Tales of Salisonia: Rise of the Dragons [Official OOC Thread]

Dear Pai, the Great and Powerful Almighty Godess of Awesome and Talent Whose's Much More Better Than Harry Potter and Eragon Combined Pai X2, please grant me wonderful illusion abilities. *Pushes Llama into volcano* Are you not entertained!?
@TheInfamousHavoc I know pai has put a lot of work into this and it looks like a very well thought-out role play that, to be quite honest, I want to be a part of. From all the role plays I have seen on this site, I do agree that pai's have been the most detailed, thought out, and structured.

When did I harp on a mod having a character in the role play? I am very much in favor for that so I don't understand why you pointed that out to me.

Is the site simple? Yes. Is it structured? Not really. I could list several sites that are more structured in general. I can recognize and appreciate the hard work that has gone into the creation of this site, that I will never take away. But frankly if I can't state my opinion of the site openly, then this definitely is not the place for me or for anyone that has been role playing for a very long time and comes from one of those sites. To me, this site is a good introduction into role playing, but in all seriousness, it's not where I'd go to hone my skills as a writer or to enjoy the most developed story lines.

Pardon me, but when did I ever incline, that playing it off with the worth of a newbie's words to expect the response, "TOTALLY FINE."? You are majestic in the art of assumptions, madam. I will criticize the site if I please because it is my natural right as a member to do so. The reason I play it off with the worth of a newbie's words is because what are the words of a newbie worth anywhere? Nothing. Which is why my commentary will make zero difference on any matter and the likelihood of it holding any water to influence someone are slim to none.
Alrigon said:

It's kinda like you're trying to hide your mistake with quitting and running away, I speak what is true and no offense but this sounds like you're trying to force attention on yourself, starting a pity party. I don't really see a reason to leave but it's your choice man. Honestly there's never a good reason to be rude. Lucem offered a kind review that didn't show any kind of offense towards you or your character so you made yourself sound ignorant.


I have an old gameboy advanced still, but when I was growing up my mom threw away the games like fire red and leaf green, and then I lost the charger, AMAZINGLY it still has battery but I don't wanna use it up ;-; plus I lost my DSi chargers too but then again, I don't play pokemon anymore unless it's to just catch something and name it something stupid like nipple tassels, laugh at it for 1 minute like an idiot, then throw my DS into a drawer and let it catch dust.
[QUOTE="Lucem Tenebris]I can already do that....

Well, then you got nothing. :P work on your post. xD
*Dies of laughter.

Too bad Llama won't be able to use his powers of illusion, because he got pushed in a volcano.

I know I shouldn't be finding human sacrifices funny, but, this is okay right? ><;;
Cressy said:

It's kinda like you're trying to hide your mistake with quitting and running away, I speak what is true and no offense but this sounds like you're trying to force attention on yourself, starting a pity party. I don't really see a reason to leave but it's your choice man. Honestly there's never a good reason to be rude. Lucem offered a kind review that didn't show any kind of offense towards you or your character so you made yourself sound ignorant.


I have an old gameboy advanced still, but when I was growing up my mom threw away the games like fire red and leaf green, and then I lost the charger, AMAZINGLY it still has battery but I don't wanna use it up ;-; plus I lost my DSi chargers too but then again, I don't play pokemon anymore unless it's to just catch something and name it something stupid like nipple tassels, laugh at it for 1 minute like an idiot, then throw my DS into a drawer and let it catch dust.
I found my old Silver game and discovered that all my data was still in tact. I got to meet Typhlosian and the gang again. Ah, memories.

