Tales of Salisonia: Rise of the Dragons [Official OOC Thread]

Mooalally said:
Make him come in, riding on an NPC. That would be an impressive entrance.
According to Pai, I am a new gender known as a "Mor." I believe the correct pronoun is "it." 
Gotta go. I might post my first thing on the role-play tonight.
I think I need help making a form! I don't know how to start!

I would ask Akihito but he left to go play with his friend!

Thank you Mr Kao!
Okay, all you got to do is copy the code on the first page of this thread into the textbox, then fill it in between the tabs.

Example: [tab=Name]Patricia[/tab]


|General Information|

  • Julien

|Biography of Julien|

  • Julien is friendly. He is very happy all the time and doesn't get angry. Since he's very young, he is quite naïve and trust people too much.

    He tries to see the good in everyone and is more than willing to overlook the bad.
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You made the history tab show up! you are already better off than some other people here *coughcoughLucemcough* 
Wow, you're already taking a leaf out of Pai's book now aren't you!
Anything that you'd like, sweetie. ^^ (sorry for the late reply, I had to stop for a moment to control the adorableness factor)
I had to stop multiple times to just flop on the ground and squeal. Can I give you an internet hug? ^^ Also, don't accept hugs from strangers in real life. Then again, that's common sense for most. xD

|General Information|

  • Elvsyr

|Biography of (Elvsyr)|

  • Elvsyr is usually calm and in control of her emotions, though she can sometimes erupt. When provoked, Elvsyr can go into a sudden, emotionally filled rage and takes a while to calm back down. This is not a very common occurrence and takes some actual effort to cause. She prefers to keep to herself when she is troubled. Elvsyr also does not have much emotion towards illness, death, or things related that affect her or anyone else. The only time she does, is when she purposely puts on a fake show of grief for the person, or if she actually cares for them, and not in a simple friend type of circumstance, she will have a sense of sadness.

    She likes to spend time in nature, gardening, or simply sitting on the grass and taking in the fresh smell of flowers. Gardening is a big hobby of hers along with weaving and writing, which all help keep her mind on track and let her release any pent up stress. Lastly, Elvsyr is greatly interested in illusion magic and how it allows one to decept others so easily. It gives her a sense of power over the weaker ones affected most by it.
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