Tales of Salisonia: Rise of the Dragons [Official OOC Thread]

Anyone traveling in the forest could meet Lan, but it would be unlike him to leave of his own accord... Perhaps that was a bit of poor planning on my part... ^_^ "
Don't worry, I got a plan. ^^ I just want to remind all of you that your characters can die. In fact there's a 49% chance that they will not last the whole month. Be prepared to make a new character so yeah. :3 I like to think that this RP feeds off death, action, and drama. ^^
You would kill off the bisexual elf boy with a tinker-bell-like bird companion? YOU MONSTER 
31 pages of sign ups thread and the role play hasn't started yet... Wow
...? Wat? No, that'd be god modding. But, if your character gets into a difficult situation and no oe saves him or anything, someone's going to die. :3
Lan killed a rabid bear at fourteen and still had the peace of mind afterwards to build the damn thing a funeral pyre... He'll be fine for a while
Lolololol is that so...? Maybe I'll be extra hard on him when battling with demons now that you mentioned it. > :D
[QUOTE="Lucem Tenebris]I finally finished the history! Page ten, Pai.

I'll check it out, but you're already accepted Lucy. ^^
Okay, you can kill any other of the chars I make just no Jonasu! ;-; I freaking love this char ;-; 
Actually your app is in page 9 Lucy
paipai900 said:
Lolololol is that so...? Maybe I'll be extra hard on him when battling with demons now that you mentioned it. > :D
Then the bird will sacrifice itself to save him, would you be able to live with yourself having caused the death of an innocent bird of paradise? 
Tomorrow I'll try to think up that dwarf king I wanted to do. But now I must sleep, for I have an exam tomorrow.
TheKaosophile said:
Then the bird will sacrifice itself to save him, would you be able to live with yourself having caused the death of an innocent bird of paradise? 
Tomorrow I'll try to think up that dwarf king I wanted to do. But now I must sleep, for I have an exam tomorrow.
WOW I have an Exam tomorrow too and I need to go to sleep ._. it's like we're connected.
TheKaosophile said:
Then the bird will sacrifice itself to save him, would you be able to live with yourself having caused the death of an innocent bird of paradise?
Well, I ate a dog, sannakji, and much more. So yeah. I'm fine with that, I guess. Wait, aren't they endangered? Good luck on your exam. :)  

[QUOTE="Kiro Akira]@paipai900 did you ever approve my character? D:

I fixed the demon part for you, but you still need to either a) make a character sheet for Blizzard or b) get someone to play him/her. And this isn't the same rp you used Kiro for, yes he's an amazing character, but he doesn't exactly fit into the world. I can fit a biast town in there, but the stone and raising from the dead is what I'm unsure of. Because of the part that says that Kiro will remain dead until the stone is placed back in his body. I don't allow raising of the dead because everyone would just get a necromancer to raise their character when he or she dies, taking away one of the factors of this RP; death. Besides, Reina (Goddess of Death and sister of Rhea, Goddess of Life) would let people out of her grasp that easily. :3
[QUOTE="Kiro Akira]@paipai900 so which rp is this again? << And I thought I did remove it.

Lolol look at the title. ^^ you seemed to have confused me. Haha!

  1. Blizzard, get someone else to make a CS and play him or make a CS yourself for the dragon. They have to be actual and individual characters.
  2. Raising from the dead, after being burnt by his "sister". This roleplay thrives off drama, action, and death. Lol DAD
  3. You said that he remains dead until the stone/gem is put back in his body, but the next sentence says that he's not immortal and can die from bloodloss. I do define that as immortal. :3
Now I'm finished with the history! 

Cressy said:
But-But, Vyra existed first...Also, I thought that one guy's last name was Ahn.
Jia of Arc was an alternate version of Joan de Arc, and because she was from Matiao, which is the fantasy world's version of Asia, Salisonia is North America. I guess her real name would be Ahn Jia because she's from Matiao. Btw keep everything in Salisonia for now. :3
The Maitoa last name according to Pai is like Jin Ahn or Jihn Ahn, YEAH. I DID MAH HOMEWORK. I also had pm'd her before your char was even a place holder *evil glare* I'll be watching you o>o with my


Anyways gotta go to bed, BAI
Goodnight, Cressandra! *hugs and kisses* good luck on your exams. ^^ AND ASIANS FTW!! Wow. I'm suddenly very proud of my heritage...

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