I'm deadx2 now. I can't BREATHE. WHY WOULD YOU?! WHy would you name a Pokemon that?! XDDDDDDD Oh my god, my sides hurt so much...
Cressy said:

It's kinda like you're trying to hide your mistake with quitting and running away, I speak what is true and no offense but this sounds like you're trying to force attention on yourself, starting a pity party. I don't really see a reason to leave but it's your choice man. Honestly it's never a good reason to be rude. Lucem offered a kind review that didn't show any kind of offense towards you or your character so you made yourself sound ignorant.
You're own commentary on this matter just adds to the "Drama Bomb" I hope you realize. I'm not forcing attention to myself, I could do that in more effective manners if I pleased. Am I not allowed to answer accusations against me made on this thread? You evidently didn't ready anything of what I said about the paradigms (or you deliberately chose to ignore them).
TheInfamousHavoc said:
*Dies of laughter.
Too bad Llama won't be able to use his powers of illusion, because he got pushed in a volcano.

I know I shouldn't be finding human sacrifices funny, but, this is okay right? ><;;
OR WAS I PUSHED INTO A VOLCANO?! Was is all a big illusion planned by me and laffytaffy or did he really push me in?!
[QUOTE="Lucem Tenebris]I found my old Silver game and discovered that all my data was still in tact. I got to meet Typhlosian and the gang again. Ah, memories.

I had gold xD I believe it should be somewhere among the clutter of 4 year old moving boxes....or maybe my mother threw them away ;-;
Named a Pokémon Faffy Tiddles once. You have not lived until you've heard "Your Tiddles have grown nicely."
Alrigon said:
You're own commentary on this matter just adds to the "Drama Bomb" I hope you realize. I'm not forcing attention to myself, I could do that in more effective manners if I pleased. Am I not allowed to answer accusations against me made on this thread? You evidently didn't ready anything of what I said about the paradigms (or you deliberately chose to ignore them).
No, I read them. I just put adventure time gifs on everything pretty much.

Alrigon said:
@TheInfamousHavoc I know pai has put a lot of work into this and it looks like a very well thought-out role play that, to be quite honest, I want to be a part of. From all the role plays I have seen on this site, I do agree that pai's have been the most detailed, thought out, and structured.
When did I harp on a mod having a character in the role play? I am very much in favor for that so I don't understand why you pointed that out to me.

Is the site simple? Yes. Is it structured? Not really. I could list several sites that are more structured in general. I can recognize and appreciate the hard work that has gone into the creation of this site, that I will never take away. But frankly if I can't state my opinion of the site openly, then this definitely is not the place for me or for anyone that has been role playing for a very long time and comes from one of those sites. To me, this site is a good introduction into role playing, but in all seriousness, it's not where I'd go to hone my skills as a writer or to enjoy the most developed story lines.

Pardon me, but when did I ever incline, that playing it off with the worth of a newbie's words to expect the response, "TOTALLY FINE."? You are majestic in the art of assumptions, madam. I will criticize the site if I please because it is my natural right as a member to do so. The reason I play it off with the worth of a newbie's words is because what are the words of a newbie worth anywhere? Nothing. Which is why my commentary will make zero difference on any matter and the likelihood of it holding any water to influence someone are slim to none.
Actually, Kaltara is pretty detailed. I only limited the information because I didn't want to overwhelm others. Haha! If I ever make a sequel to this, I'll make it detailed. ^^

I know that it's your opinion and all, and I do respect that, although I do ask that you limit this conversation from the SIGN UP THREAD because it might scare away potential roleplayers. ^^ Well, if the amount of pages don't scare them away first. Haha!

I only started roleplaying in June so I don't know much about the outside world from RPN. But as I said before, could you take it away from the Sign Up thread? Sure, it's already filled with crap, mostly Adventure Time gifs, but I don't want applicants getting-- wait. I already said this. Lol. xD
Well . . . I also kind got a 3ds for pokemon X. Fire emblem and Monster hunter are just nice distractions in the meantime. A very well-made distraction and a VERY time-consuming distraction.

I'm kinda one of those guys who likes the competitive side . . . as in I will breed 2-dozen of the same pokemon for a specific nature and then EV train it all to hell and end up with something badass.

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