Tales of Salisonia: Rise of the Dragons [Official OOC Thread]

Let's just not continue on this topic anymore. It's happened and it's over with. We have more important matters to deal with at the current moment. So, back to Pokémon...
paipai900 said:
Actually, Kaltara is pretty detailed. I only limited the information because I didn't want to overwhelm others. Haha! If I ever make a sequel to this, I'll make it detailed. ^^
I know that it's your opinion and all, and I do respect that, although I do ask that you limit this conversation from the SIGN UP THREAD because it might scare away potential roleplayers. ^^ Well, if the amount of pages don't scare them away first. Haha!

I only started roleplaying in June so I don't know much about the outside world from RPN. But as I said before, could you take it away from the Sign Up thread? Sure, it's already filled with crap, mostly Adventure Time gifs, but I don't want applicants getting-- wait. I already said this. Lol. xD
I will if they do, but I'm only responding at this point. Ask them to if they have any additional quarrels.

Well then, I guess I won't reply to your post after what Pai said. o-o;;

Gotta keep the mean words on the down-low, y'know?

Er, uh. but Cressy really does put Adventure time gifs on everything. No joke.
Ixidor92 said:
Well . . . I also kind got a 3ds for pokemon X. Fire emblem and Monster hunter are just nice distractions in the meantime. A very well-made distraction and a VERY time-consuming distraction.
I'm kinda one of those guys who likes the competitive side . . . as in I will breed 2-dozen of the same pokemon for a specific nature and then EV train it all to hell and end up with something badass.
My Pokémon group always comprised of my first six captures. I don't change them unless I absolutely have to.
[QUOTE="Lucem Tenebris]My Pokémon group always comprised of my first six captures. I don't change them unless I absolutely have to.

...I have found you, brother.
If I see one more post regarding the matter about..you know what? I don't even know what that argument is about! As much as I love reading arguments, it's scaring people away. So, I won't hesitate to ban you guys from this roleplay. NAH I'M JUST KIDDING!! But, seriously, take it to the PMs if you want to continue it oror something. Just not here. If you take it to the PMs add me to the conversation, I like to read your guys' replies. They entertain me.

BACK TO POKEMON. I have a gyarados named Magikarp, so when I battle I always confuse them. Lol I also named my lvl 100 rayquaza "Metapod" and we all know that metapods are practically useless.
I just got to my character opening a message from those darn pooping pigeon carriers. I've made like, little to no progress.

Stop talking. >
paipai900 said:
If I see one more post regarding the matter about..you know what? I don't even know what that argument is about! As much as I love reading arguments, it's scaring people away. So, I won't hesitate to ban you guys from this roleplay. NAH I'M JUST KIDDING!! But, seriously, take it to the PMs if you want to continue it oror something. Just not here. If you take it to the PMs add me to the conversation, I like to read your guys' replies. They entertain me.
BACK TO POKEMON. I have a gyarados named Magikarp, so when I battle I always confuse them. Lol I also named my lvl 100 rayquaza "Metapod" and we all know that metapods are practically useless.
Magikarp is a boss in the rain! Have you seen Metapod's tackle!? He be making Pokémon faint like you've never seen! And that harden, don't even get me started!
Neither have I, and I need to interact with Mord. Unless he is still dead from me sacrificing him. .-. In which case I'll leave him and his dead body in the Inn and go to that Dwarven place. <3

Just chance Marceline's dad to newbies of Salisonia

and then add a wink on the super good *wink*

I have a picture detailing why Magikarp is the best Pokèmon out there. However, I am hesitant to show it due to the language used...
You guys are all nerds! Pfft. POKEMON. HA.

Even though I secretly play Pokemon on my Gameboy advance late at night under my bed, because it makes me happy...


Oh my god. I thought we were done with this.

Do you want my stomach to explode from laughing? Hm? DO YOU?!
Appearance: (See Avatar)

Name: Wynn Kamui

Gender: Female

Age: 16

Race: Human

Class: Mage (Weak and untrained in the element of Wind due to lack of Knowledge about element)

Appearance Notes: 5ft 2in, 120lbs

Personality: Wynn is a very analytical person. She can quickly analyze a foe and adapt to them accordingly. Wynn is also a very peaceful, and tries to avoid violent conflict. Despite being a very logical person, Wynn is very adventurous. She decided early on in teaching herself how to control the element of wind that she needed to explore and analyze the effects of wind that many people overlook and give no importance to.

History: Wynn's mother died during Wynn's birth, so she was raised by her father. Wynn's father was an engineer, and he designed some gliding machines that he took Wynn on. He told her that some day she would be able to fly like him. When Wynn was left as the sole survivor of a raid on her hometown at the age of 7, she promised herself that she would follow in her father's footsteps and fly. She built many different gliders from the scraps that she could gather, but none of them could sustain flight because the wind always changed direction. That's when she realized that she would have to control the wind to keep her promise.

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